Answer the following four questions

Question Description

The Stress and Coping Reading discussed the difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping.

Following is a list of stressors. For each one, give a problem-focused and an emotion-focused strategy for dealing with the stressor. Remember the problem-focused either helps fix the problem or prevent it from recurring. The emotion-focused coping is designed to change your perspective on the problem. They are both important strategies to learn.

Example: Stressor: You get in an accident and wreck your car. Problem-focused strategy: You take photographs of the accident and call the insurance company daily to check on the status of your claim. Emotion-Focused Strategy: Whenever you start to feel discouraged about not having a car, you think to yourself how lucky you are that you did not get injured in the accident.

For each of the following stressors, come up with an emotion-focused and a problem-focused strategy. See the example above.

  1. Stressor: You get in a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  2. Stressor: You are late for work.
  3. Stressor: You get a low score on an important exam.
  4. Stressor: You have a “bad hair day.”
  5. Now, come up with your own. List a stressor that you experience, and give a problem-focused and an emotion-focused strategy for dealing with it.

To submit your homework:

  1. Save it either as a word document (doc or docx) or pdf.
  2. Attach the file to the assignment link. Do not send it through email.

Following are guidelines for this assignment:

  • I will grade mostly on content, but mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.) do count, also.
  • Please proofread carefully.
  • Please use 12-point Times New Roman Font.
  • Use 1″ margins and double-space.

Respond with your opinion to the 2 questions/comments below

Question Description

Make sure that your initial response to the question contains atleast 2 cited academic sources to support the ideas that you raise.

(1) In considering various forms of psychopathology researchers haveoften focused on the role of social and psychological variables. Inrecent years, however, many studies have been conducted which haveinvestigated the role of biological factors as they relate to differentforms of child/adolescent psychopathology (e.g., mental retardation,ADHD, autism, anorexia nervosa, etc.). Discuss the evidence thatbiological factors contribute to childhood psychopathology, focusingprimarily on ADHD. In your answer you should cite evidence related tothe role of such factors in a range of disorders with “biological’ beingconsidered in the broad sense of the word (e.g., genetic, structural,biochemical, etc.). Critically evaluate the research findings you cite.

(2) Many social scientists have commented on the adult hypocrisy thatcan accompany childhood socialization. For example, “Do as I say, notas I do” has been around for a long time. One of the topics in thischapter is substance abuse problems among children and adolescents.Some years ago, one of the Drug Council public service messages ontelevision depicted a father who had caught his son in the act of usingmarijuana. The father, in an agitated and incredulous tone of voice,announces: “Where did you get this?!……where did you find out aboutthis stuff?!” The imp replies in an anguished tone: “I learned it fromYOU!!……that’s where I got it……from YOU!!” I would like for youto share how they feel about this kind of hypocrisy and how you thinkchildhood and adolescent socialization contributes to conduct problems

300 words min for each question

Who can respond to the following questions ?

Question Description

Please respond to the following questions:

1. What is the central issue faced by the speaker of the poem? (5-6 sentences)

2. Is the speaker of the poem optimistic about the future? How do you know?(5-6 sentences)

3. What unites the historical figures that Gonzales writes about in the poem? (5-6 sentences)

4. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is an important event in the history of Mexican Americans because it significantly changed the U.S.−Mexico border. Use a map to identify the border before and after the treaty. Conduct some research about the terms of the treaty. Why does the speaker call the treaty “another treacherous promise”? (5-6)

5. The poem mentions a paradox in its opening stanzas. What is the nature of this paradox, and how does it foreshadow important themes in this work?(5-6)


Homework Questions

Homework Questions

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

3.0 pts

Exceeds expectations

The answers not only contain the main points but go beyond them to provide a critique of their veracity. The writing is clear and measured.

2.0 pts


The answers contain most (75%) of the points that needed to be included. The writing is clear. Correct attempts to integrate the points.

1.0 pts

Minimally acceptable

The answers contain some textual evidence. Writing is not clear. The answers need to incorporate more information.

0.0 pts


The answers do not provide any textual evidence. The homework questions are incomplete. Multiple errors or complete failure to answer the questions.

3.0 pts

Total Points: 3.0

Answering a research question involves seeking out and processing information that helps you answer that question. This is true whether you are researching insurance plans or conducting academic research. In developing the Library Research Report, you wil

Question Description

Im having trouble understanding this assignment, any idea? I believe the assignment instructions are to find 4-6 sources

Here are the instructions!

Who stands behind the information? Your entry should identify (quickly and concisely) the background/credentials that connect the article’s author/s to the topic. (See the Week 2 reading on identifying scholarly sources for guidance and examples: )

Identify a claim (or claims) presented in the article that is relevant to your inquiry. (Remember, your task is not to summarize the entire article, but to summarize the article content that is relevant for your own inquiry. In some cases, of course, the entire article may be directly relevant to your project.)

How is the claim supported? How do the authors back up the claim? (Don’t go nuts here and summarize every detail of the methodology. Instead, strive for the kind of concise, general summary one might find in a news account of recent research findings.)

What is the relevance of the claim for your inquiry? (Sometimes you’ll be able to express the “what” and “so what” at the same time, in which case you shouldn’t try to artificially separate them. Just make sure that your paragraph addresses all of the categories–WHO, WHAT, HOW, and SO WHAT? And remember that your answer to the “so what?” question should point to your own research inquiry.)

Tip! If you’re having trouble getting started, tackle each of the above questions—Who/What/How/SoWhat? —one at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have written—or at least sketched out–your first paragraph.

This is a critical journal

Question Description

The journal should include the following three components: (1) Self-awareness, (2) Critical Analyses, and (3) Action Plan. The critical self-awareness component should be short, no longer than a couple of paragraphs. It should narrate an occurrence of daily systemic oppression. The critical analyses portion should critically analyze, in light of the literature, how that particular occurrence of systemic oppression that the student described has been normalized in our society. The action plan should include specific, measurable, and realistic actions that the student can take to raise her/his awareness of systemic oppression.

You should write your paper and cite any references following APA style from the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 6th edition. Each paper must not exceed 6 pages in length, plus the title page and the reference page(s), and should have a minimum of 5 references from scientific journals or books. You can use references from the syllabus or from other sources. In addition, you can also include non-academic references in any format including excerpts from radio programs, videos, newspapers, etc.

You will not be graded on your feelings or the “acceptability” of any ideological positions you take. The criteria for evaluation are clarity of writing, logic or arguments, sound reasoning, and a specific and feasible intervention.

Specifically, the grading criteria for this assignment is as follows:

● Self-awareness (8 points)

● Critical-based analyses (12 points)

● Action plan (10 points)

● Correct use of APA style (5 points)

● Quality of writing (5 points)

Discussion 2: Interviewing vs. Testing

Question Description

Fair and accurate decision-making has long been a goal of psychological testing. The earliest known uses of psychological tests were civil service exams, established in China 2000 years ago. These tests helped to assess individual ability, establishing an arguably fairer way to select capable employees and de-emphasize rank and personal connections.

Nevertheless, decisions about people are not always made by using psychological tests. Decisions are often made by using subjective procedures, such as interviews. Examine the following scenario and consider whether, for this situation, interviewing or psychological testing might be a more effective evaluative method.

The warden at a prison where you work has discovered that parole decisions made by a panel of interviewers often turn out to be wrong, with released prisoners often committing crimes and retained prisoners often demonstrating model behavior. The warden asks the prison psychologist to make a recommendation regarding whether parole decisions should be made on specific test batteries or interviews. Assuming that you need to choose one or the other, what would you recommend as a method for deciding parole—a test battery or the panel interview?

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief explanation of differences between objective (testing) and subjective (interviewing) methods. Then provide your position, based on the scenario provided, on whether interviewing or psychological testing is a more effective evaluative method. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources, Zero plagiarizing, APA format, Quote work,’s

I need 3 extra pages for my reflection single space

Question Description

: Between the Articles, choose 4 concepts or themes to reflect upon. This will require synthesis of concepts across materials. 6 full page minimum. SINGLE SPACE!!

Reflection:Between the Articles, choose 4 concepts or themes to reflect upon. This will require synthesis of concepts across materials. 6 full page minimum.

Formatting Requirements: Single space, 12 pt. font, 1 in margins, Justified (or sometimes called block) formatting, 1 1/2 -2 pages, Word document. If you are uncertain as to what any of this means, I suggest you refer to the example posted in the Syllabus section and visually compare to your own.

Concept: Blah, blah, blah.

Personal Reaction: Blah, blah, blah.

Professional Use: Blah, blah, blah.

(Repeat for the 2nd concept)

Briefly provided your understanding of the concept, comment on your personal reaction to the concept, and your professional opinion of how it would be useful with examples (or how you might struggle with it). Students will receive full credits for all completed reflections that are turned in on time that meet the criteria above. You will post them to Blackboard prior to the class meeting. Please make the reflection an attached document – not in the body of the post. It must also be in Word.


Question Description

After watching the following video on justice (Links to an external site.)narrated by Harvard philosopher professor Michael Sandel, a.) describe the deontological approach to justice and b.) state whether or not you agree with this approach with respect to this case of threatening torture, explaining your reasoning. I am looking for a one-two paragraph response.


Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Completion

40.0 pts

Assignment is complete. All questions/assignment requirements have been addresssed.

20.0 pts

Assignment is incomplete. The student has partially addressed the assignment questions/requirements.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Expression

30.0 pts

The entire assignment is very clearly written. Grammar/mechanics is very good.

25.0 pts

Writing is unclear in a number of places. There are a fair number of grammar/mechanical errors.

20.0 pts

Writing seriously impedes the instructor’s ability to understand the student’s work.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoughtfulness of Content

30.0 pts

Content is exceptionally thoughtful and perceptive.

25.0 pts

Content of the student’s work is adequate, but not particularly perceptive.

15.0 pts

Little serious thinking is revealed.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

psy3310 lab project 2

Question Description

Project 2 Description

Project two also uses the Method of Adjustment to find a difference threshold. In this project the method of Adjustment is applied to the T illusion. This illusion again demonstrates how our perception of visual phenomena can be influenced by the position of stimuli in relation to each other. As in project 1 you are to do 20 trials of the T illusion. After each trial you are to click the Show Results button and record the percentage shown. Unlike Project 1, the percentage result shown is not a difference but the actual percentage length of the vertical line compared to the horizontal line. After you have recorded the 20 percentages, add them up and get the total, then divide the total by 20. This number is the average percentage length of your adjusted vertical line compared to the horizontal line. Now you have one extra step to do. Take your average vertical line percentage and subtract it from 100%. That result is your difference threshold expressed as a percentage difference between the length of the horizontal and vertical lines. In other words the illusion caused you to see the lines as equal in length when they were actually xx% different.

Use your results to write up your project using the sample project (found on the course shell) as a guide. Your write up will be similar to project 1 except that the illusion used is different. Be sure to read about the T illusion above the Project 2 description

read every step and FOLLOW THE RULES please

Question Description

Write a four paragraph essay in response to the following prompt, incorporating at least two of the readings. and a new source that you locate. Use APA in-text and reference list citations.

here is the 2 reading you incorporate with:

Reading in the Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts Learning Goals

How will liberal arts learning influence your life choices and your vocation?

Use the following format to guide your essay organization and content.

1. A brief introductory paragraph. Your final sentence in your introductory paragraph must be a strong thesis. When you have been asked to respond to a question for an essay or an exam, you can often turn that question into the beginning of your thesis. Here, you might start your thesis by writing:

I will use the liberal arts in my vocation through…

2. First body paragraph. Write a paragraph defining and describing the liberal arts. Use three sources for this paragraph—you should research one new source and use two sources from weeks 3-5. Take care to use topic sentences, claims, evidence from the sources, and rationales to state why they are important to your claims.

3. Second body paragraph. Use this paragraph to relate liberal arts learning to your vocation in life and/or work. Use at least two sources from weeks 3-5 as evidence in this paragraph (i.e., you may use sources twice in this essay.)

4. A brief concluding paragraph. Restate your thesis in new and interesting ways given your body paragraphs.

5. Provide proper APA in-text citations and references.