Read Chapters 1, 2, and 5 of your course textbook: Chapter 1: An Overview of the Reading Process (with Writing) Chapter 2: An Overview of the Writing Process (with Reading) Chapter 5: Organization: Basic Patterns Write a 500 word personal narrative

Question Description

Read Chapters 1, 2, and 5 of your course textbook:

Chapter 1: An Overview of the Reading Process (with Writing)

Chapter 2: An Overview of the Writing Process (with Reading)

Chapter 5: Organization: Basic Patterns

Write a 500 word personal narrative essay describing what you hope to gain from your college experience. You may include details about what you have learned and what you hope to learn in college that will help you to achieve your career goals.

Please note: The goal of narration is to tell a story. For this assignment, I am asking that you narrate your “story” of your college experience and what you hope will happen because of this experience once you have graduated.

Of all the essays I will assign throughout the course, this is the most informal; you will not need to produce a rough draft of this essay assignment.

However, this is a composition course, so please reference the Lectures section of the course for information on essay writing and essay formatting. All of the essays you write for this course should be formatted according to MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines. In addition to the resources provided in Lectures (Week One folder), the External Links section of the course contains recently updated information on MLA guidelines through the link titled, “MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” Please adhere to MLA guidelines whenever you are writing for this course.

Your Personal Narrative Essay is due on Sunday, September 15 2019.

Validating Sources

Question Description

Validating Sources

1.Explain the different types of journalism listed below:






2. Looking back at the articles you read during the first week, which type of journalism do you think was used for each article?

3. Explain the different types of documentaries listed below:







4. What are testimonials? Personal endorsement, recommendation, etc. Not fact based. Personal experience based.

5. When conducting research, is the data that can be collected through testimonials useful in providing factual evidence?

6. Looking back at “Hungry for Change”, which type of documentary style do you feel fits it best?

Please watch the movie “Hungry for Change”

7. Research the following people who were in “Hungry for Change”.

  • David “Avocado” Wolfe
    • What is his educational background?
      • What is his professional background?
      • What are his credentials?
      • Where did he receive his degree?

Michael Adams “Health Ranger”

oWhat is his educational background?

oWhat is his professional background?

oWhat are his credentials?

oWhere did he receive his degree?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

oWhat is his background?

oWhat is his philosophy?

8 What is the difference between a Master of Arts and a Master of Science degree?

Is it possible to have a Master of Arts in Nutrition?

If so, find a college/university that offers it.

What are your thoughts on the college/university and program?

9. What is meant by the term “Quack”?

10. After answering these questions, reflect back on “Hungry for Change”.

What are your views on the experts?

write an esssay by answering 4 questions only. u can depend on whatever u want and get the answers from any websites without even cite them .easy assiegmnt and easy professor

Question Description

Select any four of the six questions of your choice. Each question should be at a minimum of two pages with all parts answered. No title page necessary, you can use any sources to develop your answers and you do not need to cite the sources. This first research set the foundation, parameters expectations for all other critical thinking assignments. Once completed submit as up load into canvas. Grader will be posted to the grade book. This first essay exam counts for twenty percent of your overall grade.

  1. Define the origins of Renaissance. Why did the Italian Renaissance produce such a strong spirit of Humanism? Discuss the major contribution Leonard da Vinci? How was the Northern Renaissance in Northern Europe different from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. Discuss the importance of the Maritime Exploration prior to 1450 and after 1450. Who opened up the Window of Exploration and what technological innovations did the Europeans employ?

3.Discuss the origins of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were contemporaries of one another, but different from a religious theology, how?

4.Why was Oliver Cromwell important? Discuss the significance of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights.

5. Why caused the Thirty Years’ War and why did it become the first modern war and the treaty of the Peace of West Westphalia was the first modern peace?

6. Why is Machiavelli usually considered the “father of modern political thought “? Why was Machiavelli more interested in “what is “rather than “what ought to be”? According to Machiavelli what was wrong with Italy of his own day?

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions: In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism? In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie an

Question Description

Marx and Marxism (Graded Discussion)

1515 unread replies.1515 replies.

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways are Marx and Engels ideas relevant for sociology today?
  • Include a direct reference or quotation from the Communist Manifesto when answering these questions.

After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.

Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person without professional citation.

You must post your original answers first, in order to see other students’ answers.

If you are new to canvas, check the video on how to participate in a discussion (Links to an external site.) or consult the canvas student guide (Links to an external site.) for a text explanation.

Grading Rubric

Click on the Gear icon located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

Complete Advanced Clinical Social Work Task (WALDEN) 2 PAGE eSSAY

Question Description

Assignment: Comprehensive Assessment

A comprehensive understanding of a client’s presenting problems depends on the use of multiple types ofassessment models. Each model gathers different information based on theoretical perspective and intent. An assessment that focuses on one area alone not only misses vital information that may be helpful in planning an intervention, but may encourage a biased evaluation that could potentially lead you to an inappropriate intervention. When gathering and reviewing a client’s history, sometimes it is easier to focus on the problems and not the positive attributes of the client. In social work, the use of a strengths perspective requires that a client’s strengths, assets, and resources must be identified and utilized. Further, using an empowerment approach in conjunction with a strengths perspective guides the practitioner to work with the client to identify shared goals. You will be asked to consider these approaches and critically analyze the multidisciplinary team’s response to the program case study of Paula Cortez.

For this Assignment, review the program case study of the Cortez family.

By Day 7

In a 2- to 4-page paper, complete a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez, utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.

  • Using the Cowger article, identify at least two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.
  • Analyze the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.
  • Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment.
  • Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.
  • Suggest strategies you, as Paula’s social worker, might try to avoid these biases.

history – pargraph

Question Description

Select any four of the six questions of your choice. Each question should be at a minimum of two pages with all parts answered. No title page necessary, you can use any sources to develop your answers and you do not need to cite the sources. This first research set the foundation, parameters expectations for all other critical thinking assignments. Once completed submit as up load into canvas. Grader will be posted to the grade book. This first essay exam counts for twenty percent of your overall grade.

  1. Define the origins of Renaissance. Why did the Italian Renaissance produce such a strong spirit of Humanism? Discuss the major contribution Leonard da Vinci? How was the Northern Renaissance in Northern Europe different from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. Discuss the importance of the Maritime Exploration prior to 1450 and after 1450. Who opened up the Window of Exploration and what technological innovations did the Europeans employ?

3.Discuss the origins of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were contemporaries of one another, but different from a religious theology, how?

4.Why was Oliver Cromwell important? Discuss the significance of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights.

  1. Why caused the Thirty Years’ War and why did it become the first modern war and the treaty of the Peace of West Westphalia was the first modern peace?
  2. Why is Machiavelli usually considered the “father of modern political thought “? Why was Machiavelli more interested in “what is “rather than “what ought to be”? According to Machiavelli what was wrong with Italy of his own day?

HUMN myth of the world

Question Description

  1. In no more than 4 paragraphs: Write a critical assessment of how your topic for study this term relates to your own identity” Christianity and myth???????????NOTE: Identity – The conceptual equation between two entities. Identity can be ontological or conceptual. Idea of who you are in relation purpose as a Christian / your expectation. Your ideas are not also value judgment.
  1. In an essay of about 6-8 full paragraphs (6-8 sentences each):
  2. Use reliable, 5 scholarly sources from UMUC’s library, when possible, to help you choose five sources you will be using in your final project.
  3. Write a one-paragraph summary for each source explaining its relationship to your topic “Christianity and mythological theme”
  4. Rely on the information we have covered in class meetings to focus your research.
  5. Cite your sources using MLA format.
  1. Outline your contents (introduction, background, Reference’s) in relation to Christianity and myths, don’t forget to Crate a PPD workshop on Myth in the World. Your goal is that of UNESCO, which is to help the world “grow and live in a cultural environment rich in diversity and dialogue, where heritage serves as a bridge between generations and peoples and where interconnections and diversity must serve as opportunities to build peace in the minds of men and women.” As such, your presentations must be scholarly and useeffective presentation strategies as outlined in the learning resources. You should have a robust and engaging dialogue centered on your mutual discoveries of “Myth in the World.”
  2. Ask questions and answer them

3. Cite your sources using MLA format.

History 101

Question Description

Select any four of the six questions of your choice. Each question should be at a minimum of two pages with all parts answered. No title page necessary, you can use any sources to develop your answers and you do not need to cite the sources. This first research set the foundation, parameters expectations for all other critical thinking assignments. Once completed submit as up load into canvas. Grader will be posted to the grade book. This first essay exam counts for twenty percent of your overall grade.

  1. Define the origins of Renaissance. Why did the Italian Renaissance produce such a strong spirit of Humanism? Discuss the major contribution Leonard da Vinci? How was the Northern Renaissance in Northern Europe different from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. Discuss the importance of the Maritime Exploration prior to 1450 and after 1450. Who opened up the Window of Exploration and what technological innovations did the Europeans employ?

3.Discuss the origins of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were contemporaries of one another, but different from a religious theology, how?

4.Why was Oliver Cromwell important? Discuss the significance of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights.

  1. Why caused the Thirty Years’ War and why did it become the first modern war and the treaty of the Peace of West Westphalia was the first modern peace?
  2. Why is Machiavelli usually considered the “father of modern political thought “? Why was Machiavelli more interested in “what is “rather than “what ought to be”? According to Machiavelli what was wrong with Italy of his own day?

I have questions that i want you to answer it (philosophy)

Question Description

1. What is the method of inquiry adopted for this study? What is eros? what does it do? Why does it act in such a manner? What is the “golden rule”? Who are “the philosophers”?

2. What does the lover want and why? Is it a universal desire? Do all want happiness and the same good things?

3. What is it that love truly wants? Why does love involve both conception and birth?

4. What is it, in fact, that the various types of humans pursue?

5. What is the final revelation of the mystery of love?


6. What does the “greatest study” study? (184f) why does one study this subject? What do “the many” say the good is?What does Socrates study in place of the idea of the good? And why? (186f). What assumptions are they to accept before the inquiry begins formally? (187)

7. What is the “divided line”, explain how it is constructed and what it is supposed to relate. It begins on 509a p. 190. Review the sketch of the line on BB.

8. Describe the situation of the cave. (193f0 What is the stated purpose of the allegory? Who are these residents? Who frees them and why? Why does the prisoner ascend? What does he find outside of the cave? Why does he desire to go back into the cave? What good can he accomplish?

9. What is the task that Socrates begin at 521c? Describe the course of studies, where they start and where they end. What is the right use of “distinguishing the one, the two and the three”?

Answer the following four questions

Question Description

The Stress and Coping Reading discussed the difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping.

Following is a list of stressors. For each one, give a problem-focused and an emotion-focused strategy for dealing with the stressor. Remember the problem-focused either helps fix the problem or prevent it from recurring. The emotion-focused coping is designed to change your perspective on the problem. They are both important strategies to learn.

Example: Stressor: You get in an accident and wreck your car. Problem-focused strategy: You take photographs of the accident and call the insurance company daily to check on the status of your claim. Emotion-Focused Strategy: Whenever you start to feel discouraged about not having a car, you think to yourself how lucky you are that you did not get injured in the accident.

For each of the following stressors, come up with an emotion-focused and a problem-focused strategy. See the example above.

  1. Stressor: You get in a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
  2. Stressor: You are late for work.
  3. Stressor: You get a low score on an important exam.
  4. Stressor: You have a “bad hair day.”
  5. Now, come up with your own. List a stressor that you experience, and give a problem-focused and an emotion-focused strategy for dealing with it.

To submit your homework:

  1. Save it either as a word document (doc or docx) or pdf.
  2. Attach the file to the assignment link. Do not send it through email.

Following are guidelines for this assignment:

  • I will grade mostly on content, but mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.) do count, also.
  • Please proofread carefully.
  • Please use 12-point Times New Roman Font.
  • Use 1″ margins and double-space.