Writing a paper

Question Description

If I Were ????? Assignment (50 points)

Historical fiction can be very interesting because it places fictional characters in actual historical settings. Your assignment is to write a typed, double-spaced biographical account of yourself in the role, location and occupation of the person you have chosen below, on the date indicated. The essential elements of the assignment are to describe your character and place him/her as fully as possible in historical context. If, for example, you were an Aztec noble in 1519, you would describe the nature of the life of an Aztec noble and your role in the invasion of Cortes. You are invited to create a name and age for yourself. You must adequately describe yourself and your relationship with the events and circumstances taking place that day. You will be graded on how thoroughly you do this. Your paper should be at least two full pages with a one-inch margin and twelve point Times New Roman font; you are also required to submit works cited that include at least one source other than your textbook. You will need to research and find out what you may have experienced in that location during that time. Remember, this is historical fiction, so be as creative as you want.

Choose one of the following for this assignment.

If I Were:

– An African American former slave in Alabama in the late 1860s.

– A Native American of the northern Great Plains in the 1870s.

– A European immigrant working in a factory in New York in 1880.

Grading Rubric

Correct Length and Format 8 points
Correct Number of Sources and Citation 8 points
Correct English Usage, Spelling and Grammar 8 points
Correct/Thorough Description of Event 26 points
50 points total

Early Civilizations worksheet

Question Description

Early Civilizations Worksheet

Part I: Timeline

Create a timeline for each of the following civilizations, listing any major events in the civilization’s history:

  • Mesopotamian
  • Egyptian
  • Hebrew
  • Indus
  • Vedic Aryan
  • Chinese

You may create your own timeline using Microsoft® Word or you may use any of the timeline creators online. However, if you use an online resource, you must provide a web link to the completed timelines or a screenshot of your timelines. You may also use the University of Phoenix Timeline Builder if this link does not work you can copy the link and paste in your browser.

Part II: Cultural Contributions

Complete the following matrix with at least one element for each category.


Intellectual Contributions

Artistic Forms or Contributions


Religious Beliefs






Vedic Aryan


Part III: Short Answer Responses

Respond to the following in your own words:

  • What is culture?
  • What is civilization?
  • What is history?
  • Why do you think it is important to study the development of civilizations?
  • What are the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron ages? To what dates does each refer?

Art experience

Question Description

photographs on the Library of Congress online catalog . Write a brief reflection (at least 1 paragraph) in response to the photos , maybe addressing any of the following:

  • Why you chose it;
  • What attracts you to it;
  • What questions does the image bring up;
  • What would you say to the people in it;
  • Any visceral response you have to it;
  • Et cetera…

Include the photographs in the document. 1 reflection per photo (3 photos, 3 reflections).

Based on your 3 chosen photographs:

  • Further investigate why you were drawn to them. You should understand their original context and content. Do your research!
  • For each photograph, find 3 other images to pair with them:
    Ask yourself how the meaning of the original photograph changes when paired with each new image. What different stories can you tell when you juxtapose a different image? Which story is most compelling? What story do you want to tell???

#2 Read this ARTICLE. Reflect upon our discussion of the myth & cult of the artist, and the new ideas brought forth in this article. A few q’s to consider:

How do/did you think about artists?

Do you agree with the idea of “artistic genius” or the connection (necessity?) between creativity & madness?

Reflect upon some aspect of the article: agreeing, disagreeing or questioning.

critical analysis : Watch this video (maybe multiple times.) Find your chosen art pieces and describe their usage in the video. Discuss the context of the following: overall imagery, lyrics, contrasting imagery, choreography, costume, etc. Go back to the questions from the beginning of the semester (see photo attached) and discuss the video and artworks with analysis & evaluation guiding questions.

​Posting Daily Notes

Question Description

Posting Daily Notes: Reading the assigned readings and screening media at home are essential components of this course. As such, you are required to post your daily notes to our Canvas site, using the Daily Notes Assignment Link. There are two sets of questions: one for readings and one for screenings. These postings will help you to synthesize and organize your thoughts about what you learn. As importantly, they will assist you with your attendance grade, the mid-term exam, and the final essay! They are due, at minimum, ten minutes before class starts. As with the readings, it is mandatory to bring a copy of these notes to class.

Reading the book ( The file i upload) and write daily notes( The daily notes template is below)

The book is about Black Internationalist Roots of the Black Freedom Movement.

Media Form: Political Cartoon and Black Press

Daily Notes Template for Readings [Template for Screenings Below]

Please add your notes and respond to each section below. You do not have to write in complete sentences (unless you want to), but you do have to write in complete thoughts that I can comprehend. Please do not exceed one-page per daily posting for the readings. If there is more than one reading, use an abbreviation to distinguish the author (ex. for Schmitt, Sch. or Daulatzai, D.)

List main ideas, concepts, arguments and any key* example (s):

List any connections to other texts or media we’ve seen and/or how this text fits into our class:

List your own thoughts about the text (agreement, alternatives, counter points, confusion, inspiration, etc.) and choose one important passage from the text based on your thoughts.

(You can list the page number for longer quotes):

Discussion Post Response 100 WORDS

Question Description


For this discussion, choose one of the following two readings:

  • Option 1 – Elbow, P. (2014). Freewriting. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 105-108. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 108, “Writing,” Question 4: Writing an Argument: Write [a response] in which you support or discourage the act of freewriting.
    • Be sure to quote and cite Elbow when writing your response.
  • Option 2 – Martin, S. (2014) Writing is easy. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 114-117. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 117, “Writing,” Question 3: Writing an Argument: Argue for or against the proposition that one must find the ideal place (“Location, Location, Location,” as Martin calls it) in order to write effectively.
    • Be sure to quote and cite Martin when writing your response.

First, read the article carefully. Answer the question associated with the reading. (100+ words)

Second, after answering the selected question, identify what the prompt was asking of you as a writer. Using the video above, identify what the best rhetorical mode would be to respond to the prompt. Support your ideas with direct support from each reading. Recall that direct support means using a quote. The quote should be integrated into your own ideas. An example can be found here. Make sure that you provide a proper citation. (100+ words)

Third, we want you to do more than just answer a question. Think about what the author is suggesting you do in your writing. How will you apply these ideas to your own writing process? Give concrete and specific examples. (100+ words)

20TH Century Modern Art

Question Description

Moving toward the present day in our Art history timeline, the ability to name the art period becomes more difficult, however art historians have come to settle on the term Modemism. Not only is the period difficult to categorize the artwork from roughly 1907-present day are so wide ranging, it is impossible to pinpoint how different art genres exactly relate to one another. Yet they are connected by the social conditions in which they exist and are responses to those conditions though they respond in very different ways. In postwar America (WWII), New York city becomes the art capital of the world and two artistic genres emerged first Abstract Expressionism and second Pop Art both art genres were grappling with the question of what is art and how to represent a world shaped by global capitalism consumer culture and mass media. In this case assignment you will be comparing Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock’s One Number 31 with PoP Artist Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Can’s. Pollock can be read as championing the role of the artist as his art seems a pure abstraction of his body movements and his handling of the paintbrush, whereas Warhol seems to not have any real connection to the making of his art, as he uploads the everyday, mass-produced object as subject matter for high art. Discuss briefly the history of Abstract Expressionism ND Pop Art and these two artist in particular, the ways these artist represent the tension between individualism and mass production ( a tension that defines America capitalist society) and how the artworks approach questions as to the role of the artist and the role of art in society.

Early American Indian Discussion

Question Description

This is the third discussion assignment worth eight points. You are to read Chapter 7 in the text, the Indian lecture. Then you choose ONE Indian leader from the following: Pontiac, Tecumseh, Chief Joseph, and Red Cloud. You are then to view the video on your chosen leader and also read the follow websites on your chosen leader: Pontiac: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Pontiac (Links to an external site.)and http://www.nndb.com/people/072/000049922 (Links to an external site.) Tecumseh-: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecumseh (Links to an external site.) and http://history1800s.about.com/od/leaders/p/tecumsehbio.htm (Links to an external site.) and http://www.historynet.com/tecumseh-red-cloud-and-sitting-bull-three-great-indian-leaders.htm (Links to an external site.) (this site also discusses Red Cloud) Chief Joseph: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Joseph (Links to an external site.) and http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/a_c/chiefjoseph.htm (Links to an external site.) and http://www.indians.org/welker/joseph.htm (Links to an external site.) Red Cloud- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Cloud (Links to an external site.)and http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/i_r/redcloud.htm. (Links to an external site.)

You are to become this leader and describe how you challenged the English or the United States government and what type of tactics your used and your level of success.

Finally you are to review all the Indian leaders covered in lecture and Chapter 7 along with your chosen leader and tell which Indian leader do you feel was the most successful and why. You are also to comment on two other students’ choices of leaders.

Short Response for HIST 266

Question Description




  • Write and submit a short Word document (roughly 400 to 500 words, single or double-spaced) that fulfills the following prompt:
    • Based on the readings from Dicker and Bender, write a response that discusses and analyzes both of the following:
      1. A couple of major developments in the U.S. feminist/women’s rights movements in the 19th century (Dicker, Ch. 2).
      2. The causes, effects, and significance of the harassment of women workers in the late 19th century garment (clothing) industry (Bender).
        • Note #1: You certainly may discuss material from Dicker Chapter 1, but the focus of your response must be on Dicker Chapter 2 and Bender.
        • Note #2: Please use at least one quote from the Dicker/Bender readings to support your analysis.

Writing Directions

  • All writing assignments MUST be submitted as Word documents.
    • If you don’t use Word, your word processor can still save documents as Word documents. Go to “Save As,” scroll to locate Word (.doc or .docx), click “Save.”
  • All writing assignments should have your name and a brief title indicating the assignment at the top of the first page.
  • This assignment is informal – but it should have basic elements of organization, such as:
    • It should contain full sentences written in paragraph(s) form in an organized fashion.
    • Think BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END
      • Each sentence should have a beginning, middle, and end.
      • Each paragraph should have a beginning, middle, and end.
      • The short response as a whole should have a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Make sure you provide a brief parenthetical citation (author last name, page number) for your quotations.
    • Quotes should be no longer then 3 sentences — please do not quote full paragraphs. Instead, choose the most
    • important part.

Discussion Board Watchman

Question Description

Now that you have read Chapters 7-9 of Watchmen along with the supplemental materials that follow each chapter (pages 212-313 in our edition for this class), come up 3-5 examples where a rhetorical appeal or strategy is being used by the author, illustrator, or colorist. Be sure to indicate the chapter/section and page number, and also explain which strategy is being used, and why. It is highly encouraged that you consider embeding images from the graphic novel to help illustrate what you are discussing. Please make sure you are embedding the images, not attaching them, since you don’t want students to have to download anything. Check out the tutorial here (Links to an external site.) if you need help embedding an image in a discussion post. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:

  • Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
  • Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
  • Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
  • Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
  • How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
  • Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?

Requirements: Type of writing expected – Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast Length requirements – 500 words Formatting requirements – MLA format Documentation format – MLA citations necessary Amount or type of research expected – Minimal outside re

Question Description


  1. Type of writing expected – Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast
  2. Length requirements – 500 words
  3. Formatting requirements – MLA format
  4. Documentation format – MLA citations necessary
  5. Amount or type of research expected – Minimal outside research necessary
  6. List three references for your essay.
  7. Post your thesis statement for your essay. DIFFERENT PAGE


Write a cause and effect essay discussing a historical event. Be sure to focus on either the cause or the effect of the event. Also, try to focus your paper on a specific event. For example, instead of writing about the Second World War, you should focus on a moment in that war, such as the attack on Pearl Harbor. Remember to be specific and detailed in your writing. Some things you might want to think about:

  • What was the causal chain that led to the event?
  • What were the ramifications of the event? How is the world different because of it?


Write a comparison-contrast essay discussing the differences between the two famous historical figures. Focus on specific similarities and differences. Feel free to use specific examples from different spheres of influences, like music, film or literature, but be sure that they are analogous. Some things you might want to think about:

  • What are the backgrounds of the individuals?
  • Where are they from?
  • Discuss their achievements and accolades.
  • What is the public perception of these people?