Research on Poverty Discussion

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • Share your reaction to the YouTube film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class.”
  • Who is Barbara Ehrenreich? Describe her research methodology. What research method did she used?
  • Can her research methodology be considered sociological? Can her research method be considered scientific? Why?

After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.

Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.

You must post your original answers first, in order to see other students’ answers.

Discussions Rubric

Discussions Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions answered

2.0 pts


A minimum of two thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Less than two paragraphs and/or comments did not answer the questions.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired readings/videos

3.0 pts


Submission demonstrates comprehension of required readings and or videos.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Submission provides no relevant reference to required readings and videos.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality

3.0 pts


Original ideas using student’s own words were presented to the class.

0.0 pts

No Marks

No original idea presented.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReply to classmates

2.0 pts


Thoughtful reply to 3 classmates

0.0 pts

No Marks

Replied to less than 3 students and/or replies have no substantive value.

2.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

WK 6 PSYC 1001 Assignment

Question Description

Assignment: Blog: Reflection

Think back to Week 1 when you were asked to describe your beliefs about the field of psychology. How have your beliefs changed? Throughout the last 6 weeks you have learned to think like a psychologist by taking a scientific approach to understanding observable behaviors and internal experiences such as emotions, perceptions, and cognition. You may find that you now see the field somewhat differently. For example, you may realize that some of your beliefs from the start of this class were incorrect. You have expanded your knowledge and become more confident in your understanding of the science of psychology. Hopefully you have begun to uncover the secrets of how the brain is connected to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Take some time to reflect on how you’ve grown and learned this term, and plan how you will incorporate your new knowledge into your everyday life.

By Day 3

With these thoughts in mind, create a blog entry that responds to the following:

Reflecting on what you have learned over the past 6 weeks, explain how your perception of psychology has changed. Next, describe how at least three specific topics or theories you’ve learned about this term can be applied to your personal and professional life. Finally, explain how what you learned in this course will impact your approach to social change. Feel free to comment on each other’s blog postings; responses to peers will not be graded. Support your blog assignment post with at least one reference (textbook or other scholarly, empirical resources).

Your blog will be graded on the components listed below. For specific details refer to the Week 6 Blog Assignment Rubric located in the Course Information area.

  • Explanation of how your perceptions noted in Week 1 have changed (20 points)
  • Description of how the three selected topics/theories will be used in your life (40 points)
  • Impact approach to social change (20 points)
  • Quality of writing (20 points)–be sure to support your assignment post with at least one reference (textbook or other scholarly, empirical resources).

PA 102 Proposal

Question Description

Chapter 1 Resources

The first chapter of your Dissertation Proposal is an overview of your study and is a synthesis of the material you include in Chapters 2 and 3.

To complete Chapter 1, you will need to:

  • Use the Prospectus Template to transfer information into Dissertation Template.
  • Describe the study topic, its relevance, and social change implications.
  • Justify the gap in research knowledge.
  • Justify the research problem.
  • State the purpose of the study.
  • Identify research questions.
  • Justify the theoretical or conceptual framework.
  • Indicate the nature of the study.

Chapter 2 Resources

This chapter is divided into two equally important parts: the literature review of related research and the framework.

To complete Chapter 2, you will need to:

  • Analyze research literature in relation to a meaningful and justified gap in research for the PhD dissertation.
  • Ground dissertation research in a theoretical/conceptual framework related to an identified social-educational problem.

Chapter 3 Resources

In this chapter, you will justify your research design and methodology, as well as the procedures you will follow in conducting the research.

To complete Chapter 3, you will need to:

  • Determine the approach to research methodology and design for the dissertation.
  • Identify data sources to answer the research questions.
  • Demonstrate alignment in research design.
  • Justify choices and decisions regarding:
    • Methodology
    • Research questions
    • Sample or participants
    • Instrumentation
    • Data sources
    • Data collection
    • Data analysis plan (to demonstrate alignment and consistency among each element of the study)
    • Collect data to answer the research questions.
    • Organize your data.
    • Report findings of data collection.
    • Situate research results in the larger body of research literature.
    • Evaluate research results by presenting the following:
      • Introduction
      • Interpretation of the Findings
      • Limitations of the Study
      • Recommendations
      • Implications
      • Conclusion

Chapter 4 Resources

You have arrived at one of the most exciting parts of your dissertation research, as you implement the months of planning that went into your Dissertation Proposal!

To complete Chapter 4, you will need to:

Chapter 5 Resources

In Chapter 5, you will inform the community of scholars about the new knowledge that your research is contributing to your field and why it is meaningful and significant.

To complete Chapter 5, you will need to:

4-5 page paper orthello

Question Description


We have read and discussed both Shakespeare’s Othello and Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles.” Choose one of the following prompts to develop an essay of approximately 1200-1500 words (4-5 double-spaced pages, not counting the Works Cited page). You should rely upon the play itself as your primary source, although you are allowed to use scholarly published articles as references as long as you cite your sources following MLA format. (It is not acceptable to reference other student essays you find online, SparkNotes,, Wikipedia, and the like.) Actually, the prompts are written in such a way (and additional information already provided on Canvas) that you really shouldn’t need to use outside sources at all. Save secondary sources for Essays 3 and 4 when you will definitely need them.


Is Othello a racist play, or does it critique racist people? Explain. Be sure to consider what the characters in the play say and do, what stereotypes are employed, and the overall storyline. Your interpretation may likely depend on whether you see Othello as a monstrous fool or as an admirable man who is duped by a very good liar.

Explain whether Othello meets all of the characteristics of the Shakespearean tragic hero. This will require you to determine what is Othello’s one tragic flaw. Is it foolishness or is it jealousy (if jealousy, can that be linked to the idea of pride or, possibly, some internalized racism on his part)? Or is his flaw something else?

This prompt has two parts: (1) Explore the various “trifles” in Glaspell’s play. (What in the play are trifles? Are they really trifles? How are the women’s “trifles” used to solve the motive for the crime?) (2) Is the verdict the women reach for their peer a fair one? Explain why or why not. (Note: this play was also published as a short story with the title “A Jury of Her Peers.”

Here is the website for Othello PDF. You can have a look.

For this assignment you need to watch and report on the debate between Michael Licona and Yusuf Ismail on the question of whether Jesus was crucified.

Question Description

For this assignment you need to watch and report on the debate between Michael Licona and Yusuf Ismail on the question of whether Jesus was crucified. The debate is available at Please note that the debate 2 hours in length, thus, it is important to set aside time to view the video and take notes in anticipation of writing your essay as described below.

Contents of assignment

The essay should have the following parts:

1) Write a summary of each presenters’ position. Your summary should be 750 words for each person (that is one section on Licona and one on Ismail). Your summary should identify and explain the main arguments used by each person. This section of the essay should be 1,500 words total.

2) Write a 500 word summary of the rebuttal between Licona and Ismail. (This is just one summary of the exchange not a report of each presenter.)

3) Drawing on your readings for the semester and this video, in 500 words state your own view on whether Jesus was crucified. You should include at a minimum references to two different sources in addition to the debate between Licona and Ismail.


The essay will be 2,500 words total and clearly identify the three sections noted above. Provide the word count at the end of each section. The essay should be written in either MLA or Turabian format and must include a citations/reference page for the references used to support your view. The essay must be submitted in Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx) via this assignment link.

Required Textbooks: Bartholomew, C.G. & Goheen, M. W. (2014). The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story. (2nd ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. ISBN: 978-0801049569 Walton, J. H., Strauss, M. L., & Cooper, T. (2006). The Essential Bible Companion: Key Insights for Reading God’s Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN: 978-0310266624

Party Platform Creation Activity

Question Description

This week we learned about the important functions of political parties. You also had the opportunity to browse the Democratic and Republican Party platforms for your reading. In this activity, pretend you are in charge of inventing your own original political party and write a platform for your brand new political party.

Your platform and reflection essay should be at least 500 words long and address the following:

Part 1 – Your Platform

Name your party.

Identify and describe one domestic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that domestic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Domestic policy is anything that impacts how we live our lives within the borders of our nation.)

Identify and describe one specific economic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that economic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Economic policy is all those policies that impact the distribution and exchange of property, wealth, and capital. Think about things that impact money and how much you have and how you can make more.)

Identify and describe one specific foreign policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that foreign policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Foreign policy is how this nation interacts with other nations.)

Part 2 – Reflection Essay

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast each of your three policies, one at a time, to similar policies from the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties. How are your policies similar to the policies of the two major parties? How your policies different from the policies of the two major parties? Be specific and include specific examples. Conclude your comparison and contrast essay by discussing which of the two major parties your political party most similar to?

Don’t forget to include a reference list.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.

Final editing of thesis

Question Description

Assignment rubric, templates and instructions are attached. Please make edits to the paper attached. Contact for any further questions.

Exact Edits with format needed:

I appreciate your effort and see the you have made some changes to your document. You have a good foundation for your paper; however, you have not used the format provided in the EOP and template?

I am not sure what format you are following, but I created the template which mirrors the EOP, so you can focus on content rather than format. Please reply to this message and let me know that you have reviewed both the template and the example papers I provided.

I noted previously, that you need to provide the table of contents items only that are in the template. Remove all other headings and turn off the formatting tool so the blue box does not surround the table of contents.

Begin with an abstract that is double spaced, followed by a two page introduction, and a One concise paragraph literature search strategy, followed by the terms and associated citations.

Your paper is organized by the four courses. You will need to reorganize the content you currently have and delete all headings and associated content that is not in the directions and template. Some of the content may be applicable and can be reorganized. The rest should not be in your paper.

Begin the literature review with the name of the first course followed by the mini introduction. The six study summaries follow, taken As is from the annotated bibliography assignment. Add the remaining content noted in the template and the transitions between studies. End with mini summary using the provided format and a transition to the next course.

Repeat this format for all four courses and then add the Discussion content with the associated headings.

Hope this summary helps. Once you reorganize your content following the EOP and template, I will be able to review your paper.

Need help answering a 10 question assignment

Question Description

Question 1

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Whose work is considered to offer a dystopian vision of society?


Francis Bacon

You Answered

Karl Marx

B. F. Skinner

Correct Answer

George Orwell

Chapter 3 p66

Question 2

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which of the following is false?

Marx saw economics as the key to utopia.

You Answered

Plato saw philosophy as the key to utopia.

Correct Answer

Orwell saw politics as the key to utopia.

Bacon saw science as the key to utopia.

Skinner saw psychology as the key to utopia.

Chapter 3 p66

Question 3

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which of the following leaders was the biggest champion of majority rule?

Correct Answer

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

You Answered

Alexander Hamilton

George Washington

John C. Calhoun

Chapter 4 p77

Question 4

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which author focused on how to “arrange” society in a methodological way?

Karl Marx

Francis Bacon



B. F. Skinner

John Locke

Question 5

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) What is essential to the success of any government?


Democratic principles

Symbolism and ritual

Tradition and strong leadership


Continuity and stability

Question 6

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) What was the legislative body of the United States was designed to be?

Tyranny of the majority

You Answered


Correct Answer


Cosmopolitan Democracy


Chapter 4 p88

Question 7

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which of the following best represents the ideas of John Locke?

Correct Answer

Meaningful freedom could not exist without written laws.

You Answered

The rule of law was unacceptable because it suppressed individual freedoms.

Government must be free to function without restrictions.

The seventeenth century saw limited advances in the rule of law.

Reason is always influenced by passion.

Chapter 4 p89

Question 8

5 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which writer’s utopianism was based on the notion: “From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs”?


Francis Bacon


Karl Marx

B.F. Skinner

George Orwell

Question 9

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) Which country has the modern world’s first, and oldest, constitutional democracy?

Correct Answer

The United States




You Answered


Chapter 4 p73

Question 10

0 / 5 pts

(TCO 6) In establishing the American democratic republic, the Founding Fathers borrowed from the works of all of the following earlier thinkers EXCEPT

Thomas Hobbes

Correct Answer

Alexis de Tocqueville

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Niccolò Machiavelli

You Answered

Baron de Montesquieu

Chapter 4 p73

Quiz Score: 15 out of 50

5 page Child Development Essay

Question Description

PSY-5703 V3: Child and Adolescent Development (0272071071)

For this week, imagine that you have been contacted by a local school to present a seminar for parents. Your seminar should be entitled,

“Promoting Positive Development: What Can a Parent Do?”

In this seminar, you will want to provide concrete tips for parents that reflect the latest research findings on promoting positive development in children OR adolescents.

Create an outline for the seminar of the topics you will cover and the tips you will provide; make sure to include information for each domain (physical, cognitive, and psychosocial) as well as theories to help parents understand their role in development. Also include information about parenting styles, and at least one activity for those in attendance to engage in that is about parenting styles (this could be an activity to determine their parenting styles; a role play that allows them to see different parenting styles respond to a specific scenario, etc).

You must also create handout(s) to give to the parents who attend your seminar. This can be a brochure, a resource guide, an annotated bibliography; whatever you believe would be most useful for parents who are looking for information on promoting development in their children.

Support your seminar with at least five references from research conducted in the past 2 years. If you cannot find recent research in the library, consider sources such as the American Psychological Association and other reliable sources. Contact the Northcentral Librarian if you need help in locating recent, reliable resources.

Length: 5-7 pages total (3-4 pages for seminar outline, 2-3 pages for the handout), not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your seminar and handout(s) should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

English 102 essay 1

Question Description

After our readings from “Muy Macho” and “Twitching Heart” and our viewing of “Freak”, think about your own relationships with men or boys in your life. You might choose a father, brother, uncle, someone you had deep or complicated relationship with or even yourself if you identify as male. Write a letter to yourself about one of them in which you reflect on how they have impacted how you think about yourself, relationships with others, or your own feelings. If possible, think about how what we’ve read/viewed/listened to may link to your own experiences with the man or boy you’ve picked to focus on. ( Note: Your experiences may be positive, negative, difficult or very complex. If you are having difficulty, let me know and an alternative assignment can be provided)

Hint: ( Go back and look at On Macho and the Puerto Rican Dummy and the Merciful Son to see how writers deal with these complex thoughts. )


  1. Your letter should use at least 4-5 quotes, paraphrase’s, or outside references to support your perspective and thoughts.
  2. Your letter should have a clear point. How did this relationship impact you, in what ways ? ( Remember, your thesis may introduce these points but your body will be where you go into detail)
  3. Your letter should have a clear works cited page ( yes, in real life letters don’t have works cited, but hey this is an English class so you need to practice this skill)
  4. Your letter should be properly formatted using 12 point Times New Roman Font, Heading, Title, Paragraph Breaks and Double Spacing
  5. Your letter should try to make use of the works we have read/listened to/ or discussed
  6. Your essay should be between 900-1500 words. This should not include your heading or works cited page
  7. The essay will be due in class
  8. Remember, your essay must not be a summary of the events. Instead, you should be focusing on discussing and reflecting on ” How”/”Why” .