1 Page Critical Thinking Response Paper

Question Description

Text Journal – 1 page, 1 paragraph (pdf file provided) ** MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT READINGS WHICH I PROVIDE LINKS**

The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment.

Very brief and short summary **Include title of the article/reading within the body text**

Can use current events!!! How this relates to something you heard or has happened

Involve thoughts and end with a question.

Reading Guidelines– ENGAGE IN PAPER!!!

• What is my response to the main point? (Be specific—is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?

• What questions do you have about points made in this reading?

• What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?

• What is one question you’d like to have the class discuss based on this reading?

Think of an article or chapter as a story that is being told to you or conversation that you are having, and make mental connections in your reading. Is what you’re reading new? Had you ever thought about what the author is saying before? Is the reading connected with other things you have read? Do certain ideas in the reading excite or inspire you, make you angry or sad or confused, confirm what you believe or experience? Do you agree or disagree with everything or only certain things the author is saying? Do you believe what the author is saying is true?—Ask yourself these types of questions in your mind as you read.

– Easy vocabulary


LINKS TO READINGS (2 in total) :

Laird, S. (2008). Cultural Competence in Social Work. Anti-Oppressive Social Work: A Guide to Developing Cultural Competence. London: Sage. (pp. 35-50).

Ortega, R., & Faller, K (2011). Training child welfare workers from an intersectional cultural humility perspective: A paradigm shift. Child Welfare, 90(5), 27-49.


web and social media design

Question Description

DUE WEEK 10/8:

1. Visit each of these sites, pick two and explain for each the campaign goal and how the copy and visuals are helping to meet the goals.

DUE WEEK 10/22:
1. Visit http://webbyawards.com/and review the webby awarding winning websites for:
1. Best Use of Photography
2. Best User Experience
3. Best Writing (Editorial)

For each explain why they are particular effective in meeting the objectives of the website and providing a viewer added value experience

DUE WEEK 10/29:
1. After reading this articles do you agree with the idea of “To address this, the society has also recommended the introduction of a pop-up warning to alert users that they have been online for too long.” and why or why not? Cite at least 2 additional articles that support your view.

2.After reading this articles explain how social media is affects your brain:

DUE WEEK 11/5:
1. Read: http://mudesign.net/webdesign/jonathan_harrise_net…
How the Internet’s most earnest evangelist became its fiercest critic.

1a. Answerer the following questions:
“It will help us feel connected, but will it help us feel loved?” he wrote. “It will help us uncover facts, but will it help us be wise?”

1b. Explainwhy you agree or disagree with this statement: “We have become slaves to devices that addict us,” Harris said. “But everyone is the custodian of his own mind. We all have the potential to be the steward of our own consciousness.” Include 3 cited sources besides the article that support your answer/view.

DUE Week 11/12:
1.Visit: http://networkeffect.io(Chrome Browser required) and write a review of you experience including which search words you chose and why and how the overall viewing experience affected you.

DUE Week 11/19:
1.Read How artificial intelligence is moving from the lab to your kid’s playroom http://mudesign.net/webdesign/ai_toys.pdf
And explain why you agree or disagree that AI enables toys are good thing or not. Include 2 cited sources besides the article that support your answer/view.

Create a Persuasive Message

Question Description

Create a persuasive message. Depending on your chosen audience, it can be delivered as an email, a block letter, or an advertisement. To write a persuasive message, the writer needs to collect information about “(1) your product, service, or idea; (2) your audience; and (3) the desired outcome” (Lehman + Dufrene, BCOM9. Cengage Learning, 2018, p. 139).A few possible topics for your persuasive message could include any of the following:

  • Request the ability to work from home
  • Ask for a more flexible work schedule
  • Ask for a specific benefit (for instance, health benefits if your company doesn’t provide them, a gym membership or access to a work out room or equipment, paid vacation, a pay raise, cost of living increase, increased duties, the ability to use social media while on the job, and so forth).
  • Ask for a specific company to stock a product or discontinue offering a service.

For additional information on writing a persuasive message, please review Chapter 8 in BCOM9.For persuasive message, the inductive approach is recommended (list the facts first and then deliver the “ask” or desired course of action last.Another useful format in delivering persuasive messages is AIDA:

A—Attention (“Get the reader’s attention”)

I—Interest (“Introduce the product, service, or idea and arouse interest in it”)

D—Desire (“Create desire by presenting convincing evidence of the value of the produce, service, or idea”)

A—Action (“Encourage Action”)(p 8.1).

There’s no rubric for this assignment but it will be graded for content as well as grammar, punctuation and mechanics.You may need to do a little bit of research and gather facts and evidence in order to be persuasive.For instance, if you are asking for a company-provided pass to a gym, you might want to include research which links stress or burnout to increased rates of absenteeism.If outside information is used, please be sure to properly cite.You are not limited to only the suggestions listed.Be creative!If you have an idea but aren’t sure it fits the assignment criteria, please reach out to review your idea with me.

2 Page Eng Definition Essay

Question Description

Definition: Defining a Core Value


Personally Speaking: Happiness is What You Make It

Where did this come from? Where did you hear it? How does it alter your world view?

For this assignment, you will think about a value that you learned early on – a Core Value. Start the essay with a formal definition as your thesis, but then add to this by helping us understand what the core value is, why it is important, where you go it from, etc. This should be more formal that a narrative essay, but you can be creative with this assignment as well.

The point of this paper is not so much to reach some earth-shaking conclusion or moral/philosophical lesson, but to learn how to define a term and help us understand the term and how you understand it and use it in daily life. However, you can certainly include profundity of philosophy if you so choose.

In a two-page minimum length paper, you will be defining a term and telling us what it means, how you use it, and where it came from. This may require you to do a little research on the value of choice. You can even include a story about how this value relates to your life. As you conclude, you will want to restate the reason for the definition and the definition itself in other words than those of the definition you used in the introduction. There are many other possibilities for an organizational structure to the assignment; remember, be creative.

Format: 12 pt. type, Times New Roman font, black ink, double spaced, general MLA format, one-inch margins, numbered pages with last name, basically correct in grammar, mechanics, and idiom.

Eng 111 ( Discussion D)

Question Description

Discussion D

Welcome to Discussion D!

Week 7 – Share your Outline Template Part 1 as an attachment with the class.

Week 8 – Respond to at least 2 of your classmates in 100+ words each.

Before you post your two 100+ word classmate responses, read and watch the following about giving actionable feedback.

· Peer Feedback

· How to Give Actionable Feedback

Second, watch the following videos about managing incoming feedback.

· Run, Hide, or Say ‘Thank You’ When Faced With Feedback

· How to Use Others’ Feedback to Learn and Grow

Third, write your two classmate responses by following steps A and B below.

A) Examine your classmate’s working thesis and roadmap. On a scale of 1-6, with 6 being most convincing and 1 being the least, how convincing do you think the argument will be? Why do you think so? Be specific, but be diplomatic.

B) Remember, feedback is what we use to make our work better, so it must be actionable; that is, it must propose to the recipient something to add, take way, revise, etc. Unwarranted praise does little to facilitate that, nor does overly brutal forthrightness.

1 Page Critical Thinking Essay

Question Description

Text Journal – 1 page, 1 paragraph (pdf file provided) ** MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT READINGS WHICH I PROVIDE LINKS**

The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment.

Very brief and short summary **Include title of the article/reading within the body text**

Can use current events!!! How this relates to something you heard or has happened

Involve thoughts and end with a question.

Reading Guidelines- ENGAGE IN PAPER!!!

• What is my response to the main point? (Be specific—is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?

• What questions do you have about points made in this reading?

• What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?

• What is one question you’d like to have the class discuss based on this reading?

Think of an article or chapter as a story that is being told to you or conversation that you are having, and make mental connections in your reading. Is what you’re reading new? Had you ever thought about what the author is saying before? Is the reading connected with other things you have read? Do certain ideas in the reading excite or inspire you, make you angry or sad or confused, confirm what you believe or experience? Do you agree or disagree with everything or only certain things the author is saying? Do you believe what the author is saying is true?—Ask yourself these types of questions in your mind as you read.

– Easy vocabulary


LINKS TO READINGS (2 in total) :

Morgaine, K., & Capous-Desyllas, M. (2015). Social Work Ethics & Values. Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice: Putting Theory into Action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (pp. 48-78). (WILL ATTACH READING AS A PDF)


Reamer, F. (2002). Making difficult decisions. Social Work Today. Retrieved from http://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_101402.shtml

I need it by Sunday afternoon please.

Question Description

It is important that you learn how to critically review research. In our society today, we are exposed to so much information and so many studies. Some of that information is excellent, some is useful, and some is very, very bad. How can you determine what information is useful and what is dangerous? One way is to take a course like Critical Thinking; however, the facts that I give you will be outdated all too soon. The most important thing you will learn from this course — and from your college education — is how to evaluate the information critically that is presented to you. Critical thinking involves asking five questions: who, what, when, where, how.

  1. Find and read an article in the media or a video clip that reports the results of a scientific study. You must include the link to the website. It is essential that the article you review would either arguing for something or presenting a theory or idea with supporting evidence for its claims or conclusion. News items, even if they are about scientific discoveries are not suited for this assignment because news items report the news (naturally) and provide no theory or arguments and supporting evidence that could be criticized based on its strengths/weaknesses. Explanations/educational articles (such as WebMD explaining to us what certain conditions are) not good for our purposes either because they teach us something, telling us what is what and thus do not provide supporting evidence that could be criticized. Teaching/explainig are very different from arguing! Please keep this in mind when you choose an article!
  2. Discuss how accurately did the mass media report the study?
  3. Answer the above five questions about the article (Who, What, When, Where, and How). Refer to page 353 of your text and be sure to cover all the highlights discussed.
  4. Do NOT use entertainment or sports articles for your review. The articles must be research based and must include claims/conclusions and supporting evidence, which are to be criticized!.

Research on Poverty Discussion

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • Share your reaction to the YouTube film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class.”
  • Who is Barbara Ehrenreich? Describe her research methodology. What research method did she used?
  • Can her research methodology be considered sociological? Can her research method be considered scientific? Why?

After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.

Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.

You must post your original answers first, in order to see other students’ answers.

Discussions Rubric

Discussions Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions answered

2.0 pts


A minimum of two thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Less than two paragraphs and/or comments did not answer the questions.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired readings/videos

3.0 pts


Submission demonstrates comprehension of required readings and or videos.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Submission provides no relevant reference to required readings and videos.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality

3.0 pts


Original ideas using student’s own words were presented to the class.

0.0 pts

No Marks

No original idea presented.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReply to classmates

2.0 pts


Thoughtful reply to 3 classmates

0.0 pts

No Marks

Replied to less than 3 students and/or replies have no substantive value.

2.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

WK 6 PSYC 1001 Assignment

Question Description

Assignment: Blog: Reflection

Think back to Week 1 when you were asked to describe your beliefs about the field of psychology. How have your beliefs changed? Throughout the last 6 weeks you have learned to think like a psychologist by taking a scientific approach to understanding observable behaviors and internal experiences such as emotions, perceptions, and cognition. You may find that you now see the field somewhat differently. For example, you may realize that some of your beliefs from the start of this class were incorrect. You have expanded your knowledge and become more confident in your understanding of the science of psychology. Hopefully you have begun to uncover the secrets of how the brain is connected to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Take some time to reflect on how you’ve grown and learned this term, and plan how you will incorporate your new knowledge into your everyday life.

By Day 3

With these thoughts in mind, create a blog entry that responds to the following:

Reflecting on what you have learned over the past 6 weeks, explain how your perception of psychology has changed. Next, describe how at least three specific topics or theories you’ve learned about this term can be applied to your personal and professional life. Finally, explain how what you learned in this course will impact your approach to social change. Feel free to comment on each other’s blog postings; responses to peers will not be graded. Support your blog assignment post with at least one reference (textbook or other scholarly, empirical resources).

Your blog will be graded on the components listed below. For specific details refer to the Week 6 Blog Assignment Rubric located in the Course Information area.

  • Explanation of how your perceptions noted in Week 1 have changed (20 points)
  • Description of how the three selected topics/theories will be used in your life (40 points)
  • Impact approach to social change (20 points)
  • Quality of writing (20 points)–be sure to support your assignment post with at least one reference (textbook or other scholarly, empirical resources).

read the 2 essay an answer the question based on those essay

Question Description

read those 2 essay and answer questions below based on those essay do not make your answer long a sentence is good.

FIRST ESSAY : “Competitive Sports: What Risks Should Athletes Be Allowed to Take?” https://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/health/25brod.h…

1-Which specific type of injuries is the focus of Jane E. Brody’s “For Children in Sports, a Breaking Point”?

2- What is one of the reasons Jeb Golinkin gives in “WhyParents Should Let Their Kids Play Dangerous Sports” for why kids shouldplay sports?

3-What is one of the groups targeted for criticism by KentSepkowitz in “It’s Time to Quit Ignoring Sports Head Trauma’s Very RealDangers”?

4- What is one of the specific dangers associated with boxingthat John Hardy describes in “Ban Boxing—It’s Demeaning and Dangerous”?

5- What is one of the specific categories of drugs discussed in “The Dangers of Doping” by the Public Broadcasting Service”?

6- What is one of the biggest changes in youth sports inrecent years, according to “The Dangers of Sports Specialization” by theOrthopaedic and Neurosurgery Specialists?

7-What is one of the particular issues regarding concussionsthat Andrew M. Blecher discusses in “The NFL Concussion Crisis &The Doctor-Patient Relationship”?

SECOND ESSAY: “Freedom of Speech: Are Limitations on Our Rights Ever Justified?,” Chapter 24, pp. 543-558https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hate-speech-online_…

1- What does Sean McElwee say in “The Case for Censoring Hate Speech on the Internet” is one of the two aims of online hate speech?

2-What is one of the key reasons that Mathew Ingram gives assupport for the assertion in the title of “Why Twitter Is Doing theRight Thing by Refusing to Identify Users Who Posted Anti-SemiticComments”?

3- What is the key reason the ACLU gives in “Hate Speech onCampus” for its defending of “free speech for racists, sexists,homophobes, and other bigots”?

4-What does Janet Napolitano say in “It’s Time to Free Speech on Campus Again” is the best way to deal with extreme speech?

5-What is one of the specific suggestions that ChristianeAmanpour gives in her “Acceptance Speech for the Burton BenjaminMemorial Award. November 22, 2016” for what journalists should do in thefuture?