help with a quiz

Question Description

Match the term on the left with its corresponding definition on the right.

National Preparedness Goal




Public information and warning


Interdiction and disruption

Access control and identity verification


Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)


Capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident


To accomplish a mission, function, or objective based on the performance of related tasks, under specified conditions, to target levels of performance


Capabilities necessary to avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism


Delay, divert, intercept, halt, apprehend, or secure threats and/or hazards


Capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters


To expand on existing state, territorial, tribal, and local hazard identification and risk assessments


To apply and support necessary physical, technological, and cyber measures to control admittance to critical locations and systems


To deliver coordinated, prompt, reliable, and actionable information to the whole community through the use of clear, consistent, accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to effectively relay information regarding any threat or hazard, as well as the actions being taken and the assistance being made available, as appropriate


To prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk


To conduct a systematic process engaging the whole community as appropriate in the development of executable strategic, operational, and/or tactical-level approaches to meet defined objectives


Provides guidance and tools for the design, implementation, and evaluation of exercises

write one page summary following the steps provided below

Question Description

Write a summary of the assigned reading – “Binge Drinking Must Be Stopped” by Henry Wechsler (1 page) (10%)

Steps to follow when writing a summary:

  • Read the assigned text first for general meaning. Follow the writer’s meaning, trying to see the issue from the writer’s perspective and adopt the writer’s values and belief system.
  1. (optional) Read the argument slowly a second time writing in the margins brief does and says statements for each paragraph or group of closely connected paragraphs. A does statement identifies a paragraph’s function, such as “summarizes an opposing view,” “introduces a supporting reason,” or ”gives and example.” A says statement summarizes a paragraph’s main point.
  1. (optional) Examine your does and says statements to determine the major sections of the argument, and create a list of major points and sub-points. If you are visually oriented, you may prefer to make a diagram of the article.
  1. Turn your list or diagram into a prose summary. You can do it in two ways:
    1. join all the says statements into a lengthy summary and then prune it,
    2. start with a one-sentence summary of the argument’s thesis and the major supporting reasons and then gradually develop it a little with more supporting ideas.
  1. Anyway, if you explain the most important points, use the same proportion of coverage and emphasis as the original and be neutral, objective, and accurate. You may use quotations, but keep them short.
  1. Exercise critical thinking; do not simply repeat what you have read, but present the relationship between the main ideas.
  1. Always give the complete title of your text and the name of the author in full when you first refer to them. Assume that the reader of your summary is not familiar with the text you are summarizing.
  1. Make sure you are using strong verbs for the major points like argues, contends, claims, etc. as opposed to suggests, hints, etc.
  1. Do not judge the text; avoid “the author clearly states,” etc. Do not give your opinions.
  1. Use attributive tags all the time – expressions like“The author says,” “According to Smith,” or “In the author’s opinion,” etc.
  1. Revise your summary until it is the desired length and is sufficiently clear, concise, and complete.

Interest Group Consultant Simulation (Government)

Question Description

In this activity you will be pretending to be a consultant for an interest group. You will be charged with helping that interest group better achieve its goals. Have fun and be creative in this activity!

Your paper should be at least 500 words long.

1.First, select an interest group from the following list that you will be consulting for (*you may only complete this assignment on one the listed interest groups):

a.Service Employees International Union

b.National Association of Realtors

c.US Chamber of Commerce

d.National Rifle Association

e.National Education Association

f.American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees


h.National Association of Broadcasters

2.In the first sentence of your paper please state very clearly what interest group you have selected.

3.Next, describe in your own words, what your selected interest group mission is. Do not copy and paste or quote the organization’s mission in your paper. Use your own words.

4.Next, take that mission statement and rewrite it in a new short one sentence “elevator pitch” that you think would be more effective. Feel free to get creative.

5.Look up your selected interest groups website. What is the web address? What do you like about their website? What do you think could be improved about their website?

6.Look up your selected interest group on social media. What is good about their social media presence? What could be improved about their social media presence?

7.Look up your selected interest group on Open Secrets or the Federal Elections Commission website and discuss your findings. How much money does your interest group have? What is that money being spent on? In your opinion, are they using their money effectively? How could they spend their money to better accomplish their goals?

8.Come up with at least one completely original idea that could be used to improve your selected interest groups efforts. Describe this idea in detail. What specific goal would this idea seek to accomplish? What types of resources would this idea need? How would this idea improve the organization’s efforts to achieve its mission?

9.Finally, be sure to provide a reference list.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.


Question Description

1. Students will:a. Take the online Crest Career Interest Inventory at: Take the June/Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory at Prepare a Resume for Employment as per the enclosed format.

2. Students are at liberty to use other inventories if they desire. Other possible inventoriesinclude but are not limited to: Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) Assessment tool; theMAPP assessment inventory; the Career Directions Inventory; DISCOVER Inventory: andthe SIGI PLUS Inventory. NOTE: make sure the inventory is measuring career interest.

3. Students will provide the printed results of these two tests and their employment resumeto a fellow student for assessment, evaluation and development of the Employability Plan.NOTE: A client who is not a fellow student may be accepted with the approval of thecourse instructor.

4. The printed results of the Career Interest Inventory, the Personality Inventory, the studentclients resume and the employment leads section (see below for details) will be the ONLYattachments to this Employability Plan.

5. In addition to the above, the Career Counseling Student will conduct an interview with theirCareer Counseling Student Client. A one on one personal interview is preferable however, atelephone interview is acceptable. This interview is to gather additional informationnecessary to produce a comprehensive Employability Plan.

6. The Career Counseling Student will prepare the Employability Plan in according with theformat provided below.

7. Assessments will include: 1) strengths and weaknesses of each assessment; 2) compatibilityand/or non-compatibility with career goals as per resume and as expressed in the personalinterview; 3) any evidence of career indecision and indecisiveness, career maturity andadaptability, and 4) any assessments of career flexibility, motivation, and work values.Each assessment should be between 250 to 350 words, 12-point Times New Romanfont, single spaced with paragraphs indented. NOTE: If more than 350 words are necessarythe data must be substantive.

8. The Career Counselor student will select two (2) possible occupational choices based on theabove assessment. These two occupational recommendations will be selected from theDictionary of Occupational Titles – Please provide thefollowing for the occupations you have recommended: state the relationship of these tworecommended occupations as per your overall assessment

9. See additional instructions for the Employability Plan and the Employability Lead sectionsin the sample/format below.

Complete Annotate Bibliography for Psychology Course

Question Description


This is not an annotated bibliography as required for this assignment.

Use only PRIMARY sources for all references.

Use full APA format for the references.

Use only PSYCHOLOGY sources for the references.

All assignments have a required format provided in the instructions. Always use this format without making changes.



The Physiological Process of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The study will explore the dynamics of post-traumatic stress disorder. It will seek to investigate how psychological, genetic, physical, and social factors expose individuals to post-traumatic stress disorder. Equally, it will capture how post-traumatic stress disorder alters the body’s reaction to stress and effects on stress hormones and chemicals.


1. Your approved topic from week one. Search for journal articles about your topic in psychology journals. Use only PRIMARY sources. Use only the PSYCHOLOGY databases to do your research.

2. Start reading about how to write Likert scales. See the list of resources provided in the classroom and search for other resources in the library.

Then choose 3 relevant articles about your topic and prepare a summary of each by writing an annotated bibliography.

Go to the Course Materials module for the sample format you must use for the annotated bibliography.

Post your annotated bibliography using the format below.

You MUST use the following format for your post (without numbers) using numerous headings to label and separate each different part of the assignment.

– Introduction: Write a short paragraph describing your topic and its relevance to psychology.

– Write a separate annotated bibliography for each journal article:

(a) First, write the full reference in APA format.

(b) Second, write one paragraph summarizing the main ideas of the article. Use a heading to label this paragraph.

(c) Third, write a separate paragraph explaining how the article will be useful to your project. Use a heading to label this paragraph.

NOTE: Do not use personal pronouns in the Learning Activities (ex. do not write using I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.)

— All assignments must start with a title page in APA format.

— The introduction must explain the TOPIC not the paper, do not mention the paper or its parts.

Finding Common Ground and Moving Stakeholders Toward a Workable Solution: Writing the Project 1 Final Version

Question Description

Part 5 presents the last draft of the final paper for this Project. This 1,200 – 1,400-word final draft should include a thesis, all major points and evidence, an introduction and conclusion, and a Works Cited page. The evidence requirement for this Part includes at least five sources. Your five sources should include one primary source for each of the two stakeholders (such as information from their websites), at least one credible/scholarly source for each of the two stakeholders (such as scholarly articles that support their arguments or stances), and at least one credible/scholarly source that supports the validity of your proposed compromise.

In review of the essay requirements for this project, your project 1 final version should include the following: (1) an introduction that clearly identifies both stakeholders, the controversial issue, and thesis that presents the point of contention between the stakeholders and explains a proposed compromise, (2) a fair representation of the major stakeholders’ points and evidence that demonstrates your understanding of the value of each position (empathy), (3) a discussion of what the two stakeholders have in common (common ground), (4) a single, feasible and objective resolution that would benefit both stakeholders and potentially work to resolve the issue, (5) a defense of why the resolution is workable for both stakeholders and in which contexts the compromise will work and satisfy each stakeholder, (6) a conclusion that highlights the main points and considers forward-thinking research ideas for research/action, and (7) a Works Cited page.

Step by Step

  1. Review Steps 1-7, noted on your Part 2 Intermediate Draft Project Description and in the above Part 4 Final Draft Description
  2. Review the class content and homework assignments from your Intermediate draft submission and determine the final draft additions or revisions you may need to make based on this new information
  3. Thoroughly review all feedback offered through peer review and by your instructor and determine the revisions needed for your final draft based on your critical assessment of the feedback received
  4. In addition to significantly revising your draft, present a polished draft that attends to grammar and surface issues, and use proper format as identified by your instructor.

Text Analysis Paper.

Question Description

Prompt: Interpret a chosen text in a formal analysis paper.

Major Focuses: CRITICAL THINKING, selecting/refining topics; developing, organizing and supporting ideas; considering context, audience and purpose; incorporating appropriate resources into a text.

Requirements for your critical analysis

Your paper will be at least 800 words in length. It must be formatted in a 12-point font and double spaced. Set your margins to 1” on all sides. Your paper is formal, so it should only employ a third person point of view.

Critical elements: Write an essay that closely examines a text for both what it says and for how it does so, with the goal of demonstrating for readers how – and how well – the text achieves its effects.

What type of text must I select?

Writing (poem, novella, short story),

image (photograph, illustration, video, film),




advertisement (in series),

fashion (in series)

Consider the rhetorical situation of your text:

Purpose: Was there an event, situation, or reason for the text?

Audience: Who was this text created for?

Stance & Subject: Is the text taking a position? Is it making a statement? Is the message overt? What is the text about?

Tone & Attitude: What is the tone (attitude) conveyed by the creator of the text. Consider the context in which it was created.

Author Bias: Is the creator trying to persuade? What do you know about the creator?

Media/Design: What is the medium of the text you are analyzing? Would it have been better suited to another medium? Would the message have been stronger/weaker/different?

Consider the rhetorical situation of your essay:

Genre: Formal essay

Audience: Classmates, instructor, ______?________

Stance: What is your point (thesis)?

Purpose: Why did you choose this text?

Media/Design: MLA format for internal citations and work cited. The final is uploaded to Blackboard, draft is printed.

Important: with this exercise, you will need to include the text (3D text should be photographed). Make sure you have time to scan the text (if needed) to include in your essay submission.


Biopsychology Discussion 300words

Question Description

The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. Approach your response as though it is a mini essay with complete sentences, distinct paragraphs, and correct spelling and punctuation. Grammar and spelling matter. Online courses demand the same standard of academic communication and use of grammar as face-to-face courses.

Using a minimum of 300 words, provide a thorough response to the following prompts:

  1. The left hemisphere specializes in verbal and analytical functions. The right hemisphere focuses on nonverbal abilities, such as spatial-manipulative skills, art and musical abilities, and visual recognition tasks. Keep in mind that both hemispheres are activated when we perform almost any task or respond to any stimuli. If your brain and only one hemisphere, would you want it to be the right hemisphere or the left? Support your decision by referring to the learning material for this module.
  2. You share half of your genetic makeup with each of your parents, but you are no doubt very different from both of them. Spend a few minutes jotting down the similarities and differences between you and your parents. How do you think your unique environment and experiences have contributed to some of the differences you see?
  3. Select either of the interactive websites below and describe your experience of it.
    1. The Synapse (Links to an external site.)
    2. The Split Brain Experiment (Links to an external site.)

In addition, you are expected to provide a supportive and/or reflective comment to the post of one classmate. In order to receive the maximum possible 15 points, you must accurately and thoroughly answer each part of the discussion prompt using at least 300 words (including the prompt in your response is not included in the word count) and comment on the post of one of your classmates.

Grading Rubric

You can see a rubric that has been associated with an assignment by clicking the three little dots that appear at the top right corner of the prompt.

Psy610 wk2

Question Description

Topic Statement

In the final week of this course, you will design an intervention to address a specific problem you have identified utilizing social psychological insight. To ensure proper preparation for this cumulative work and to provide you with an opportunity for initial feedback, this week you will identify and describe a problem using relevant theory and research. Note that the purpose of this assignment is formative. At this point, you are not expected to have a perfectly firm grasp on the material or a detailed plan for addressing a particular problem, but you should be progressing in a clear direction with regard to relevant background information and resources. Your topic statement should encompass the following:

  • Describe a problem of interest to you, personally, or that you are likely to encounter, professionally.
  • Relate the behaviors that contribute to and result from this social issue.
  • Discriminate relevant theoretical perspectives from social psychology.
  • Generate potential intervention strategies.

Synthesize the information you have acquired from your review of the literature, guided by the above points.

Conclude with a paragraph that includes questions you have, additional directions you plan to explore through your research, initial thoughts about the final paper, and any problems you are experiencing or think you might encounter.

The Topic Statement

  • Must be at least 3 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s Introduction to APA.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Running head
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must utilize academic voice.
  • Must address the topic with critical thought.
  • Must use at least three peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Additional scholarly sources are encouraged.
  • Must utilize in-text citations appropriately.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.

Week 5 assignments

Question Description

Week five:

All assignments must be formatted correctly; use MLA standards for font, spacing, and margins. See the website OWL at Purdue and look up MLA format for all of the information you will need in this class. Formatting will be graded!

Discussion Guidelines:

For discussion, please post and respond to classmates as helpfully as possible as everyone revises during our final days of the term!


I expect you to read the assignments carefully and respond thoughtfully and in interesting ways to the reading and to one another. You should always seek to expand the conversation, and not to end it.

Some Additional Information:

This week you are completing the second 2-page essay, and I am also asking you to read the document here, as you look ahead to beginning the research paper (a three-page draft of it) next week:

Pay particular attention to the process of sifting through research. You will use any scholarly perspectives that are not the same as your thesis as counterarguments – after all, if a scholar presents an alternative reading, that is a counterargument even if they are not directly arguing against your position. For example, if you are arguing that a particular character is presented more sympathetically than many readers realize at first, then any analysis that scholars publish of that character which does not suggest that (which overlooks that) can be presented as other arguments that miss the mark.

You will also want to go over the research paper template and the model research papers this week as you look ahead to the research paper, and perhaps also review the essay template and model essay as you complete our second essay of the term.

Have fun!

As you work through the reading and your discussion post and responses to classmates, please E-mail me with any questions and keep in touch!