Effects of Cubism

Question Description


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper detalis:

TOPIC: What arethe EFFECTS of CUBISM (Analytical or Synthetic cubism) on other culturesin Europe between approx 1909-1925/30. (Ex. Germany, Italy,Netherlands, France, Russia)

CHOOSE: Please CHOOSE one artist for discussions from at least TWO different geographical regions.
(Ex. An artist from France, and an artist from Russia)

(While art work X and art work Y are different (similar?) from XXXXtime period and are from different geographical locations, they bothillustrate the effects of XXXX cubism by XXXXX….) this is the basicidea of the essay.

TIPS for ESSAY – Guidelines

Helpful suggestions for composing your writing:

Write your essay in the present tense and in third person. Omit use ofpersonal pronouns (ex. I, we, you, us, etc.) Make clear, concisestatements of fact, not opinion.
Include: Introduction, body of text, conclusion

Describe any art works using Visual Analysis – WHAT is the art work about? Subject? Use specific detail.

REMINDER: the good Qs to remember: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW? Be Specific…!

Introduction: Make engaging opening statements – Bring the reader into your writing.

Elements evident in art work: Line, shape, color, texture/pattern, space, time/motion,
Balance, scale, mass/volume, perspective, structure, etc.
Materials, medium, techniques, process, methods
(some elements are not applicable)
(painting, sculpture, photography, drawing)

Discuss: Context in which the art work was created? What do you knowabout the art and the art works the artist created? What may have beenthe intention of the artist in creating the works?
The reader may need background info about the artist to understand the subject.

** Some Qs that are merely guidelines and may not always apply:

o Does the art work communicate an action, narrative, or story?
o Does the art work explore movement… capture objects in motion?
o What kind of abstract elements can observe in the art work?
o Is text used in the work? Explain
o Do key objects have symbolic value or provide a clue to meaning?
o What is the overall mood… (this can be your perspective, of course)
o What. Subject matter contributes to the mood?
o What events and surrounding environments influenced the art works? (Context)
o Is the work characteristic of a particular style, movement, pr time period?

Stick to your topic… no sideline tangents … ideas should flow andtransition to each supporting sentence and paragraph …. no grandiosevocabulary.

Conclude – affirm your opening with thoughtful, engaging statements without repeating the opening.

daily notes

Question Description

Posting Daily Notes: Reading the assigned readings and screening media at home are essential components of this course. There are two sets of questions: one for readings and one for screenings. These postings will help you to synthesize and organize your thoughts about what you learn.

This is a class about black freedom movement.

This week we learning about Civil Rights Movement and The Emergence of Network TV.

Write two daily notes, one for screening and one for reading.

Reading the books (which I upload)

Watching the screening

Follow the templates to write 2 daily notes. The templates for each are below!!

Daily Notes Template for Readings [Template for Screenings Below]

Please add your notes and respond to each section below. You do not have to write in complete sentences (unless you want to), but you do have to write in complete thoughts that I can comprehend. Please do not exceed one-page per daily posting for the readings. If there is more than one reading, use an abbreviation to distinguish the author (ex. for Schmitt, Sch. or Daulatzai, D.)

List main ideas, concepts, arguments and any key* example (s):

List any connections to other texts or media we’ve seen and/or how this text fits into our class:

List your own thoughts about the text (agreement, alternatives, counter points, confusion, inspiration, etc.) and choose one important passage from the text based on your thoughts.

(You can list the page number for longer quotes):


Daily Notes Template for Screenings

Please add your notes and respond to each section below. You do not have to write in complete sentences (unless you want to), but you do have to write in complete thoughts that I can comprehend. Please do not exceed one-page per daily posting for the screenings. If there is more than one screening, use an abbreviation to distinguish which media text (ex. for episode 1 from Eyes on the Prize, ep. 1)

List main ideas, concepts, arguments and any key example (s):

List your observations about the visuals or audio (the style, techniques, tone).:

List your own thoughts about the media text (agreement, alternatives, counter points, confusion, inspiration, etc.) and choose one important scene or visual/audio moment from the media text based on your thoughts. (You can briefly describe it and/or include a timestamp):

country is Republic of Congo. at least 800 words. due in 14 hours. answer every part separately separately

Question Description

I attached the instructions


Banerjee & Duflo. Poor Economics Ch 3 health pp. 41-56; 68-70

Ch 4 education pp. 71-82

Ch 6 effects & risks pp. 133-155


Steven Radelet Emerging Africa – How 17 Countries are Leading the Way (on Canvas-SDG&Africa-Africa): read Chapter Six and Seven

Written Blog Post #3 is due before midnight the day before class

Please answer these questions (Part one and part two) connected to your readings. Be critical.

Part I: Questions on Emerging Africa

Please reflect on the reading of Emerging Africa: How 17 Countries are Leading the Way by Steven Radelet.

–Explain the meaning of a “Cheetah” and a “Big Man” also called the cheetah generation and the hippo generation? (Ch. 7 and 3 from last week’s reading) Explain how these terms refer to a different way of looking at democracy and civil society?

–Is Radelet’s positive view in Chapter 6 on the African ICT explosion valid and sustainable? What are challenges?

You read quite a bit by now about Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). You will further analyze your assigned/chosen country this week relying on what you have read so far and finding more information.

  • Find a ‘cheetah’ (person or organization) in your assigned country and show his/her/its work that helps the country move towards protection of human rights, free speech, systems of accountability, reducing poverty, etc.
  • Chapter 3 of Radelet’s Emerging Africa talks extensively about democracy building as well as discusses how one defines democracy, what is elemental and how are democracies ranked and judged. How does your country rank? Explore the following sites and answer the questions


Part II: questions below associated with Poor Economics by Banerjee & Duflo. The problems associated with poverty are complex.

  • What are major obstacles in raising developing countries out of poverty? Ch 6
  • What are effective health investments? Ch 3
  • Education is a challenge. What do you see that works or does not work in your assigned country? (the country you were assigned last week) Ch 4

Outline for Week 2 Assigment ( Revision)

Question Description

The Week 2 assignment is a formal outline for your academic argument, which requires understanding of weekly instructor guidance and College Writing Handbook chapters 1, 3, and section 2.1. In Week 1, you developed your topic and constructed a research question. In Week 1, you developed your topic and constructed a research question. This week, you’ve researched the topic and can begin to develop your argument. Create your argument based on the information you have gathered through research and tracked in your research notebook.

In this assignment, you will show that you are achieving important learning outcomes:

  1. Interpret information through close and critical reading.
  2. Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
  3. Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
  4. Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
  5. Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a formal, alphanumeric, full-sentence outline formatted in proper APA style. The outline must organize your argument into an introduction, conclusion, and at least five body sections (approximately 550 words or more). The introduction section must include a working thesis statement, which is an arguable response to your research question. Each body section should contain a topic sentence and subordinate claims and evidence from at least five credible and scholarly sources. Paraphrases, summaries, and quotes must be cited accurately and used with integrity. This assignment requires a title page and a reference list.

Alonda, I appreciate that you submitted something, but this is not an outline. You have submitted an essay draft, and the point of this assignment was to engage with the outline form. You also didn’t find/use the required amount of scholarly sources, per the directions.

For the content, I’m not sure what your argument is, as you don’t have a clear thesis statement. You have a citation at the end of the intro paragraph, and I’m not sure why that is either. What is the argument? You need to avoid just describing a situation, and actually make an argument.

Please revise and resubmit this outline by end of day on 09/12. Email me when you have done so, in order for me to review/grade.

( 0.00 / 2.00) Argument Development

( 0.00 / 2.00) Rhetorical Development

( 0.00 / 2.00) Structure and Organization

( 0.00 / 2.00) Academic Honesty & Source Integration

( 0.00 / 1.00) Writing Skills/Grammar/Mechanics

( 0.00 / 1.00) Page Layout and Formatting

analyze a letter from martha gellhorn to harry hopkins during the new deal 2 pages

Question Description

For your second essay assignment, you will be analyzing a letter from esteemed journalist, Martha Gellhorn, to the Secretary of Commerce during the New Deal, Harry Hopkins. Today, Gellhorn is considered one of the greatest journalists of the last century. At the advice of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, in 1934 Hopkins hired Gellhorn to serve as a field investigator for the Federal Emergency Relief Association (FERA). She wrote this letter to him after returning from North Carolina that November.

FIND IT HERE: GLO DOCUMENT. Martha Gellhorn to Harry Hopkins, 1934.pdf

Your essay should do the following:

  • Place the document within its larger historical context using the textbook and lecture notes as your guide
  • Identify the major points, purposes, and intended audiences of the document
  • Determine what specific themes and issues from the covered material are represented in the document and explain their connections
  • Use the document as primary evidence to make at least two historical conclusions about the New Deal
  • Have a clear and focused thesis which reflects the conclusions you intend to explain

Your essay must be a minimum of two complete double-spaced pages with 12-point, Times New Roman font. It should be written in a comprehensive format with an introduction, thesis statement, specific examples (this does not mean large quotes from the text), citations, and a conclusion. It should not include any outside sources other than lecture notes and textbook without prior approval.


Strategies and Guidelines:

  • The idea here is to engage with the primary source provided, and to keep it at the center of your analysis. Students sometimes want to write a grand narrative about the events and people involved. That is not a good strategy. You should show your reader specifically how the document connects to the larger history it is a part of.
  • This document is a primary source. Treat it the same way you would any contemporary source you come across. We do not take news stories, personal accounts, or political speeches at face value. This document needs the same kind of investigation, scrutiny, and evaluation.
  • The best essays are ones with a strong thesis statement that includes historical conclusions, and uses clear evidence and historical context from the document and covered material to prove them.

write a 3 page double space to answer 2 questions about nontraditional occupations

Question Description

How did you cope with these issues( experience any role encapsulation or stereotyping? any boundary heightening?)

Do you have any advice for others in similar situations?

Use the introduction part in the word document for example as interviewee in the hotel.

Here is helpful understanding about the groups.

Skewed and Tilted GroupsTilted groups are groups in which one sex (or any type of group – for example, a racial group) is presentin significantly greater numbers than the other. In skewed groups, the tilt toward one sex isoverwhelming. Hence groups in which men comprise 65 to 85% of the total are considered to be tilted,while those with 85 to almost 100% males are considered to be skewed.With more women entering junior- and middle management positions, the work groups at these levelsare becoming less skewed (and more tilted). However, at upper managerial levels, the groups are still highly skewed in favour of men. How does the composition of the group affect the males and femalesworking within it?People who are almost the representatives of a minority group, face special problems. Since women aremore often rarely represented in top positions at managerial levels, they face several problems. Being anonly or almost only member of a minority group makes them highly visible and more prone toperformance pressures. Most women in such situations feel they have to outperform the males in theirgroups to gain credibility.Dominant group members often resent the attention given to such a “sole representative” member andtend to emphasize the differences between them and the minority group member. This is done throughactivities that highlight their “togetherness” and difference from the minority group member, such as inthe example quoted at the beginning of this section. This is called boundary heightening.Minority group members who are in extremely skewed groups (i.e., where they are the only person ofthe minority group or one of very few members) are also subject to stereotyping. For example, womenmanagers are often expected to bring coffee and take minutes and, in general, to perform activities thatare more in line with the stereotypes of females. This is called role encapsulation.Women in such circumstances sometimes react to their minority status by attempting to become “one ofthe boys” to such an extent that they resent other women entering the group. This is called the queen beesyndrome.

CHFD220 Assignment 2

Question Description

Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission.

Using a minimum of 1000 words, answer the following questions. Be sure to use two references, other than your media item, to support your work. Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly.

  • What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?
  • What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge. <o:p>

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool. Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work. An originality score should generally be no more than 20%. Originality scores between 20 and 50% will be graded with a point deduction. Any originality score over 50% after review will be graded with a 0. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

Grading Rubric

Week 2 Assignment: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Aging

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The message of the media/cartoon/advertisement is discussed.


Examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are clearly conveyed and evaluated.


Responses are thoughtful and engaging. The writer includes his/her unique experiences or view of the world as a basis for writing or to connect ideas in interesting ways.


At minimum, 2 appropriate references are used to support the writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing Structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules.


Writing assignment meets the minimum 1000-word count requirement.




L.s.s illustration essay

Question Description

Illustration Essay Draft

Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the form of a thesis statement) by choosing to write a single-example illustration essay or a multiple-example illustration essay (see Unit V, Lesson 2). The essay should be written in the style and form described within Unit V.

Purpose: Throughout Unit V, we have discussed the conventions of the illustration essay. The purpose of this assignment is to measure your mastery of those conventions by putting your knowledge to practice. In a larger context, the purpose of writing an illustration essay is to convey an idea to the reader by providing illustrations (examples) that will solidify the existence of a topic.

Process: For the illustration essay, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a topic: See the methods for developing a topic and the suggested list of topics in Unit V, Lesson 3.
  2. Decide if you want to write a single-example or multiple-example essay: See Unit V, Lesson 2, for more instruction on the differences between single-example and multiple-example essays.
  3. Collect illustrations: See Unit V, Lesson 1, for more information about different kinds of illustrations. See Unit V, Lesson 4, for more information about how to gather illustrations.
  4. Craft your thesis statement: See Unit V, Lesson 5, for more information on how to write a thesis. Note that you want to craft your thesis according to whether you choose to write a single-example or a multiple-example essay.
  5. Draft the essay: For each section of the essay, see the following: Unit V, Lesson 6, for the introduction; Unit V, Lesson 7, for the body paragraphs; and Unit V, Lesson 8, for the conclusion.

Stylistic details: All essays must meet the following requirements:

  • 750-1000 words.
  • Write in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
  • Include one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Use double spacing (top-to-bottom every page, to include above and below titles and centered words).
  • Include an APA title page (for all essays) and reference list that includes all of the sources used in the essay.
  • Include a header.
  • Include page numbers (upper-right corner only).
  • Adhere to APA convention and documentation style (See the CSU citation guide for assistance.).
  • At least one source is required. All sources used must be cited.

Class Conversation 2–Oversexed & Undereducated?: Exploring the Politics of Sex in Society

Question Description

Contemplate and share your perceptions regarding the following questions:

  • Is sex everywhere in our society? Please provide support and examples for your position from the chapter, personal experience/observations and other credible research you may include.
  • If you answered yes to the above statement, what could potentially be the impetus for this based on the chapter readings, your own views and observations?
  • How does this impact us as individuals, couples, and families?

This then ties in with the topic of sex education in America …

From your own experience and what we have learned in class from chapter 4, “Our Sexual Selves”:

  • How do you think we are doing as a country concerning educating ourselves and future generations about sex?
  • Thinking about how you learned about sex—what role did your parents play, your peers, your school, even media? Would you have wanted anything done differently and if so, what?
  • Finally, our text addresses the topic of sexual responsibility and based on the definition provided, what does that mean to you and how can our society promote and encourage sexual responsibility in how we teach and address sexuality?

Remember to explain and support your views with not only opinion but information from the chapter along with other credible sources you may choose to you.

Submit your discussion posts using the reply arrow below. Be sure to share complete thoughts, examples, and answer the questions above in a way that promotes further discussion with each other.

Please feel free to present in first person but still in essay/paragraph form. Do not just do question/answer, question/answer. Follow the expectations for class discussions as addressed in Module 0.

As always remember to:

  • REVIEW YOUR WORK BEFORE SUBMITTING because once you post, you cannot go back and edit (see Module 0 concerning this policy).
  • Integrate course material from chapter 4 into your post in addition to your personal views and/or experiences.
  • Post to at least four others in the discussion.
  • Be sure to always properly cite any sources used within your post and also provide a reference list at the end in APA format.
  • Keep in mind: Your original post to this prompt is worth up to 10 points and your 4 peer responses are worth up to 4 points (1 point each). This makes the total points for this discussion worth 14 points

Essay 3 Description: Comparison and Contrast Essay

Question Description

For your next essay this semester, you will focus on examining two arguments: one short video and one short article. Your choices are listed at the bottom of this page.

Choose one set of texts to analyze (either option A or option B), and write a paper arguing either that one text is stronger than the other OR that both texts are equally strong.

Begin your essay with an introduction paragraph that gives a brief summary of your texts and ends with your thesis statement.

Each body paragraph (you should have at least three) should make a point about the arguments you are examining. For example, if you feel that the video is stronger than the article, your topic sentence might look like this: One reason that Chavez’s article presents a stronger argument than the video is because…then you give give your reason, and you would support your point in your body paragraph.

Be sure to avoid summary outside of the introduction paragraph. You should use information from the texts (at least two direct quotes from either text) and cite everything correctly.

End with a concluding paragraph that discusses the significance of the topic.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Be sure to include a works cited page for your essay.
  • Your essay should have an introduction (at least five sentences) a conclusion (at least 3 sentences) and at least 3 body paragraphs (at least 7 sentences a piece).
  • Correctly format your paper according

Choose ONE of the following options for your paper. For whichever option you choose, be sure to read the article and watch the video. You must refer to both texts in your essay, and be sure to correctly cite every direct quotes that you use.