300 Word Answer

Question Description

For this discussion, you will visit Twitter (Links to an external site.) and click on the little magnifying glass on the left side of the screen to reveal the search box to search Twitter. Then, do the following:

  • In the search box, type the words “predictive policing” in the search box and click “enter” to initiate a Twitter search.
  • Scroll down the page and review some of the tweets that mention the term predictive policing. Choose two tweets that interest you. Choose different tweets from those your classmates have chosen. Therefore, this is a good activity to do early in the week. (Classmates tweets attached below. Make sure to look at them so you don’t choose the same).
  • Share the links to the tweets in the discussion board. See below for further instructions on what to include in your discussion.
  • If you do not have a Twitter account, simply click on the tweet and copy and paste the URL for the tweet. Share the link on the discussion board. See below for further instructions on what to include in your discussion.
  • In addition to the links to the two tweets you chose, please address the following in your discussion:
    • Overall, what did you observe in reviewing the tweets from the Twitter search term “predictive policing?” For example, what concerns with predictive policing are addressed in the tweets?
    • Were you able to make sense of what predictive policing is based on your review of the tweets on this topic?
    • Based on your review of the recent tweets (in the past six months), did it appear that predictive policing is effective?
    • If you were to reply to one of the tweets you chose about predictive policing, what would you say? (Remember that you can use only 140 characters or less on Twitter so be clever in your tweet.)

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your initial post with examples from your required reading material and/or scholarly or credible sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for guidance. Please provide both in-text citations and a references list at the end of your initial post in APA style (Links to an external site.), as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Discussion 8: Gender/Race/Identity Analysis (Craft and Industrial Design)

Question Description

Please report on one well-known or galley-level work of craft, fiber/textile art, high-art fashion or industrial design made between 1945 and 2010 CE. The work can, for instance, be an Eames chair, a Hitomi Hosono porcelain, or a Jagoda Buic fiber work. The work should be three-dimensional and have a use-function, as well as an art function, as noted in your readings. Your report should be at least 400 words, and should include these numbered sections:

1. Image: Post an image or link to your chosen work, with the MLA citation and URL to the source.

2. Material Data: Name the artist/designer (if known), date(s), current location or museum, materials used and size. Note its use(s) and any special production techniques utilized.

3. Formal Analysis: Describe your chosen work using at least four (4) of these categories: Line, Shape and Form, Space, Texture, Value and Light, Color, and Implied Movement (Time), Repetition, Variety, Rhythm, Balance, Compositional Unity, Emphasis, Economy, and/or Proportion.

4. [NEW] Gender/Race/Identity Analysis: This section will require research beyond your readings. Report on how this chosen work reflects on race, identity and/or gender. For instance the work might be meditating on Black, Latino or immigrant experience in America or women’s or LGBT discrimination, or a work that simply reinforces the mainstream White male heterosexual “status quo”. Even if the work does not explicitly deal with these issues, analyze these issues within the work, given its appearance at this time and place. (Note that the artist may not have had the intention to design a work that deals with these global issues, but every work appears in a political context, and therefore makes a comment on these issues).

On these methods see:

Nochlin, Linda (1971). Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? Women, Art and Power and Other Essays. Westview Press.
https://deyoung.famsf.org/files/whynogreatwomenartists_4.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Race and Identity Sources by Lee and Rachel
http://arthistoryteachingresources.org/lessons/race-and-identity/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

5. Personal Reflections: Why did you choose this work? What are its least and most attractive aspects to you?

6. MLA citations to your research sources.

Initial posting: up to 16 possible points.
Substantial reply to at least two other students: up to 10 possible points
Spelling, grammar, formatting and citations: up to 4 possible points.
TOTAL : 30 possible points

hi this is a blog and i would like you to help me with it

Question Description

Topic: First Impressions of Sociology

A blog is like a journal designed to share information about some subject for a general audience. In this class, you will be generating and discussion four informed blogs about Sociological topics (I will provide the subjects/prompts). For your first post, I’m going to give you a little more structure and ask you to organize your blog post around the three following prompts:

  1. Introduce yourself (one large paragraph). Here, I’d like you to take some time and reflect on the following questions: Where do you see yourself fitting in society (usually people envision some type of career or family role)? What are 2 -3 social problems, needs, or phenomena related to this role or position? What types of Sociological knowledge and occupational skills (specifically reviewed in Chapter 1 and Lecture 1) will help you obtain this position and manage these social problems/needs/phenomena?
  2. Reflect Sociologically (one large paragraph). Using your own words, please describe the Sociological Imagination. Then, take one social problem/need/phenomenon that you listed above and describe how it can be treated as a personal trouble (i.e., applying the individualist perspective) AND as a public issue (i.e., applying the Sociological Imagination). In the U.S., is this social problem/need/phenomenon treated like a personal trouble or social problem? Defend your position using what you learned about the Sociological Imagination (e.g., think about blame, policies, stigmas, etc. related to this condition). You must referee an appropriate outside source here. Click here to read about credible outside sources. NOTE: Your work must substantively differ from the examples given in my lecture and the textbook!
  3. Analyze Theoretically (one large paragraph). A theory is a way of understanding the world that guides how we study it and change it. Using your own words, please briefly describe the two theoretical perspectives below (assigned by last name). Then, analyze the social problem/need/phenomenon you’ve been discussing in your post from each of these theoretical perspectives. Compare them and describe which theoretical approach would be useful for understanding this problem/phenomenon and why.
    1. Last name starting with A – G. Analyze the social problem/need/phenomenon using a functionalist and a conflict theoretical perspective .
    2. Last name starting with H – O. Approach the social problem/need/phenomenon using a conflict theoretical and a symbolic interactionist perspective
    3. Last name starting with P – Z. Approach the social problem/need/phenomenon using a symbolic interactionist and a functionalist perspective.

write a literacy narrative about speaking two languages and how it effects the society, what where the gains, and follow the direction below

Question Description

Assignment Objectives: In this assignment, you will apply the critical tools (the Genre Toolkit) to the set of literacy narratives in HWW. You will determine the conventional elements of a literacy narrative and use them to write your own literacy narrative.

Genre: What is it? A literacy narrative is a first-person story about learning to read or write that often highlights the power the narrator gains from literacy. Who reads it? Students and teachers who read literacy narratives to interrogate issues of power and language. What is it for? Toprovide insight into the writer’s background; to persuade readers to accept a larger message(often about language, literacy, and power).

To prepare to write:

  • Read How Writing Works p 2-18 and answer these questions from the textbook in Bb assignments. Due:o p 12-1.1 Evaluate a Literacy Narrative
    o p. 15-1.2 Discover Conventions of Everyday Genreso p. 16-1.3 Identify the Audience
    o p. 17-1.4 Identify a Genre’s Purpose
  • Read “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” (in Module 1) to see another example of a literacynarrative.To write the Literacy Narrative:
  • Step 1 – Think about the different kinds of “literacy” that you have encountered in yourlife. Besides learning how to read and write, are there other kinds of literacies you have had to gain? For example, have you learned a second language? Have you moved to a different school or town and encountered differences in slang, accents, etc.? Have you learned the language of a particular group that was unfamiliar to you at first (say, the language of sports, music, or a hobby)?
  • Step 2 – Drawing on the ideas you came up with in step 1, choose one concrete event that contributed to your gaining a particular type of literacy—a moment where you were confused or a moment where you gained new insights, say. Write a paragraph or two in which you describe that moment in the first person, using as many concrete details about that event as you can.
  • Step 3 – Develop the paragraphs you have written so they provide a description, using concrete details, of a moment when you experienced an increase in literacy. It will include a reflection on how acquisition of literacy might be linked to acquisition of power or influence.Parameters: Your literacy narrative needs to demonstrate that you understand this genre and can write this genre taking into account Who reads it, and What it is for. It should be about 1000 words.

Please make a response to a student-for a discussion thread assignment

Question Description

Students post:

By the Pope publishing a document called the Papal Bull, written in 1484, it greatly attributed to the upsurge in witch hunts and persecutions through the 16th and 17th centuries. Before hand however, during the 15th century a change began in which many people in European countries culturally started to shift their thoughts away from the Roman Catholic church’s control. A professor by the name of Martin Luther encouraged the Reformation movement by posting his disputes against the church, called ’95 Theses’ on the churches door. The Roman Catholic Church played a crucial rule in the lives of Europe both spiritually and immensely politically, due to its unmatchable power and non separation of church and state. However when protestants came forward and ignited change gearing towards what is known now as the Reformation, the church began to lose it’s control over it’s regions and thus witch hysteria culture was born.

It was Witch Hysteria’s goal to inflict organizational fear upon it’s believing and non-believing people. The Papal Bull, was the first document to touch on the subject of witch awareness and also the first step in which the church made it’s first political moves forward to regain power. Next, the creation of the ‘Hammer of Witches’ document in which describes a handbook towards procedures of seizing and obtaining confessions of supposed witches, further instigating a new witch hunt culture and fear of being chosen or labeled as suspicious. Though both documents articulate that both men and women are possibilities for witch evil, it is thoroughly engraved in a handbook written by Heinrich Kramer, that women are the main source because they are “particularly susceptible to the crime because of their inability to control their passions, a commonly-held viewpoint,”(Kramer) and because roughly 75% of 40,000 persecutions were women, is it unequivocally true.


Kramer, Heinrich. Malleus Maleficarum. Translated by Rev. Montague Summers. London: J. Rodker, 1928.

Luther, Martin. 95 Theses. Fordham University. Internet Medieval Sourcebook. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/luther95.txt (Links to an external site.). Sept. 2019.

Romanum, Bullarium. Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes. (Taurinensis editio) Medieval Sourcebook: Witchcraft Documents.[15th Century] Dec. 5th, 1484. Accessed at https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/witches1.asp (Links to an external site.)

Nider, Johannes. The Ant Hill. Ed. of Augsburg, Ca. 1476Lib. V. cap. 3. Circa 1437.

The Hammer of the Witches. (Malleus Maleficaru), University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of History, Philadelphia. 1486.

Art 103 -The Visual Elements (Color) and the Principles of Design

Question Description

Answer the following questions using vocabulary and ideas from Lectures 4 & 5 and your textbook. The page number corresponds to the page in your textbook on which this work can be found. Please make sure each answer is thoughtful, edited for grammar and spelling errors, and at least 57 COMPLETE sentences. Also, be as specific as possible and use examples to support EVERY statement. You must also include the visual elements when discussing the principles of design.

Cautionary note: Please make sure and use your own words in your answer. Don’t lift or slightly reword entire passages from your textbook or an online source. This is considered plagiarism, for which you’ll receive no credit. Use your textbook to provide factual support for your own description of these works.


1. Page 498- “The Joy of Life,” Henri Matisse, 1905-06, oil on canvas
Describe in detail the use of color in this painting. What hues are present (primary, secondary, and/or tertiary)? Refer to the color wheel on page 88 for assistance. How intense are these individual colors? What are their individual values? What are their temperatures? How has the artist used color to communicate mood?

2. Page 157 – “Hide and Seek, Kill or Speak”, Wangechi Mutu, 2004.
Is this an example of rhythm or pattern? Why? Please describe to what degree this object depicts rhythm or pattern.

3. Page 125 – “Death and Life”, Gustav Klimt, 1911.
Describe the balance in the image. Since no image utilizes just one type of balance, please use all applicable terms (horizontal, vertical, occult, etc) in your description. Remember to describe in detail why the image is balanced in this way by pointing out areas that demonstrate this.

4. Page 406 – “Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq”s Company of the Civic Guard (The Night Watch)”, Rembrandt van Rijn 1642
Define “contrast” as a principle of design. What is the level of contrast in this image? Explain in regards to the visual elements (light, line, texture, space, shape, etc). Make sure you consider all types of contrast present in the image, not just one or two.

5. Check link – “Naked Man, Back View”, Lucian Freud, 1991-92
http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/images/hb/hb_1993.71.jpgWhat is being emphasized in this painting? Which visual elements and/or principles of design did the artist subordinate or allow to dominate in order to create this effect. Explain.

Complete Psychology Task (UOP)

Question Description

Consider the following: Many products, diets, and services are marketed to parents as beneficial to infant or toddler development. In order to increase sales to parents and caretakers, some companies use marketing strategies that make exaggerated, unfounded, or unrealistic claims about the effects of their product(s) on child development.

Select one claim that you suspect to be exaggerated or false (your research may in fact show the claim has validity). Describe in detail what the advertised product, diet, or service is supposed to do. Some examples include:

  • Educational videos related to language development
  • Effects of classical music on cognitive development
  • Benefits of soy diet or organic food diet on physical and cognitive development
  • Service promising to teach your 18-month-old how to read
  • Any other claim made by a manufacturer or service provider, aimed at enhancing infant or toddler development

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following:

  • What area or areas of development does the product, diet, or service claim to enhance?
  • Use the University Library to investigate the claim. What does the published literature say about the issue you are investigating? What does the research reveal about how to promote healthy development in this area? What does this reveal about the necessity and actual benefits of the product, diet, or service?
  • Is there any evidence to support the claim? Why or why not?
  • Imagine that a licensed psychologist in your state publically endorsed a product with no empirical evidence supporting its claims. It was later discovered that the psychologist was receiving a percentage of money from the sale of the product to parents. Is this a violation of the APA Code of Ethics? Explain. Be sure to cite the appropriate section or sections of the Code in your response.

Investigate the claim using your textbook and a minimum of four additional scholarly sources (such as peer reviewed journal articles).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Note: You may not find a peer-reviewed journal article on a specific product, diet, or service. However, you will most likely be able to find peer-reviewed journal articles on the general issue that you are investigating. For example, if you are investigating educational videos that claim that cognitive skills in infancy are enhanced by using a particular approach or method, you can then review and evaluate studies that focus on enhancing cognitive skills in infancy. Review the evidence for and against the use of specific techniques and summarize your findings.

War and Violence in the 21st Century

Question Description

View one or more of the following Ted Talks about violence and war.

Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks that you have viewed and post a discussion response addressing the following points:

  • What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?
  • What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?
  • Do you think that the use of drone technology has moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?
  • Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.

answer the questions 3 sentences minimum each

Question Description

Please avoid plagiarism. Please use simplewords. Answer questions below. 3 sentences minimum.

Need ASAP. Thanks in advance!


**For each question, pleaseanswer in AT LEAST three (3) sentences**

**Please include the question ANDanswer for each entry**

**Please spellcheck and PROOFREAD- points will be deducted for careless errors.**


1. According to Langston Hughes, who should sharethe American Dream?

2. Why does Hughes state several times that “America was never America to me?


3. Rousseau says, “Man is born free, andeverywhere he is in chains.” Does he seem to be referring literally toslaves or more figuratively to people in general? Explain.

4. What does Rousseau mean by the “SocialContract’?


5. Why was the Declaration of Independencecreated?

6. According to the Declaration of Independence,from what source should the government derive its power? What should be doneif there is an abuse of power?


7. PresidentLincoln chose not to endorse universal abolition in his EmancipationProclamation. How was this a strategic decision as both a military commanderand as a national leader?

8. Whydid President Lincoln feel that it was politically necessary in a document thatabolishes slavery in the rebel states to advise the slaves to remain peacefuland work where they were?


9. What does Lincoln mean when he refers to thesoldiers not dying in vain?

10.President Lincoln redefined the Civil War not just as a war in support of theUnion, but for “a new birth of freedom.” What did he mean by thatphrase?


11. Why was de Tocqueville so fascinated withpolitical and social associations in 1830s America? Give an example of associations that provideservices to citizens that the government does not provide (i.e. an organization to which youor your family members belong).

12. According tode Tocqueville, what would happen if the government tried to take over thefunctions handled by associations?


13.What is civil disobedience?

14.Is it legally and morally correct to participate in civil disobedience if youfeel a law is unjust?

W.E.B. DuBois (1903)

15.What is the NAACP? What wasthe name of the NAACP magazine that Du Bois edited?

16.What does Du Bois mean when he states, “the problem of thetwentieth century is the problem of the color line?”


17.What does the legal doctrine “separate but equal” meanaccording to the case Plessy v. Ferguson?


18. What ruling was established by the UnitedStates Supreme Court in Brown v. Boardof Education?

Effects of Cubism

Question Description


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper detalis:

TOPIC: What arethe EFFECTS of CUBISM (Analytical or Synthetic cubism) on other culturesin Europe between approx 1909-1925/30. (Ex. Germany, Italy,Netherlands, France, Russia)

CHOOSE: Please CHOOSE one artist for discussions from at least TWO different geographical regions.
(Ex. An artist from France, and an artist from Russia)

(While art work X and art work Y are different (similar?) from XXXXtime period and are from different geographical locations, they bothillustrate the effects of XXXX cubism by XXXXX….) this is the basicidea of the essay.

TIPS for ESSAY – Guidelines

Helpful suggestions for composing your writing:

Write your essay in the present tense and in third person. Omit use ofpersonal pronouns (ex. I, we, you, us, etc.) Make clear, concisestatements of fact, not opinion.
Include: Introduction, body of text, conclusion

Describe any art works using Visual Analysis – WHAT is the art work about? Subject? Use specific detail.

REMINDER: the good Qs to remember: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW? Be Specific…!

Introduction: Make engaging opening statements – Bring the reader into your writing.

Elements evident in art work: Line, shape, color, texture/pattern, space, time/motion,
Balance, scale, mass/volume, perspective, structure, etc.
Materials, medium, techniques, process, methods
(some elements are not applicable)
(painting, sculpture, photography, drawing)

Discuss: Context in which the art work was created? What do you knowabout the art and the art works the artist created? What may have beenthe intention of the artist in creating the works?
The reader may need background info about the artist to understand the subject.

** Some Qs that are merely guidelines and may not always apply:

o Does the art work communicate an action, narrative, or story?
o Does the art work explore movement… capture objects in motion?
o What kind of abstract elements can observe in the art work?
o Is text used in the work? Explain
o Do key objects have symbolic value or provide a clue to meaning?
o What is the overall mood… (this can be your perspective, of course)
o What. Subject matter contributes to the mood?
o What events and surrounding environments influenced the art works? (Context)
o Is the work characteristic of a particular style, movement, pr time period?

Stick to your topic… no sideline tangents … ideas should flow andtransition to each supporting sentence and paragraph …. no grandiosevocabulary.

Conclude – affirm your opening with thoughtful, engaging statements without repeating the opening.