Unit 6 case study

Question Description

Most would agree that parenting is a lifelong job. The parent’s obligations begin once the baby is conceived and seemingly never end, even after his or her child becomes an adult.

Suppose that you are the parent in each of the following scenarios. Based on what you have learned from this unit’s materials, answer the following questions for each scenario by explaining how you would effectively handle each situation.

Note: While it is understood different people and even entire cultures have different parenting styles, your answers should be based on the research and theories presented in this unit.

  • Describe the stage of cognitive development of the child in each scenario.
  • Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations? What tactics would be the most useful considering your child’s level of cognitive development?

Scenario 1: At the playground, your 5-year-old daughter shoves another child and takes away the child’s toy. Your daughter then screams at the child and runs away.

Scenario 2: You discover that your 13-year-old son has taken $20 from your purse and is planning to use it to purchase vapes (e-cigarettes) at school. The only reason you found out is because your 15-year-old daughter tattled after becoming upset that her brother would not give her half of the loot to serve as hush money. How do you address each child?

Scenario 3: Your 21-year-old daughter comes home from college and excitedly shares that she met a new guy on Tinder, and she plans to marry him next month. She then reveals that she will be quitting school, despite only having 1 year left to complete her bachelor’s degree. (She does not see the need for her degree any longer, as her fiancé is rich, or so she has been told.) She has decided to throw away the career plans and dream wedding she has planned since she was 10 years old because now she finally has her Prince Charming, and her life is all set!

Your combined answers for each scenario must be at least 150 words, for a minimum of 450 words for the entire assignment (not including the title and reference pages).

Your answers should include an insightful and thorough analysis and present a strong argument with evidence. You must use at least one source to support your analysis. This may be your textbook or another scholarly source. All sources used will be properly cited. Your case study, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.

help me writing my paper

Question Description

Hello there

I need help writing my paper please!

this is the question in the bottom.

(I have 2 examples from my professor, I will post them when you start writing my paper)

Funds of Knowledge Observation & Reflection

The purpose of this assignment is to:

  • provide practice in observing and gathering data
  • encourage noticing of and reflection on Funds of Knowledge

You will observe a lesson in your EFE, take notes, and write a reflection of no more than one page (12 point font, double spaced, 1” margins).

The first paragraph of the reflection should describe the context of the observation (e.g., grade level, lesson content) and how you gathered data (see list below for guidance).

The second paragraph should describe how you saw the teacher draw on students’ Funds of Knowledge (see list below). If the lesson did not draw on Funds of Knowledge, offer examples of what could have been added to do so.

Data Gathering

  • Observing the teacher
  • Observing students
  • Looking at the classroom environment (e.g., what’s on the walls)
  • Examining student work
  • Talking to the teacher
  • Talking to students
  • Talking to other adults
  • Other (please describe):

Funds of Knowledge

  • Language
  • Seen and lived experiences
  • Neighborhood and community
  • Family and community members
  • Food, music, art
  • Ideas from religion and/or culture
  • Travel or transborder experiences

Scoring Guide

Meets Standard


Approaches Standard


Below Standards/

Resubmit (< 20)

Data Gathering

At least 3 data sources

At least 2 data sources

Only 1 data source

Context & Data Collection Description

Context is complete and clear; data collection is described in detail

Context is complete; data collection is described

Context is incomplete; data collection not fully described

Funds of Knowledge Reflection

Writer provides complete and clear explanation using the specific aspects of the Funds; Link between the observation and Funds is explicit


Writer provides examples of how specific Funds could have been incorporated.


Writer cites at least one source.

Writer does not completely explain how the Funds were used and/or does not link to specific aspects; Link between the observation and Funds is implied.


Writer provides general example of how the Funds could have been incorporated.

Writer provides a vague explanation of how the Funds were used. Link between the observation and Funds is unclear.


Writer provides vague example of how the Funds could have been incorporated.


Academic Tone

The paper is college-level, using advanced vocabulary.

The paper has college-level components, but is too informal.

The paper is below college-level; there is no advanced vocabulary, and it is written informally.

Mechanics & Citation of Sources

The essay is free of grammar and punctuation mistakes; source is cited and referenced correctly in APA style.

There are some minor grammar and/or punctuation errors.

There are significant grammar and/or punctuation mistakes.

Implicit Bias

Question Description

People don’t always say what’s on theirminds. One reason is that they are unwilling. For example, someone mightreport smoking a pack of cigarettes per day because they areembarrassed to admit that they smoke two. Another reason is that theyare unable. A smoker might truly believe that she smokes a pack a day,or might not keep track at all. The difference between being unwillingand unable is the difference between purposely hiding something fromsomeone and unknowingly hiding something from yourself.

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measuresattitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report.The IAT may be especially interesting if it shows that you have animplicit attitude that you did not know about. For example, you maybelieve that women and men should be equally associated with science,but your automatic associations could show that you (like many others)associate men with science more than you associate women with science.

Visit the Project Implicit website to take one of the IAT from the list below:

  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Sexuality (‘Gay-Straight’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability todistinguish words and symbols representing gay and straight people. Itoften reveals an automatic preference for straight relative to gaypeople.
  • Gender – Science. This IAT often reveals a relative link between liberal arts and females and between science and males.
  • Gender – Career. This IAT often reveals a relative link between family and females and between career and males.
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Race (‘Black – White’ IAT). This IAT requires the ability todistinguish faces of European and African origin. It indicates that mostAmericans have an automatic preference for white over black.
  • Asian American (‘Asian – European American’ IAT). This IATrequires the ability to recognize White and Asian-American faces, andimages of places that are either American or Foreign in origin.
  • Native American (‘Native – White American’ IAT). This IATrequires the ability to recognize White and Native American faces ineither classic or modern dress, and the names of places that are eitherAmerican or Foreign in origin.

  1. First, explore the Project Implicit website.
  2. Next, complete one of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) fromthe list above. Each test should take about 10 minutes to complete. Atthe end, you will receive your IAT result along with information aboutwhat it means.
  3. Then, share your IAT results as a screenshot (How to take a screenshot with a PC or Mac).
  4. Finally, write a reflective post about your thoughts andfeelings (a) prior to taking the test, (b) during the actual test and(c) once you received your results.

ENG-1102 Comp and Modern English

Question Description

1.After you’ve done some preliminary research, you should have a better idea of how you will organize your paper. Your outline may be formal or informal. It may be in complete sentences, but it doesn’t have to be. What it should do, however, is give me a clear idea of how you plan to develop your entire paper. It should clearly identify main points and subpoints that you plan to cover in your paper.

See the examples below:

Sample Outline:

INTRODUCTION – (Brief comment leading into subject matter –

Thesis statement on Shakespeare)

BODY – Shakespeare’s Early Life, Marriage, Works, Later Years

Early life in Stratford

Shakespeare’s family

Shakespeare’s father

Shakespeare’s mother

Shakespeare’s marriage

Life of Anne Hathaway

Reference in Shakespeare’s Poems

Shakespeare’s works




Romeo and Juliet


The Tempest

Much Ado About Nothing


King John

Richard III

iii. Henry VIII


Other poems

Shakespeare’s Later Years

Last two plays

Retired to Stratford



Epitaph on his tombstone


Analytical summary

Shakespeare’s early life

Shakespeare’s works

Shakespeare’s later years

Thesis reworded

Concluding statement

2.Using the research you locate, you are to construct an annotated bibliography in MLA style.

Your bibliography should include a minimum of five academic sources (sources like Wikipedia do not count as academic resources).

Annotated Bibliography Definition: Unlike a Works Cited page which denotes sources you have already cited in your paper, a bibliography denotes sources you have consulted and may consider using as you write your paper. You are not obligated to use the sources that you include in your annotated bibliography, but since you are required to have ten academic resources for your research paper, it benefits you to find useful sources now. An annotated bibliography includes not only citation information, but it also includes a paragraph or so summary of the material that you may use in your paper after each citation entry.

I want to choose William Faulkner as my research object. We have previously analyzed one of his articles on the textbook: A Rose for Emily. This is one of my favorite articles in so many articles. Later I found the author of this article: William Faulkner, the only Nobel Prize winner in Mississippi, and I became more curious about him. His family and the environment he grew up had a great influence on him. Mississippi marked his sense of humor, his sense of the tragic position of “black and white” Americans, and his characterization of Southern characters. The article in his text, the process of writing in the third perspective, and the portrayal of the heroine and the unexpected endings impressed me. William Faulkner is a writer worthy of my research.

Essay ya n

Question Description

In class, we’ve been working to analyze the rhetoric of visual texts (logos, objects, ads, etc.) as well as that of straightforward written texts (the Freakonomics episodes and the Bird, Zinsser, and Malkin essays). Writing Project 1 will build on these same skills of rhetorical analysis, but it will ask you to consider a somewhat more complex written text.

Please select one of the college-related texts that we have read thus far: “Freakonomics Goes to College, Part 1”(ep. 86), “Freakonomics Goes to College, Part 2” (ep. 88), Bird’s “College Is a Waste of Time and Money,” or Zinsser’s “College Pressures.” Then, rather than agreeing or disagreeing with the selection’s argument itself, analyze the ways in which the writer/speaker uses language to create a distinctive tone, style, etc., in order to make the text persuasive or powerful. In presenting this analysis, you should identify the intended audience for whom the work was written and the purpose it seeks to serve. You should also identify the effects the writer is trying produce in the audience, and evaluate the overall rhetorical success of the segment by examining how it uses the three lines of argument (pathos, ethos, and logos) as well as other rhetorical strategies to persuade its audience.

Your thesis statement for this essay should make an argument about how the writer/speaker uses various rhetorical approaches (such as appeals to emotion or logic, language, repetition, etc.) and to what degree and why/how the writer is effective (or not) at achieving the desired effects in his/her work.

A strong rhetorical analysis:

Is 5-7 pages long and formatted in the MLA style.

Identifies the context of the writing situation (author, title, publication).

Identifies the author’s audience and purpose.

Includes a clear thesis statement that asserts what the author is arguing and identifies the strategies the author employs.

Includes paragraphs that discuss the author’s strategies to make the argument [this should move beyond just identifying ethos, pathos, and logos, although those appeals should be included].

Includes some specifics and evidence from the original text (including summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes) to illustrate the author’s techniques.

Fully analyzes the incorporated evidence to explain how the identified strategies support the purpose of the text given the audience.

Includes some evaluation of the effectiveness of the argument.

Is clearly written with appropriate language, attention to editing, etc.

I will evaluate your essay according to the grading criteria in the course syllabus and the writing rubric, as well as your knowledge of rhetorical terms and concepts.



paper about your family work health and safety history over the past three generations

Question Description

Write a descriptive paper about your family work health and safety history over the past three generations – your grandparents, parents, and yourself. Families are diverse and can be defined narrowly or broadly. For the purposes of this assignment family is defined as “two or more persons who are joined together by bonds of sharing and emotional closeness and who identify themselves as being part of the family” (M. Friedman. Family Nursing: Research, Theory, and Practice). So you may be writing about someone important in your life other than (or in addition to) a parent or grandparent.

Length: The required length is at least 4 pages, but no more than 6 pages. A standard page is about 250 words, so your paper should be a minimum of 1,000 words.

Address the following questions:

  • What jobs or occupations have you and family members held and what health and safety issues were encountered?
  • Were there any short or long term health consequences from the work family members did?
  • Were your family members in a union? If so, did it make a difference in the safety of their work? If they were managers or owned a business, what was their experience being responsible for the health and safety of others?
  • What was the occupational safety and health historical context? In other words, what were political, economic or social events that had an impact on working conditions? This is an important part of the assignment, so be sure not to skip it. It is always disappointing when a student tells a great story about their family, but fails make the occupational safety and health history connection and, therefore, cannot get a high grade.

I suggest you view and complete the Week 2 lecture before writing your paper. The paper is your story and is an important point of reference throughout the course.

WEEK2 LECTURE :https://prezi.com/ltou2zmxhlmx/week-2-osh-history/?utm_campaign=share&token=f225ed88986033da63ea1ba6574698f148a935efdc33c55dd144caf4af2af836&utm_medium=copy

You do not have to use a specific format (e.g. APA or Chicago) but your work should be edited, proof-read, and employ good writing mechanics. Please double-space and submit as a Word doc.

You must appropriately cite any content in your paper that is not yours. I don’t care what citation style you use, but your reader should be able to 1) know the rightful owner of the content and 2) be able to find it.

Don’t forget that you can find great writing resources and citation guides in the tool section of the Course Essentials module.

Discussion Post

Question Description

Hello, this is the offer for the discussion post that I have explained to you. I have already started it, and I only need two more question to go. A minimum of 600 word count, and I have already completed 250. It is very easy to achieve this word count as well, you will notice. Moreover, you can access this assignment the same way you accessed the other. It is under the Quiz 5 and it is called ” Harlem School Zone”. Watch the video and answer the questions provided for the post, which are where the video is at. Remember to please send it to me through study pool in order for me to review it prior to submission, and if it can be returned to me by noon tomorrow. Below I will attach the work I have done, so that you may copy it, and continue from there in the same format. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!


**Remember APA format and please reference the book, and 1 outside source as well. Thank you!**

Harlem Children Zone

1. Describe the Harlem Children’s Initiative.

The purpose or the initiative behind Harlem Children is to get the children from Harlem, an impoverished area in New York, which statistically shows that children are falling below the educational standard in comparison to white Americans and improve these levels of education for these children. This project was founded by a man named Geoffrey Canada. The way that Canada has conducted this project is done through several incentives that are offered to the children. Some of which are free trips to Disney world if they score a certain level on testing (for younger children), and a salary of $120 per month for perfect attendance (for older children). Harlem Children after entering this program have shown an incredible improvement in scores in areas such math and reading, in which they were drastically falling behind in. Almost 4 years below their grade level to be exact. Canada has dedicated his time and efforts into helping the children in this area, and allowing them to not only believe but to see that they too can be as successful and smart as anyone else out there. Giving them the education and motivation needed in order to pave a future for these children.

2. Describe which Community Intervention Components (from Ch.5) were incorporated into the Harlem Children’s Initiative, and made successful?

Practicing the Works Cited Page

Question Description


Step 1:

Review what we learned with MLA Structure. Then, review the lectures below on Works Cited pages.

Works Cited Page: Basic Format (Links to an external site.)

Formatting Your Works Cited Page (Links to an external site.)

How to Cite an Article in MLA (Links to an external site.)

How to Cite a TED Talk in MLA

Step 2:

Carefully look at the sample works cited page below. Note how it is organized and what it looks like.

Sample Works Cited Page in MLA

Step 3:

Imagine you have already written Essay 1. Look at your list of sources that you are using. Then, create a Works Cited page for Essay 1 that includes those sources (at least two).

Addressing an issue

Question Description

Review at least two of the sources listed below. Your choice! Each source addresses an issue with information on the Web.

1. Americans Favor Protecting Information Freedoms Over Government Steps to Restrict False News Online (Pew Research) (Links to an external site.)

“But 56% support steps from technology companies, even if it means some limits on publishing and accessing information.”

2. Facial recognition’s ‘dirty little secret’: Millions of online photos scraped without consent (NBC News) (Links to an external site.)

“People’s faces are being used without their permission, in order to power technology that could eventually be used to surveil them, legal experts say.”

Check it out: This article includes an interactive tool. Have your Flickr photos been used?

NBC news tool interface.jpg

3. When Politicians Cherry-Pick Data and Disregard Facts, What Should We Academics Do? (Links to an external site.)

“When politicians distort science, academics and scientists tend to watch in shock from the sidelines rather than speak out. But in an age of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” we need to step into the breach and inject scientific literacy into the political discourse.”

4. Can You Win an Argument with a Conspiracy Theorist? (Links to an external site.)

“KQED’s ABOVE THE NOISE is a show that cuts through the hype and investigates the research behind controversial and trending topics in the news. Hosted by Myles Bess and Shirin Ghaffary.”

Watch the video, captions available. View video in “full screen” after you hit play. (7 minutes)

5. Search Engines May Seem All-Knowing, But They’re Not. Here’s How to Get More Trustworthy Results. (Links to an external site.)

“Now, the rankings of search engines are the result of inscrutable and anonymous yet authoritative-seeming processes that can sometimes hide falsity and bias. Part of the reason is that search engines are designed to appeal to what they perceive or predict as your values.”

6. This is That: “Thought Leadership” (Links to an external site.) Are you being manipulated by online videos?

Watch the video, captions available. View this video in “full screen” after you hit play. (5 minutes)

two question

Question Description

Below is the instruction for the two questions. Those two question are separated, and no connection. Each question has its own reading material. I have uploaded the reading material for each question below (Reading Material Q1 is for Question 1, Reading Material Q2 is for Question 2)

Below is Question 1 (Q1):

Considering the many theoretical alternatives to the traditional, long-standing models, how do you think the newer theories meet a need in understanding child development and parenting?

Reflect upon the additional resources about theoretical perspectives (Feminist, Gilligan’s Stages of Moral Development, Intersectionality, Racism framework).

What theory makes the most sense to you or was the most interesting?

Briefly explain the theory as part of your explanation

How can you relate your own experience or that of someone close to you to one of these theories?

Share an example from either the child or parent perspective.

Below is Question 2 (Q2):

The short answer assessment portion of each module will incorporate all of the pieces you have worked with throughout the previous sections. You will be expected to use information from our course resources in order to answer the questions presented here. You are discouraged from simply Googling the prompts as you may be directed to information that is off-topic, without appropriate context, or out-of-date. Your first resources should be our course resources!

These questions will require more advanced thinking and consideration to earn full credit. Make sure to support your answers with detail, data and facts presented in the resources, along with ties to cultural and societal influences. You should also include theoretical perspectives as appropriate.You should NOT quote anything directly from any resources. Instead, you should paraphrase using your own words, and cite the source appropriately (APA citation preferred, but other citation methods will be accepted). When paraphrasing, think about how you would explain the concept or idea to a classmate or parent. Show me through your writing that you understand the ideas, not just that you can locate the concept in a reading.


9-month-old Aro (male), born in Bangladesh, has just been adopted by an American couple and is moving to the United States. Explain how Aro’s heredity, environment, and individual difference will play a role in determining his development. Also include a theoretical perspectives to help explain what Aro might be going through.

5pts for heredity (biological components, genetics)

5pts for environment (home, country, society, culture)

5pts for individual difference (Aro as a unique person)

5pts for incorporating theor