Week 7 DQ#2- Dorsey

Question Description

Week 7 DQ #1

Caregiving is an often understated and underrepresented area for discussion. Erica and Theresa fond that many people they met within their focus groups and discussions indicated that caregivers were often unsung heroes. A couple of cases worth noting included Nora and Susan.

Susan: Susan is a 57-year-old woman who has sustained a work-related injury that has impacted her knees and mobility. In addition to her own mobility impairment, she lives with her older parents, Irma and Gus. Gus was diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease about 10 years ago, and this has progressed to the point where he is mobility impaired and needs constant supervision. Irma is a brittle diabetic and cannot handle the care needs of her husband, and relies mostly on Susan for help. They lived on a farm, but now have moved to a metropolitan area with their daughter Susan. They have five other adult children. Despite the other siblings in the family, Susan was resigned to looking after her father following her work injury and limitations to her mobility. Erica and Theresa were interested in how Susan’s caregiving role was impacted and how community resources and supports help the family unit.

Nora: Nora is both a caregiver to her 87-year-old father and disabled due to an orthopedic injury while riding a bicycle. Her recent knee replacement surgery has left her with less mobility in her right knee than prior to her surgery. Caregiver to her father leaves her with limited emotional resources at the end of a day. Nora’s father is legally blind suffers from Crone’s disease and has had a series of mini strokes. They live together in the three-bedroom family home and receive in home services to support Nora in her caregiving role. Nora’s father also attends a day program 3 days per week. Nora’s mother passed away 10 years ago, and she also helps in the caregiving role for her two grandsons. Nora’s father was emotionally distant to her while growing up and she is an only child. Erica and Theresa were curious to learn how Nora’s caregiving role would be impacted by the fractured relationship she had with her father.

Consider the issues for Susan and Nora in the case studies above. What resources would be important to them in their journeys as caregivers?

NOTE: Remember that all responses need to be a minimum of 100 words to receive credit and you MUST use citations and references as needed to back up your comments. Comments with out citations and the corresponding references are just opinions.

Writing Plan Check 2

Question Description

Hello, I actually need this by 10:30 tonight.

Search Terms and Secondary Sources

Writing Plan Progress Check 2

Now that you have seen examples of how to search effectively, it is time to start looking for sources for your chosen topic. This mind-mapping resource will be helpful in narrowing your topic.

Project Icon

What keywords or other search terms would you use when searching for sources related to your chosen topic in the databases in Shapiro Library? List at least four search terms.

Open the document firstname_lastname.Writing_Plan, which you created in Theme: Approaches to History, Learning Block 1-3. Add the keywords and other search terms that you plan to use while researching your historical event analysis essay. Save this document locally on your computer.

Next, take at least 30 minutes to conduct independent research in Shapiro Library with the search terms you have created for your topic. What sources do you plan to use in your historical event analysis essay? Be specific, and choose at least two secondary sources. Now reopen firstname_lastname.Writing_Plan and list the name of each source, the author and publication, the date it was published, and where you found the source. This should not be an exhaustive list of the sources you plan to use, but it is just a place to start your research.

Below is an example of what your document should look like by now:

Jane Doe
HIS 200: Applied History
Southern New Hampshire University
April 8, 2016

Topic and Research Question
Topic: For my historical event analysis, I have chosen to focus on Congressman John F. Fitzgerald of Boston, the son of Irish immigrants, and his opposition to an 1897 immigration bill which would have barred illiterate foreigners from entering the United States.
Research Question: How did John Fitzgerald’s political ambitions, and the interests of the Democratic Party in Massachusetts, affect his position on the 1897 immigration reform bill?
Search Terms and Sources
Search terms that I have used in my research so far include: FITZGERALD, John F.; LODGE, Henry Cabot; Emigration and immigration law; Massachusetts politics; 1897 immigration bill; and LODGE, Henry Cabot and CLEVELAND, Grover AND Immigration.
One secondary source is “Honey Fitz”: Three Steps to the White House: The Colorful Life & Times of John F. (“Honey Fitz”) Fitzgerald, by John Henry Cutler. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1962. I found a review of this book in Shapiro Library, and located a copy online at www.abebooks.com/book-search/title/honey-fitz/used/.
Another secondary source is The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys: An American Saga, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987. This book is in Shapiro Library.

Commenting on two classmates discussions about diversity and media

Question Description

In response to your peers, provide feedback about the example used and the social message that was provided. Are there other messages being represented?

Classmate # 1 Juan

The first show that came to me is a show called Ink Master. It’s a tv show about tattoo artists competing against each other to do exactly what the show says and become the “Ink Master”. Why this show can relate to this class is because when tattooing first started, the artist we’re all men, there wasn’t much diversity in this field and women definitely weren’t accepted. Now, on the show and previous seasons it’s made up of people from all different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds and are both men and women.

The latent social message in the show is that anyone can tattoo or in a bigger picture do anything you want even if in the beginning there might be some push back. Theres been various winners and it even had its first women Ink Master when not too long ago a women tattooer was not really accepted. I think it’s a good example in showing that if you’re qualified and good enough to do a job and have the equal skill and ability, both men and women can go into any field.

Classmate # 2 Trevor

Interestingly enough I found this discussion post rather difficult. I don’t watch prime time television including sitcoms or reality tv shows. Unfortunately I have been exposed to a few because of my lovely wife. That being said I thought I would look into reality tv shows such as the bachelor or bachelorette. In particular these shows thrust strangers in house to find love. I’m not real sure how that works as I can’t imagine finding love in such a short period of time.

These shows have a very diverse makeup. Cast member racial make up during the last episode include White, African American and Asian. Two of the cast were bisexual females. With such a large group of diverse individuals I believe a unintended message could certainly be you can find love regardless of race.

Interracial relationships have been growing more common over the last decade or two. Shows such as this thrust the topic in to the mainstream where it can’t be avoided. I believe this is important for society. Love sees no color and its important to find the right person regardless of skin color. Society as a whole needs to be comfortable with this fact and visual.

Make sure u cite in APA

Small Group 1 Discussion Like a Girl: Exploring Gender Stereotypes in the Media – SG1: Exploring Gender Stereotypes in the Media 1

Question Description


First: Watch the commercial on being Like a Girl by Always.


Spend some time reviewing current advertisements and choose only one (what you present must be some form of commercial advertisement from the 21st century and please attempt to share current ads from 2010 and beyond)> This can be done through various media outlets of your choosing such as: online, TV, or print. Also, make sure you have chosen a legitimate advertisement and not an artists rendition of an ad, propaganda or a public service announcement–these do not count. Also, do not choose a video that is a compilation of advertisements–only choose one.

For this discussion, you will need to present one advertisement from your search by posting either a link (make sure it works so students can access it) or if it is a picture of an ad, please post the picture of your chosen advertisement.

Then discuss the message(s) conveyed from it that project how men and women are expected to act, feel and think within society.

Moreover, relate it back to what we learned in chapter 3, how do the cultural depictions of males and/or females in your advertisements relate to cultural scripts and gender roles and expectations

In your responses, be sure to include the advertisement via picture or video, and thoroughly answer the questions above and remember course application is critical.

Be sure to respond to the prompt and respond to 3 other students in your small group and discuss their advertisement and the messages being communicated about gender. NOTE: because this is a small group endeavor, those assigned in your group are dependent on you to complete your post in a timely manner. DO NOT wait till Monday night to post: it is unfair to others who post before the weekend to have to wait for others in their group to join the conversation so that they can complete their peer responses. Let’s be mindful of others 🙂

  • Be sure to post your reference for your advertisement.
  • Use course material from chapter 3 to assert your views and discussion.
  • Respond to at least 3 others in your group. As always be sure to add to the discussion and ask other members in the groups questions about their findings.
  • Keep in mind: your original post to this prompt is worth up to 7 points and your 3 peer responses are worth up to 3 points (1 point for each response). This makes the total points for this discussion worth 10 points.

Policy Memo (750 words minimum)

Question Description

A policy memo is aninstrument used to provide analysis and recommendations for a particularpolicy situation or problem.These recommendations are used by policymakers in the policy making process to determine how to confront policyissues.A well-written policy memo is a concise distillation of researchand recommendations about an issue or policy that could serve as a guidefor your target audience.Here are some basic guidelines to completingthe project:

1). Read current news and find a “state or local” levelproblem or issue that is aligned with your interests (Examples includePublic School Financing, Healthcare, Community Policing, CriminalJustice Reform, etc.).Do additional research using relevant books,journals and websites as necessary (you should have at least three collegiate level sources).

2).In addition, you should use MLA citations in the body of the paper todevelop your argument (see the example memo provided in D2L).Absolutely no plagiarism will be tolerated in this class.This is a short writing assignment, so avoid long quotes and quoting general material.

3). Each memo should consist of 750-1000 words (2-3 pages) with

one-inch margins (in #12-font size).Tightly organized policy memos with a

clear message have a better chance of influencing others.

4). Paragraphs should be single-spaced.Proofread carefully.Do not distract your audience from the content of your memo with poor spelling or grammar.

5).You can use any standard layout for your memo, including the use ofbullet points or numbering to highlight or organize information.However,make sure you address your audience at the top of the page.See theexample memo in D2L for a suggested layout.

Here is a brief suggested memo guideline based on the Policy Making Process:

  • Problem Identification-Thisis the first step in the policy making process.In this step you willidentify a social or governmental problem that needs to be addressed oris not being addressed adequately by governmental actors orinstitutions.
  • Policy Formulation-This is the second stage of policy making.This is the stage where youwill complete your research of the problem you have identified and comeup with recommendations to the problem identified.
  • Implementation-In this stage of the policy making process you should select agovernment agency or actor to report your memo to (Governor, Executivedepartment, legislative member etc.) and address your recommendations tothem.Also, at this stage policies are put into effect.
  • Evaluation-Is the last-policy making stage.In this step, policy makers evaluatepolicies and make adjustments if necessary.While you cannot evaluateyour recommendations, you can write about your expectations.

Write the paragraphs according to the “Memo Guideline”, and the example paper following the guidelines above.

Memo Example: http://core.ecu.edu/engl/smithcath/ppolicy_book/fr…

You can use these links to find information for the paper:





Follow introctions bellow

Question Description


This week, you will be going to the Keiser e-Library to gather research for your argumentative research paper. When you find articles, what will you do with them? You will take these and begin crafting a formal proposal as well, where you demonstrate you have done research on the topic you picked.

For this discussion, choose one of the following two readings:

  • Option 1 – Adler, M. J. (2014). How to mark a book. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 16-21. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 21, “Writing,” Question 3: Writing an Argument: Argue for or against the proposition that this essay has lost its relevance owing to the introduction of new forms of educational media.
    • Be sure to quote and cite Adler when writing your response.
  • Option 2 – Carr, N. (2014). Does the internet make you smarter or dumber? In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 21-25. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 25, “Writing,” Question 3; Writing an Argument: Agree or disagree with Carr’s claim that people “who read texts studded with links … comprehend less than those who read traditional linear texts.”
    • Be sure to quote and cite Carr when writing your response.

First, read the article carefully. Answer the question associated with the reading. (100+ words)

Second, we want you to do more than just answer a question. Think about what the author is suggesting you do in your research. How will you apply these ideas to the research you gather, including the assigned essay, academic research from the database, and general research from the internet? (100+ words)

Third and finally, review the three versions of proposals for writing. Explore the merits of each type of proposal. Identify which version you believe would most support your intended major writing assignment for this course and why. (100+ words)


  • In 100-150 words, respond to two peers’ main posts. Examine whether each post clearly supports the peer’s ideas about the merits of each proposal and the choice of proposal format for the intended major writing assignment. Offer your ideas as to other ways of seeing the value in one or more of the proposed proposal formats.


  • Main post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 PM Eastern. No credit will be awarded for late posts without instructor approval.
  • Peer post should be posted on a different day from the main post and no later than Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern.
  • Use objective point of view only rather than subjective. (See page G-8 for an explanation.)

executive summary

Question Description

Executive Summary-100 Points
This assignment should incorporate what you learned about the components and tone of an Executive Summary. Remember, the Executive Summary assumes that the reader will not read the entire report or book; therefore, you must take him/her through every part of the report or book. I’d like you to write an Executive Summary of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” or “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital World.”

Directions: This summary will cover all four sections/parts of the book. The report should be in Arial 12-point font, double space, 1’margins on all four sides, and remember Page 2 Executive Summary should be single space.

Content Requirement of Four Page paper:
Page 1: Cover page – include book title, picture relating to book or of the book, your first and
last name, and course number course section.
Page 2: Executive Summary – must be one page outlining your report, should be single-spaced.
Included in this one page -last paragraph give your opinion of the book, only 3 to 5
Page 3: Part 1 (half of page) & Part 2 (half of page) – Title Header for each Part number and
title. Separate Part 1 & Part 2.
*After title – 1st paragraph for each part- should include first paragraph of two
principles from the part in the book that you like. Principles must be in sentences
not bullet points.
*Second paragraph for each part should include how you did apply these principles to
your personal life (NOT business life). Also include in the second paragraphs
examples of your personal applications.
Page 4: Part 3 (half of page) & Part 4 (half of page) – Title Header for each Part number and
title. Separate Part 1 & Part 2.
*After title – 1st paragraph for each part- should include first paragraph of two
principles from the part in the book that you like. Principles must be in sentences
not bullet points.
*Second paragraph for each part should include how you did apply these principles to
your personal life (NOT business life). Also include in the second paragraphs
examples of your personal applications.

Four full pages are the minimum, you can write more than four pages but not less. Points will be deducted if your report is more than eight pages. Make sure you include title headers for each part, do not combine parts together.

Use of Fact SOC SCI 101

Question Description

We utilize the term “fact” on a regular basis, but frequently it is used improperly. What is the correct definition and explain how and why the term is used improperly 100 words or more (use the textbook as your reference for the definition)

Please see attachment for “FACT”

Please respond to at these two students in 3-5 sentence.

1. A fact is an empirically derived statement from a set of data. Something that is “generally known as true” is not necessarily a fact. “Something I’ve found to be true” is not a fact at all, it’s an observation. Calling something a fact is a simple way to frame an argument or hypothesis by declaring something is true and building off that fact without analyzing if that fact is true at all. It poisons any debate about the hypothesis since if you don’t believe the underlying facts are true, you cannot have a reasonable discussion about anything else that the related data shows. It helps to do this if you are trying to “poison the well” with bad information, or to prove your point whether or not it’s an actual fact. The term “fact” is utilized on a regular basis because most individuals tend to base the entirety of their beliefs on personal experience rather than impartial collected data. Individuals may also avoid a scientific attitude and simply induce informational regurgitation from an external source they’ve consumed. People are also taught that the word fact means tenaciously absolute and hold it synonymous with indisputable truth.

2. While mathematics may bring us an absolute answer to a particular problem it is important to understand that, because of social fluidity, absolutes are impossible to quantify in social science. A good example is in the textbook where it states, “water boils at 100 degrees Celsius,” and continues to say, “water always does this.” This is not necessarily true. Water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius if it is at standard atmospheric pressure. On Mount Everest water will boil at around 70 degrees Celsius. This metaphor can extend to the means by which social scientists produce hypotheses regarding society and, through the use of observation and statistical information, develop facts and a solid theory for what is being observed.

The correct definition of a fact is something that is assumed to be true. Facts are malleable. A fact can change if more data becomes available that either expands or contradicts the standing consensus. A fact is a constantly refined truth.

Review a site

Question Description

Pick one of the Academic Journal Articles below:


  • Two pages (minimum)
  • 12 point font
  • Double spaced
  • Paragraphs

Each paper should include the following:

  1. The author’s purpose in writing the article
  2. The author’s main thesis
  3. The author’s challenging of other historical viewpoints
  4. The evidence utilized by the author (specifically primary sources)
  5. Personal likes/dislikes
  6. How could the author make the work stronger?
  7. The recommended audience for the article?
  8. Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of the United States
  9. An example of how this article supports/contradicts Eric Foner’s Give Me Liberty
  10. Suggested reading to accompany this work (not required, but helpful)

2 page essay for Eng (GREEN)

Question Description

Project Description: In the last unit, you explored a personal value. For this unit, we’re still interested in values; however, we’re turning our attention from personal values to shared values enacted by groups in the university or local communities. We can learn a lot about how values are distributed and shared by observing and researching how groups try to contribute to the public good by engaging with social/political issues. For this project, you will focus on a group in the local or university community engaged with a social/political issue important to you. Your essay will inform your audience about how your group’s engagement with a social/political issue enacts or implies a meaningful value.

Preparing to Write:

  • Identify a local group of interest to you. There are several approaches you might take in constructing this essay, but your essay should draw on three things: the organization you choose, a meaningful value that connects the individual members of the organization, and a social/political issue the group is involved in that enacts that value. You might first choose a local group of interest and investigate what values and issues they are involved in.(LIBERTY HOUSE OF ALBANY GA) You might choose a social/political issue that is important to you and research a social organization involved with the issue, seeking to understand what values inform their involvement. Perhaps you would like to continue researching your value from the last project, and you would then consider what political/social issues are connected to that value and which organizations are engaged with that issue. Regardless, the group you choose must be new to you, meaning that you are not already a member. The purpose of this requirement is to help you find a group you might join.
  • Write an effective research question that prompts you to investigate the way your group engages with a social/political issue. Your research question may lead you to examine a wide range of sources, including articles gathered from digital databases or newspapers, personal interviews or observations, flyers, posters, organization charters, official newsletters designed by the group, or even information available on the group’s website or blog.
  • Evaluate and analyze your research in order to understand how the group enacts a shared value when engaging with the social/political issue. Assessing your research, what value is particularly powerful in motivating and influencing how the group engages with the social/political issue? What evidence have you found that shows that value in the activities of the group (including their communications)?