Create a Mock Media Interview on Adolescent Development

Question Description

Imagine that you have been contacted by a local radio or television station to participate in its series entitled “Promoting Positive Development in Teens: What Can a Parent Do?” Your media contact has told you that they will ask you to provide concrete tips for parents that reflect the latest research findings on promoting positive development in adolescents.

Create a transcript for a mock interview in which you respond to at least two interview questions related to physical development/puberty, and two interview questions related to psychosocial development in teens. Also, include a response to the following question:

Many parents really want to do what is right, but when they turn to the experts they get conflicting advice. One day it seems research says it is good to ignore teens when sulking; the next day research shows that teens who sulk need more attention. What should a parent to do when it seems like even the experts cannot make up their minds?

To acquire the feeling of being interviewed, stage this meeting as an audio or interview. Using simple equipment like a webcam, ask a friend to conduct this mock interview. You may choose to upload this video to YouTube or another video site, and then submit the URL for the video, along with the transcript of the interview as your assignment submission. Or you can conduct an audio interview using Audacity. Audacity is an open-source recording program available on the Internet. Be sure to upload a transcript of your interview as well, if you choose Audacity. If you choose to record your lecture, upload it to your professor in MP3 format; this file must not exceed 8MB. An average lecture tends to be 100 to 150 words per minute. There are many audio recording programs available.

Once you have completed the transcript (and audio or video recording), write a brief self-reflection paper summarizing the experience. Reflect on your experience of being asked to respond as an expert to the real life concerns of parents, and describe your feelings of knowing that you were recording this interview. How do you think you would approach gathering and sharing knowledge differently if you were facing an audience or interviewer, rather than simply submitting a report?

Support your interview responses with at least five references from research conducted in the past two years. If you cannot find recent research in the library, consider sources such as the American Psychological Association and other reliable sources. Contact the Northcentral Library if you need help in locating recent, reliable resources.

Length: 5-7 pages total (4-5 pages for interview transcript, 1-2 pages for self-reflection paper), not including title and reference pages

Complete Social Work Assignment 2 WALDEN 1 PAGE CASE WRITE UP

Question Description


As you have read, theory guides the conceptualization of the client’s problem and how social workers assess and intervene relative to the problem. However, theory can also shape the self-reflective questions social workers ask themselves. Clients often come to social workers under stress or distress. This then affects how the social worker responds and thus the client-social worker relationship. As a result, Foley, Nash, and Munford (2009) employed attachment theory as a “lens in which to view the reflective process itself and to gain greater understanding and empathy for what each social worker within each unique social work-client relationship can access of that relationship for reflection” (pp. 44).

This week, you will apply attachment theory to the case study you chose in Week 2. In other words, your theoretical orientation—or lens—is attachment theory as you analyze the case study.

To prepare:

  • Review the same case study you selected from last week’s Assignment. (Remember, you will be using this same case study throughout the entire course). Use the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory, and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your assignment.
  • Review attachment theory and the following article listed in the Learning Resources: Foley, M., Nash, M., & Munford, R. (2009). Bringing practice into theory: Reflective practice and attachment theory. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review, 21(1/2), p39–47. Retrieved

By Day 7

Submit a 1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

  • Summarize the assumptions of attachment theory in 2 to 3 sentences.
  • Identify the problem in your chosen case study to be worked on from an attachment theory perspective.
  • Explain how attachment theory defines and explains the cause of the problem in one to two sentences.
  • Develop two assessment questions that are guided by attachment theory that you would ask the client to understand how the stress or distress is affecting the client.
  • Discuss two interventions to address the problem. Remember, the theory should be driving the interventions. In other words, you would not identify systematic desensitization since this is not an intervention guided by attachment theory.
  • Formulate one self-reflective question that is influenced by attachment theory that you can ask yourself to gain greater empathy for what the client is experiencing.
  • Explain which outcomes you could measure to evaluate client progress based theory.

Be sure to:

  • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  • Use literature to support your claims.
  • Use APA formatting and style.
    • Remember to double-space your paper.

You are a responsible crew-member of a sinking cruise ship. As was the case on the Titanic, there is not enough room in the lifeboats for all the passengers, let alone the crew.

Question Description

You are a responsible crew-member of a sinking cruise ship. As was the case on the Titanic, there is not enough room in the lifeboats for all the passengers, let alone the crew. In this emergency, you are in charge of safely loading and launching one of the lifeboats. The lifeboats are rated for 25 people each, but under the right conditions they can hold more—but it is very doubtful whether the boat can hold 30. Having loaded 25 and swung the boat over the side of the ship into the water, you find six people standing around your lifeboat station on deck. Since there are already 25 in the boat, and it will probably not hold 30, you might not be able to board all 6 people looking to you, and you will not be able to include yourself in the lifeboat.

Your task, then, is to put these people in order (since they must board one at a time, to not swamp the boat), and explain why you put them in the order you did. That is, given what you know about them, you must decide in what order they will get into the boat, and then defend or explain your reasoning as to why they should be in that order rather than in some other order.

N.B.: You do *not* need to say why person X deserves to live—presumably we think *all* passengers deserve to live. But you do need to explain why this person is ahead of that person, instead of the other way around. The following descriptions are what you know…

1) an African-American professional woman, fiftyish, who says her husband is on board but not with her or within sight; yes, she has children, but they are grown and did not come on the cruise; she is a lawyer, although you do not know this.

2) an Anglo businessman, apparently single, thirtyish maybe. You have overheard him introduce himself as a Christian and a Bible study leader at his church to other passengers.

3) a middle eastern woman, perhaps twenty-five, with a small child (small enough that the child would not affect the weight-carrying abilities of the lifeboat), well-dressed, with nose-pin, in a headscarf.

4) a teenage Asian boy; has a game player and an ipod.

5) a middle-aged white woman, always listening to Nashville country, tells anyone who will listen she is divorced and in the market; also says she is an emergency room nurse.

6) a small Latino man, sixtyish, wears an Orkin pesticide company shirt, clean and neatly pressed, is very quiet but offers to help several of the passengers, and exchanges a glance with eye-contact with you.

use the uploaded doc to answer the questions – 1200 word count

Question Description

Chapter 1: The New Testament World

Know about the issues (and rulers) associated with the Hellenistic Period (p. 18)

Know about the issues associated with the Maccabees and the Hasmonean Period (p. 18)

Know the ‘Second Temple Period (pp. 16-17)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Pharisees (pp. 19-20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Sadducees (p. 20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Essenes (p. 20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Zealots (p. 21)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Samaritans (pp. 22-25)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Gentiles, especially ‘God-Fearers’ (p. 25)

Who is Herod the Great? (pp. 27-28)

Who is Herod Antipas? (p. 28)

Who is Pontius Pilate? (pp. 28-29)

What does ‘Diaspora’ Mean? (p. 31)

What is the Septuagint (or LXX)? (p. 32)

Understand the social structures of honor and shame. (pp. 44-45)

Chapter 2: The New Testament Writings

Know and understand the issues related to the development of the Christian canon (pp. 50-53)

Why was a canon (official list of books) needed? (pp. 51-53)

What ideas do most scholars today accept concerning the canon of the NT? (p. 53)

What is Text Criticism? What does it do? (p. 54)

Chapter 3: Jesus

Know the difference between the ‘Pre-Easter Jesus’ and the ‘Post-Easter Jesus’. How are they defined? (pp. 64-65)

Be able to define/describe the elements/facets of Jesus’ ministry (p. 66).

What is the most prominent issue/topic addressed by Jesus? (pp. 66-68)

What are the implications of Jesus’ preaching of the Kingdom of God as it relates to God’s presence and power? (p. 68)

What is the style or conduct of Jesus’ ministry? (pp. 68-70)

What conflicts does Jesus have with the religious leaders? (pp. 69-70)

Chapter 4: The Gospels

What is the genre of the Gospels? (p.82)

What are the results of demon possession in the Gospels? (p. 89)

What are the characteristics of Jesus’ parables in the Gospels? (pp. 85-87)

What are the characteristics of Jesus’ miracles in the Gospels? (pp. 87-90)

What is a ‘Passion Narrative’? (pp. 91-92)

What are the ‘Synoptic Gospels’? (pp. 92-99)

What is ‘Q’? (pp. 95-99)

Unit 6 Essay: The Coming of the Civil War

Question Description

This essay will explore the coming of the Civil War by examining two speeches given just prior to the start of the Civil War: John Smith Preston’s speech to the Virginia state legislature, and Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. Both represent two very different perspectives about the nature of the Union and who is responsible for dividing the nation. Your goal will be to read through both speeches and discuss the major themes and arguments made in each document.


John Smith Preston on Secession

Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, 1861

You will read the above two speeches (John Smith Preston, Abraham Lincoln), and answer all of the following questions in your essay:

a) JOHN PRESTON SMITH: Is it legal for southern states to secede from the Union? What has the North done to cause southern states to leave the Union?


b) ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Can states break away (secede) from the Union? Why or Why not? What are Lincoln’s views toward the South? What are his duties as President of the United Sates?

Your essay should be a minimum of 2 pages, and you should spend AT LEAST one page discussing EACH position (one page discussing the Preston perspective and one page discussing the Lincoln perspective). Remember, two pages is the minimum, and minimum essays normally score a C. If you want a higher grade, plan to be comprehensive in your coverage of the readings (there is no maximum page limit). Your answer should reflect the main points from both readings, and use examples from the documents to illustrate your main points.

Be sure to proof your essay before submitting it as errors in grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction in points. Use quotations when using the exact wording from the reading and cite the reading at the end of the sentence [ex: if you quoted from the Lincoln reading, simply put (Lincoln, 2) at the end of the sentence which shows me which document and page the quote is from]. As per the instructions in the syllabus, most of the essay should be in your own words and include your own analysis of the readings. I would encourage you to re-read the section in the syllabus that addresses expectations for essays.

Use only the above sources for this assignment: DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. If you do, you will receive a “0” for the assignment. Your essay should be uploaded as Word document (no PDF files).

For your information, here is an example of a well-written paper using MLA style citations.

Written Assignment 1: Where I’m From

Question Description

Written Assignment 1: Where I’m From

Literacy is a major component of our individual lives, as well as society as a whole. It is something we are exposed to very early in life, and something that does not go away as we get older. Despite its constant presence, however, the specifics of how it affects us, how we interact with it, and how we conceptualize it often change over time. The way we use literacy often grows with us, and can both shape and be shaped by our experiences.

Literacy and You

For this assignment, you will reflect on your own history with literacy as well as the literacy of the content area you teach.
– Write your own “Where I’m From” poem modeled on George Ella Lyon’s poem (below),
-Or explore Georgia Ella Lyon’s website to see how educators across the content area have used her poem in their classrooms and create something similar based on your literacy history as connected to your content area.

In addition to your “Where I Am From” poem, or other type of media presentation (narrated video, infographic…) that has been approved by the course instructor,you are required to write a I page reflection paper where you address:

In the poem you created, what do you want the reader to know? What is it about? What does it say about you as a reader, thinker, and teacher?

What surprised you while completing this assignment? What challenged you? How does the content you teach influence who you are as a reader?


– What did you learn about yourself? How would using this writing assignment help you learn more about your students?

See page 62 in Disrupting Thinking for more on the BHH (Book, Head, Heart) frame work.
All sources used should be cited in APA style, both in-text and in a reference list.

Where I’m From
George Ella Lyon

Where I’m From

I am from clothespins,
from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
I am from the dirt under the back porch.
(Black, glistening,
it tasted like beets.)
I am from the forsythia bush
the Dutch elm
whose long-gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.

I’m from fudge and eyeglasses,
from Imogene and Alafair.
I’m from the know-it-alls
and the pass-it-ons,
from Perk up! and Pipe down!
I’m from He restoreth my soul
with a cottonball lamb
and ten verses I can say myself.

I’m from Artemus and Billie’s Branch,
fried corn and strong coffee.
From the finger my grandfather lost
to the auger,
the eye my father shut to keep his sight.

Under my bed was a dress box
spilling old pictures,
a sift of lost faces
to drift beneath my dreams.
I am from those moments–
snapped before I budded —
leaf-fall from the family tree.

Introduction to sociology

Question Description

Paper Assignment #1 – Norm Violation Paper

In Chapter 2 of the textbook there is a discussion of the importance of “norms” in a given culture. If you recall, norms are necessary to provide structure to a society, as they function as commonly known, yet unwritten rules of societal “do’s” and “don’t’s” that guide our daily behavior. Your assignment for this paper is to violate a social norm and report back what negative sanctions that you experience as a result. To complete this assignment you should do the following:

  • Identify a social situation and a social norm which you want to violate (see below for examples). Please do not do anything that will put you into an unsafe position, or which violates the law.
  • Go through the experience of violating the norm. Immediately after you have done this, take time to write down what happened. Include:
  • You will then write a 3 page paper which answers all of the questions above. In addition, discuss:

a. State why you chose this norm to violate.

b. What was the social situation or space?

c. What norm did you violate?

d. How did you feel when you violated the norm? Were you embarrassed? If so, why? What did you do afterward? Did you run away?

e. How did other people who witnessed you break the norm respond to you?

Did anyone say anything to you? Did they look embarrassed for you?

a. What you learned about the particular norm which you have violated.

b. How did your norm violation reveal the importance of the social norm which you violated? In other words, how did you breaking the norm highlight how important it is for us as a society to have that norm in place?

c. What does the reaction of others to your norm violation say to you about the strength or weakness of this social norm?

d. What does the reaction of others and your feelings about the norm violation say about society and social interaction more broadly?

e. Do not forget to incorporate 4 concepts of your choice from the textbook that you are required to use to analyze your experience.


  • Go into a store to purchase something which is on sale, and telling the sales person that you insist on paying the full price.
  • Go into an elite store (Macy’s for example) and purchasing something by paying for the item in pennies.

Stand uncomfortably close to someone while having a conversation

Unit 6 Essay

Question Description

Unit 6 Essay:
The Coming of the Civil War

This essay will explore the coming of the Civil War by examining two speeches given just prior to the start of the Civil War: John Smith Preston’s speech to the Virginia state legislature, and Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. Both represent two very different perspectives about the nature of the Union and who is responsible for dividing the nation. Your goal will be to read through both speeches and discuss the major themes and arguments made in each document.


John Smith Preston on Secession

Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, 1861

You will read the above two speeches (John Smith Preston, Abraham Lincoln), and answer all of the following questions in your essay:

a) JOHN PRESTON SMITH: Is it legal for southern states to secede from the Union? What has the North done to cause southern states to leave the Union?


b) ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Can states break away (secede) from the Union? Why or Why not? What are Lincoln’s views toward the South? What are his duties as President of the United Sates?

Your essay should be a minimum of 2 pages, and you should spend AT LEAST one page discussing EACH position (one page discussing the Preston perspective and one page discussing the Lincoln perspective). Remember, two pages is the minimum, and minimum essays normally score a C. If you want a higher grade, plan to be comprehensive in your coverage of the readings (there is no maximum page limit). Your answer should reflect the main points from both readings, and use examples from the documents to illustrate your main points.

Be sure to proof your essay before submitting it as errors in grammar and spelling will lead to a deduction in points. Use quotations when using the exact wording from the reading and cite the reading at the end of the sentence [ex: if you quoted from the Lincoln reading, simply put (Lincoln, 2) at the end of the sentence which shows me which document and page the quote is from]. As per the instructions in the syllabus, most of the essay should be in your own words and include your own analysis of the readings. I would encourage you to re-read the section in the syllabus that addresses expectations for essays.

Use only the above sources for this assignment: DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. If you do, you will receive a “0” for the assignment. Your essay should be uploaded as Word document (no PDF files).

1 Page Critical Thinking Response + current event

Question Description


Text Journal – 1 page, 1 paragraph (pdf file provided) ** MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT READINGS WHICH I PROVIDE LINKS**

The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment.

Very brief and short summary **Include title of the article/reading within the body text**

Can use current events!!! How this relates to something you heard or has happened

Involve thoughts and end with a question.

Reading Guidelines- ENGAGE IN PAPER!!!

• What is my response to the main point? (Be specific—is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?

• What questions do you have about points made in this reading?

• What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?

• What is one question you’d like to have the class discuss based on this reading?

Think of an article or chapter as a story that is being told to you or conversation that you are having, and make mental connections in your reading. Is what you’re reading new? Had you ever thought about what the author is saying before? Is the reading connected with other things you have read? Do certain ideas in the reading excite or inspire you, make you angry or sad or confused, confirm what you believe or experience? Do you agree or disagree with everything or only certain things the author is saying? Do you believe what the author is saying is true?—Ask yourself these types of questions in your mind as you read.

– Easy vocabulary


LINKS TO READINGS (3 in total) :

1) TEXTBOOK (WILL PROVIDE LINK) : The Five Faces of Oppression (pages. 35-45)

2) Edmund, D., & Bland, P. (2011). Societal Abuse and Oppression. Real Tools: Responding to Multi Abuse Trauma.

3) Sue, D. W. (Nov 17, 2010) Microaggressions: More than just race: Can microaggressions be directed at women or gay people? Psychology Today. Retrieved from




Explore reputable periodicals like NY Times, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc. (NOT NY POST or NY Daily News, or SI Advance) for current news coverage of 1 story that is coincides with one of the Five Faces of Oppression. Also, make notes for yourself about the article and be prepared to discuss in class.

Be sure that your initial post is at least 200 words.

Question Description

Be sure that your initial post is at least 200 words.

“The Brain’s Role in Family Values”

Following Lakoff’s mapping of the two family metaphors, discuss how this chapter helps you make sense of the stark divisions between the two major political parties in our country. Offer any examples that help confirm the metaphors Lakoff outlines in his text (Democrat, Republican, or both).

Bonus Questions:

Why does Trump, against many contradictions to their actual values, appeal to so many Republican voters?

Likewise, why are Democrats so fractured in assembling a strong candidate (or exciting campaigns) against Trump?

Reply posts can be shorter – around 100 words

When reading the assigned excerpt of “What Unites Us”, by Dan Rather, one picks up on a great distinction between “patriotism” and “nationalism”. It is important to draw a distinction between the two because they have different representations of love for the country. “Nationalism” being a more competitive love, comparing one’s country to others, while “patriotism” is a more personal and deeply rooted love about the country, wanting the best for fellow citizens and figuring out how the nation can continue to grow and thrive. Rather states, “Patriotism is rooted in humility. Nationalism is rooted in arrogance.” He continues to argue how nationalism, when out of hand, can lead to disagreements and war with people and other countries. While on the other hand, patriotism can lead to improvements in society and a change for the better. Moving on, I believe that “active, constructive patriotism” looks like the many movements our nation has been having. All of the marches that have been taking place and the time people have taken to listen to the oppressed are perfect examples of this new type of patriotism. Patriotism takes time and knowledge. It takes work and allows us to be fixers of a nation that needs improving.

I see barriers in our society such as the closed mindedness of most people, the influence of opinion, and I think that politicians are a huge problem. Most politicians just say certain things for votes and to get into office but do not actually know about the issues they are talking about. Politicians are just in it for the votes and once they get into office, issues aren’t actually addressed and dealt with. Also, nationalism is used as a political tool because lots of people have a powerful love for their country and when they see someone that upholds the same values, they tend to support that candidate. These politicians know that and use that to their advantages.