Discussion Environmental Ethics

Question Description

View one or more of the following Ted Talks videos.

Reflect on the issues discussed in the video(s) you viewed and post a thoughtful discussion addressing the following points:

  1. What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?
  2. What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?
  3. Do you think that environmental issues have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?
  4. Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.

Signature Assignment

Question Description

For this assignment, you will present a draft of your signature assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to gather feedback so that you can make improvements for your final submission, which is due in Week 8. You are expected to present a complete paper that meets all of the original assignment criteria.

For this assignment, choose a news story from the APA at http://www.apa.org/news/psycport/, or search the Internet to select a credible news article that reports on a specific topic or issue from the field of psychology. The article must have been published in the past year.

In your critique explain the conclusions, implications and/or consequences of the information presented in the article. Speculate on the effect this information could have on real-world situations such as health care, political movements, economics, lifestyle, moral attitudes, and social belief systems, and support these assertions with specific evidence and detail from the article and what you learned in class.

Do not:

Do not merely summarize or quote the article. Be sure to select an article with some depth and substance so that you have enough material to evaluate.


Read, analyze, and synthesize with objectivity and focus.

Write a critical consideration of the current information available about the subject matter presented in the article. Briefly and purposefully, summarize and analyze the article to create a unique and valuable piece of writing that evaluates current theories or work in the field of psychology.

Review the literature with a focus on the hypothesis or main idea, address any scientific research mentioned, and analyze the results or premises presented.

Include the following in your critique:

  1. Identify and articulate the key issue(s) in the article in a brief and pointed summary.
  2. Identify information/evidence in the article that supports the point of view and conclusions presented in the article. Quote and paraphrase with internal APA citations.
  3. Identify background information relevant to the point of view and conclusions presented in the article. Use prior knowledge and you may use your course materials.
  4. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the findings and conclusions presented.
  5. Explore and evaluate the issue(s) relevance to real-world problems and solutions.
  6. Clarify your own position, perspective, or hypothesis on the ideas presented in the article.
  7. Explain the conclusions, implications, and consequences of the article as it pertains to the field of psychology or the subject being addressed.

Your critique should be between 5-7 pages long, in addition to a title page and reference page.

Additional sources are not required, but you may choose to include them. You may reference your text.

Use APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Test Item Reliability

Question Description

Test item reliability indicates how consistent the results produced from items on a test are. Consistency can refer to the items’ stability over time or the consistency of the items with each other. If an item is unreliable, statistical relationships will appear weaker than they really are and inappropriate conclusions may be drawn regarding the relationships between variables.

A measurement of reliability consists of the extent to which an observed score (which is the true score plus or minus error) accurately reflects the true score. Returning to the example in this week’s Introduction, if your true weight were 150 pounds and you stepped on the scale hundreds of times, it would sometimes show 149, sometimes 151, and sometimes 150. If you averaged all of those weights, you would come close to your true score. If you looked at how much the weights varied, you would have a good measure of the scale’s error. The situation is similar with a psychological test—a score on an IQ test represents an estimate of the theoretical “true” IQ; however, that observed score also includes error.

Researchers or test developers measure a test’s reliability with a reliability coefficient, generally a positive correlation coefficient that is less than 1.00. (A correlation of 1.00 would indicate perfect correlation, which is theoretically impossible due to inherent error in measurement.) Acceptable reliability coefficients for psychological tests or test items are generally at least .70. If you know a test’s reliability, you can calculate its margin of error, a “plus or minus” band that indicates an interval likely to contain the true score.

A test item is reliable if its variations over time primarily reflect variations in what you are measuring. An unreliable item would show changes over periods that are not possible or are theoretically unexpected depending on the construct you are measuring. For instance, personality is a construct that is believed to be constant over a period of years or decades. An item that stated, “I feel happier than usual today” would be unreliable for measuring personality, because the construct of mood easily changes from day to day, much more quickly than the construct of personality.

For this week’s Discussion, think of a specific testing scenario. Then consider a reliable test item for that testing scenario and an unreliable item for that same testing scenario. Consider how you might know if these items are reliable or unreliable.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of a specific testing scenario. Then describe one reliable test item and one unreliable test item for that testing scenario. Finally, explain what determines whether an item is reliable or unreliable within the scenario you presented.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Zero plagiarizing, APA formatting, Quote work , No.coms

The Search for Social Patterns: Political Ideology

Question Description

This exercise will indicate where you fall in a political ideology typology developed by the Pew Research Center and have you think about the differences between the groups identified, the social factors that have affected others and your political stance, and the potential consequences that might follow when it comes to thinking about social problems.

Complete the Pew research Center’s Political Typology Quiz. After completing the quiz you will be placed in one of 9 different groups, given a brief description of the general beliefs and attitudes of those in your category and shown how you compare to the general public.

You are to answer the following three questions, each with multiple parts. The first question, which is purely descriptive, is worth 20% of your grade. The second question, which involves more analysis, is worth 35% of your grade. The third question, by far the most important, is worth the remaining 45% of your grade.

1. Describe the typology group you have been placed in. Who did they support in the last presidential election? What are some of their social background characteristics? What positions do they typically take on key issues? How does this compare with the general public? Are your test results consistent with your self-identification? If not, how do you account for the differences?
2. Next, you will explore the differences between the views of members of the various typology groups by clicking on “Dig Deeper and see How the Political Typology Groups Compare.” First, click on “Demographics” which is located near the bottom of the column on the left-hand side of the page. Explore how the various typological groups compare when it comes to gender, age, race/ethnicity, education, income, and party. What three patterns seemed to fit well with your understanding of the political differences between these different categories of people? What three patterned differences surprised you – and tell me why? Next, choose two other categories that are listed – Race, Religion and Social Issues, Foreign Policy, Government, Views of U.S. & Economy, or Politics & Elections – and, using the pull-down menus attached to your choice, as before, tell me what three patterns seemed to fit well with your understanding of political differences and what three patterned differences surprised you – and tell me why?
3. Third – and this is the most important part of your response – explain HOW each of the following “social factors” – parents, peers, social class, sex, age, race, education, geographical area – have affected your ideological position? Be certain to address each of these factors.
[Please note that the question doesn’t ask you “if” these factors have affected your political attitudes – it is assumed that they do. The question is “how” has each made an impact on your political attitude/ideology.]

Term Paper Topic

Question Description

  1. Browse through the GSS codebook.


The dependent conceptual variable (FEMINISM) was assigned to each group last week; therefore, you need to find an independent conceptual variable to formulate your theoretical proposition.

You can browse using the expandable topic list that appears on the main page of this site, or you can click on the link to the codebook. A good way to search for articles that used a specific GSS variable is to go to Google Scholar and search with the keyword GSS and the variable name in quotes.For example, search for GSS “RELITEN” to see articles about religiosity that used this variable in the GSS dataset.Don’t forget to enclose the variable name in quotes.Based on the topics available in the GSS, derive a theoretical statement that incorporates both an independent and a dependent conceptual variable. Write the statement below.

  1. Select variables that may serve as indicators of each of the concepts in your theoretical statement.You should try to identify multiple indicators for either the independent or dependent conceptual variables, or for both (For your dependent conceptual variable each group has been assigned, try to decide which GSS variable or variables you intend to use as indicators).Make sure your selected variables are all from the same year in GSS and asked of the same respondents. Working with the Berkeley GSS website, copy down the names of the variables, the wording of the survey question, and the number of valid (non-missing) cases available in the data set.
  1. Prepare a one paragraph pre-proposal statement of your term paper topic, based on the General Social Survey (GSS), in which you:

a) Name the year from which your data will come

b) Name the concepts you wish to study and list the variable names from the data set which seem to measure these concepts

c) List the wording of the GSS survey questions used as indicators. List the number of valid cases for each variable.

d) Restate your theoretical statement (be sure to use the two-sentence format presented in lecture)

e) Based on the empirical variables/indicators you have chosen and the theoretical statement that you have postulated, derive a testable hypothesis (choose one indicator for your independent conceptual variable and one indicator for your dependent conceptual variable for hypothesis construction)

  1. Complete the following diagram by inserting your conceptual variables and the corresponding indicators (empirical variables) that you used to derive your hypothesis. For the indicators, simply providing the variable name is sufficient.Indicate causal direction, association, and the form of the relationship (+/-)

(Note: There will be opportunities in the coming weeks for you to change or refine your topic as you explore the data, so this initial statement is not a ‘contract’ for what your final paper will include.)

Discussion The Ethics of Biotechnology

Question Description

View one or more of the following Ted Talks about Biotechnology Ethics.

Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks that you have viewed and post a discussion response addressing the following points:

  • What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?
  • What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?
  • Do you think that bio-engineering issues have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?
  • Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.

Clinical Psychology Unit 9 Discussion Board

Question Description

Family Therapy Case Study

For this discussion, watch the video: Family Therapy Case Study. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions:

  • Which approach to family therapy would be ideal for this family (e.g., structural, solution-focused, Bowenian)? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.
  • Is family therapy preferable to other options, such as individual therapy for Leo or parent training for Inez and Joseph? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.
  • What would be the most valid measure of psychotherapy outcome for this case? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.

Reading and Resources

Please read the following chapters in your text:

  • Chapter 16: “Group and Family Therapy”

Chapter 16 covers both group therapy and family therapy. For group therapy, you will learn about theory, practical, and ethical issues, as well as outcome issues. For family therapy, you will learn about systems theory and perspective as well as methods of assessment of families. You will read about essential concepts, ethics, and outcome issues.

Practice the concepts covered in this unit by completing the Unit 9 Key Terms Activity.

Web Resources

Read the following articles:

The first and second articles address the question of how treatment of addiction problems is different from other kinds of psychotherapy. This article is a “teaser,” a brief overview of the issues and concepts. However, it is the overview of an online book on addiction treatment. Therefore, for those of you who plan to enter the field of addiction treatment, save this link, as this book can serve as a valuable resource in the future.

For the third article, you will read about the state of knowledge on best approaches when multiple issues affect the client. Often times, clients have multiple problems. They may have medical diagnoses including brain injury or brain illness. They may have chemical dependency as well as psychological disorders. For these individuals, the treatment becomes much more complex.

Journal Articles

Please review the Library Guide for a list of articles to read for this unit. These have been selected taken from various academic journals, all of which can be found in the Purdue Global Library. Though they are not required to complete the coursework for this unit, they will be helpful for anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of clinical psychology.


Pomerantz, A. M. (2014). Clinical psychology: Science, practice, and culture: DSM-5 update, 3rd edition. Retrieved

Write shorts comments

Question Description

Just write 27 comments (1 for each text). You need to get a quote of the text and write a comment about it, just 1 short paragraph for each one. specify what quotes you used.




























PSA335: Group Dynamics in PSA

Question Description

This will be a 8-10 page paper in APA format examining some area of Group Dynamics with a strong connection to some form of Public Safety Administration. The paper should examine group issues within a public safety agency (if possible) and then choose one major topic to pursue–such as Leadership, Conflict, Power, Influence, etc. The paper should have depth and substance as it examines the agency, focuses on one area, and then develops depth in examining the situation. At least five different resources should be used, including our text.

This is a formal, APA style paper with proper title page, abstract, body (content) and sources page (bibliography).

Textbook: Group Dynamics by Donelson R. Forsyth Seventh Edition

From the Professor-

1) Submit your work to Turnitin, first, to check for similarities. A report will be generated immediately, and you’ll have the opportunity to edit if needed before submitting the final document through Blackboard (exactly the way you have submitted all your weekly assignments).

2) “It will be a 8-10 page paper..”: we tend to think that writing more makes it look like we have more to say but, most often, it only shows that we are unable to summarize!

3) “…in APA format…”: for four weeks I have insisted on that, and now you see why. The paper shall have the proper formatting, including a title page, an abstract, a narrative with a strong conclusion, and a reference page. If you still have doubts as to what APA entails, please ask, or consult the proper sources.

4) “The paper should examine group issues… and focus on one major topic…”: ONE major topic, this is important! Examine the situation “in depth”, following the thread of the topic you have chosen to focus on. It is only a 8-10 page discussion, not a strategic plan to save the world..

5) “At least five different resources should be used, including our text”: resources should be current and reliable. By “current” we mean no more than 5-7 year old (unless you cite older, well established theories); “reliable” means that they state facts that have been scientifically proven. Preferred are peer-reviewed articles and academic journals, which you can find in numbers in our virtual library. “At least five” means “the more, the better”.

Lastly, I would like to remind you of the upcoming survey (anonymous, with no bearing on your final grade, if that’s what worries you). Yes, I have already done that, but I want to make sure you know how appreciated your input would be. You can say anything you want, but say something! And if there is anything you’d like to address with me, please feel free, your feedback is always welcome!

Spirituals Response

Question Description

Homework responses (HR) will be mini typed responses written prior to class (3 paragraphs; minimum 500 words, single-spaced). They must be word document or pdf (you may not submit a google doc).

HRs are to be uploaded to Canvas prior to the start of class. The homework link in Canvas will provide you with a TurnItIn plagiarism report. Review the report and correct anything that is marked as plagiarism (if you have directly quoted from the required reading and used proper citation, you do not have to change that even if TurnItIn highlights it). If you do not upload your HRs to TurnItIn, 20% will be deducted from the grade.

To help you with this assignment, remember to read the Library of Congress’ page on spirituals https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200197495/ (Links to an external site.) as well as this page https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200197451 (Links to an external site.) which contains a section about songs during slavery.


From the Library of Congress’ page on African American Song, it says, “As Africanized Christianity took hold of the slave population during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, spirituals, a type of religious song typically sung in a call and response form with a leader improvising a line of text and a chorus of singers providing a solid refrain in unison, served as a way to express the community’s new faith, as well as its sorrows and hopes. Some spirituals served as codified messages of secret meetings, of protest, or even of an intent to escape. Songs often used Old Testament sources to express the suffering of slavery. ” Select one spiritual and analyze its content for coded language as well as references to the Old Testament. How does analyzing these songs add a deeper layer to understanding the period of slavery? In other words, how might the act of studying the spirituals be seen as part of an Afrocentric education?

Reminder: Afrocentric education, according to Molefi K. Asante, “involves locating students within the context of their own cultural references so that they can relate socially and psychologically to other cultural perspectives” and illustrating Africans and African Americans as “agents, actors, and participants rather than as marginals on the periphery of political or economic experience” (“Afrocentricity in Education”).

Paragraph 1 – introduce concept (spirituals, your specific song, coded language concept). End with thesis specific to your spiritual.

Paragraph 2 – analyze the coded language in the song/lyrics.

Paragraph 3 – How does analyzing these songs add a deeper layer to understanding the period of slavery? In other words, how might the act of studying the spirituals be seen as part of an Afrocentric education?