Three Discussions

Question Description

Discussion 1

Chipping In

  • Since the advent of the Human Genome Project along with the superleaps and bounds of technology, the “chip” has been part of theconversation. Do you think as a society, we will consent to beindividually chipped? It is both wondrous and horrifying. Pets arechipped. Parents sometimes think chipping their children, at leastduring childhood, could be a good idea. Why is it coming? What makes itbeneficial?
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates. Can we avoid all ofthis chipping technology that your classmate mentioned? Why is there anegative association with the idea of being chipped? Are therealternative ways to keep track of people and information besides usingchips?

Discussion 2

Choose one topic. Post a main postand a reply to at least one other student. You may respond to bothtopics with a main post, but you still need a substantive reply toanother student in at least one topic. This is what makes ourconversation a discussion.

Topic 1: Social media

  • Do you think the increase in digital spaces (social mediaplatforms, websites, chat areas, discussion boards, online games,workspaces, classes, conferences, hangouts, email and text messages) hasbrought people closer together and/or encouraged isolation amongpeople? Explain your position.
  • Respond to a classmate. What can be done to encourage civility,thoughtful discussion, and respect in these online spaces? What could bedone to change your thoughts on this?

Topic 2 : Parenting, technology, and families

  • Has technology helped parents do a better job?
  • How old is old enough for a cell phone?
  • Is technology (or the misuse of it) hurting “real” relationships?This involves people making the decisions about their technology.
  • I have strong feelings about this. Do you? Does anyone know anelementary school kid with a phone? Have you ever seen a parent hand ababy or toddler (or any other age) child his or her phone to “shut” themup? Have you ever seen a child try to get his or her parents’attention, but the parent is on Facebook? I see this especially withvery young parents and I have seen children get hurt or be hungry as aresult.
  • Does it happen to you? Are your children, parents, spouses, orfriends on the phone when you need them? (This requires some negotiatingwith your own family.)
  • Respond to one of your classmates. Do you agree with your classmate and their assessment of families and technology?

Discussion 3

Choose one topic. Post a main postand a reply to at least one other student. You may respond to bothtopics with a main post, but you still need a substantive reply toanother student in at least one topic. This is what makes ourconversation a discussion.

  1. Productivity
  • How is the Internet of things changing the ways that we live? Whatkinds of apps and devices do you use? What is most useful to you? Whatdo you spend time doing online that you have realized is not productive?How do you change this behavior?
  1. Time
  • How do devices cut into time spent with family? See the link below.Do devices keep you from welcoming others into your life, even your ownfamily. We’re on a mission to get Canadians to eat together, because somuch good happens when we do. Learn more at .

Asian112L hinduism essay

Question Description

Write an essay addressing one of the following questions:

1. Te assigned selection of hymns from the Rigveda contains four hymns concerning the creation of the universe (pp. 6–8). What concepts do these visions of creation seem to share, and in what ways do they differ?

2. What is the nature of the “self” or “soul” (ātman, also translated as “self”) according to the Chandogya Upanisad (pp. 132–141)?

3. What are the roles of ‘work’ or ‘action’ (karma) and ‘devotion’ (bhakti) in the Yoga of the Bhagavad Gītā? How do these relate to each other?

4. How does the Bhagavad Gītā characterize Krishna? What kind of image of God does he represent? How does the Bhagavad Gītā’s Krishna compare with the idea of Brahman?

5. What Krishna teaches as Yoga in the Bhagavad-Gītā is a direct response to Arjuna’s hesitation to fight. What does Yoga have to do with war? How is violence to be justified? Take into consideration the views of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (based on the reading posted on Blackboard).

GUIDELINES a. Essays should be approximately 750–1000 words long. You may use any standard, non-italic font, 10–12 points in size.

b. Submission will be electronic, via Blackboard (not by email, please). Te file should be in one of the following formats: .PDF or .DOC/DOCX.

c. Essays must be submitted before midnight on Sept. 30. Submission will be electronic, via Blackboard (not by email, please). Te file should be in one of the following formats: .PDF or .DOC/DOCX. See the Syllabus for the policy on late submission.

d. Te assignment is worth 10% of one’s final grade.

e. Please indicate clearly which question you are answering. Titles are optional.

f. Te essay should be based on the assigned readings: hymns of the Rigveda, the Bhagavad Gītā, and/or Chāndogya Upanisad, with support from the textbook. Draw upon specific supporting evidence from the texts. You may cite these by name with the page number in parentheses: for example, (Chandogya Upanisad, p. 133). Cite other sources clearly in a standard format, such as author-date, and provide a bibliography at the end of your essay in an standard format. If you draw on sources other than those assigned, which is discouraged, these should be scholarly publications—not, for instance, Wikipedia or other websites. You may use the library’s online resources to identify scholarly publications.

GRADING CRITERIA Te essays will be graded on the basis of the following criteria:

a. Focus and organization 1. Does the essay stay focused upon the assigned topic? 2. Is the essay organized effectively? Does it contain a compelling introduction and conclusion, unified paragraphs, and appropriate transitions?

b. Comprehension 1. To what extent does the essay demonstrate comprehension of the subject matter? ASIAN/RELSTY L 2. Does the essay draw upon and demonstrate understanding of the relevant course materials, and make connections between them?

c. Writing mechanics and style 1. To what extent are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes present? 2. Are citations provided consistently and in the correct format? 3. To what extent is the prose carefully crafed, clear, and well-edited?

d. Insight 1. To what extent does the essay make a clear and convincing argument? 2. Does the essay contain significant insights and original thinking?

Discussion question and peer reviews

Question Description



Examining World Population Growth

What strategies do you think will be most successful in addressing population growth in developing countries? Explain your response.


Hello Class and Professor,

Strategies I think would be most successful in addressing population growth would be education and through education the empowering of women. “The empowerment of women and the improvement of their political social, economic and health status are highly important ends in themselves. We further believe that human development cannot be sustained unless women are guaranteed equal rights and equal status with men. In this process, women should be seen not merely as the beneficiaries of change but as the agents of change as well. This entails enhancement of their own gender awareness. We believe that education is the single most important element on the road to equality and empowerment of women.” (Admin 2018)

I also think through this education the advancement of technology and health conditions and preventions. Of course to women but also to everyone. To be a little more broken down…

  • Work toward gender equality
  • Education of girls
  • Women given more control over their lives
  • Family planning
  • Health services for women
  • New contraceptive technology
  • Mass media to educate both men and women about birth control options
  • Increased economic opportunities for women………

Hite, K.A. & Seitz, J.L. (2016). Global issues: an introduction. p. 1-50. Wiley Blackwell



I think that population growth does have to do with the lack of contraceptive use in many countries. Probably including our own to be honest. However, some people do not like the chemicals in their bodies that mess with the chemistry of the body. The developing countries do not think about families like the united states do because they will have large families and not think about how to support them. How the families are in the developing countries seem to be is that they want their own families in large quantities but not exactly are they thinking about how to support them. Always could use the united states’ approach and use the GMOs to help feed the population better. Or there will have to be a lot of people that will have to go through classes as minor children like the people in the united states do that explain how children are made and how life really is with children and what it takes to raise one. They would have to be explained that it costs a lot of money to have a family and everything that it really takes to have a family. When they are explained how things really work and the cost possibly they can learn how to plan for the future instead of just having children. I think its a lack of knowledge about what the future really holds for everyone that is in it.


I need this by Sunday afternoon please.

Question Description

PowerPoint Presentation On Cognitive Errors

Read pages 113-133 of your text discussing cognitive and perceptual errors in thinking. Do research in other sources (at least 3 reliable, respectable, and trustworthy sources) to provide you with a more in-depth look at the stages that are discussed — I warn you that the information you find will have a dizzying array of methods of categorizations, but you do not have to go too deep into this issue (there could be a whole course about such errors).

You will write about cognitive errors. All biases, prejudices, disproportionate fears, irrational expectations, etc. are cognitive errors. Children display much more of such errors and are less aware of them than adults, although adults also lack insight into such errors, mostly (that is, their own errors because we can often spot such issues in other people). In any case, most of us, as we grow up, start to discover/catch our cognitive errors and, in many cases, correct them to various degrees. Magical thinking, fallacies, self-fulfilling prophecies, ‘Irrational Beliefs’ (as well as irrational beliefs), religious and political extremism, sexism, ageism, racism (and other biases, including — very importantly — confirmation bias), anger, hatred, dread, panic, extreme suspicion, extreme greed, conspiracy theories, etc. are all cognitive errors. Even simple mistakes in logic (even without biases or emotions) are cognitive errors. Once again: cognitive errors are related to thinking/information processing.

There are two parts to the project:

Part I. Make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 15 slides on cognitive biases.
You will also submit a discussion page (Part II), explaining how your own judgment and decision making are reflected in the past and reflects now some of your biases you were able to recognize (you do not have to discuss those of your biases that you were unable to recognize : ).

Part II. (essay) Answer the following questions about your own judgment and Cognitive and decision-making process in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation.
(1.) Discuss those of your biases of which you became aware through your intellectual development.
(2.) Do you make judgments and decisions differently now than you did at an earlier point in your life? Explain and provide an example of how a bias (or biases) influenced a judgment/decision (or decisions) you made at an earlier point in your life.
(3.) Discuss a recent judgment/decision that you made and explain how this judgment/decision is different from what you would have made at an earlier time based on the bias(es) you could not recognize at an earlier time.

Cognitive Errors — Critical Thinking Final Project:

Week Four: Slide Presentation Point Value
Number of slides and Quality content in slides and examples of cognitive errors and biases 40 points
Written Discussion — How your current decision-making and judgment shows the recognition of your earlier errors/biases 35 points
Uses the recommended number of scholarly resources correctly cited in APA format (at least four) 10 points
Creativity — (Color, media, photos, statistics, etc) 5 points
Proper Spelling, Grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation 5 points
Posts required # slides (15) and remember to post word count 5 points
Total (deductions if late) 100 points

Ethical and Legal Standards in Personality Assessment

Question Description

Week 3 Discussion

Ethical and Legal Standards in Personality Assessment

The decisions you make based on the data you gather from a personality assessment might have a significant impact on an individual’s future. As a psychologist, you have a strong influence on the lives of individuals. Therefore, maintaining the integrity of the personality assessments themselves provides enough reason to take seriously the ethical and legal standards governing the personality assessment process. The damage that can result from failing to adhere to ethical and legal standards of psychology reaches many levels. It can result in a waste of resources and dangerous decisions based on inaccurate assessment results. Those dangerous decisions can potentially cause emotional and physical harm to the individual undergoing assessment. Finally, it can pose a danger to those who interact with the individual you are assessing if you are unable to accurately predict the behavior of that individual.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources including the Ethical Vignettes and the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct website. Select a vignette from among those provided.

Then, consider the ethical and/or legal violations in the vignette you selected. Based on your state of residence, think about what state/federal law and ethical standard the psychologist violated. Note that you may need to consult the ethics codes that govern psychological practice in your locale if you reside outside of the United States.

Finally, reflect on any discrepancies between the ethical and legal violations involved, if any, and how a psychologist might have avoided those violations.

With these thoughts in mind:

Write an explanation of the ethical and legal violations you detected in the vignette you selected Support your explanation with a specific citation(s) referencing the ethical and/or legal standards that were violated. Finally, explain any discrepancies between the ethical and legal violations involved. Be sure to identify the vignette you selected by referencing it in the title of your post.


American Psychological Association. (2012). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct; Including 2010 Amendments.

Retrieved from

Goldfinger, K., & Pomerantz, A. M. (2014). Psychological assessment and report writing. (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

oChapter 14, “Ethics of Assessment and Report Writing,” (pp. 190–205)

Standards for education and training in psychological assessment position of the Society for Personality Assessment: An official statement of the Board of Trustees of the Society for Personality Assessment (2006). Journal of Personality Assessment, 87(3), 355–357.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Weiner, I.B., & Greene, R.L. (2008). Handbook of personality assessment (1st ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Handbook of Personality Assessment by Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. Copyright 2008 by JOHN WILEY & SONS – BOOKS. Reprinted by permission of JOHN WILEY & SONS – BOOKS via the Copyright Clearance Center.

oChapter 4, “Ethical Considerations in Personality Assessment,” (pp. 77–95)

Document: Ethical Vignettes (PDF)

Note: You will use this document with this week’s Discussion.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Family case study [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

A dialogue about plagiarism paper

Question Description

I would like this paper to be written from the perspective of an international student. The instructor instructions are below. I would also provide the source text mentioned.

Assignment: Write a dialogue between several characters that have very different attitudes about plagiarism. Pretend that your characters have read the source texts that you have read. Use your imagination to develop your characters’ responses to the texts. You can include yourself in the discussion if you want.

Your dialogue should explore alternative understandings of “originality” and how it relates to “plagiarism.” Consider this issue: if writing always involves combining or building on old ideas, then how are new ideas possible and does the idea of plagiarism make sense?

You can use the “Differing Attitudes towards Textual Reuse” handout to get ideas about how people’s attitudes towards plagiarism differ. You can use the “Plagiarism–What do U.S. Professors Think?” handout to get ideas about issues that people don’t agree on.

Length:6 pages (double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font).


  • To synthesize information taken from a number of sources.
  • To discuss reasoning around citing decisions and develop your own reasoning.
  • To practice in-text referencing conventions.

Source texts:

  • Gladwell (2004) “Something borrowed”
  • Harris (2011) Chapter 1, section 1.2 “Why use sources in papers?” and section 1.5“Are sources the whole idea?”
  • Popova (2012) “Combinatorial creativity and the myth of originality”
  • “Student academic integrity policy”
  • Walling (2009) “The creativity continuum”
  • Quotes on the “Differing Attitudes towards Textual Reuse” handout.

Genre:This is a dialogue. Introduce the dialogue with a paragraph that gives the setting and some background for your characters. Then, format the dialogue using names against the left margin followed by a colon. You can give stage directions in italics and parentheses. You can use informal, spoken English. Here is an example:

Sara: (pointing to the student papers on her desk) I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. Coming up with your own ideas is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.

Alex: (looking doubtful) Really.When’s the last time you came up with a truly original idea?

Sara:Well, I guess that depends on how you define “original…”

Structure:You may organize the ideas that you cover in the dialogue in any way you’d like. You can construct your dialogue in several parts that occur at different times or with different participants.

Title:Compose a title for your dialogue and center it at the top of the first page.

Referencing: Use in-text citations and, on the second draft, include a reference page. If you need to cite something from the “Differing Attitudes towards Textual Reuse” handout, please cite the original source. For example, if you use the first quote, you should cite it like this:

“I don’t want my own words coming bouncing back to me in student work…” (quoted in Sutherland-Smith, 2008, p. 145).

Grading:This paper is worth 15% of your course grade. Grades will be based on how well you follow these directions, the accuracy of your source-based statements, the amount of mastery of the topic you display, and the quality of your writing.

Commenting on two classmates discussions about Science and Diversity

Question Description

In response to your peers, provide feedback about their news story and describe the value of the scientific lens for understanding diversity.

Classmate # 1 Kati

CBS News aired a story on August 3rd, 2019 titled “How mosquitoes killed billions – and helped win the American Revolution” (CBS, 2019). The story revealed studies of female mosquitoes and their ability to transmit infection, killing what is thought to be 50 billion people during human existence (CBS, 2019). The story goes on to discuss yellow fever and malaria and how those mosquito-borne diseases factored into our world history and how DDT was a weapon to defend against mosquitoes until it was discontinued as it was discovered to be an environmental pollutant and had possible links to cancer (CBS, 2019). The ultimate goal of this research is to reduce the amount of threat from mosquitoes and reduce or eradicate the diseases they transmit. This story relates to diversity by allowing us to look through the history and natural science lenses and gives us information from history that can help us better understand why historical events happened. This is also important to allow us to change our future as a society and potentially reduce the amount of deaths caused by mosquito-borne diseases.

Classmate # 2 Megan

In recent news, there has been much controversy over the dangers of known vaping products. These products have been extremely popular amongst the younger population, being linked to mysterious lung diseases that have been occurring in otherwise healthy young individuals and have even ended fatally. The article from ABC news titled Marijuana vape sales lag as lung illnesses rise in US reports “The ailment has sickened at least 805 people and killed 13. Some vaped nicotine, but many reported using oil containing THC, marijuana’s high-inducing ingredient, and said they bought products from pop-up shops and other illegal sellers,” (Flaccus & Peltez, 2019). Massachusetts even issued a public health emergency announcement due to severe diseases associated with e-cigarettes and vaping products amongst the youth. As of September 11, 2019, Massachusetts issues a four month ban on all vape sales. The news article also states, “In roughly two years, they grew from a small fraction of overall sales to about one-third, with $9.6 billion in sales between 2017 and 2019, according to New Frontier Data, an economic analysis firm that tracks the industry,” (Flaccus & Peltez, 2019). Although no vaping products or ingredients have been linked to these illnesses, they all have one common factors; the use of vaping products. Doctors state the illnesses resemble inhalation injury, reacting to a caustic substance.

The sales of vaping products have been linked directly to the younger population, affecting all races and backgrounds. Something that is not mentioned in the study is the effects vaping products have had on adults as well as the youth. Although these products are more common in the younger population, many adults have also been consuming these products but are not talked about in any ongoing studies or in the media.

Please cite in in APA format

2-3 paragraph on the successful teacher.

Question Description

Chapters 21-24 of your textbook The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (4th ed.).

The successful teacher designs lessons and assessments that support overall student achievement. In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss evidence-based approaches supporting teaching experiences and relate how you can create an effective assignment and assess for student learning.

Please cite some references in the paper using APA







Does Not Meet Expectations

5 points

4 points

3 point

2 points

0-1 point

Overview and Analysis of Prompt

  • Thoroughly developed, highly articulate analysis of the prompt.
  • Astute connections to outside references and resources to support analyses.
  • Evidence in both columns 3 and 5 present

Overview and analysis of the prompt is adequately developed.

  • Adequate connections to outside references and resources are provided to support analyses.

Evidence in both columns 1 and 3 present

Overview and analysis of the prompt lacks adequate development.

  • Connections to references are minimal, missing, or unclear in alignment with the Scholarly Connection prompt.

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

0-1 point

Scholarly Reflections and Connections

  • The roles of scholar, leader, and practitioner (SLP) are skillfully analyzed through multiple lenses demonstrating exceptional understanding of the SLP model.
  • Exemplary selection and inclusion of evidence-based findings to support reflections/connections.

Evidence in both columns 3 and 5 present

Scholarly reflections and connections are provided highlighting the roles of scholar, leader, and practitioner (SLP) demonstrating a solid understanding of the SLP model.

  • Quality selection and inclusion of evidence-based findings to support reflections and connections.

Evidence in both columns 1 and 3 present

Scholarly reflections and connections are missing or under-developed.

  • Inclusion of evidence-based findings to support the reflections and connections are missing or incomplete.

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

0-1 point

Written Expression/APA

  • Writing reflects exceptional skill and is free of errors
  • Exemplary command of APA formatting within the document and in the Reference page.
  • Evidence in both columns 3 and 5 present

Written expression is proficient with few or minor errors that do not interfere with overall readability

APA formatting is used properly with few or minor errors in text and/or the Reference page.

Evidence in both columns 1 and 3 present

Frequent and/or severe errors in standard written English that interfere with understanding

Paper is formatted incorrectly

  • Most sources are referenced inappropriately
  • References page does not follow APA style or is missing

Preparing for Project 1: Thesis Statements

Question Description


As you now know from the lecture on Essay Format and Tips on Writing, you essay should start with an introduction. In the introduction, you will have a hook, background information and a thesis. The thesis is the last sentence of your introduction, and it makes the overall argument for the whole essay. To work on your skill at writing thesis statements, let’s practice.

Step 1:

Review the following information about what a thesis is.

A thesis is your main insight or idea about a text or topic, and the main proposition that your essay demonstrates. It should be true but arguable (not obviously or patently true, but one alternative among several), be limited enough in scope to be argued in a short composition and with available evidence, and get to the heart of the text or topic being analyzed (not be peripheral). It should be stated early in some form and at some point recast sharply (not just be implied), and it should govern the whole essay (not disappear in places).

Remember from the PowerPoint, I describe a thesis statement as needing at least two things: a limited subject and an attitude about that limited subject. (Review the PowerPoint if you need to.)

When we are working on argument essays, our thesis must be a debatable claim. A claim that is not debatable does not qualify as a thesis—for example:

“Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play about a young man who seeks revenge”.

That doesn’t say anything–it’s basically just a summary and is hardly debatable.

Here is an example of a stronger, more debatable thesis:

“Hamlet experiences internal conflict because he is in love with his mother”.

This is arguable, controversial even. The rest of a paper with this argument as its thesis will be an attempt to show, using specific examples from the text and evidence from scholars, (1) how Hamlet is in love with his mother, (2) why he’s in love with her, and (3) what implications there are for reading the play in this manner.

Note that a thesis, just like the Point in your paragraph is an opinion/claim. The difference is that the thesis is the claim of the whole essay while a Point is the claim of that specific paragraph. Often the Points are reasons/sub-claims for the big thesis.

Also review the following PowerPoint for more support.


Step 2:

Practice writing good thesis statements with the worksheet below.

Writing Workshop- Thesis Practice

discussion responses

Question Description

he ideal of protection for all people was not a new concept. Throughout history society has integrated forms of overseeing collective rules and regulations for the people they represent. Governing agencies from federal, state and local found ways to enforce the laws established by the nation, apprehend criminals, manage the peace, provide local services and ultimately their presence within the community would deter criminal behavior. A sad moment in our history was September 11, 2001. The dynamics of our protection was challenged and jeopardized. The nation needed more resources and quick to watch and listen to what could happen on our soil. Our federal, state and local police became experts all the sudden in fighting terrorism. The truth was our nation thought it was invincible and could not happen with all our technology. However the resources we needed to utilize are all around us daily. These resources start with experienced men and women who are trainable in an area that continues to protect its citizens.

According to Schmalleger (2017), “In 2005, the US Department of Justice embraced the concept of intelligence-led policing (ILP) as an important technique… (p. 184-185).” This technique would allow for gathering of information so police can make informed and “tactical” decisions. The war was not over in another Country but had found ways to infiltrate our cities and homes. The intelligence must be gathered in many forms by many organizations, so sharing is vital. In the article (2016), A reality check on a cyber force, “Law enforcement currently finds itself in the midst of a philosophical shift in practice (pp. 333).” On paper the idea of gathering information from multiple sources and sharing seems simplistic; however, procedures must be established that do not violate the current laws. A good example is the Patriot Act of 2001 that was put into place to allow current investigations to expand on current laws that were already established but not always utilized like a wire taping on phones with key words. Technology allowed for more investigative measures to be taken. Police needed guidance and training on how to use this information and what circumstances does one act on the information and how. Unclear guidance creates a dilemma when the intentions are good but the foundations of training and usefulness are uncertain. A resolution formed called Fusion Centers. These centers came about to integrate the information into a useful way for police agencies to collaborate and enforce.

There are many challenges to the Fusion Centers and policing the people by the assumption of suspicion can be one of them. Privacy is one of the main concerns but as a citizen if it protects me from the enemy then use the resources available. As a Christian I am open to follow the rules of the land, honor my heavenly Father and know that I choose to be the child of God who represents Him. Jeremiah 1:19 states, “And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee.”