Theory application essay

Question Description

LOGISTICS: For this assignment, find an article (journal, magazine, or newspaper article published between 2013 and 2018) about a current event using the following criteria: CONTENT:~~

Essay 1Stage of Human Development: You have learned about some of the macro-level issues impacting human development, as well as the theoretical framework which social workers often use for assessment and intervention. For this essay your stage of development is adolescence or younger. Textbook Chapter Concepts: 1 and/or 5

Approved Theories: 1) Systems theory and/or 2) Theories of prejudice and discrimination.

For each essay, you must:

Select an article that targets the approved stage of human development.

Identify one or more of the approved theories you intend to use for your essay.

Read your article at least two times.

After reading your article, think about how your chosen theory explains, predicts, and/or analyzes the primary social issue in your article.

Write your essay applying concepts from the theory you selected addressing the social issue. The goal is to explain what is taking place in the article using different theoretical concepts that explain or refute what is taking place. For example, in Essay 1 Systems Theory is an approved theory and your article population should focus on the adolescent stage or younger. Some of the concepts of Systems Theory include inputs, outputs, homeostasis, etc. You should analyze your social issue using these particular concepts to explain your position. In Essays 2 and 3, you will use concepts associated with the approved theories and stages of human development to explain the social issue in your article and your position on the issue. FORMAT: No cover page AND no title;

Your essay should be 2 full page (minimum) to 3 pages (maximum);

On first page type your HEADER in the upper right-hand corner: First/ Last Name Theory Application Essay #__ (date

Use paragraphs [Note: paragraphs must be at least 3 sentences long in order to stand alone as a paragraph!], complete sentences, correct spelling, and punctuation as well as express your original ideas clearly; Only 1 “direct quote” is allowed per essay;

Upload or attach a copy of your article in Blackboard. Do not include the article link in or at the end of your essay as a substitute. You must include the article full text;

Use 6thedition APA format to cite your two sources (textbook AND chosen article) CORRECTLY within the text of your paragraphs in your essay and;

Include a Reference page with your essay, which also must be correctly formatted in 6thedition APA.

o [Note: do NOT use computer programs that claim to format your citations/References page for you! These programs do NOT format correctly!]

o [Note: you must UTILIZE your 6thedition APA manual! On Blackboard, click on the “APA format” tab to get important supplemental information about paraphrasing, basic citations in paragraphs and in References section, how to avoid plagiarism, as well as important pages to refer to in your 6thedition APA manual! To understand how to format a References section, see your 6th edition APA manual, pp. 180-183 “Reference list”, and pp. 193-224 “Reference Examples” to format this page correctly]

o [Note: specific terminology (which are italicized words in your textbook) must also be italicized in your paper!

One of the Required Sources (textbook)

Fantasy Presidential Campaign Activity (Government)

Question Description

In this activity you are going to apply what you have learned this week about policy as well as apply what you have learned in this course so far to create a basic presidential campaign plan.

Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to run in the General Election. In your campaign plan, please address the following:

Part 1: Campaign Details

What is your home state?

What is your political party?

What is your campaign tagline or slogan? Almost all recent presidential campaigns have had a theme song. For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton used the song,” Don’t Stop,” by Fleetwood Mac. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney used the song, “Born Free,” by Kid Rock. What is your campaign theme song? Why did you select that song.

Select someone to be your Vice Presidential Running Mate. You can pick anyone that would eligible, per the Constitution, to serve as President. Why did you select this person to be your vice presidential running mate? How do they help improve your chances on winning the General Election?

Part 2: Your Issues

Select and describe two (2) domestic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these domestic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each domestic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) economic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these economic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each economic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) foreign policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these foreign issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each foreign policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Part 3: Your Strategy

Considering the Electoral College vote, which specific states would you campaign in? Keep in mind you have limited resources and that you can’t campaign in every state. Think about what states you would need to win in order to win the general election. Based on historical data, do you actually have a chance to win? Would you be able secure enough electoral votes to win the general election by these states.

To help you think about this part of the assignment you may want to find online and play with an “Interactive Electoral College Map.” Here are some website that you could use to help:

270 To Win

U.S. Election Atlas

Electoral College Interactive Map

2016: Make Your Prediction

Be sure to include a reference list of all sources that you used to complete your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.

need 2 posts, reflection and question

Question Description

Chapter 1, pp. 21 – 31

1. Consider the following scenarios:

  1. An investigator is interested in studying whether infant child care leads to an insecure attachment bond between children and their mothers during the first year of life as well as into the preschool years.
  2. An investigator is interested in studying whether a new drug is as effective as diet and exercise in lowering cholesterol levels in an adult sample.
  3. An investigator is interested in determining whether sociability in children is related to school achievement and whether this relationship, if any, varies for children in preschool, elementary school, and middle school.

For each scenario, answer the following questions:

(1) What research method and design would you choose for this study? Why?

(2) Would the results tell you anything about cause and effect? Why or why not?

(3) Would this study involve any special ethical considerations? If so, what are they?

Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.

Please submit this assignment here by

2. Answer the questions in well developed paragraph

A few things to keep in mind:

  • each post should be at least 150 words and no more than 300 words
  • simply disagreeing or agreeing with a classmate is not sufficient (e.g., “Great point.” “I agree with you.” “I thought the same thing.” – do not meet the criteria); you must provide new information in your post;
  • it is okay to critique the readings, but the critiques have to be constructive. If you point out any flaws, you must also provide an alternative or a suggestion for how to address the flaws;

Goeke-Morey et al. (2007): What design was utilized in this study? What are the strengths and limitations of this design? What other design would you use to examine their main research question?

Can you think of any special ethical considerations that might arise with this type of study? Explain.

3. Answer the questions in well developed paragraph

A few things to keep in mind:

  • each post should be at least 150 words and no more than 300 words
  • simply disagreeing or agreeing with a classmate is not sufficient (e.g., “Great point.” “I agree with you.” “I thought the same thing.” – do not meet the criteria); you must provide new information in your post;
  • it is okay to critique the readings, but the critiques have to be constructive. If you point out any flaws, you must also provide an alternative or a suggestion for how to address the flaws;

My question is in regards to the journal article Children and Marital Conflict Resolution: Implications for Emotional Security and Adjustment by Marcie C. Goeke-Morey, E. Mark Cummings, and Lauren M. Papp.

In the article, the authors emphasized that they used complimentary research methods. They improved on using only an analog experiment (structured observations in a laboratory). They accomplished this by adding a self report in the form of completing a checklist on a parental home report diary. This provided observations in the natural setting about how the participants viewed the conflict resolution and the child’s emotional responses to the type of resolution.

Why is it important to supplement structured observations done in the laboratory with other methods of data collection?

4. Create a thoughtful question similar to my classmate,

Immigration Court essay

Question Description

Essay 1: Exposition

2-3 pages

10% graded + 5% draft

Sept 10 intro and thesis workshopping with one supporting paragraph

Sept 12 Entire essay with conclusion and at least three body paragraphs

Sept 17-20 grading conferences

Assignment Objectives

Students’ essays should 1) have a thesis statement that directly makes a claim about what the “text” they are analyzing communicates and why, 2) use specific, detailed examples from the text to support that claim and the reasons why, and 3) summarize, paraphrase, and quote from the text adequately to complete the task. Remember, a “text” is not just an essay. It refers to meaning we can “read” in a critical sense. For example, we all know we can read advertisement that don’t have words. We can read an emotional moment in a film where there is no dialogue.


This essay will ask you to choose a single text from a provided list and write an exposition of it. Exposition is the act of explaining what a text says and how it says it, and how it attempts to persuade or influence its readers, viewers, or participants. Practicing this kind of assignment can help you understand how texts of all varieties attempt to persuade you, from scholarly articles to advertisements to posts on social media to film and podcasts.


Write an essay that presents your explanation of how the “text” you have chosen works to influence its readers. Make sure to focus more on how the essay works than on summarizing what it says. You may choose any one of the following excerpts. Remember, they are all related to the topic of immigration which is the general topic of the course. These are links to segments from “Last Week Tonight” with comedian John Oliver. They incorporate humor in an obvious way, but also present factual evidence that usually isn’t explored which provides the audience with new insights. So, you will choose one of the three below.

Family Separation:

Border Patrol:

Immigration Courts:

Suggestion for Process

Watch the segment all the way through without taking any notes. After, right down what you remember. Now, watch it again and take notes about how the writers are using humor and examples and information to appear to the audience. After that, based on your notes, freewrite what you think the purpose was. Was there a larger statement being made? If possible, pretend you are the writer/director and write a thesis statement for the documentary.

Rhetorical Situation

Who is the Audience and What is the purpose and what tools of ETHOS (credibility) PATHOS (appeals to emotion and humor) and LOGOS (structure and facts) are being used?

We have discussed the rhetorical situation, and the importance of context in class. For review, visit the OWL site here:

Remember, it is about the choices you make based on your audience and purpose and the context of the topic.

Do I need a works cited page?

Because you will be quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing from a source, you will need to parenthetically cite it when you use it in your essay and include an MLA works cited page with an entry for source. Please ask if you have questions regarding citation, and remember that all essays will go through the Turnitin Originality Check in the D2L Dropbox.

Constitution Short Essay Assignment

Question Description

Constitution Short Essay Assignment

There are multiple parts to this assignment; for full credit, please respond to them all. Keep in mind that this is a graded assignment and I am primarily looking for inclusion of assigned course material. Have fun!

1. Federalist Papers: Expand your understanding of Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and Anti-Federalist Paper #1 by examining the arguments made in each of these documents and their role in contemporary government and politics. Do the limits on power enshrined in our Constitution and articulated in these Federalist Papers continue to work today? For Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and anti-Federalist Paper #1:

a. Explain the central argument made and why it was important in the context of then-proposed Constitution.

b. Apply the argument made to an example of contemporary politics. Do the arguments made in these Federalist Papers still apply today? Explain why or why not.

c. What would the Federalists have thought about the current conflict between the President and Congress over the funding of a border wall? Did the Federalists intend that the President should be able to get whatever he wants by holding government funding hostage?

2. The U.S. Constitution: If you were writing a Constitution for the United States today, what would be some of the major ideas you would like that Constitution to reflect?What is important is not which option you choose, but whyyou chose that option. Again, keep in mind that I am primarily interested in the integration of assigned course materials. You may also refer to contemporary media sources should you wish to do so.

a. Would you like the government set up by the Constitution to allow for majority rule on all issues, or would you rather allow minorities power to slow or even stop majority rule? Why?

b. Would you like a system that works rather rapidly to make and implement decisions, or would you like a system that works fairly slowly? Why?

c. Would you like a central government with great powers, state governments with great powers, or something in‑between? Why?

d. Would you like the power of the national government concentrated in one branch, such as in a parliamentary system, or diffused through two or more branches?Why?

e. How is the Constitution you have created similar or different from the U.S. Constitution? Have you always chosen the most democratic options (remember, the Founders of the U.S. Constitution often did not)? If not, what other values enter into the decision to choose the least democratic option? Were these the values that affected the decisions of the Founders of the U.S. Constitution?

Source Material:

Open to Debatee-text Chapter 2

American Government Examined e-reader Chapter 2:

  • Aichinger, “The Relevance of the Federalist Papers”
  • Federalist #10
  • Federalist #51
  • Anti-Federalist #1

Video Lecture Clips:

  • Chapter 2

Tips for Success:

  • I will be looking for direct references to assigned readings (author and page # or chapter and section citations are adequate). Again, this is an assignment in which I am looking for your ability to display your knowledge of course materials.
  • I recommend composing your content in an offline text editor and then copying and pasting in post. That way you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work.

Grading Rubric:

Federalist Papers Prompt


Constitution Prompt


Writing Mechanics


Total Possible:


Reflect and React Assignment 1 (R&R1): Exploring Changing Gender Roles in Society

Question Description

As you read over chapter 3, we were presented with concepts, research, and trends regarding gender: roles, behaviors and expectations and how those are drastically changing and quickly…Take a moment to reflect on your views related to gender roles.

You will need to choose and review three of the resources provided below in addition to Chapter 3 from our text:

  2. CHOOSE ONLY ONE of the CBS articles: A) B)…Links to an external site.

  3. Time are Changing (you are not expected to read it all but please review it as best as you can–the information is amazing to consider) Please note: this is the only available study of its kind but new studies are coming and being done).


After watching and reviewing three of these resources and chapter 3 in our text, please consider and address these questions by reflecting and sharing your perspective and experiences/observations as applicable:

  • Based on what you read and watched from your chosen articles and the chapter, what changes are taking place concerning gender roles? What stood out to you regarding the resources and the information and trends they presented? Be sure to address/discuss ALL the resources you chose (not just one point from each) to support the changes taking place and your perspective regarding them; so you should have a total of 4 sources discussed and referenced in your paper.
  • From our reading of chapter 3 and the resources you reviewed, what do you consider to be one of as the greatest factor(s) driving the changes in gender roles in America? Remember to use the resources to support and explain your conclusions.
  • How do you and your family dynamics concerning gender roles (e.g., how they were modeled and/or taught) relate to any of the findings from the resources?
  • What kind of influence (i.e. positive, negative, or neutral) do you see these changes discussed in chapter 3 and the articles having on the American Family?
  • What other changes, if any, based on what you learned from the chapter and resources would you like to see regarding gender roles in America and for your own future?

You will need to submit your assignment as an attachment below. Please be sure you have followed the instructions concerning reflecting over gender roles in America; as well as meet the expectations for written work (see below as well as the syllabus).

Your paper must NOT be in “Question and Answer” form but should be written in essay form and be presented as a cohesive body of work that flows and all points being connected with one another.

Please refer to the grading rubric provided below. I have found that it takes students approx. 3-4 pages to complete these reflect and react assignments though it varies by student. As long as your work satisfies the criteria, length is not an issue.


Here is the Grading Rubric and Student Feedback form I will be using when grading your work based on the rubric for this assignment:


Watch the video and answer the questions then reply back to the 2 posts provided with 50 words on each

Question Description

For this week’s discussion, we’ll do something that is common in classes – watch a video and connect it to course material. First, watch this interesting TED talk (Links to an external site.) on creativity. Then, in your post connect the material in the film to at least TWO concepts from this week’s chapter on thinking, language and intelligence. See if you can be creative in your connections (after all, the talk is about creativity).

Reply: In the Ted Talk, “The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers,” Adam Grant discusses the idea of thinking creatively and originally. He goes about this topic by evaluating different work ethics in which he identifies that procrastinators are the most creative thinkers. Moderate procrastinators are shown to be more creative opposed to precrastinators and heavy procrastinators. I feel that this idea of procrastinating and coming up with creative ideas relates heavily to the concept of thinking.The textbook chapter goes into depth about the steps of thinking, and I believe that procrastination is a form of time needed to complete the three steps. When Grant mentions Warby Parker and their initial delay on the startup of their company, I thought about how time was necessary in order to get their end result. Having a great idea and rushing into pursing it may be productive and showcases eagerness and determination, however, falls short of time to think of more ideas that could contribute to the end result. This relates the the idea of divergent thinking and convergent thinking. With enough time, you are able to come up with many possible solutions or ideas until eventually you get the best one which is an implementation of convergent thinking. Being able to come up with something creative and original is not always sudden, time is needed for thoughts and ideas to develop. This also relates to the idea of concept of algorithms and thinking that things need to be done a certain way for the best results. Creative thinkers think outside the box and the best ideas are sometimes constructed abstractedly.

Reply: I found this TED talk to be very relatable, in life you come across many different types of people and I would definitely consider myself to be in the procrastinator category. A lot of times I can get stuck on thinking of ideas or topics to talk about in school, work and in regular day to day situations, but for some reason when I wait until the day of or every minutes before something is due I get this rush of ideas and things to talk about. I like that Grant brought up the six steps in the creative process, using this as a tool for problem solving, starting out thinking negatively that the project you are working on is not going well to turning it into positive and motivational, using “thinking” to find a new way to make the idea or project come to life. The second concept that relates is creativity, when a person is procrastinating, generally they are running short on time and are forced to think outside of the box, coming up with creative and often colorful ideas.

rewrite essay

Question Description

According to the my paper, please make some changes. and follow the requirement from both documents.

Your essay must include the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of The Taming of the Shrew and/orI Henry IV. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the playsonce, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. This statement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage from the script which you analyze closely. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues; it should also demonstrate your ability to closely paraphrase the meaning of the passage correctly and place that passage in its proper dramatic context. You should use the Oxford English Dictionary to explain the meaning of at least one key word.

1. Opening paragraph of the essay:

The opening paragraph of your essay should announce your topic and give the reader sufficient background so that s/he can understand the interpretive controversy you are addressing. Often, the opening paragraph includes the thesis statement, but it is not required.

2. Body of the essay: The body of your essay should lay out evidence for your interpretive position and explain to the reader how that evidence supports your thesis. The intellectual quality and refinement of your analysis of the Shakespearean text is crucial to the success of your essay, so look for the following:

the general sense of the passage. Overall, what is the argument of the speech or line?

key lines or phrases. Often, Shakespeare includes key lines or phrases which encapsulatethe meaning of a passage, so those should get your special attention.

the tone of the passage. Does the choice of language reveal joy, anger, sarcasm, manipulativeness or anguish? How do you imagine the actor saying these lines?

the “subtext” of the passage. Are there elements of the speaker’s character revealed that he or she may not explicitly state? What in the text indicates those elements to you?

the dramatic context of the passage. To whom is the character speaking? What is s/he seeking to accomplish by saying these words? What happens right before and right after the character says these words?

imagery and metaphors. Much of the meaning of Shakespearean writing is carried in his choice of images and metaphors. What are the key images and metaphors, and what do they contribute to the meaning of the passage? Don’t move too quickly to “symbol-hunting.”

3. Conclusion of the essay:

The concluding paragraph of your essay should not simply paraphrase the opening paragraph or summarize the essay. Certainly it is appropriate to remind your reader in a sentence or two what you have been arguing, but the bulk of your concluding paragraph should be devoted to answering the question, “SO WHAT?” In the final paragraph, you can assume that you have sufficiently supported your thesis in the body of the essay. The final paragraph should therefore be devoted to suggesting the larger significance of your thesis, why your argument is interesting, important, or relevant.

i need this answers

Question Description

51. In the ______, Socrates argues that we can acquire all our knowledge through the senses because _______.


none of these choices apply


Ion; our senses can only perceive a form of reality that is always changing


Meno; they are very reliable


Phaedo; they never deceive us


Apology; they are the only means that we have to learn about the world around us

52. In the ______, Socrates says that if death is a state of _______, then there is no reason for him to worry about dying.


Apology; nothingness and utter unconsciousness


Meno; pain and suffering


Phaedo; immortality


Ion; bliss


none of these choices apply

53. In the ______, Socrates says that we _______.


none of these choices apply


Ion; divide society into different classes


Apology; divide reality in two different types


Phaedo; divide knowledge into theoretical and practical


Ion; divide knowledge into different arts

57. In the Meno, Socrates argues that after hearing what the priestess at the Oracle of Delphi said about him, he decided to ______.


prove that the priestess was wrong


prove that the priestess was right


prove that no one was as virtuous as he


none of these choices apply

59. In the _______, Socrates argues that there are two types of reality, ______.


none of these choices apply


Ion; reality and metaphysics


Meno; truth and opinion


Phaedo; mind and matter


Apology; truth and falsehood

60. Socrates thrived in Athens for as long as its ______ tolerated _______.


tyranny; accepted dissent


democracy; his political ideas


democracy; and encouraged new ideas


democracy; his idiosyncratic behavior


none of these choices apply

Philosophers Quotes Analysis

Question Description

I will tell you of a twofold process. At one time it [i.e., the cosmos] grew together to be one only out of many, at another it parted to pieces so as to be many instead of one. Fire and Water and Earth and the mighty height of Air. And also, apart from these, dreaded Strife of equal weight to each, and Love in their midst, equal in length and breadth….All these elements are equal and of the same age in their creation. But each presides over its own area, and each has its own character, and they dominate in turn in the course of time.

What does this quote mean? And specifically the text listed below.

And also, apart from these, dreaded Strife of equal weight to each, and Love in their midst, equal in length and breadth…. mean and what

Does the passage fit into any of the common theories of metaphysics you explored earlier (Idealism, Materialism, Mysticism, Monism, Dualism)?

Second question

Of the first philosophers, most thought that the principles which pertained to the qualities of matter were the only principles of all things…. Yet they did not all agree as to the number and the nature of these principles. Thales, the founder of this type of philosophy, said the principle is water (for which reason he declared that the earth rests on water). Perhaps he got this notion from seeing that the nutrition of all things is moist, and that heat itself is generated from the moist and kept alive by it (and that from which they come to be is a principle of all things). Perhaps he also got his notion from the fact that the seeds of all things have a moist nature, and that water is the origin of the nature of moist things.

The first sentence Of the first philosophers, most thought that the principles which pertained to the qualities of matter were the only principles of all things…. Yet they did not all agree as to the number and the nature of these principles. What does it mean?

I think it means early believed the principles related to the quality of matter applied to everything. For example, plants are made of cells however according to the principles of matter it was made from atoms. When they say they did not agree to the number or nature does that mean, does it mean they did not agree how many principles of matter there were and the nature of matter.

In addition, when they state Perhaps he got this notion from seeing that the nutrition of all things is moist, and that heat itself is generated from the moist and kept alive by it (and that from which they come to be is a principle of all things).

Does he mean that everything requires water (which has a moist nature). I don’t know what it means heat itself is generated from the moist and kept alive by it (and that from which they come to be is a principle of all things). Can I have an example?

Does the passage fit into any of the common theories of metaphysics you explored earlier (Idealism, Materialism, Mysticism, Monism, Dualism)?