Describe Wilson’s evolutionary explanation of how altruism persists across generations. Describe why Wilson thinks human nature is such that there may be an upper limit to moral progress

Question Description

1 page paper

MLA format

One paper answering both of these questions

1) Describe Wilson’s evolutionary explanation of how altruism persists across generations.

2) Describe why Wilson thinks human nature is such that there may be an upper limit to moral progress.

Slut shaming discussion- 1 page

Question Description

What are your thoughts on Amber Rose’s activism around slut shaming. Is slut shaming a valid issue that people can or should rally around for women’s empowerment?

Review links below and give your feedback.

Women’s role & military tactics in the American revolution

Question Description

Need a 3500-4000 word research paper on women’s role (on home front, aiding the wounded soldiers in battle, etc & military tactics used that led to America’s independence from Britain in the American revolution. Only academic sources and footnotes please

What is your question about?What is your question about?What is your question about?What is your question about?

Question Description

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

What is your question about?

Chinese folk dance

Question Description

You are to find a video of the folk dance from the country you were assigned. After watching the video, answer the questions on the attached form. Remember to use complete sentences and answer all parts of the question.

watch 5 minute video answer question no outside research

Question Description

View the brief video below.use reading included titled borderline personality disorder as a guide, thoroughly Describe all of the characteristics of borderline personality disorder that you can identify in Becky.Borderline Personality Disorder

his 121 louisiana purchase

Question Description

After reading, viewing, and watching the various sources about the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition, answer this: what were some of the scientific, geographic, and/or diplomatic achievements of this event? What evidence do you have that supports your answer?

Summary chapter 14-26

Question Description

name of the book:

Michael Boylan, To the Promised Land

Anomaly: pick out something unconventional and surprising that happened during all the chapters read—One Anomaly.

Link anomaly to a philosophical principle from the first part of the course.

Watch:Video 2 of playlist “Race – The Power of an Illusion” California Newsreel

Question Description

Write a 1 page (single spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins) minimum response. The first

paragraph should describe the event. The second paragraph should relate the event to course

materials. The third paragraph should be a reflection of the event.…

I need help with this

Question Description

Reading Shakespeare is hard, but from it we can learn about how past cultures felt about issues of identity and relationships. How do Lear’s relationships with Kent and Goneril reflect Lear’s ideas about himself?

2 Pages make it simple