Topic and Structure: Character Evolution

Question Description



Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Topic and Structure:

Character Evolution – Explain how a character from a novel, film,television show, or another medium of your choice evolves—either good orbad—from the beginning to the end of the story.

Your introduction will provide a brief synopsis of the story and thensmoothly transition into the last sentence of your introduction—thethesis statement. Next, you will develop at least three body paragraphs,each dedicated to one example (such as a scene) in your chosen mediumthat serves as support for your thesis claim. Finally, you will compile aconclusion paragraph that synthesizes your findings.

Creating the thesis statement:

Is your argument focused and meaningful in a way that it also offers aclear-cut, but debatable point of view, which a reader might eitheragree or disagree with? Avoid claims that are too obvious to thereaders—offer them a new idea! Remember, a thesis also serves as a mapfor your essay, providing a promise of subtopics you will discuss inyour body paragraphs in the order in which they appear in your essay.

Sample thesis statement: In The Midnight’s Shadow, Charles Bellinghambegins as a lonely, self-loathing candle maker, but after he meets MissCharmaine, begins working for the king, and takes an understudy, hetransforms into a confident man who sees the townspeople and the kingdomas a friendly and prosperous community.

Developing the body paragraphs:

The way you present your supporting evidence is just as important as theevidence itself. When you create a body paragraph with the goal ofsupporting a claim in your thesis, you want to include a balance ofresearch and/or examples with original material. In other words,original material refers to discussions you develop that help explainthe connection between your research and/or examples and your thesisclaim. You don’t want to assume that your research and/or examples areenough to prove your thesis—you want to inform your reader how and whycited material serves the purpose you intend.

Therefore, begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that affirmsyour opinion. A topic sentence for the first body paragraph in a paperwith the thesis from above might say, “Miss Charmaine, ever so charmingin her ways, bumps into a scowling Mr. Bellingham, only to annoy himfurther, but as he slowly raises his gaze to evaluate the source of thisunpleasantry, he is rather surprised to see a such a lovely creatureaffectionately maintaining his stare, eliciting an intrigue that servesas the first defining moment in Charles’ positive transformation.” Next,follow up the topic sentence with more about this scene that serves asthe defining moment. Then, spend significant time explaining how theevents you just discussed prove your thesis. Finally, end the paragraphwith a concluding sentence that synthesizes your efforts.

Compiling the conclusion:

Lastly, compile a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your findings in anew manner, using fresh language and perspective. Make sure to work in arestatement of your thesis statement (but not a repetitive version) aswell as any other relevant ideas you present in the essay. You want yourconclusion to read like new information but without actually presentingnew arguments. In sum, synthesize instead of summarize.


· When you refer to events in your chosen medium, use literary present.

Format Requirements:

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

Your first and last name
Course Title (Composition I)
Assignment name (Character Evolution)
Current Date
Page Layout:

MLA style documentation (please see the tutorial in the course topic)
Last name and page number in upper-right corner of each page
Double-spacing throughout
Title, centered after heading
Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
1″ margins on all sides
Save the file as .docx or .doc format
Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words. You must meet wordminimums for all essays in this course in order to have yoursubmissions graded.

Underline your thesis statement.

commenting on two classmates discussion on Diversity

Question Description

Post at least two responses to your fellow students. In your responses to your peers, take a look through the lens of intersectionality and consider both sides of your classmates’ issues. Compare and contrast your answers. What do you like about your peers’ explanations, and what would you add?

Clasmate # 1 Megan

An event related to diversity that truly touched my heart was one I was lucky enough to experience a year ago. I was standing in line at a café when I noticed a woman placing her order, she was accompanied by a young man maybe in his early 20s. Before placing their order, she began signing to the young man. In just moments, the cashier began communicating with the boy using sign language! The boy lite up with a surprised expression and probably for the first time, was able to place his order independently. Watching them communicate warmed my heart. The boy seemed so overjoyed; I can only assume he finally felt like he wasn’t so alone. This was such an eye-opening experience for me, as it was something that never seemed to cross my mind before. I have thought about learning another language, but never once have I though about learning how to sign to be able to communicate with those who are deaf.

A current issue recently in Boston news at the end of august that I found interesting was the organization of the “straight pride parade”. This parade took place in Copley square, ending in Boston city hall. The parade passed by one of the local colleges known as Emerson college, the day of freshman move in. Emerson is known to be a big support of the LGBTQ community and was not in favor of the parade, as many of the students were outraged. The parade was organized in response to the annual pride parade held in Boston each year supporting the LGBTQ community. The organizers behind the parade stated it was not held as a mockery or to encourage hate but simply a freedom of straight pride and speech. Although I personally feel the straight pride parade was created passive aggressively towards the LGBTQ community, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech.

Classmate # 2 Kelia

I grew up in a rural area of Maryland that borders with West Virginia and Virginia. There are racists here. There are bigots. There are people who have terrible ideology and beliefs. There are known KKK members and masters that live in the area and spread their hate. It’s been this way my whole life. I have chosen to come out the other end different than them, and growing up around these types of hateful people taught me how terrible people can be, and that it is always better to love than hate. I have seen way too many of my peers follow in their footsteps and turn out just as hateful, but seeing that hate made me see that nothing had changed, but they really need to. A current issue that has personally impacted me was the shooting of Freddie Gray and the BLM movement. I was going to school on the edge of Baltimore at the time, and dealt with the curfews and riots and protests that ensued from his murder. Being in such close proximity to this crime and seeing the support from the community showed me the full scope of the BLM movement and the courageous people that fight for it. I have recalled this crime numerous times over the years, as history repeats itself and I have found myself in similar or adjacent situations since then. Something needs to change.

Assignment 1: Presentation – Identifying Organizations (Due Week 4)

Question Description

Assignment 1: Presentation – Identifying Organizations (Due Week 4).


Forthis assignment, we will expand upon our understanding of a socialproblem through analyzing the organizations that are committed toaddressing it. For example, with respect to the social problem ofhomelessness, we see a variety of local and national level organizationsthat seek to enable people the opportunity to have permanent housing.Habitat for Humanity would be an excellent example of an organizationthat deals with such a concern. As another example, regarding the socialproblem of poverty, we may look at the Salvation Army as a type oforganization committed to helping impoverished people, or peoplerecently released from prison or drug treatment, to find gainfulemployment and reclaim a quality-of-life. Your job in this assignmentwill be to do your own independent research on two organizations thatare committed to addressing a social problem of your choosing.


Forthis assignment, you will put together a presentation of 10 slidesminimum. You may use a presentation program of your choice such as anyof these which offer free use:

or PowerPoint.

Please attach, embed, or provide a link to your presentation to submit it for grading.

Your Presentation must do the following:

1.Select a social problem of your choice. Describe two organizations(feel free to do your own independent research on these organizations)that is seeking to address this social problem.

2.Next,analyze two major ways that each organization is addressing the socialproblem you have mentioned. For example, are they helping to createhomeless shelters, are they helping people receive drug treatment, orare they working with state and local authorities to curb suffering insome area?

3.Define four concepts from our readings/materials that relate to yourchosen social problem and analyze how these concepts help us betterunderstand the social problem you are discussing. Some examples ofconcepts are ideas such as stratification, ethnicity, racism, sexism,and others as mentioned in our readings and materials (NOTE: these arejust examples of concepts – they may NOT apply to your topic – you needto select concepts that apply to your own topic).

4.Define one sociological theory from our readings/materials thatrelates to your chosen social problem and analyze how this theory helpsus better understand the social problem you are discussing. Sociologicaltheories include functionalism, conflict theory, feminist theory,symbolic interactionism, and others as mentioned in our readings andmaterials.

Note – you may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements).

Donot use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia,,, and similar. Use our course materials, peer-reviewed journalarticles from the library, and other scholarly sources.

Yourpresentation should utilize sound critical thought and it shouldinclude appropriate APA in-text citations and full APA references at theend.

The structure of the Presentation must include the following:

— TITLE SLIDE (1 slide minimum)


— REFERENCE SLIDE (1 slide minimum)


See Syllabus


Thiscourse has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize yousubmitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multipledocuments as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignmentafter it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:

Assignment 1 will evaluate your ability to do the following:

Course Objectives:

Course Objective One

Identify specific social problems and their cause-effect patterns.

Course Objective Two

Identify current research methods that are utilized for the investigation of social problems.

Course Objective Three

Compareand contrast current and suggested policies, programs, and/ortreatments in terms of their effectiveness for alleviating the negativeconsequences of social problems.

Course Objective Four

Apply class concepts to support opinions about social problems.

Course Objective Five

Illustrate how the sociological process enables us to identify various social concerns.

Course Objective Seven

Apply sociological theories to explain the occurrence and scope of these problems.

American Literature Task (2) COKE

Question Description

3 PARAGRAPHS PER ASSIGNMENT….MLA IN TEXT CITATION…SINGLE SPACE Begin your essay with a clear thesis that reflects the question you select, but you may need to narrow and focus the question. Explain your thesis, the focus of your essay. Do not begin with a general statements. Define any relevant terms, and then support this focus with specific examples and quotes from the text.note: if your essays are too short or undeveloped or if they are general/ vague, they will not receive a good grade.DO NOT USE ONLINE SOURCES; IF YOU DO, YOU WILL FAIL WITH A ZERO

1. Using ONE of the Modern texts in our content unit on Modernism, such as “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” “Mending Wall,” or “A Rose for Emily,” define and explain Modernism. Provide at least four characteristics of Modernism and explain how these characteristics are illustrated in the text you select – use these characteristics to explain the text’s meaning. Be specific.

2. Explain the traditional definition of the dramatic monologue as developed by Browning; then explain how and why Eliot’s adapts and changes this type of poem in “The Love Song.” Why does Eliot change the traditional definition for a more modern audience – what is his purpose? Be specific.

3. Using either chapter 9 of Vandover and the Brute, “The Open Boat,” OR “The Blue Hotel,” define American Naturalism as a literary movement, providing at least four characteristics. Make sure you use examples/quotes from one of these texts. You may include Norris’ definition of Naturalism.

4. In “To Build a Fire,” compare and contrast the two characters, the man and the dog. Neither one has a have proper name. Are we meant to compare the two? How does such a comparison help us understand the story as Naturalistic? For example, which one is more adapted to his environment?

5. Rivers function as symbols in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”; what do they symbolize? What do they mean? Several rivers are mentioned: name them and explain how they provide clues to the poem’s meaning.

6. In “Sweat,” Sykes is associated with phallic symbols: the bullwhip and the snake. Why use these symbols to characterize him? In contrast, Delia is surrounded by gynocentric symbols (symbols that are about female creativity): laundry basket, skillet, and the house itself. Compare and contrast the use of symbols as touchstones of meaning in the story. What do these symbols reveal about each character and the story’s meaning?

7. How and why does Miss Emily try to control time and circumstance? Why does she kill Homer? Consider her background including her relationship with her father – what does he have to do with her mental state? Narrow/focus.

8. Discuss the narrator in “Mending Wall” – who is telling the story and why? What is the narrator’s tone or attitude? Compare and contrast the narrator’s point of view about the wall with his neighbor’s. What is the narrator’s attitude toward his neighbor? What does the narrator mean when he says his neighbor “walks in darkness” or compares him to a “stone-age savage”?




Essay of rhetorical analysis

Question Description

Instructions for Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis / Reader Response

You have already written two brief rhetorical analyses in this unit. For your major essay, you will write another rhetorical analysis, this time combined with a response or rebuttal.

Format: MLA paper format and documentation.

Sources: at least one source (the essay you are analyzing). Use of additional sources is encouraged but not required.

Length: Three pages, approx 800 – 1000 words

Due Date: Refer to the assignment calendar for this course.

First, read/view the texts that I have provided for you in the folder “Texts for Essay #1” located just below these instructions. Choose one of these texts to be the subject of your analysis and response. You will notice that there are a variety of texts to choose from, including videos and hybrid written/spoken multimedia texts.

Approach your rhetorical analysis much like you have with the previous assignments in this unit. Identify elements such as audience, purpose and context as a means of understanding how the text communicates its main idea (also known as a thesis). Also identify and provide examples of the types of appeals used by the author, pathos, logos, ethos, etc.

The new element for this assignment is that you will be responding to the main idea or thesis of the text that you are analyzing. In other words, once you have established what the text’s thesis is and how it communicates that thesis, you will then need to add your own voice, ideas and opinions to the mix. Think of it as joining a conversation. Do you think the author of the original text is mistaken? Has he/she failed to consider some important point? Or do you agree with the author? Perhaps you can provide additional reasons, examples and evidence to support the thesis. Sometimes you can both agree and disagree with the author, but if you do so, be sure to clearly identify which portions you agree with and which you disagree with.

An outline of your essay might look like this:


Identify the text, the author and the subject matter. Make sure your reader knows what you will be talking about in your analysis.

Rhetorical analysis

Analyze the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, context, visual or spatial elements, auditory elements, etc.) Explain how these elements, along with the author’s use of logos, pathos, and ethos are used to persuade or convince the audience and evaluate the effectiveness of these elements. This section might be several paragraphs long.


Respond to the author’s thesis by agreeing/disagreeing. Add your own ideas opinions and examples.


Wrap up the essay by restating your conclusions and position on the topic.

There are three individual due dates associated with this essay. Look at the assignment calendar and you will see them listed as:

Essay 1 – Post Working Draft

Essay 1 – Compete Peer Review

Essay 1- Submit Final Drafts

For the due date associated with “Post Working Draft” you will post a complete draft of your essay to the appropriate forum in the Peer Review Board. How and where to do this are explained in the Guidelines for Peer Review, located near the end of Unit 2. By the second due date, Complete Peer Review, you will need to complete two reviews of drafts submitted by your classmates. Again, instructions for how to do this are located in the guidelines. After the peer review process is complete, you will submit your final draft on the date indicated as “Submit Final Draft.”

The final draft of your essay will be submitted via the link provided at the end of Unit 2

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Early Childhood Learning Environment Plan

Question Description

For the Final Project you will write an eight- to ten-page paper in which you describe your idea of an effective learning environment for either infants or toddlers.

I would like to stress the words infants or toddlers. PLEASE do not write a paper based upon a preschooler, a child in Pre-k or even older since this class was based upon infants and toddlers.

Final Papers may only be submitted once, the grade that you receive will be your earned grade. For any paper that has been submitted that is not specifically about infants or toddlers your paper will not be accepted, no exceptions

Background Information:
Creating a positive learning environment enhances opportunities for young children to feel safe and supported. Teachers and child care providers learn that careful planning and the effective arrangement of space and classroom equipment can facilitate learning experiences for young children.
“Creating a Learning Environment for Young Children.” Teaching our Youngest. Early Childhood-Head Start Task Force.

Preparing for your Final Project:

For the Final Project you will write an eight- to ten-page paper in which you describe your idea of an effective learning environment for either infants or toddlers. Your paper should include details of the information presented over the duration of this course including the resources list above. Your paper must include each of the elements below:

  1. Create a mission statement that illustrates your basic philosophy of working with young children. For examples of current mission statements, go to “Daycare Mission Statements (Links to an external site.)” and “Early childhood center mission statement.”
  2. Create a lesson plan using this lesson plan template (Links to an external site.) for two of the developmental domains (i.e., cognitive, physical, social, or emotional).
  3. Explain your vision for each learning center in the learning environment.
  4. Identify the developmentally appropriate age group for which the lesson plans are developed.
  5. Describe the learning center. For example: What are some activities children will be engaged in? In what ways are you incorporating all developmental domains (physical, cognitive, social, etc.)?
  6. Explain how are you incorporating the design considerations from Figure 6.1 of the course text?
  7. Describe physical and/or instructional modifications for children with special needs.
  8. Discuss whether your classroom will have primary caregivers and/or continuity of care (looping), with a rationale for your choice.
  9. Discuss how you will meet health and safety standards in the learning environment (covered in Chapter 4). Include information on hand washing, cleaning, sanitizing, and safety precautions.
  10. Explain how the teacher will accommodate parents in the learning environment. For example, how will you create spaces that invite and welcome families into your environment? How will you help families feel comfortable leaving their children in your care? How will you communicate with parents?
  11. Describe how the teacher will create a positive working relationship with other adults in the learning environment (e.g., occupational therapists, parent volunteers, teaching assistants, etc.).

You will submit your Final Project as an eight- to ten-page paper, not including title and reference pages. You are encouraged to address the requirements and, if applicable, include images, charts, and/or graphs. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Your references page must include a minimum of two outside scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and required readings.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Question Description

1- Digital Spiritual : Using Adobe Spark, create a project that is a visual representation of your essay. Do not just copy and paste your essay into the video/project. Adjust your content to fit the project format.If you did not do a video last time, you must this time. If you did not narrate/use your voice last time, you must this time (and include captions). You must use images that are closely related to your text (images include art).All projects must include a video/audio clip of your selected spiritual.Prompt: see the Spirituals Response prompt. You are making a digital version of this essay – again, do not just copy and paste. Make selections from your essay, revise the selections for ease of read in the slides.

2- Spirituals Response: Homework responses (HR) will be mini typed responses written prior to class (3 paragraphs; minimum 500 words, single-spaced).The first paragraph will introduce a critical concept and explain it in your own words. This paragraph will end with a thesis statement that connects the concept to the book being analyzed and its significance.The second paragraph will contain analysis of the book in relation to the concept. It will include one quote from the book. This paragraph will focus on one scene—do not talk about every single thing that connects to the concept. Be focused and critical.The third paragraph will wrap up the mini essay by discussing “the big picture.”HRs are to be uploaded to Canvas prior to the start of class. The homework link in Canvas will provide you with a TurnItIn plagiarism report. Review the report and correct anything that is marked as plagiarism (if you have directly quoted from the required reading and used proper citation, you do not have to change that even if TurnItIn highlights it). If you do not upload your HRs to TurnItIn, 20% will be deducted from the grade.To help you with this assignment, remember to read the Library of Congress’ page on spirituals (Links to an external site.) as well as this page (Links to an external site.) which contains a section about songs during slavery.

Prompt:From the Library of Congress’ page on African American Song, it says, “As Africanized Christianity took hold of the slave population during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, spirituals, a type of religious song typically sung in a call and response form with a leader improvising a line of text and a chorus of singers providing a solid refrain in unison, served as a way to express the community’s new faith, as well as its sorrows and hopes. Some spirituals served as codified messages of secret meetings, of protest, or even of an intent to escape. Songs often used Old Testament sources to express the suffering of slavery. ” Select one spiritual and analyze its content for coded language as well as references to the Old Testament. How does analyzing these songs add a deeper layer to understanding the period of slavery? In other words, how might the act of studying the spirituals be seen as part of an Afrocentric education? Reminder: Afrocentric education, according to Molefi K. Asante, “involves locating students within the context of their own cultural references so that they can relate socially and psychologically to other cultural perspectives” and illustrating Africans and African Americans as “agents, actors, and participants rather than as marginals on the periphery of political or economic experience” (“Afrocentricity in Education”).

framework conceptional revise week 2

Question Description

In Week 2 you will be learning about theory and conceptual and theoretical frameworks in qualitative research. All dissertations have to include a theory (e.g., attribution theory) or a conceptual model (e.g., health belief model). Theories can be used to inform the design of the study and/or be used to explain findings from the analysis of your data. We do not test theories in qual studies.


Section 1

Post an explanation of the role of a theoretical or conceptual framework in qualitative research and provide examples from the resources you read. Use proper APA format and citations to support your post.

Please use the format on the discussion board using these required headings:

Explanation of the Role of a Theoretical or Conceptual Framework in Qualitative Research

Examples of the Use of a Theoretical or Conceptual Framework in Qualitative Research

Discussion 1 Response to Colleague

Please follow the format on the discussion board.

Section 2

  • Review the Grant and Osanloo article related to conceptual and theoretical frameworks found in the Learning Resources and consider how a conceptual framework differs from a theoretical framework.
  • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to help you search for a research article on your topic of interest that uses a theoretical or conceptual framework. (Note: This can be the same article as the one you will use for your Annotated Bibliography in this week’s Assignment.)

Post an explanation of how Grant and Osanloo (2014) describe the differences between conceptual and a theoretical framework. Support your explanation with examples from the article as well as from your texts.

Please follow the format on the discussion board using these required headings:

Differences Between Conceptual and Theoretical Framework According to Grant and Osanloo

Examples of Conceptual and Theoretical Framework from studies you have read:

Conceptual Framework:

Theoretical Framework:

Week 2 Response to Colleague

Please follow the format on the discussion board.


Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 2, “Using Conceptual Frameworks in Research” (pp. 33–63)
  • Chapter 3, “Critical Qualitative Research Design” (pp. 65–110) (focus on pp. 85–89)

Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 1, “Listening, Hearing, and Sharing” (pp. 1–11)
  • Chapter 2, “Research Philosophy and Qualitative Interviews” (pp. 13–24)

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Common course assignments: Annotated bibliographies. Retrieved from
Use this website to help you as you create your Annotated Bibliography for your Major Assignment 1.

Walden University. (n.d.). How do I write an annotated bibliography? Retrieved from
Use this website to help you as you create your Annotated Bibliography for your Major Assignment 1.

Walden University Writing Center. (2012, October 30). Weathering the storm…of problem statements [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Use this website to help you as you write your problem statement for your Major Assignment 1.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Course guide and assignment help for RSCH 8310. Retrieved from

Outline help

Question Description

This assignment must contain the following elements:

Countering the ISIS/ISIL Threat

Throughout this course you have studied various terrorist groups and intelligence capability to counter the threats posed by these groups. For this project, review one of the following news websites to gain a thorough understanding of ISIS/ISIL terrorist group:

Then, select two of the following Congressional Research Service Reports (Note Week 5 Readings). Read the Introductions and Summaries of each report.

  • Thesis. Write a thesis statement for your Final Project. The thesis statement should synthesize the point or claim you intend to argue or prove in your paper. In your Final Paper, the thesis should be the final sentence of your introduction and the first sentence of your conclusion.
  • Outline. The outline must include all of the required components stated in the assignment instructions.
  • Annotated Bibliography of five academic references. The annotated bibliography must contain:
    • APA Citation.
    • A summary of the article to include, what the author tested, major conclusions and recommendations.
    • Summarize how each source will contribute to your Framework.

Students are reminded of Ashford University standards for academic research. Scholarly references standards include:

  • Primary (original) sources written by experts in the field of study
  • Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources
  • Credible sources (experts in the area of study)
  • Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study)
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles (journal articles reviewed by recognized experts in the relevant field of study) are required.
  • Official Government Websites are appropriate sources of information.
  • Educational websites may be appropriate in some cases but should be evaluated carefully.

The following are examples of what is not acceptable for academic research and referencing:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Dictionaries
  • Wikipedia, other wikis, or blogs
  • Websites and other sources that do not provide quality researched materials (site does not use credible sources to support the information in the document)

All research must reflect professional academic protocol and be documented according to APA standards (Please see guidelines for avoiding plagiarism).

Unit 6 Discussion Post

Question Description

Unit 6 Discussion:
Slavery and the Civil War

In this final discussion for the course, you will reflect upon the following quote:

In August of 1862, Abraham Lincoln wrote these words in a letter to Horace Greeley “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.”
[Library of Congress]

Required Readings

How Slavery Really Ended in America

-Any other materials assigned for this course (textbooks, articles, videos, etc.) that are relevant to your answer


A) POSTING: For this assignment, discuss the connection of slavery to the Civil War. How did northern war goals in relation to slavery change as the war progressed? What impact did the war have on slavery, and conversely, what impact did slavery have on the war? I am deliberately leaving this assignment open-ended to allow you flexibility to address whatever you think is significant AS LONG AS your posting addresses some aspect of slavery and the Civil War.

Your posting should be a minimum of THREE SUBSTANTIVE PARAGRAPHS (remember, a paragraph that is 1-2 sentences is NOT a substantive paragraph). You can also choose to be creative and use PowerPoint, YouTube, or any other kind of medium to convey your thoughts. But like with a traditional paragraph posting, you need to make sure that your creative posting comprehensively identifies and explains your chosen topic, as well as includes frequent references to the assigned reading (including the article How Slavery Really Ended, which must be incorporated into your answer).

The key here is effort: minimal effort = low grade. I want your posting to be insightful and reflect your critical thinking about the connection of slavery to the Civil War. Most of your posting should be in your own words. If you do use the exact wording from a particular source, please be sure to put the quoted words in quotations and include the page number where it is taken from.

B) RESPONSE: I want you to read over postings by other students. Choose one that you think is insightful or offers an alternative viewpoint to your own. Offer feedback and comments on why you think that particular posting is effective. If you have additional questions for the classmate, feel free to ask them, but do so in a respectful manner. You should base your response on what you have learned in the class and not simply personal conjecture. Effective responses will make direct references to materials covered in the class. Responses that are not based on evidence (ex: no connection materials you have read in the class) will receive a lower grade. Hopefully one thing you have learned in this class is that all assertions or interpretations should be backed up with evidence.

As you can imagine, the class might have very different perspectives on this subject, which is fine. As you read through the responses, feel free to respond to any postings that you agree/disagree with. But please make sure that all responses are respectful and based on evidence that you have encountered in the class. The goal for the responses is not to prove who is right or wrong, but rather, offer a particular perspective based on evidence (after all, that is what historians do in every book and article that they write).