Please help me with these six multiple choice questions.

Question Description


(01.01 MC)

Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom, and an uncontrouled [sic] enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by nature a power, not only to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men; but to judge of, and punish the breaches of that law in others, as he is persuaded the offence deserves, even with death itself, in crimes where the heinousness of the fact, in his opinion, requires it.

—From Two Treatises of Government, by John Locke

Which idea does John Locke discuss in this excerpt? (4 points)


(1.04 MC)

What did James Madison write in Federalist No. 10 to counter the Anti-Federalists’ argument that it would be difficult for factions to form and control the government in a confederal system? (4 points)


(1.04 MC)

The map shows the division between the Union states, including those admitted during the war, Union states that permitted slavery, Confederate states, and the territories during the Civil War.
What concept from Federalist No. 10 is represented in the map? (4 points)


(01.04 MC)

Population of U.S. in 1790 (approx.) Population of New Bedford (CT) in 1790 Time to travel to New York (nation’s capital in 1790) from Connecticut Time to walk to center of New Bedford from city limits
3,900,000 3,000 1 week 1−2 hours

Based on the above table, what might be a reason for the Anti-Federalists to oppose the Constitution? (4 points)


(01.18 MC)

Year Major Bills Enacted into Law by the
Confederation Congress
1782 0
1783 1
1784 1
1785 1
1786 0
1787 1
1788 0
Year Major Bills Enacted into Law by the U.S. Congress
under the Constitution
1789 5
1790 8
1791 2
1792 5
1793 3
1794 1
1795 1

Source: The Library of Congress

Which statement accurately explains the table data? (4 points)


(01.07 MC)

In every State, a certain proportion of inhabitants are deprived of [the right to vote] by the constitution of the State, who will be included in the census by which the federal Constitution apportions the representatives. In this point of view the Southern States might retort…that the principle laid down by the convention required that no regard should be had to the policy of particular States towards their own inhabitants; and consequently, that the slaves, as inhabitants, should have been admitted into the census according to their full number, in like manner with other inhabitants, who, by the policy of other States, are not admitted to all the rights of citizens. A rigorous adherence, however, to this principle, is waived by those who would be gainers by it. All that they ask is that equal moderation be shown on the other side. Let the case of the slaves be considered, as it is in truth, a peculiar one.

—James Madison, from Federalist Paper No. 54

How did the Northern states’ position contrast with this argument? (4 points)

6 political science questions easy

Question Description

Answer the six multiple choice questions correctly. That’s all. 🙂

Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom, and an uncontrouled [sic] enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by nature a power, not only to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men; but to judge of, and punish the breaches of that law in others, as he is persuaded the offence deserves, even with death itself, in crimes where the heinousness of the fact, in his opinion, requires it.

—From Two Treatises of Government, by John Locke

Which idea does John Locke discuss in this excerpt? (4 points)


(1.04 MC)

What did James Madison write in Federalist No. 10 to counter the Anti-Federalists’ argument that it would be difficult for factions to form and control the government in a confederal system? (4 points)


(1.04 MC)

The map shows the division between the Union states, including those admitted during the war, Union states that permitted slavery, Confederate states, and the territories during the Civil War.
What concept from Federalist No. 10 is represented in the map? (4 points)


(01.04 MC)

Population of U.S. in 1790 (approx.) Population of New Bedford (CT) in 1790 Time to travel to New York (nation’s capital in 1790) from Connecticut Time to walk to center of New Bedford from city limits
3,900,000 3,000 1 week 1−2 hours

Based on the above table, what might be a reason for the Anti-Federalists to oppose the Constitution? (4 points)


(01.18 MC)

Year Major Bills Enacted into Law by the
Confederation Congress
1782 0
1783 1
1784 1
1785 1
1786 0
1787 1
1788 0
Year Major Bills Enacted into Law by the U.S. Congress
under the Constitution
1789 5
1790 8
1791 2
1792 5
1793 3
1794 1
1795 1

Source: The Library of Congress

Which statement accurately explains the table data? (4 points)


(01.07 MC)

In every State, a certain proportion of inhabitants are deprived of [the right to vote] by the constitution of the State, who will be included in the census by which the federal Constitution apportions the representatives. In this point of view the Southern States might retort…that the principle laid down by the convention required that no regard should be had to the policy of particular States towards their own inhabitants; and consequently, that the slaves, as inhabitants, should have been admitted into the census according to their full number, in like manner with other inhabitants, who, by the policy of other States, are not admitted to all the rights of citizens. A rigorous adherence, however, to this principle, is waived by those who would be gainers by it. All that they ask is that equal moderation be shown on the other side. Let the case of the slaves be considered, as it is in truth, a peculiar one.

—James Madison, from Federalist Paper No. 54

How did the Northern states’ position contrast with this argument? (4 points)

english discussion

Question Description

please individually write about these two posts. they’re classmates posts, and you need to state your perspective and opinion on them. if u agree or not. about 200 words each.


1) One thing I noticed about the student’s use of research is that the research was very easily connected to the thesis and topic sentences. The student avoided mental gymnastics in the analysis of her research because her evidence was on topic. For example the students thesis argues that many companies that brand themselves as ethical are actually not what they preach, and then her evidence/research says “Migrant Workers Live in Hell”. The reader can infer from this that companies that claim to be ethical still have unfair labor practices. The reader does not to think much about how the thesis relates to evidence because the student on topic. Staying on topic is an important skill is at helps people comprehend your work better. One should want readers work to be able to understand the point of your essay.

2) One thing I like about the students approach to argumentation is that she uses the words of the fashion company against themselves and in favor of her argument. For example she went to the Reformation website and shows how they argue that they are ethical and environmentally friendly business. Then the student used your her/his evidence/research against these claims. The comparison between the claims of the fashion company and student’s evidence shows us that the fashion companies claim was false. This proved the students thesis that “although Reformation promotes an ethical, sustainable, and green company image, they are taking part in unethical and unsustainable practices by partnering with a foreign manufacturer that, in truth, is far from ethical or environmentally sensitive”. The dismantling of the claims fashion company helped the student build a compelling case to show that the words of the fashion companies are vague and self-virtuous because they are not set in reality. Comparison between the claims and facts is a great way to show the truth.


1. What do you notice about the student’s selection, incorporation, and/or explanation of research that relates to her topic and thesis? What does it inspire you to want to research with respect to your own topic?

I like that the student states facts and is very clear on what she states. As far as being informative for example; stating facts in the first paragraph. When she writes “Reformation recognizes that harmful chemicals are used to manufacture clothing” yet towards the end of the introduction she mentions “Although Reformation promotes an ethical, sustainable, and green company image, they are taking part in unethical and unsustainable practices by partnering with a foreign manufacturer that, in truth, is far from ethical or environmentally sensitive.” Which I agree with. It’s like selling something and lying about it and where it’s coming from. Pretty much for promotion. I hope I’m explaining myself correctly with what I’m trying to prove.

The student also backs up her argument with examples and other resources from different companies and sites.

2. What, specifically,do you notice about the student’s approach to argumentation?In other words, what do you notice about how she approaches her argument that you would like to try out in your own essay? Reference a specific moment in which she does something interesting in order to persuade her audience.

A specific moment I found interesting is towards the end of page 3 going into 4. Where it starts,

“As evidence of continued pollution, Matthews reports that the water surrounding manufacturing communities continues to be polluted with chemicals, salts, and heavy metals making farmland unusable and locals sick. This should not be happening when companies claim to be sustainable and green. Reformation promotes the idea that their viscose fabric is a natural “eco-friendly fiber,” but they have yet to consider the problems associated with its production.” And so on. In my opinion she starts of strong and gets straight to the point. Saying well this website is promoting this but at the same time it’s stating something different. It’s like having a drink that says “sugar free” and then you read he nutrition facts and says “sugars 25g”.

Your Academic Program and Your Life’s Purpose

Question Description

After you have completed your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts and provide substantive feedback on their initial responses. Consider their focus of interest and reasons for investigating those topic areas. What insights can you share about their areas of interest? What suggestions do you have for resources in those areas? To what extent do these topic areas also interest you?

Response # 1

The Career Planning Self-Assessment suggested several areas in which I could revisit to gain full competency. The checklist stated that I should revisit the following tools to reach full potential in the job searching process: exploration and planning, connecting with others, job search tools, and career enrichment. I completely agree with the suggestions from the assessment, specifically the categories that discuss connecting with others and job search tools. I would like to learn more about the potential job opportunities that I have in my area by branching out on social media and other job search tools. I tend to play with safe when it comes to the job searching process, taking the first decent job that comes my way. As I have gotten older, I have come to value my abilities and myself more and more. I believe that the next time I am on the hunt for a new job, I will be able to be more confident and selective.

My greatest area of interest in this course revolves around the older adult aging process. Unit 4 appears to go into great detail on the adult aging process in reference to the ecology of aging and the relationship between individuals and the environment. This topic is of great interest to me being that I work with a relatively large geriatric population on a daily basis. Possible research topics that I would like to explore include: presenting symptoms of chronic mental illness along with dementia/neurocognitive disorders, parenting styles in relation to mental illness in adolescents, mental illness in first generation immigrants, and the effects of playing collegiate sports on mental health. I am specifically interested in researching collegiate sports in relation to underlying mental illness. The evidence of over training has grown in recent years to at least 60% reported; along with subsequent burnout of athletes performing at elite levels is increased (Hughes, 2012). I am interested in the above-mentioned topics for a variety of reasons. First, I am aware that all of these topics are vastly different. I work with a variety of individuals, older adults, chronic mental illness, and even adolescents. There are specific clients or instances that have sparked my interest in each of these research areas. I believe that their stories have stuck with me and are driving my curiosity to delve deeper into these topics.

Within the human behavior profession, I strive to be a counselor (fully licensed within the next two years) and eventually an adjunct professor. My ideal dream job would be to have a part-time private practice along with a part-time teaching job. I believe that it would be incredibly fulfilling to aid in the journey of future counselors or other individuals in the human behavior profession.

Reponse # 2

I am ready to learn as much as I can about adult development in this course. I have spent most of my time learning about child and adolescent development. I only work with children and adolescents right now. It can be easy to forget that eventually, these children will grow up to become adults with mental illness. The topics that I am most interested in is childhood mental illness and suicidal ideation and how this will transpire into adulthood. Right now, I would like to continue to grow in the agency that I work and figure out a way to better bridge the transition from child & adolescent services to adult services because many time we end up losing client due the fact that in adult services the types of diagnosis that are treated are much more specific. It would be great to be able to create a program geared specifically towards 18-25 years old that will allow us to continue to provide care.

Checking an autobiography

Question Description

So I just need you to check if this is a good way to start and write an Autobiography. And also go over the grammer do some changes if you find any mistakes. I really need it to look professional.

My name is …….. i’m … years old. I’m originally from …… I lived in …. before I relocated to the United states. I was almost … years old when I migrated to the United States and became a citizen in 20.. . I attended … High school back in 20.. .and spent 3 semesters , I did not graduate from this school. Later i attended .. charter school in 2017 and completed my missing credits, so i graduated and earned my high school diploma in august of 20.. . afterwards i enrolled in …. College . curentlly im a student in …. Pursuing an associate degree in Administration of justice. The college is located in …… . i have completed 27 units so far and still pursuing 12 this semester. I have not finished any Administration of Justice courses thus far but im taking courses now that will be fulfilled in December of this year. The courses are intro to administration of justice , criminal trial process , public safety communications , and community and the justice system . I do not have any military experience. I have been working since … when I started my first job at …… , spent a little over one year in that establishment. I wanted to do something better so I started looking for other job opportunities. In 2015, I was successful haired by cable company named ….. . starting my second job as a cable technician doing work for time warner cable (spectrum) . earning a very good experience in the cabling system. For better employment benefits , and financial incentive , I left my position at …… to start with a different cable company named ….. Doing the same duties for …. In 2017. The new company is located in …. And I worked there for less than a year in 2018. I decided to quit the cable work to free up more time for myself to pursue my educational goals. Late 2018 i started doing Uber and Lyft which i found the more flexible time schedule to go along side my educational commitments. I have no police experience but I have always been passionate about police work. Generally, I like to have a balanced life between work, school, and following my interests. Physically I have maintained a certain level that I hope to keep. I spend my free time at the GYM working out mostly. I Used to play soccer when I was a teen. I’m a big fan of soccer. Traveling and exploring other cities is very interesting to me. Learn a history of place is very rewarding to me. During my childhood police officers were always getting my attention. I grow up and had the same interest in police. When I moved to the United States the interest turned into a dream and a career I would love to do for the rest of my life. As an adult now I understand the risk and the duties that the police officers handle on daily bases. I want to enter the law enforcement to serve and help the community I live in. I believe that I have what It take to perform the duty with great perfection and honor. I’m thrilled to apply to the police academy expecting that by the time I graduate be prepared to start my career as a peace officer. I also expect to be acquainted of the importance laws that applies to police officers. As well as the good report writing skills. I think I will be a good police officer because I’m willing to do my best and work the hardest to succeed in this field. I’m Also physically well prepared. I will be a good team player as a teamwork and will be there whenever needed for any extra work or responsibilities.

Response paper

Question Description

Response Papers

12:30 p.m. EST

Last day to submit response paper 2

Length: 1-2 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, not including list of works cited)

Format: MLA (including in-text citations and list of works cited)

Response papers may be turned in any day there is assigned reading (and must be about that day’s assigned reading). Only one response paper can be submitted per class.

Response papers are different from essays. Response papers are less formal and more personal than analytical essays—therefore using the personal pronoun “I” and referring to personal experiences is more acceptable in response papers than in essays. Likein essays, textual evidence (both paraphrased and quoted directly) must be included in response papers. Unlike essays, response papers do not need to be organized around a thesis statement.

Rather, a response paper is your chance to communicate in writing your personal viewpoint and personal learning as they relate specifically to the assigned reading in question and the ideas and values contained therein. A good response paper will artfully make a connection between the subject at hand and your own experience. A response paper is intended to be a transformative experience. The text, the artifact alone, has no meaning; it is given meaning by the reader. You are being asked to transform the new experience into a context that is meaningful to you, born of the interaction of reader’s and writer’s meanings.

A response paper is not intended to be a comprehension test, a book review, (i.e. “I really enjoyed the…) or a rehashing of the content or story (i.e. this happened, and then that happened”). A response paper is not a summary. The tone can be more informal than a traditional essay.Your reader is familiar with the text, and is

interested in discerning how deeply you have thought about the concepts, values, belief systems and attitudes that exist at the heart of the work. You might think of a response paper as a heartfelt letter to the author, a conversation, a dialogue with the work, a great idea, the man, the woman behind the artifact. It is a personal statement of one’s epistemology, even of one’s own spiritual experience. It is relaxed, clear, uncensored.

When reading, that is dialoguing with the text, keep in mind that every author writes to make a point, to promote a position, a set of beliefs or values. Your first task in a response paper is to tell your reader what you think these are. This conveys to the reader not only that you have read the text, but how well you have analyzed its content. Your second task it to reflect on the point, positions, and values you have ascribed to the work. Spend time with the author’s position and discern whether that perspective is aligned with your own experience or not. Whatever you discover in reflecting on the author’s position and how it relates to your own position and values becomes the raw material for addressing the next task of the response paper.

Within the written paper, the third task is to describe the outcome of the process mentioned above. Specifically address how the text‘s perspective and yourown interweave. Do they agree? Are they similar in some way? Are they at odds? What is the conflict? How has seeing things from the text‘s perspective changed (or reaffirmed) your own viewpoint? Tell why all of this is so. Use direct examples (quotes) from the text in your response.

In short, a good response paper answers the following questions:

l. What (meanings, values, etc.) is the author trying to promote?

2. What is my personalposition relative to the text‘s?

3. Has reading and reflecting on this story affected my lived world experience? If so, how and why? If not, why not?

Choose one of the four poems at the end of the assignment to analyze and answer the following two assignment parts.

Question Description

1.Break apart at least four lines of the poem (more would be helpful). Here are some things to think about. Don’t answer the questions specifically. Just break apart the poem (see below).


i.What does each line mean? Ask questions if you need to.

ii.Is there imagery in the poem? Does the poem make use of metaphor or simile to give further insight into the poem’s message? Are there any important symbols in the poem?

iii.What double meanings do some of the words have? Think about how words or phrases in the poem may have both literal and figurative meanings. Paraphrase and exchange words if you need to.Are there any plays on the meaning of a word or any puns in the poem? Are any words used in such a way that their meaning is uncertain?

iv. Is any of the poem’s language ironic—does the implied meaning oppose the surface-level meaning in some way? How does this affect the overall meaning or message of the poem?


i.Think about how the poem’s language and the context in which it’s written create a tone—is the tone angry, sad, thoughtful, jubilant? How might this contribute to the poem’s meaning?

c.Identify the speaker and the intended audience.

i.What can you tell about the speaker based on the content of the poem? Is the speaker male or female, young or old? Is the speaker addressing anyone in particular? Be sure to make notes about how you were able to infer this from the poem.

d. Identify the specific setting of time and place.

i.Does the poem offer any information about the setting in which the poem’s action or situation is occurring? This can be concrete information or abstract information.

Part two (25 pts):

Sum up your findings into a concise, well written paragraph about the meaning of the entire poem.



In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to

Myself in a dark wood, for the straight way was lost.

Ah, how hard it is to say what that wood

Was, so savage and harsh and strong that the

Thought of it renews my fear!

Part 1: Broken apart and analyzed:

In the middle of the journeymiddle age/mid-life crisis of ourhumanitylifecould also be a reference to society, I came to

Myselfself-realization; awakeningin a dark wood??? does he mean a forest or depression? , for the straight way was lost way to God; sin and evil has obscured the path.

Ah, how hard it is to say what that wood

Was uncertain about how he feels, so savage and harsh and strong personification of the wood that the

Thought of it renews my fear!

Part 2: Paragraph

In this passage, it seems that the narrator, gender unknown, is going through a midlife crisis and is not happy with where he is in his life; or this could also be a reference to something which is not going well in society during the time the narrator is writing this, as he makes a reference to “our” (mankind). If this is more personal, which it leans more towards as he mentions “I came to myself”—indicating a sense of self-realization, he doesn’t really seem to know what is causing his funk/mood or how he can get out of it. Whatever feelings the narrator has are very negative as he describes the “wood” (his mood) as being “savage, harsh and strong.” It is almost as if he feels hopeless, especially when he states, “thought of it renews my fears.” However, he never mentions what this fear is, leaving the reader wondering if the narrator is afraid of the future. If he continues on the path he is going, will it be too difficult? Is he afraid of a challenge? Will the path lead to harm? If the “straight way” is a reference to heaven or God, will the path he is currently on lead him to hell? It seems that the narrator also has a difficult time coping with reality, as he doesn’t want to think about the “dark wood” he is in, as it would be too difficult for him to even think about it.

Writing essay

Question Description

length = 500-750 words

Topic = Who are you? What would the movie of your life contain? Are you a future millionaire, like Zuckerberg? A person who has dealt with a lot of -isms? (racism, sexism, ageism…) A person who needs to learn and practice self-love, like Alice Walker in her essay? A person who “lives in a [protective] bubble,” like Canedy’s son (886)? An artist or a lover of the arts, like Luken’s father? How has your environment impacted you? (These are references to the essay readings listed on the syllabus, weeks 1-4.)

Start by looking over the list of “I ams…” you created for your first discussion board post. Look for a common thread. Perhaps you’ve figured out that you are quite adventurous, or ambitious, or cautious, or in a rut. Now it’s time to come up with your thesis (which will be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph). Something like “I am a go-getter who’s done more in eighteen years than most people.” Or “I have been living in my sister’s shadow, and it’s time for me to make a name for myself.”

I see at least two options for the structure of this narrative essay. One is to tell a different brief anecdote in each body paragraph, all related to your theme. Or just tell one big story that illustrates the point you are trying to make. Maybe you come up with a third option?

E-mail me the thesis of your essay one when you’ve decided on what it will be. I’ll send you some feedback.

If you’re not sure what to put in your introduction besides ending it with your thesis, look at our textbook, pp. 678-81. Also, look at how some of the authors in our book start their essays. I think a conversation would be fun, or a dramatic scene. Maybe a series of thought-provoking questions…

Use Proper Essay Format (see below) and save essay in Rich Text Format or in Microsoft Word.

Checklist for your writing—the essay . . .
____focuses on an inviting subject, and creates a main impression
____contains a variety of supporting information (sensory details, memory details, and so on) ____informs and/or entertains the reader

Logical Organization
____includes an engaging beginning, strong development, and an effective ending
____forms a meaningful whole, moving smoothly from one main point to the next.

Original Word Choice
____contains specific nouns, vivid verbs, and colorful modifiers
____captures the subject’s ideas and feelings in dialogue

PROPER ESSAY FORMAT: Please use this as a model for the first page of all your essays. Also see Everyone’s p. 574 as a model. Opont 1
Rose Opont

Professor Nater

Comp I, M/W 9:00

18 July 2018

Your Title

The introductory paragraph begins here. Remember to tab new paragraphs once (set default at ½

inch) and to use coherence between paragraphs. Please remember to divide your essay into

paragraphs, too.

OTHER FORMAT RULES: Double space, no title page, Times New Roman font (12 point), black ink, last name and page # in upper right corner of each page, left justification only (don’t use full justification).

Use “insert” to put your last name and page number in the upper right corner.

To remove triple-spacing, highlight all your writing, and then go to “paragraph,” and then click on the box that says “don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style,” and then select “OK.”

Sample introduction with thesis underlined: “Don’t touch that pan. It’s hot,” my mom would say right before I burned my hand for the umpteenth time. “Talk again without raising your hand” invariably led to my sitting at my desk in the classroom with my teacher while my friends went out to play during recess. It’s not that I don’t listen; it’s that I am primarily a kinesthetic learner. Fortunately, as I’ve aged, I’ve developed into a visual learner, and reading a vast array of personal development books has saved my life. I THINK I WOULD FOCUS EACH BODY PARAGRAPH ON A DIFFERENT BOOK AND WHAT I LEARNED FROM IT AND HOW I USED THIS INFO. IN A SPECIFIC SIUATION.

2 Discussion Replies

Question Description

Classmate #1

There are multiple theories that talks about cognitive development. Although they are similar when it comes to involving cognitive development, they are very different. The three theories that I will be comparing and contrasting are Piaget’s, Vygotsky’s, and the new processing theory. Jean Piaget argued that a child develops due to his or her nature of being an active learner. Piaget’s theory believed that children develop through four distinct stages. Those four stages are Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operational. Piaget also believed that children don’t think like adults and children construct knowledge through interaction with the environment.

The Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development was created by Lev Vygotsky. He believed that learning and development were tied to social and cultural interaction. Vygotsky’s also “believed that children construct knowledge and do not passively reproduce what is presented to them” (Davidson & Davidson, 1994). The information processing theory is a psychological theory about how we process and learn information. When it comes to Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories they both believed that children’s cognitive abilities develop in a sequence and particular abilities develop at certain stages.

In contrast, Piaget thought that learning happens after development and Vygotsky believed that it took place before development can occur. Piaget’s theory has 4 evident phases and Vygotsky’s assumed that there were none. Lastly, Vygotsky believed that development can’t be detached from social context unlike Piaget. All three theories believe that exposure to things influence our norms, what we value, and what we learn. The theory that I believe closely resembles the way I think children grow and develop cognitively would be the Vygotsky’s theory. I believe that children imitate what they see around them easily. The environment and people around us is what influence our daily lives. In order to survive we depend on the input of others which help us think, communicate, and solve problems.


Davidson, J. (Director), & Davidson, F. (Producer). (1994). Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory: An Introduction [Video file]. Davidson Films. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.

Classmate #2:

Lev Vygotsky theory was concept of proximal development which is the distance between the actual development level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaborations. He believes where that students needed the assistance of teachers to move past these zones, in doing so educators would need to focus on three components. The presence of someone with knowledge and skills beyond that of the learner (a more knowledgeable other). Social interactions with a skillful tutor that allow the learner to observe and practice their skills. Scaffolding, or supportive activities provided by the educator, or more competent peer, to support the student as he or she is led through the ZPD. Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggest that children move through four stages of mental development throughout their lifetime. His theory focuses not only how children gain their knowledge but more so on understanding the nature of natural intelligence. Piaget believed that children take an active role in the learning process, acting much like little scientists as they perform experiments, make observations, and learn about the world. As kids interact with the world around them, they continually add new knowledge, build upon existing knowledge, and adapt previously held ideas to accommodate new information. From my understanding the basis of both of these theories differ completely, however both parties suggest that children need to explore the world to find out things for themselves. That social interactions in needed in the world to help find new ideas, and push children cognitive development. I believe that my personal idea is more aligned with Jean theory, that children need to be their own scientist. Meaning the need to explore the world and find out what works for them and does not work for them, they also need to find out how they will solve problem in their life, that will fight their own personality.

Two Response Post: 150 Words Minimum for each

music study guide

Question Description

World Music Name___________________________

Study Guide: Sub-Saharan Africa

1. The mbira belongs to the class of instruments known as ___________________________.

2. The Shona are a ____________-speaking people of what country? _________________________

3. Even simple mbira pieces contain many inner __________________ _________________, and involve an art of creative ___________________ as well as playing.

4. What is meant by “interlocking” or “hocketing?”

5. What does “ostinato” mean?

6. How many different countries are in Africa? _______ How many ethnolinguistic groups? __________

Why is it better to think about African music in terms of ethnolinguistic groups rather than nations?

7. What is the basic lifestyle of the majority of Pygmies? __________________ existence.

8. According to Turnbull, the BaMbuti Pygmies lead a kind of double life – how?

9. What is meant by “nonspecialized activity?”

10. BaMbuti women are the primary singers for the ______________, a puberty ceremony.

11. BaMbuti song forms follow which two basic principles of African music?

12. In which countries are the Mande subgroups found?

13. Describe the two main social categories in contemporary Mande societies:

14. What is a “Jali?”

15. What are two differences about music-making between the Mande and the Pygmy society?

16. What are the three main instruments used by the Jali?

17. In which countries can one find the Anlo-Ewe?

18. Describe the political/social organization of the Anlo-Ewe:

19. What are some occasions for performance among the Anlo-Ewe?

20. List the instruments of the Anlo-Ewe drum ensemble:

21. What are the origins of Ghanaian “highlife?”

22. Popular music among the Yoruba of Nigeria is called ________________, and includes the hourglass-shaped ______________________.

23. Which single African style has had the most profound impact within sub-Saharan Africa?

24. What caused urban audiences in Zimbabwe to pay special attention to electric band renditions of Shona village music in the 1970s?

The artist/band most connect with that genre is _______________________________________

25. Discuss the new role of the mbira in Mapfumo’s band: