Need help with class assignments

Question Description

Class name: Edu Governance, History & Phil

Discussion 3a:

1) Two of the most important questions you will address as a classroom teacher:

  • How do students learn?
  • How can I use my understanding of learning to teach more effectively?

Reflect upon these questions and then provide your own personal responses to these key questions. As part of your answer, be sure that you support your personal opinions with examples and supporting material from relevant literature.

2) Answer the questions about “James Otto and the Pi Man” on Slide 9 of this module week and post your responses.

Part of question 2


James Otto and the Pi Man: A Constructivist Tale by C. Funk from Phi Delta Kappan, November 2003

The introduction to this article offers the following overview: “Instead of teaching his fifth-graders a formula, a teacher leads them to discover an important mathematical concept on their own. Following the students through this process, Ms. Funk demonstrates the power of constructivist learning, an approach that seems to be at risk in this age of accountability and testing.”

Consider once again the principles of constructivist learning theory. The Funk article takes us from theory to classroom practice, and presents a compelling case for learning through discovery as “the very essence of meaningful learning and retention.”

Question to 2

Use the following questions to help guide you as you read James Otto and the Pi Man:

  • What aspects of constructivism are evident in Pi Man’s classroom?
  • Would you describe this assignment as discovery learning? Give specific examples from the article.
  • What does it mean when the author says the teacher gave his students “tools rather than answers”?
  • Would this method be feasible in a typical classroom? Why or why not?
  • What is the value of this kind of teaching and learning, as described in the article?
  • What are some ways you might use the strategies and type of instruction depicted in this article?

Article Review 3b:

LibGuide at the layout attachment is going to be attached.

The Genius of Design” by J. Spencer, Educational Leadership, Mary 2017, Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 16-21

Brain Response Submission 3b:

Students submit a Brain Response Template (found in Doc Sharing) for each of John Medina’ Brain Rules, 1-3. Submit the three response summaries as one document into the folder for this under Assignments.

“Brain Rules” by John Medina

Medina has emerged as a leading expert on current brain research and presents his 12 “brain rules” for providing a sensory-rich learning environment. Research-based on physical and social sciences, these rules are critical to teachers and students.

Try looking on google. Also layout attached.

Class name: ESOL Found:Cross-Cultural Com:

Discussion 3b:

  • How does understanding language as an integrative and communicative system help us better understand the needs of our English Language Learners?
  • Thanks to the variety of forces that influenced the development of the English language over the course of the past 1,500 years, ELs are faced with learning a language that is rich and complex but is also characterized by numerous “exceptions to the rules.” If you could simplify the English language, what would be one aspect of the language that is at the top of your list? Explain your choice.

Homework assignment:

I have the assignment attached.

Class Name: Mathematics in Elem School:

Discussion 1:

Read the following Math Concepts article, The Skyscraper Project.

Explain the importance of project-based learning that students engaged in during the Skyscraper activity and why the use of manipulatives was meaningful in the project.

Discussion 2:

Teaching is a highly self-reflective practice. How can the habit of reviewing student work and assessment data encourage educators to evaluate their own practices toward instructional improvement and better curriculum decisions?

Class Name: Reading Foundations Elem:

Discussion 6:

Students will summarize the principles for classroom practice pertaining to Students Speaking Diverse Languages and Dialects on p. 56. Also, review pages 57-61 in the textbook on Dialects and Reading Strategies. Discuss how teachers can assist ELLs in their ability to develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills by doing the following: drawing upon their background knowledge and motivation; using culturally relevant materials and motivation, and effectively monitor oral reading (dialect) miscues.

I will get screenshot from textbook!

Political Power

Question Description

Apply Assignment: Power

Please scroll down to read the instructions for this assignment.


During the time of the Revolutionary War, the colonists were wrestling with the question of how to organize themselves. The first formalized government was organized under the Articles of Confederation. While it did provide some level of organization, it was essentially a weak from of government, which makes sense since the early colonists feared a strong central government – especially like the one that was currently raging war with them. However, recognizing that the current government was too weak, a group of delegates met in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention to see if they could create a better form of government.

There was of course strong support and strong opposition. Debate was common place, much of it taking place through the media (as still happens today). Convention delegates, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, as well as John Jay (diplomat), wrote a series of articles supporting the constitution. These articles were published in newspapers and later collected into a book called The Federalist Papers.

Taken at face value, Federalist No. 1 serves as an introduction to The Federalist Papers. But, to reduce it to merely an introduction trivializes its importance. It is not simply an introduction, but rather an unprecedented appeal to the people of the United States to abolish the foundation of their government and decide on a “new Constitution.” According to the author, Alexander Hamilton, the consequence of this decision is “nothing less than the existence of the Union…” The fate of the United States did not rest on the shoulders of those who were arbitrarily awarded with power either by birth or force; it rested on the shoulders of every single American citizen. The significance of this cannot be overstated. The most important decision in our nation’s history was placed in the hands of the people.

Hamilton believed in the potential future greatness of America. When discussing the consequences of this deliberation, he refers to “…the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world.” The use of the word empire indicates the amount of belief and confidence Hamilton had in the Constitution. The Constitution was proposed in order to preserve the Union which Hamilton and others believed was in danger of dissolving. In reality, the United States was far from being considered an empire. Nevertheless, Hamilton knew that this experiment, with a constitutional republic founded on the consent of the governed, would prove to be remarkable.

In many respects these issues, namely the proper scope and function of our government, remain relevant to us today—and just as controversial.


In order to complete this assignment, you will first need to read through the excerpts from Federalist No. 1:

Reflecting on what you have read, record your insights by responding to the following questions. For each question, you should provide a detailed response explaining your perspective and how it is you reached that conclusion.

  • Alexander Hamilton asks the reader to consider if societies of people are really capable of establishing good government through reflection and choice. What do you think?
  • Knowing that the new government was to be built on the idea of democracy; do you think it is ever possible to have a government system that respects the will of the majority while at that same time protects the rights of the individual?
  • What did Alexander Hamilton mean by “the vigor of the government is essential to the security of liberty”? How does a government maintain its vigor?
  • Put yourselves in the shoes of someone hearing this read during the time that Alexander Hamilton wrote the piece. It is obvious that Alexander Hamilton was afraid that others would persuade people to opt out of this new government. Where would you stand? What fears might you have of this new government?

Refer to the rubric in your syllabus to understand how the assignment will be assessed. While there is not specific page-length associated with this assignment, the typical student submits 3-5 pages of script, following standard APA guidelines, not including a cover page (12 pt, double spaced, 1-inch margins).


Chapter Four Discussion: Debating Gender Inequality

Question Description

Chapter Four Discussion: Debating Gender Inequality

For this discussion assignment you will be required to post at minimum three times, one post must be before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, the other two before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday.

Read_this_tnb.pngThis debate will focus on gender inequalities (Chapter 4). Your text covers many interesting area such as women in politics, and there are more sources and ideas on the Weekly Resource Page. There are also some interesting videos on the chapter 11 resource page that discuss media’s possible influence on gender.

Be sure to read the instructions for debate.

After reviewing the materials and watching the videos on the weekly resource page choose one of the debates on that page or create your own if you have a different topic you’d like to include. Make sure it follows the instructions.


you will pick a topic from the many provided on gender inequality in your chapter and on the weekly resource page. Your first post can be a completely new post about your topic OR you can reply to someone else who has already posted. If you choose to reply to other’s posts, yours should refute the arguments in the original post and add something new about the opposite side.This is a debate so you should not be replying to people who have the same view as you, UNLESS you can refute something they provided with different evidence.You MUST make it clear what you are refuting.

Use this Topic: Is sex work a legitimate occupation that should be protected by law?

For each item there are many pro or con arguments that may represent your view on the topic. Your arguments should be based on some academic source such as your text, or a website. For example, this one from (Links to an external site.) may give you some interesting ideas. Just remember most of the items in this particular debate are opinion based so it cannot be used as a resource, but it can give you ideas to find research. I provide one pro and one con for each debate topic item I provide to get you thinking, but you can choose your own pro or con about any issue within the topic; and believe me there are are many.


Remember the most important thing about debate is to PICK A SIDE! Even if you don’t agree with the side you pick, you can provide the research and present compelling arguments. Often that is the best way to really learn about a topic. Remember to think about how the topic manifests locally compared to nationally or even globally if you want to take it that far.


You are required to post at least three times. One of your posts MUST present a local solution that has already been enacted or an original idea that you think could or should be enacted. One of your posts MUST refute an argument made by someone else.

The easiest way to do this assignment is present an original debate argument (or reply to someone that has taken the other side and refute their argument), then have one of your reply posts refute someone’s argument. This can be in the same topic you presented or a different topic. Then have the third topic focus on solution ideas for one of the items presented. It can be the same topic you chose originally or a different one.

There are plenty of new ideas for everyone, so remember you only need to present one, not solve the whole thing in one post. This will be a group effort to see if we can come to any resolutions.


Feel free to bring in any aspect of gender inequality you want to this discussion. You don’t have to just follow the prompts I’ve provided, they are there just to get you thinking about the issue. Don’t forget to use evidence to back up any fact based arguments

Counseling plan

Question Description

Write a 5–6-page paper (plus title and introductory pages) organized by the following sections. Use the bold headings that follow the title page and introduction descriptions as section headers.

Title page: Give your paper a title that reflects the purpose of your work.

Introduction: For the introduction section of your paper, include the title at the top of the first page and begin your introduction two spaces beneath your title. (In APA format, the word introduction is not used as a heading.) Briefly explain the focus of your paper and the grade level you are examining.


  • Summarize the key points discussed with the administrator, and what he or she looks for in the school counseling program.
  • Describe how the administrator views the role of the school counselor and the ASCA Model.
  • Identify potential challenges in collaborating with administration from the interview and research in this area.
  • Plan strategies for effective communication and building relationships with administrators during your first few weeks based on information gathered from the interview and readings.

Working With Special Education Staff

  • Summarize the key points from your interview with a special education staff member.
  • Identify the needs of special education personnel from the school counselor.
  • Explain the role of RTI in your site and how RTI has changed special education services.
  • Describe the role of the school counselor in RTI according to your interview and research.
  • Plan strategies for effective communication and building relationships with special education faculty during your first few weeks, based on information you gathered from the interview and readings.
  • How will this working relationship benefit student achievement?

Working with General Education Teachers

  • Summarize the key points from your interview with a general education teacher.
  • What does the general education teacher look for from the school counselor?
  • Discuss the classroom behavioral management and if it was consistent with the schoolwide behavioral interventions discussion by the administration.
  • Based on information you gathered from the interview and readings, plan strategies for effective communication and building relationships with faculty during your first few weeks.
  • Explain how this working relationship will benefit student achievement.

Site Supervision and Schoolwide Programming

  • Observe how your site supervisor characterizes working relationships with administration and faculty.
  • Note if the leadership is shared between the administration and the school counselor.
  • Comment on your site supervisor’s interaction with students and parents.
  • Describe how the school counselor collaborates with parents to improve student achievement.
  • Identify ethical issues encountered by the site supervisor and describe how he or she applied ASCA or ACA code of ethics to resolve them. Would you apply the same standards to the issue? Why or why not?
  • Cite examples of situations where seeking supervision or referring students to other services would be appropriate, based on what you have learned in this practicum. Explain.

Multicultural Competence

  • Describe the importance of multicultural competencies and how biases affect student achievement.
  • Describe strategies to reduce biases with diverse populations.
  • Identify strategies used by the faculty, administration, and staff to build a sense of belonging for all students and their parents or guardians.
  • Explain how this is communicated to students. Describe the open house or classroom open house that you observed.
  • Strategize how you will create a sense of belonging for all students and their parents or guardians when you are practicing as a professional school counselor.
  • Reference research and use proper citations to support your ideas.


  • Describe three goals for the first two months of employment as a Professional School Counselor.
  • Identify your theme for classroom units you will use for the first two months of school as a professional school counselor. How do you anticipate this impacting the school year?
  • Explain how you will build a collaborative relationship with the students, faculty, administration, parents, and guardians during the first few weeks?
  • Briefly summarize what you learned from this project.

Submission Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: This paper must be written in third person and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA style: Comply with current edition APA style and formatting. Use APA Style Central for guidance in citing sources and formatting your paper in proper APA style. See the APA Style and Format section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using APA Style Central.
  • Number of resources: Paper uses a minimum of three academic resources.
  • Length of paper: Submission includes 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding cover page and references.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

I have been doing my fieldwork at a high school. Other notes will be sent.

1,​MIDTERM ESSAY for 500 wrods 2,Stream-of-consciousness paper for 600 wrods THA105

Question Description


Please write an essay (of about 500 words) or provide short answers that address some (or all) of the following questions:

Compared to the start of the semester, do you think you have made any progress in your acting?
How have your thoughts about what it means “TO ACT” changed?
Can you define or describe what GOOD ACTING is? What are the elements that make up a strong performance?
What aspects of the techniques we have worked on so far do you feel you want to work on in your final scene?
What areas do you feel you need to improve on?
What is your strategy for maintaining a good work ethic in the final scene, when you are going to be working with a scene partner?
What has been your favorite aspect of the class so far? What aspect of your own performance are you most proud of?
What assignment did you feel you did best on?
Have you disappointed yourself in any of the assignments? How are you going to ensure that doesn’t happen with the final scene?
Is the professor helping you learn to think critically about acting?
Any other comments about the class are welcome.

In your answer(s), please remember that THE FOUNDATION OF ACTING IS THE REALITY OF DOING, as Sanford Meisner would say. It is not your job as an actor to produce emotions in yourself, it is to produce emotions in others: your scene partner(s) and by extension, the audience. In your essay, please use vocabulary terms we’ve discussed in class, including Objective, Tactic, Action, Obstacles, Substitution, Given Circumstances, Subtext, etc.

This essay is worth up to 5 points in your final grade, so please answer it truthfully and thoughtfully. You may think through your performances in each assignment so far to help gauge your progress and areas that need improvement.

This essay is due on Friday, October 4 by 5PM.

Please submit two ways: Through the ASSIGNMENTS tab on blackboard as an MS WORD doc, and also in PRINT form in class on Monday October 7.


“Who Am I?” (stream of consciousness character assignment)

Attached Files:

Re-read the play from which your scene originates, do research on your character to know WHO you are, WHERE you are, WHAT you are DOING, what your OBJECTIVE is, and what you WANT.

WHO AM I? Stream-of-consciousness paper – 5 points
Students will write 600-750 words answering the following questions in the voice of their character: “Who am I?” “Where/when am I?” “What am I doing?” “What do I want most out of life in general?” “What is my objective in this scene?” “How do I want to make the other person feel?” “What am I most afraid of?” “What are the five most important events of my character’s life?”

  • The first thing to do is REREAD THE PLAY from which your scene is drawn… the ENTIRE PLAY!
  • When reviewing the play, pay careful attention to EVERYTHING YOUR CHARACTER SAYS and EVERYTHING THAT IS SAID ABOUT HER/HIM. This is called “mining the script.” Note the setting (time, place, historical period) and the general world of the play. Use your senses: what does the world of the play look/feel/smell/taste/sound like from your character’s point of view?
  • What is your character’s opinion about the other characters in the play?
  • What are the 5 MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of your character’s life before the play starts (you may invent some of these, but they should be in keeping with the world of the play, and if the play mentions them, so should you)?
  • What is your character’s SUPER OBJECTIVE?
  • What does your character most WANT?
  • What does your character most FEAR?
  • What does your character dream about?
  • What is the most important thing to your character?
  • Your response to these questions should be about 2 pages, or 600 words, and should include AS MANY DETAILS AS POSSIBLE FROM THE PLAY about your character. It should be written in the first person (using “I” and “me” as your pronouns), NOT the 3rd person (“she” or “he”), as if you are speaking with your character’s voice. It is very important that these essays be written with the pronoun “I”, as if you were speaking in the voice of your character. Responses not done in this way will not get credit, and will be returned for rewrite.
  • This assignment is worth 5 points of your final grade.

Crime Statistical Analysis Paper

Question Description

For this assignment, you must write a report depicting your analysis of historical crime data for a specific category of crime or criminal issue. Focus your research on one component of the criminal justice system (i.e., law enforcement, courts, or corrections). For this assignment, you will

In your report, graphically display the statistical data developed for three comparable cities, counties, or states. Incorporate national statistics for comparison. You must include an introduction that presents the focus of the project for analysis. Your report must be at least five pages in addition to the title page and references page. Your assessment may be in bullet or paragraph format below the graphic display. Make sure you standardize your data (usually 1:1000; 1:10,000; or 1: 100,000) and incorporate the scale in a key for each chart.

The Statistical Analysis Paper Guidelines:

  • Must be at least five double-spaced pages (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
  • Plagiairism will NOT be accepted.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following information:
    • Title of paper, project, etc.
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Personal Reflection–Recognizing Our Biases

Question Description

One of the core values in a variety of helping professions entails recognizing and being aware of our own biases and addressing WHY we feel the way we do. We ALL have an unconscious bias(es).

It is important to know what areas you may need more exposure or a better understanding in order to best serve your clients and really interact with others regardless of one’s profession because this concept also applies to teaching, business, medicine and other fields in which you must know and understand your client or customer to be effective.

This assignment is designed to help you reflect, share, and practice some of your ideas when it comes to who you choose to interact and have relationships with: in particular choosing friends, your current partner/spouse and/or future partner/spouse. The goal is to create awareness of our biases and how they influence our relationship choices/interactions and mate selection.

Each of us can be defined or classified in many ways. Our race, age, gender, sexual-orientation, religion, education, social class and ethnicity are some ways we identify with others.

Think of your life as a pie chart based on demographics. If you were to divide the circle into different components or segments, which pieces are most important to how you identify yourself? For some, their religion plays the greatest part into who they are. For others, their gender identity or race is the most defining characteristic.

Create your own circle (computer generated) with the percentages of what is most important to you and a key that defines what each percentage represents.

You MUST include these demographics (even if the percentage is 0; please assign a numerical value to each component) :

  • Gender identity (do not confuse with sexual orientation–they are different)
  • Age
  • Race
  • Religion/faith/spiritual beliefs
  • Feel free to include other demographic categories (i.e., socioeconomic status, education level) as you deem appropriately relevant to your own identify and diversity.

Take some time to really think about this. Many students have said, “age is just a number,” but is it? Would you feel different having a 25 year old professor compared to a 50 year old, compared to an 85 year old? With race, many students say they don’t see color, but do others see your skin color and treat you one way as a result or have you ever made a conclusion about someone based on their race? Would your life be different if you were of a different race? With religious beliefs, do you find yourself looking for those who share your faith or prefer those who do not practice any religious beliefs? Do you struggle in any way connecting with others who are different from you for example: who do not share your racial background; religion or are there certain religions that make you uncomfortable or nervous? Are you or do you treat others a certain way based on their sex? If you were the opposite sex would you be treated differently? Lots of things to really consider…

Finally, how do you think these biases have or will influence your preferences:

  • in friendships
  • choosing a mate

Really think about it? What would you look for in a mate or a friend based on your pie chart? If you currently are in an intimate relationship or married, what factors based on your identity influenced your attraction to your partner? Think about your current friendships: was it a shared faith or similar backgrounds in race or age that helped form a relationship?

In conclusion, after addressing all the components of your pie, what do you think has been the greatest influence that has shaped your perception of yourself and others the most–is it your demographics, your family upbringing or culture, your faith, and/or past experiences?

Write a 3-4 page summary of why you ranked the categories the way you did and your responses to the questions posed.

Here is an example of a former student’s reflection for your convenience and assistance:

Upload your pie chart and reflection paper as an attachment after you have met the criteria.

  • Be sure to follow the criteria outlined above and the expectations for written work.
  • Include application from chapter 5 as you share your reflections.
  • Remember for Turnitin: No paper will be accepted that is above a 10% match in the originality report.

History 1301 Research paper

Question Description

The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 6-8 pages double-spaced, 12-point font).

  • The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.
  • The paper will not be just a report presenting information but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.
  • The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement.

It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you.

  • Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.
  • You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)
  • Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.

You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:

  1. Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic
  2. Gathering information, summarizing sources
  3. Analyzing and evaluating sources
  4. Defining key terms
  5. Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources
  6. Testing a thesis, making a historical argument, using refutation
  7. Amassing support for a position
  8. Documenting sources

Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:

  1. Choose a topic related to U.S. History up to 1877 (Chapters 1-15) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
  2. Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
  3. Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
    • Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2-8.
    • They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.
    • An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.
  4. Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).
  5. Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.

For some reason the absolute necessity of in text citing sources used in a research paper (on both directly quoted AND paraphrased material) either isn’t getting taught anymore or (and this one is my personal theory) it just isn’t sinking in anymore. You MUST both in text cite your sources AND provide an MLA style bibliography at the end. Failing to do either/both is a form of plagiarism, whether you mean it that way or not, and it will be treated as such so please just make sure to take care of business and in text cite those sources as you go while writing the paper, and include that MLA style references/bibliography at the end of the paper.

Grade Rubric

INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. Topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /15

FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20

SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25

RESOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research. /10

CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes internal citations and a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /15

CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15

TOTAL: 100

Core Assessment Assignment

Question Description

The Core Assessment for LE300R, The Ethics and Psychology of Humor in Popular Culture, must meet Park University’s Core Assessment requirements for LE300 Integrative and Interdisciplinary Capstone courses. The core assessment assignment is a paper that covers 100% of the Core Learning Outcomes (which are listed in our syllabus). The Core Assessment in this course will be a major critical paper of no fewer than 5 pages (not counting title and reference pages). Papers must include academic research and appropriate documentation. The due date for the project is in the final quarter of the term.

The Core Assessment Paper for LE300R must apply the ethical and psychological theories of humor learned in this course in an analytical examination and interdisciplinary discussion of one or more examples of humor in the today’s culture. The paper should synthesize perspectives from multiple disciplines and present an analytical viewpoint of the example(s) being used for the paper. The paper must:

  • Identify interdisciplinary uses of humor in your professional life or future career goals, and formulate a plan for responsible and ethical applications of and responses to humor in your career setting.
  • Create and synthesize a concept for globally responsible values and attitudes toward humor in social media, Pop Culture (television and movies) or other venues that have diverse audience demographics.

The Core Assessment is to be an academic paper demonstrating sophisticated, integrative and interdisciplinary learning about the theories, ethics and psychology of humor in real-world environments. Although the paper may briefly reference comedic cinema, humorous books, comedic television programs or other Pop Culture vehicles, the paper is not to be a ‘movie review’ or ‘summary’ of an entertainment vehicle.

Individual instructors for this course will develop specific guidelines and assignment details.

The Core Assessment is designed to assess Core Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4 and 5 and its point value is at least 20% of the final grade for the course.

Important Tips and FAQs

The information above might seem overwhelming at first, but if you dissect each paragraph, it all makes sense. Here are some questions that have come up in other classes LE300 classes, and some ways you can avoid some common mistakes:

How many references will I need to use?

  • You will need at least FIVE outside references, in addition to the required textbooks for this course. Be sure to have at least five FULL pages of writing in addition to your reference page.

What type of references can we use?

  • You MUST use both course textbooks in your final paper as reference sources.
  • For the other sources (at least five) you should primarily use academic journals (we have a wealth of them in our online library). Do NOT use Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, or other non-academic sources.
  • One way to start researching your paper is to find articles in academic journals about the ethics, psychology, social interactions and other elements in your career field, and apply the theories of humor from our course to the information in these studies.

What writing style should we use?

  • Use the APA style manual for in-text citations as well as your reference page. If you have questions, send me an email.

What is integrative writing?

  • This is writing that weaves the disciplines together in sentences and paragraphs rather than listing disciplines separately. It combines, contrasts and shows balance between academic elements rather than treating them as separate entities.

Why can’t our final paper be about a movie or a TV show?

  • In this course, the ethics and psychology of humor are analyzed and evaluated, not the plot line or characters in a television show or movie, or how funny it was, or how much you enjoyed it. A paper that reads like a movie or TV review will not meet the requirements of the assignment. You may briefly refer to humor examples in movies or TV shows, but this must not be the focus of your paper.

How does this course relate to my career or my major?

  • Humor surfaces in all careers and settings, no matter how serious or sober they might be. By the end of this course, you should readily see how humor is used in your workplace and your daily life, and also identify what types of ethical and psychological theories that are evident in the humor you encounter.

below instructions

Question Description

ab 4: Is this America?

Assigned Reading/Viewing:

In this next set of stories, we are going to encounter a new literary device, allegory, and the related parable. Let’s define these terms again here:

  • Allegory: The concrete presentation of an abstract idea, typically in a narrative…with at least two levels of meaning. The first level is the surface story line, which can be summed up by stating who did what to whom when. The second level is typically moral, political, philosophical, or religious.
      • Examples: Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, “Young Goodman Brown”, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman
  • Parable: A short, realistic, but usually fictional story told to illustrate a moral or religious point or lesson; a type of allegory.
      • Examples: Jesus’ parables of the talents, the prodigal son, the rich man and Lazarus, the rich young ruler, and the lost sheep.

In your upcoming writing prompts, you are going to be examining how this week’s stories hold up a mirror (an often unflattering one) to us as a society and individuals. These types of stories allow us to see sometimes dark and ugly things we couldn’t look at if it were presented to us straight. It can work the opposite way as well — highlighting beauty and peace, but you should know by now I’m probably heading in the darker direction. (There are some sweet love poems coming up. Just bear with me).

So to introduce these thought processes, I’ve linked above to two cultural artifacts from recent years that did exactly what I describe above. In “This is America,” Childish Gambino presents a starkly symbolic performance that is hard to watch — and also necessary to watch. Jordan Peele’s Get Out did something similar on the big screen. I want everyone to watch and read about “This is America,” but if you want to make the time to work with Get Out as well, I’d highly recommend.

As you watch, I want you to do what we typically do, picking out details that spark some reaction in us and share why. This time think particularly in terms of allegory and watch for strong symbols. Identify three images/sounds/quotes/scenes that really stand out and explain your reaction. If, as I say, these artists are trying to hold up a mirror to our society, what is it they want us to see? (And feel free to think more about what each means by “us” as well; Peele did that in his follow up film). You’ll see my standard language below to keep us on track, but honestly, there’s room to explore this assignment a bit more loosely if something sparks your interest and you want to follow up.

  • Important note: If you go out looking on the internet for more info about these sources, be sure to CITE.

Same set up as previous labs, read and watch the links above. First try to just enjoy. Then choose THREE QUOTES and/or specific details that you find particularly compelling. I want to see AT LEAST TWO of the three options reflected (so you can do one from each or two from one and one from another). Then, for each of your three chosen quotes, write a SUBSTANTIVE AND POLISHED paragraph (7-12 sentences – this is college!) explaining why this struck you as important.

I look forward to your thoughts!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Watch/ Read links listed above.
  • Take notes as you watch/listen.
  • Choose THREE quotes or specific details and type them in Word doc.
  • Add a SUBSTANTIVE AND POLISHED paragraph under each quote explaining its significance and interest to you.
  • Proofread and polish in the Word doc.
  • Cut and paste into the thread and submit.