Who can write this blog, from 250- 300 words only

Question Description

Respond to the prompt and follow these directions carefully.

Discussion Posts have three goals:

1) To have students critically engage central ideas emerging from the course curriculum

2) To provide a brief format whereby students can develop critical writing skills

3) To encourage dialogue with classmates through sharing ideas and reflections from the readings

Every Thursday a question will be announced which students will answer in a discussion post (blog). The discussion posts will be due the following Tuesday by 09:30 AM. Every week students will be assigned to a new group of three students. Students will provide comments to the discussion entries from students in their group. Comments are due every Thursday by 09:30 AM.

Students will upload their discussion posts in two locations:


Students should enter their text into two locations: “Assignments” >Discussion (individual) and Discussion (groups). I am asking students to upload their text into two locations, so that I can grade the entry efficiently in Canvas and so that you can dialogue with classmates via the Discussion (groups).

  1. Discussions should be titled “Discussion 2: your name”
  2. Discussions should be marked as “Individual to all students”
  3. Discussions should be spell checked and proofed for readability and grammar.
  4. Discussions should be 250-300 words max (please count the words and list the total under your response)
  5. Discussions should properly cite readings and sources using MLA format. A bibliography is not needed for each discussion entry but if you are citing a source it should citing using MLA parenthetical citations. Details on MLA format can be found here:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_mla.html(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  6. Discussions are responses to a weekly question posed by the instructor. The Discussion entry should demonstrate your understanding of the applicable readings and/or provide a thoughtful personal reflection on the material. The Discussion entry should have a thesis that guides the entry.
  7. Discussion should directly answer the question posed, utilizing applicable readings from the course to strengthen the argument/thesis.
  8. Discussion can contain personal reflection and experience from the first person perspective. Depending on the question posed it may be necessary to write from your personal experience. The Discussion entry is designed to encourage this form of writing yet the entry should be grounded in the course content from lecture/discussion, readings, films, and other visual aids brought into the course by the instructor.
  9. I will break students up into new groups of three every week. Students will respond to the discussion posts of the two students in their group via the “reply” section of each student’s Discussion entry. The comments for your group will be due every Thursday before class (9:30).

Comments do not need to be uploaded to the Discussion (individual) when submitting the Discussion entry. The details on the due dates for the Discussion post and comments will be provided in the Canvas “Assignment” portal weekly.

Comments should be no more than three to four sentences and should do the following:

1) Provide an affirmation

2) Provide a follow-up question

3) Share how your own answer differed

4) Comments should be brief, thoughtful, considerate, and supportive

Each Discussion entry is worth 4 points. Students will be graded in their discussion post using the following breakdown:

2 points for a thesis and direct answer to the question posed

1 point for good incorporation of the readings/course content into your post 1 points for style (proper citation, grammar, spelling, readability)

1 point for comments back to group member’s

4 Points

The Chicano Movement reflects the Mexican American struggle for civil rights. As we have studied in class, these struggles were very diverse and complex. In your opinion, what struggles led to real “pathways of change”? What other struggles remained unresolved? Use your readings, documentaries or class notes to support your thesis.


Blogs (individual)

Blogs (individual)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis statement and direct answer to the question posed

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.5 pts

Thesis statement needs to be more specific or it’s not clear

0.0 pts

Entry does not meet assignment criteria

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGood incorporation of the readings/course content into post

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.5 pts

References to lectures and other materials; entry does not have quotes

0.0 pts

Entry does not meet assignment criteria

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle (proper citation, grammar, spelling, readability)

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.5 pts

Entry has some grammar and spelling mistakes (3 or more)

0.0 pts

Entry does not meet assignment criteria

1.0 pts

Total Points: 3.0

2019FA-HUMA-1315-81433 2019FA Fine Arts Appreciation (HUMA-1315-81433)

Question Description


[Images from: http://wildbeautyworld.com/wb_v1/2012/10/16/beauty-archetypes-witches/]

Let’s learn how to talk about art. Find two things that are the same item (above, we have two WITCHES)… but make sure one is PRETTY and one is UGLY. Don’t use these witches – choose something else…. Spoons, paintings, chairs

Characters from cartoons, birds – whatever!

We analyze art using the elements and principles to decide whether art is ‘good’ or ‘not good’ or at least whether we like it or not. With the Elements and Principles, we raise our ‘judgements’ of art to a social or cultural level and participate in an artistic discussion. The Principles are telling us something ABOUT the elements. While people talk about lots of different elements and principles, below are the primary ones used to discuss art.

So – as an example, take a look the witches. I will analyze some of their principles and elements. In your analysis you should discuss at least three elements and three principles of your objects, and write at least a few lines about each item. By the end of this workshop, you should summarize b-using the proper terms – what makes a witch (or your own items) ‘pretty’ or ‘ugly’. Ask yourself, does the rest of the world, or the rest of your society, agree with your view of what is ‘ugly’ and what is ‘pretty’? Why?

Elements: Bad Witch Good Witch

Line – There are quite a few hard, crooked lines such as The lines of her hair are curvy and soft,

with her fingers and her nose. And the lines of her face are gentle curves.

Form – This is a female form – a witch This is also a female form – a witch

Shape – face and hat are more triangular/geometric Facial shape is more organic/natural

Mouth is angular and teeth are jagged Mouth tilts up in a smile

Space – na

Color & Value – The color Green is a dark hue and The colors here are natural to humans – pink,

very unnatural for a human female blue eyes, light hair…. All appealing colors as is

Black is associated with evil the silver of her hat and wand.

Teeth are yellow

Texture : Skin appears rough and hard Skin appears soft and smooth


Balance – nose is too large for the face – Face is symmetrical, all parts (eyes, nose) are

Colors all dark are also unbalanced, ‘normal’ sized and thus balanced

Emphasis [focal point] – Her green nose / face – Her red lips and face which is light and almost glows

Repetition – Harsh angles of face and chin are repeated Curved shape is repeated from chest to face

But set in opposing directions – thus providing To hand. Also, everything diagonal lines

a contrast that is unpleasant/ off kilter. Are repeated at three levels.

Repetition of black and dark green is too dark.

Summary: Ugly witches are unnatural in their coloring and shapes – the dark/green color is depressing and associated

with evil and illness in our culture. Their faces/noses are misshapen (sharp/hard/rough in texture), and their teeth and eyes are also discolored and misshapen. Thus I find that shapes that are more geometric , when associated with humans, are unnatural and ‘ugly’. Colors should also follow more ‘natural’ forms for

Or they are considered ugly. Shapes, like the star, should have positive associations. Balance is pretty.

On the other hand, humans (even witches) that are normal in human coloring, with pleasing facial expressions and a soft texture are considered beautiful.


Now it is your turn!

First – paste pictures of your objects here:


Then, choose at least 2 words (for each photo) to describe each element from the attached document entitled ‘Words to Describe Elements’, and 5 words to describe how the elements make you feel:

Elements: PRETTY Object :___________________ UGLY Object_____________________

1. Line –

2. Texture —

3. Shape/Form –

4. Color –

* Feelings produced

by these Elements:

(select at least 5 words)

Next write one sentence about PRETTY Object :___________________ UGLY Object_____________________

3 of the following Principles:

1. Balance –

2. Emphasis [focal point] –

3. Pattern –

4. Repetition –

Summary: What types of Principles/Elements are pretty, and which are ugly? (write at least 3 sentences using details from your description/analysis above):

Here is how you will be graded:

Elements – one point for each correct word listed

Line – 4/4

Texture – 4/4

Shape/Form – 4/4

Color – 4/4

Feelings produced – 10/10

Principles – 3 Principles, 1 sentence about each, 3 pts for each done correctly

[choose from Balance, Emphasis, Pattern or Repetition]

Principle 1 – 3/3

Principle 2 – 3/3

Principle 3 – 3/3

Summary — 5/5

SUB TOTAL: 40/40

X 3 = 120/120















































free form


































[Produced by the Elements] calm content peaceful relaxed tranquil cheerful comfortable happy joyful soothing hopeful romantic depressed gloomy miserable sad somber unhappy

confused angry dark distressing frightening disgusting upsetting unnerving alarming uncomfortable violent energetic exciting stimulating boring dull hopeless


Motivation and Rewards Analysis Paper

Question Description

Select individuals who vary in interesting ways that may be relevant for understanding the factors that motivate people – for example, people at different organizational levels, career stages, job roles, sex, marital and parental status. Good variation in your sample makes it easier to identify differences among participants, and also highlights the contours of the performance management system (e.g., maybe it works we ll for senior level employees who get bonuses, but not for lower level employees who don’t).

Purpose: This assignment will give students insight about what motivates employees to work, and why motivation differs based on job and personal factors. Applying motivation models can guide manager’s interventions to improve employee motivation. This knowledge will increase student’s awareness of employee attitudes and behaviors associated with motivation, and frameworks for more motivating work arrangements. Such insights can be helpful for understanding job performance – one’s own, co-workers, and subordinates. It is especially beneficial for managers to recognize and understand the dynamics of motivation.


  • Understanding how motivation shapes employee performance
  • Applying basic motivation models to real-world examples which may not exactly match textbook cases
  • Analyzing and comparing three cases to identify key similarities and differences
  • Interviewing
  • Writing


This assignment will also help you become familiar with important management knowledge, such as:

  • Recognizing employee attitudes
  • Designing and implementing interventions to improve motivation
  • Understanding the performance feedback process and how performance feedback influences employees


  • Interview three employees working in a single organization. This can be your workplace or another to which you have access.
  • Apply ideas and concepts from job attitudes and satisfaction, personality, and motivation to explain the different attitudes and levels of motivation you saw. Compare the employees’ responses and offer rationale for differences among your three employees that links to their personal (age, sex) and contextual (job title, industry) situations.
  • Ask about the organization’s performance evaluation system, and evaluate its effectiveness based on the information you’ve learned from your interviews. Consider the alignment between the organization’s reward system and its goals.
  • What recommendations would you make to improve the motivation of the employees you interviewed, and/or to improve the performance management system?
  • Analyze and evaluate your findings in a paper, not to exceed 12 double-spaced pages, in Times New Roman with 1-inch margins. The formatting requirements for this paper are flexible; use your judgement to make a professionally formatted paper. There is no minimum page limit, as long as you address the assignment.
  • Do not include your interview notes; use selected quotes to make your points. This paper should give analysis of the interviews, not the interviews themselves.
  • To protect confidentiality, please do not identify the company or use real names. You may disguise names or refer to people by role or title.
  • The entire paper should be 6 pages single spacing


  • Select individuals who vary in interesting ways that may be relevant for understanding the factors that motivate people – for example, people at different organizational levels, career stages, job roles, sex, marital and parental status. Good variation in your sample makes it easier to identify differences among participants, and also highlights the contours of the performance management system (e.g., maybe it works well for senior level employees who get bonuses, but not for lower level employees who don’t). The paper should be
  • Review the OB concepts before you have your interviews so you can prepare questions that focus on specific aspects of the theories. Have a list of prepared questions that you can use, and be flexible so that you can pursue interesting responses.
  • Ask each participant about the performance evaluation process since their answers may vary.
  • Use your judgement to present the most interesting and salient comparisons among your participants.
  • You are encouraged to check out the sample motivation papers posted on Canvas.

Criteria for Success

Sample motivation papers are available on Canvas.




Data collection and variation

Interviewed 3 employees of the same organization, with adequate variation among employees in age, sex, family/marital status, and rank.


Description and comparison

Describes and compares employees, highlighting themes and relevant differences; demonstrates how differences in each person’s situation contributes to their motivational situation.


Performance management system

Describes the organization’s performance management system (performance appraisal, bonuses, raises, formal and informal feedback)


OB concepts applied

Student accurately applies at least three concepts and/or models (e.g., motivation, satisfaction, commitment)


Professional writing quality

Student demonstrates professional writing skills, including typos, grammar, formatting, and flow.


PHIL110 discussion response

Question Description


I need two responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.


– Watch the three TED talks on critically making decisions and choose one to analyze.

– Share your thoughts about the decision-making process described in your chosen TED. Explain why you think the talk is on target or why it is off base using specific examples from the video as proof.

– Describe decision-making situations, dilemmas, or questions that the TED talk brings to mind.

– Optional: Indicate how you might apply these decision-making strategies in your own life.

– While completing the forum consider the Week 2 trigger questions.

How do you make decisions?

What kinds of information do you need for critical thinking?

How do you know if you are getting good information?

What should you do with the information you gather?

How do intellectual standards relate to critical thinking?

What are the impacts of dysfunctional thinking?

What are key things to remember when making decisions?

TED Talks:

How to Make Hard Choices, Ruth Chang

Student one:

After watching Ruth Chang’s description of hard decision-making choices/options throughout her TEDTalk, I find that she perfectly encapsulates what I have always tried to convey about making hard decisions. Many of the points she made, were thoughts in my mind that I could never fully articulate myself. One thing I see many people struggle with is feeling like they are not intelligent enough to make a decision because it is hard or that they take the safest option because justifying taking the better option can be too difficult if the two different things are similar in nature or stature. This can severely hinder someone in the future with success, overall happiness, and professional growth. Chang (2014) explained this in depth in her struggle with becoming a lawyer over a philosopher.

I dealt with hard decisions in regards of what to do once I returned from my Air Force Technical Training. There were factors hindering my ability to go into the cyber field, intelligence, or continue in my comfort zone of working in food. There were various things keeping me from leaving my food position, I was in line for a substantial promotion, the company had goals for me, but it wasn’t the work I could see myself doing six months down the road. When debating whether to go into cyber or intelligence, the choice was hard. There were factors such as pay that I saw as an immediate relief once I was able to move forward with choosing a career path. Cyber and Intelligence were both equally good paths to take, this is a prime example of there being no best option, at the time. I had to take every facet of each job and compare them to each other and even work in fields related to both jobs in order to feel confident in my decision to pursue intelligence. In hindsight, I know I made the right decision for my current position and for the future.


Chang, Ruth. “How to Make Hard Choices.” TEDSalon NY2014 May 2014. https://www.ted.com/talks/ruth_chang_how_to_make_hard_choices?utm_source=email&source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios-share Accessed 11 September, 2019.


Student two:

After reviewing Ruth’s speech, she hits on good topics and examples. Ruth talks about humans making hard decisions. I agree on what she says about there are three ways to manage our decisions Either greater than, less than, or equal to. Our minds are powerful, Ruth said “ our mines determine our next step in life whether good or hard”. In her video she compared eating a healthy cereal versus a delicious doughnut. Both have an equal value of eating breakfast, just different taste.

When deciding on moving away, the right job, or which socks to put on humans tend to overthink their decision making. It’s not hard to pick a choice, it’s the process when deciding to choose can be difficult. Picking A or B falls to comparing, comparison could change the value of A or B. Our choices as humans can make or break us, and the actions may have good or bad consequences.

1. I make a decision based on long term results.

2. This information can include communication, creativity, problem solving ext

3. When receiving that information I intend to look how it can benefit my life in a positive way

4. Ask for advice and then compare that person‘s decision versus my own.

5. Intellectual standards apply to thinking. Whenever it’s checking about a problem, situation, or issues. Thinking critically, these standards such as logic, are the ability to be in control of one’s thinking.

6. Dysfunctional thinking can be handled through emotions. Thinking through emotion can lead to bad decisions, then bad results

7. Identify, gather information, consequences, choice, evaluate




Discussion post and peer reviews

Question Description



Slowing Down Global Warming

As Hite and Seitz (2016) discuss in Chapter 5: Climate Change, reputable scientific studies continue to show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases.

What is the relationship between population increases and climate change? Do you think fertility control

is an effective strategy to halt climate change? Why or why not?

Review the posts of your classmates and respond to at least one other post, offering a substantive comment on that classmate’s position on the issue(s).


Hello Class and Professor,

Fast population development and non-renewable energy source discharges are two driving attributes of our cutting edge age. Since 1800, the total population has become sevenfold, while per capita CO2 outflows have expanded multiple times. Set up the two together, and you have around 1,100 fold the amount of as far as discharges. (1)
Created nations expend a lot of petroleum derivatives. The United States, for instance, contains only five percent of the total population, yet contributes a fourth of all-out CO2 yield. In any case, while populace development is stale or dropping in most created nations (aside from the U.S., because of migration), it is rising quickly in rapidly industrializing creating countries. As per the United Nations Population Fund, quickly developing creating nations (like China and India) will contribute the greater part of worldwide CO2 discharges by 2050, driving some to think about whether the majority of the endeavors being made to control U.S. emanations will be deleted by other nations’ selection of our since quite a while ago held over-wasteful ways. (2)
“Population, an Earth-wide temperature boost and utilization examples are inseparably connected in their aggregate worldwide ecological effect,” reports the Global Population and Environment Program at the non-benefit Sierra Club. “As building up nations’ commitment to worldwide discharges develops, population size and development rates will end up critical factors in amplifying the effects of an unnatural weather change.” (2)
Many accept that on the off chance that we permit the wellbeing of ladies and kids to be improved in creating nations, it will decrease destitution and baby passings. Permit more ladies’ essential human rights (medicinal services, training, money related chance, innovation), ladies would be increasingly enabled and feel all the more a need to restrain family size by inclination approved uniquely through how to recreate.

It is known that population increase and climate change are linked together. Climate change is caused by too much carbon dioxide and other gasses being released in the air or atmosphere. Humans and the things that we do produce carbon dioxide, with our factories, our cars, and deforestation. Hite and Seitz (3) describe how population and economic growth are the key factors in climate change. I do think that fertility control is an effective way to slow down global warming when there are more humans producing these harmful gasses the likelihood of climate change halting is very unlikely.

1. https://www.pri.org/stories/2012-11-28/links-betwe…

2. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/populat…

3. Hite, K. A., & Seitz, J. L. (2016). Global Issues. In Global Issues. Malden: Wiley Blackwell


Hello All!

The relationship between population increase and climate changes. Pollution and Agriculture are some causes of climate change. I say this because, with the increase of population it requires more highways, buildings, smog and other dangerous gases. The global climate is changing because the smoke from the burning of trash, trees. As it accumulates in the air the ozone layer is decreasing. Agriculture, it affected by the air pollution changes the air. The storms cause floods in rural areas affecting crops to grow. In the Northwest areas the climates are dryer causing more droughts and forest fires, once again affecting the air quality.

Fertility control, no I don’t think it would be effective to halt or climate change. Why, the damage is already done, they are already here, trees are already burned and cut down the coral reefs are almost extinct and the Amazon is already decreased. Restoring and preserving our ozone might help with the climate control.

CHFD307 Week 6 Discussion

Question Description

In our society, both gender and peer groups play a vital role in the developing child’s life.

Please talk about how gender roles influence the developing child, cognitively, physically, and social/emotionally. Is gender biological or is it influenced by society? In other words, is gender created by nature or nurture? What sources can you cite to defend your statements?

Peer groups, particularly in middle childhood and adolescence are often greatly influenced by and formed around gender. What is the importance of a peer group? How does being involved in one (or not) impact growth and development in all the domains? [Cognitive, physical, and social/emotional] What sources can you cite to defend your statements?

Student #1:

Gender roles influence the developing child because its one of the ways that children and adolescents learn how gender plays the specific role in society. According to Lesson 6 (n.d.), cultures all over the world seem to agree with the norms of what gender takes on what role. Males seem to take on the role of dominance, being competitive, and show more aggression. On the other hand, women seem to be more caring, sensitive, and more friendly and open with others (Lesson 6, n.d.). Gender is a bit influenced by both, biological and by the society. This is because males and females tend to have some of the same biological norms when it comes to testosterone and estrogen levels, in which no one person has control over. From a societal standpoint, as children become adolescents, they often choose to follow stereotypes and give in to peer and family members that influence them socially (Burn, O’Neil, & Nederend, 1996). Society, and families especially, play a huge role in shaping a child’s perspective and what gender roles they take on as they continue to grow and develop.

The importance of peer groups is that they help to increase a child or adolescents’ development by increasing the way they learn. According to Lesson 6 (n.d), at a young age, children tend to have play groups, which increases their playful skills and how they interact with other children. Having a peer group can increase a child’s emotional well-being by allowing them to have someone to speak with rather they have good or bad experiences to talk about. Not having a peer group can also affect them emotionally because without having someone to interact with, they could become depressed or emotionally detached from those around them (Lesson 6, n.d.). When a person becomes lonely, they have unpleasant thoughts that have an effect on how they interact with others in their surroundings. These issues only increase into larger problems for individuals and become society’s issues later on.

Student #2:

To me gender roles start the day children are born. Once a parent determines if a child is a boy or a girl they start to find clothes and toys that fit the sex on a child. To me gender roles is something that is created by society. For example, if two boys are playing roughly people will say boys will be boys and they will more than likely go on playing. However, if this is done by a girl most people will deem this a completely inappropriate and for bid those girls from playing in such a manner. Why you may ask that is just the way society works, and this things have been passed down on to us for so long that our brains and think a certain way about gender and never question it. For instance, if a boy picks up a doll to play with most parents will tell that boy no that they should play with it, it is just a piece of plastic children do not know the difference between toys. I believe are the same if a girl shows interests in a more masculine activities, parents will try to find them something that is more appropriate for girls. However, gender does help child fit in to the world, finding things that they in common with other people helps them develop socially and fit and how they fit into the world.

Peer group are vital to middle adults because, it is one of the most important part if their social life. As this time they’re spending less time with their family and more time trying to find their place in life. Good peer groups can help them find quality friends and help them explore ideas with people like themselves , lack of a strong peer group can cause concern regarding the full, healthy development in a teen.

Minimum 150 words answer to each.

English Composition

Question Description

Research and Citation Exercise


Support each of the major claims listed below with researched material collected from at least one source (no more than two sources) for each answer. You may use credible online sources or library resources to respond to each claim. Write one paragraph, with a minimum of three minor supporting sentences, to support each major claim. Use the major claimas the paragraph’s topic sentence; then, support the claim with a combination of direct quotes, paraphrased material, and your own ideas.


Example:The following paragraph (“answer”) illustrates how you should complete this exercise.

Major Claim: Illegal immigrant workers should be granted legal status.


(1 – MC)Illegal immigrant workers should be granted legal status.(2 – MSC) In “Illegal Workers Should be Granted Legal Status,” George Bush states that the main reason America became a powerful nation in the twentieth century is because it welcomed the talent, power, and patriotism of immigrant families (554). (3 – MSC) Because we are a nation founded and inspired by immigrants, we should acknowledge the contributions made by working immigrants who contribute to our economy by accepting them as part of our country instead of pushing them out. (4 – MSC) Bush writes, “Out of common sense and fairness, our laws should allow willing workers to enter our country and fill jobs that Americans are not filling. We must make our immigration laws more rational, and more humane” (Connelly 556).

Bush, George. “Illegal Immigrant Workers Should be Granted Legal Status.” The Sundance

Reader. Fifth Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. 554-59.

[MC = Major Claim; MSC = Minor Supporting Claim]


In the answer provided above, (2) is paraphrased support; (3) is my own ideas; and (4) is a direct quote. You must provide each kind of support (three in total) to successfully answer each major claim question. To complete this assignment, you must produce a one paragraph answer for each of the three major claims listed below. After each paragraph, cite your sources as you would in a “Works Cited” page (as exhibited in the example above).

1. Major Claim: Affirmative Action perpetuates racism.

2. Major Claim: Condoms should be distributed in public schools as a way to prevent teenage pregnancy.

3. Major Claim: The legal driving age should be raised to eighteen-years-old.

Note: You must support each claim, despite your real opinion on the issue.


Answer the following questions using library or online sources. Respond to each question with one or two complete, correctsentences. Document your sources using MLA documentation guidelines. Reference the Works Cited document located in Week 5’s Assignment instructions to complete questions 1-10.

1. Who was president of the United States when the Federal Reserve was created?



2. What amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote, and in what year?



3. What is the origin of the word “boycott”?



4. Who coined the term “pandemonium,” and in what famous literary work?



5. Who won the Academy Award for best actor in 1982, and for what film?



6. What famous twentieth century American author wrote The Old Man and the Sea?



7. What is the name of the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy?



8. When did the famous English poet and playwright William Shakespeare live?



9. What large library existed in ancient Egypt?



10. What city hosted the first ever Winter Olympics, and in what year?



​Wk5, Discussion 5 Gods, their symbols & personalities. Use Mod 3 & Ch. 14

Question Description

In Ancient art symbolism and iconography become very advanced. (icons and iconography & iconology will be reviewed in class so that you can easily know when to use these terms in class.) For this discussion I hope that you will share the gods that interest/intrigue you the most.

Step 1. Identify two Egyptian gods and two Mesopotamian gods and briefly describe what they represented. Step 2. From the four that you have chosen, share here which one is the most interesting to you. 3. Include important aspects of the way they look, how they are designed or carved 4. Comment on at least two of your peers work – please write the details that they shared that is news to you or applaud them for their visual description.

This is the bookhttps://archive.org/details/Living_with_Art_by_Mark_Getlein/page/n5

Module 3






Two Egyptian gods include, Ra (the god of the sun) and Anubis (the god of funerals). Two Mesopotamian gods include, Sin (the god of the moon) and Enlil (the god of the heavens).

The god that I found to be the most interesting was the Mesopotamian god; Sin (the god of the moon). I found Sin to be the most interesting because of what he represented and because of his depicted imagine and associated symbols. Sin was represented as the bull, with the symbol alluding to the

Response ,Comment on at least two of your peers work – please write the details that they shared that is news to you or applaud them for their visual description.

Student 1/resemblance of the waxing crescent moon to the horns of the animal. Sin was also one of the major Mesopotamian gods in the early part of the Sumerian period. The religious scope of the Sin deity often translated to scientific analysis, with records on the radiance along with the path and cycles of the moon within particular time-frames. Which means that even back in 3100 BC, science was just discovered but already being recorded even before the scientific revolution. Sin’s imagine or curving is depicted as gray clay work with much detailing to the god(s) and the crescent moon. I personally have always been deeply intrigued by the moon because of its symbolism and representation, which is why I even have it tattooed on my body.


Student 2/

Ra- In ancient Egypt, this was the god of the sun and was considered the world’s first ruler or pharaoh when the land was inhabited by deities. Ra had a human body but the head appeared like that of a bird with a beak. This god had a sun ship that would sail across the sky during the day and travel through the underground at night through the river of darkness where it would fight monsters. After aging, Ra returned to heavens and gave up its throne to another god called Osiris.

Geb- This was the god of the earth. The Egyptians believed that this deity was among the first to appear from the sea of chaos when time began. This god looked like a human being but was made of earth and had physical features such as mountains, forests, seas, and rivers on his body. He had a wife called Nut, who was the goddess of the sky.

Anu/Ilu/An– In Mesopotamia, this was the deity considered to be the supreme God or god of the sky and the first and farthest ancestor who gave rise to all other gods. He was also considered to be a member of the triad of gods along with Ea and Enlil. But he played a small role in mythology, despite being the god of the sky and the first to appear.

Enlil/Ellil– This was the god of storms, wind, air, and earth in Mesopotamia and acted as the chief deity of the other gods. He was considered to be a fatherly and benevolent god who cared for the well-being of humans and all other living things. He also controlled and ruled over the other deities. In appearance, the god was represented by a horned cap with seven pairs of ox-horns superimposed on it.

The most interesting of all these four gods seem to be Enlil, the god of earth, air, storm, and wind as per the Mesopotamian mythology. I find him to be interesting because unlike others that appeared harmful and monstrous like, this god appears to have the characteristics of God of the modern religions in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the role of a god is to create and maintain humans in harmony.

ENG 102 Research Paper Guidelines

Question Description

ENG 102 Research Paper Guidelines

The research paper assignment for this course is due at the end of week 7. The reading and writing skills shown in the successful completion of this assignment are the concluding step in the GMC ENG 101/ENG 102 sequence, displaying your skills as a writer,reader,researcher,and criticalthinker.

Your research paper should be an argumentative essay that makes a specific claim about one or more of the course readings. The claim should be made by applying specific schools of literary criticism from the “Critical Strategies for Reading” section of our textbook. Support this claim and argument in a well-developed, well-written, and well- organized essay of at least 1500-1800 words of text (not counting the works cited page) and must successfully use at least 5 critical secondary sources (primary sources are not included in the research requirement) accessed through the GMC library.

Research Paper Directions

The bulleted list below provides general options for paper topics. The entirety of the class reading assignments can be found in the Course Syllabus, under “Course Schedule.” The bulleted list below provides general options for paper topics:

• A paper focusing on one of the texts from class (if only writing on one text, it must be a different text than the ones you wrote on for Response Papers 1 and 2).

  • A paper focusing on multiple texts (no more than 3) by the same author
  • A paper focusing on multiple texts (but no more than two) by different authors

Tips and Reminders

Use your textbook as a resource. Review Chapters 47, 48, and 49. There are also various examples of student essays in the textbook.

Re-read the text(s) you want to base your paper on.

Once you have decided on a topic, begin doing preliminary research (you will need to do a lot of research for this assignment anyway). Read what other literary critics have said. This will help you to further narrow down your topic, and even

to find some of the sources you will end up using in the paper.
you are a literary critic too—this means you should feel free to question and disagree with the interpretations you read.

Make sure your thesis is an arguable one, something that readers might actually agree or disagree with. Don’t be afraid to take a leap and put forward a new, creative, and/or unique interpretation. Remember that any argument can be a good one if you properly support it with evidence from the text.

Remember that

Your paper must incorporate information from outside sources found through the GMClibrary. Rememberthatyouhavethreemethodsforincorporatingoutside

information into any paper: you
paraphrase (put the source’s words into your own words), or summarize (boil down information from a source to a 1-2 sentence summary in your own words).

sources that may not be appropriate.

can quote (use the source’s exact words),

Avoid unnecessary plot summary and biographical information. Assume that yourreaderhas alreadyreadtheworkyouarediscussing,andassumethatyour reader knows important information about the author’s life already.

Conduct your research through thelibrarylikearealresearcher,ratherthanrelyingon Googletofindopen-web

Remember that sources like Wikipedia, Sparknotes, and other open-web

sources are not appropriate for this paper.

MLA formatting for style, in-text citations, and works cited entries is a significant part of this paper. Review the sample essays in our textbook, and review grade feedback on past response papers for help with this.

Organize your argument to maximize its effectiveness. Your introduction should include a thesis. Each paragraph of your paper should include a topic sentence

that references your thesis. Each support that paragraph’s topic sentence.

sentence in each paragraph should directly

Finally, don’t forget the little things. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation should be perfect. Edit and revise your work. Manage your time efficiently to allow yourselftheopportunityto readandrereadyourfinalpapermultipletimes.

As always, contact your instructor whenever you have questions!

The teacher emailed me and said “his is such an interesting idea. However, the research paper needs to focus on at least one of our reading texts (story, play, etc). We just need a bit more focus to get you on the right path! 🙂 Discussing how a piece is made is a great (but broad) idea; narrowed down a bit, however, this type of direction could fall within the Formalist critical reading strategy! This would allow you to analyze a literary piece (or two) from our course, analyzing the formalist elements, such as language, structure and tone (including diction, irony, paradox, metaphor, symbol, plot, etc (1360). You might also pair two texts together that share a common element and make a claim about why/how this common element functions within the texts. Texts that you may use can go all the way back to Week 1 (“The Story of an Hour,” A Sorrowful Woman”), any Flannery O’Connor we’ve discussed…and so forth through Week 8.”

ENG-1102 Comp and Modern English II

Question Description

For your final research assignment, you are to choose one of the authors whose work we have read during this class. Give us background on the author and explain why the work(s) we have read are representative or are not representative of this author’s work.

Sources Required: 5

Formatting: MLA

Paper Length: 5-6 pages double-spaced, 12 point font, including reference page

Outline: William Faulkner and “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction: William Faulkner wrote in an innovative style that combined realism with symbolism to create on of his finest works, “A Rose for Emily”.

Thesis: William Faulkner was not only a prolific writer but also became an inspiration for other writers to follow with his experimental style and emotional characters.

I. Background

A. Born September 25, 1897 New Albany, Mississippi.

B. Died July 6, 1962 in Byhalia, Mississippi

II. Accomplishments

A. Noted author and novelist

1. Wrote about American South

2. Created realistic, eccentric characters

3. Gothic style

B. Won Nobel Prize

1. 1949- Nobel Prize for Literature

2. Donated part of it to support writers

3. Only Nobel winner from Mississippi

C. Awarded Pulitzer Prizes

1. 1955 for A Fable

2. 1963 for The Reivers

III. Writing Style

A. Used stream of consciousness style

1. Subtle

2. Cerebral

3. Complex

4. Emotional

5. Symbolic

B. Character types

1. Southern aristocrats

2. Working-class southerners

3. Poor whites

4. Slaves and descendants of slaves

IV. Noted novels and short stories

A. The Sound and the Fury (1929)

B. A Rose for Emily (1930 short story)

C. As I Lay Dying (1930)

D. Light in August (1932)

E. Absalom, Absalom! (1936)

Thesis reworded: William Faulkner was one of the greatest American writers in history.

Concluding statement: Faulkner was an inspiration for many writers because of his innovative style, realistic characters and meaningful messages.

Annotated Bibliography

Heller, T. “The Telltale Hair: A Critical Study of William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”. Coe College. n.d.

This critical essay focuses on the relationship between Emily and Jefferson and on the ways in which the town interprets and acts on the information they think they know. The narrator retells a series of incidents in which the town fails to deal with Emily. In each case, the failure results from a previous failure to understand who Emily really is. She is seldom seen and her motives are unknown except as how they are guessed by the townspeople. The reader sympathizes with Emily despite not really knowing why due in part to how the town perceives her. The reader appreciates human individuality even if the town does not.

Kinney, A. “Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Compson Family”. J.K. Hall Publishing. Boston. 1983.

This is a series of essays about William Faulkner and his style of writing. They include character analysis and psychoanalysis as well as Faulkner structure. There is debate about final messages in the stories and whether they are hopeless or consoling. There are also characters descriptions of for example Caddy, countering the belief that Caddy had a relative lack of awareness which meant a lack of responsibility.

Limbu, B. “A critical analysis of Faulkner’s short story ‘A Rose for Emily’: A Challenge to Nature and Society is destructive.” 2019. Bhupendra.

This is a personal reflection of the philosophy behind this story and what motivates society to judge Emily the way they do. Sometimes people like to make other people scapegoats for their own inadequacies and that is how the writer rationalizes the town’s judgment of her. The symbolism of Emily being buried with soldiers is not lost by this writer who compares their plight to the losing battle fought by Emily herself.

Mambrol, N. “Analysis of William Faulkner’s Novels”. Literariness.org. 2018.

This is an in depth description and analysis of the major novels of William Faulkner, including The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary and Light in August. The writing focuses on juxtaposition of characters, points of view, modes of narration, attitudes and emotional tones. It is a comprehensive analysis that provides scholarly insight into the psyche of the author and his most interesting characters.

Saputri, A. “A Structural Analysis of William Faulkner “A Rose for Emily”. 2009.

This is a comprehensive analysis which details the symbolism in the story but confuses the point of view. The writer states the point of view is the third person omniscient but apparently the author misses the point that the story is told through the first person’s view which is through the eyes if the town. That is an important point because the interpretation of the story depends on it. Still, the article offers some keen insight into her character.