Impact of Social Media on Memory

Question Description

You must find two articles on the Impact of Social Media on Memory. You must create summary for each article. Please make sure to summarize the article and touch key points. Please cite correctly and no plagirism.

Please cite your articles correctly.

Analysis of an Argument week 10

Question Description

Please read the essay carefully, looking for the various parts:

Introduction with summary and thesis, body paragraphs with support (examples/evidence) for thesis. and conclusion with thesis.

After reading the essay, answer the questions on the worksheet, titled: Analysis of Argument Essay.

A short biography and a 1 page summary of the book slaughterhouse five

Question Description

I need a short biography of the author Kurt Vonnegut. This needs to be 1 paragraph at least

I also need a 1 page summary of the novel slaughterhouse five.

Do not use any outside sources because I was supposed to read the book.

Write about …

Question Description


Look at the attached file and write about it.

Note: use a street that we easily can find a picture about and write the street information and in which country.. etc

Also, include at least 4 pictures about the street

Complete Short Psychology Task Due (UOP)

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Read the instructions in Self-Regulation of Learning, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from one of the following options:

    • Option 1: Self-Regulation Presentation
    • Option 2: Self-Regulation Outline

    Format your assignment in accordance with APA guidelines.

Answer these three questions about media censorship in the US

Question Description

  1. Where does the US stand on State vs. Corporate media and censorship?
  2. Do they have or support a free press?
  3. Do they take measures to protect their media?

Please include an introduction and a conclusion

2 pages double spaced. Times New Roman, size 12.

Better Healthcare Fix

Question Description

My professor graded the paper you wrote me and has allowed me to fix it for a better grade. I will attach a document that talks about what to fix and what is wrong. Please highlight any change that you make.

History Discussion – The Mongol empire

Question Description

By the time of the death of Chinggis Khan, the Mongol empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Caspian Sea in the west. How can we account for this astounding expansion?

Please explain in full detail 250 word min.

“What are the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of using the Internet in your OWN life.” You might consider the use of computers, smart phones, social networking sites, or any other functions of the Internet.

Question Description

“What are the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of using the Internet in your OWN life.” You might consider the use of computers, smart phones, social networking sites, or any other functions of the Internet.

I will send you the detail later

Add two slides to Group Presentation (UOP)

Question Description

My part for the group presentation is to add two slides about CRIMINAL PROFILING

Please use the template that I have attached and you will see TWO BLANK SLIDES to input my information on

You need to add references AND SPEAKER NOTES AS WELL