Chapter 5, The World of Healthcare Employment


Research the term shared governance. Analyze the information you uncover, and make a list of the advantages and disadvantages you see in this form of governance. What steps would you take to implement a shared governance model at a healthcare facility that did not have one?

NursingCS DB1


Provide a brief Question of your project ( PREVENTING ACCESS RELATED INFECTIONS IN HEMODAILYSIS PATIENTS)  and describe how your project aligned with The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. In your replies, comment on how you think your peer’s project will change the practice of nursing.

Week 5 discussion posts


  • Describe how the unique role of evidence-based leadership (EBL) can facilitate an organization change to the new paradigm of EBP.
  • Describe the similarities of the the EBP and EIHP processes.
  • Provide a  short summary of a policy problem and formulate the policy problem into a policy PICOT question.with 

Nutr125 video review


Discuss what you found most interesting in the video. What did you learn that you did not know before watching this video? What are your thoughts on the food label and how it can support consumers in making better food selections?
Should be 400 words.



Perform a comprehensive review of the literature that supports the use of primary vs, secondary sources of evidence. Utilize the weblinks provided in this module to support your written assignments in this course. The week 3 project is the literature review portion of your paper. 

Adis Ababa University extracellular health question


Why would elevate extracellular

decrease force output from a muscle?

Muscle Physiology:

A subfield of physiology called muscle physiology investigates the mechanics of muscle contraction. Action potentials in motor neurons cause the release of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicles, which in turn causes the muscle fibers to shorten.

35 Week 2 D2



Week 3 Discussion 2

Revisit your personal philosophy of teaching. What learning strategies (discussed in chapter 7) that are influenced by your personal philosophy of teaching might you integrate into the curricula? Discuss how the learning strategies you described align with your personal philosophy of teaching. 

NU231/NUR2349 Section ARPA1A0Z Professional Nursing 1


Your written assignment for this module should be a paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following:

What did you learn from this course that you did not already know?

How will you apply what you learned to your patient care?

Muscarinic receptor antagonists Powerpoint presentation


6 slides max

No illustration & pictures are needed unless it’s really
needed for your topic…
? Use Tahoma (Body) or Times New Roman fonts, at least 20
-28 size!
? Use bold and/or italics and/or color to highlight important
names, concepts but do not overdue!
? Max. 5-6 bullets/slide

NURS6002-C Walden Week 3 Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template


The Assignment:

Using the “Week 3 | Part 3” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:

Your topic of interest.