Discussion 3 HIT impact on Psych NPs roles


Discussion 3 is focused on the impact of HIT on patient engagement and how patient engagement impacts the APRN role (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner)

This discussion contains elements for your Nursing Informatics Support of Evidence-Based Practice paper 

Instructions for Discussion 3 

1. Briefly explain the impact of HIT on patient engagement 

2. Briefly discuss patient engagement related your chosen APRN role Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

3. Briefly discuss the implications of patient engagement on overall patient health 

Spirituality and health outcomes within the context of social determinants of healt


The required sentence for direct quotation and citation is located on page 42 near the middle of the right-hand column. The sentence begins with the words: Spiritual struggle is rarely discussed in chronic disease management, and spiritual

The required sentence for paraphrasing and citation is located on page 44 near the bottom of the middle column. The sentence begins with the words: Adding spirituality in organizational mission statements, ongoing educational

UCI Public Health The Sex Education Discussion


  • Public health relies on the school system both public and private to educate people on basic health
    • But this often fails in many ways
  • reflect on the sex education particularly in relation to HIV, but also to pregnancy and other STDs and how well your schools fulfilled this key mission
    • What were the classes or lessons like?
    • Were they effective?
    • Why do you think your school handled it how they did well or not.

NURS 4685 Module 5 Discussion


Capstone Project-

Remember that your initial post needs to have a current citation and reference to avoid losing significant points. For this week, you could use professional sources related to developing Evaluation Tools or related to Group Presentations for your citation and reference.

Discuss where, when, and to whom you made your presentation. How was it accepted?

What were the evaluation results? How would you have changed the presentation after reading the evaluations?



In this scenario, you are the CEO of a healthcare organization. You are preparing for a presentation to community members about how healthcare is geographically located and the ethical effects to insurance versus no-charge healthcare systems. 

What are the differences between insurance and a no-charge healthcare system? What happens to the healthcare organization giving out too much free care?

How do you convince the community that private healthcare insurance is necessary?

discussion Frum 2


    Please listen to the overview before beginning the assignments and activities for this week.poodllfile63c9b81c22b111.mp3
    1. Assess the need for culturally competent health care organizations.2. Conduct a cultural assessment of your health care organization or institution. 3. Describe how organizations can develop cultural competency.4. Analyze culturally competent initiatives designed and implemented by health care organizations.

Role of a Nurse Practitioner


Research the role of the Nurse Practitioner.

Select and describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner role. 

Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner?

  • Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role and summarize the article. 

What does the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) say about the need of Nurse Practitioners?

  • Identify and describe the effects that you will have as an advanced practice nurse in terms of healthcare industry and patient outcomes.

week 2 discussion


Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Use proper APA references, cite at least two scholarly sources.

1. Explain the relationship of self-leadership to leadership competency. How does a leader’s self-leadership skills impact those they lead?

2. Identify one self-leadership skill that you consider to be a strength.

3. Identify one self-leadership skill in which you have an opportunity for improvement.

4. Discuss two strategies to cultivate your self-leadership skills.

NURS 500 WCU Nurse Theorists Portraits of Excellence: Jean Watson


  1. Please watch Jean Watson: A Theory of Human Caring https://scf.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/scf%…
  2. Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.
  3. Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.
  4. Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?
  5. Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?
  6. What value did you receive from watching it?

social work nh


Watch Documentary Below and Comment: 

  • Write 2-3 reflective pages  on documentary below (5pts)
  • Use 1 key term / concept from this or previous weeks that connects to the documentary and describe how it connects.  (15pts)
  • Is the Foster Care System a functioning system, is it thriving, why or why not? (15pts)
  • Find a classmate whose answers made an impact on you, share with them what you connected with and why. (5pts)