week 3 LDS discussion


Week 3: Conflict is common in healthcare settings. Common team sources of conflict include hierarchical relationships, authority differentials, poor communication, negative or disruptive behaviors, and multigenerational interprofessional teams. Include the following sections Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail, cite relevant scholarly source:

1. Describe a conflict you have encountered in your nursing practice. Identify the stakeholders involved and their roles.

2. Analyze how the conflict was resolved. Which conflict resolution style was used?

3. Evaluate the efficacy of the resolution. Was the conflict resolution style used to address the conflict the most appropriate option? Why or why not?

4. Identify and describe your preferred mode of conflict resolution.

FNU RN Job Market Discussion


Question: Conduct a search in several job listing websites for your location. Count the advertisements for RNs. How many employers are represented? Think of all the different healthcare agencies in the community. Do the ads represent most of them, some of them, or only a few of the potential employers of nurses? Of those listed, how many specify backgrounds or experiences beyond that which a new graduate would have? How many specify the shift or work schedule? If wages are noted, what is the range of wages quoted? Reflect on your own expectations for employment after graduation. How do your expectations compare with what you find in these advertisements?

RN Job Market Discussion


Question: Conduct a search in several job listing websites for your location. Count the advertisements for RNs. How many employers are represented? Think of all the different healthcare agencies in the community. Do the ads represent most of them, some of them, or only a few of the potential employers of nurses? Of those listed, how many specify backgrounds or experiences beyond that which a new graduate would have? How many specify the shift or work schedule? If wages are noted, what is the range of wages quoted? Reflect on your own expectations for employment after graduation. How do your expectations compare with what you find in these advertisements?

Use to quantify the extent of a disease by defining prevalence and incidence


This week we are learning the methods to use to quantify the extent of a disease by defining prevalence (the proportion of the population that have a risk factor under study) and incidence (the likelihood of developing a disease). Use the library to find an epidemiological study in Saudi Arabia, if possible, on the cumulative incidence of a disease by using a person-time study where the participants either develop a disease during the specified time period. 

Discuss the participants at risk at the beginning of the study and the persons who developed the disease during the study and discuss the concept of the incidence rate of the disease under study.

Clinical Reflection Discussion


Clinical Reflective discussion regarding Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Instructions:

Choose Significant Patient Encounters: Reflect on significant patient encounters during your AGACNP clinical rotation. Focus on cases that left a lasting impression, presented challenges, or offered profound learning experiences.

Reflective Writing: Write a reflective essay detailing your experiences. Include:

Patient cases or situations encountered.

Personal emotions, thoughts, and reactions during those moments.

Lessons learned, including medical insights, patient care, and the development of your skills and knowledge.

Challenges faced and how they were addressed.

Analysis and Future Applications: Analyze the impact of these experiences on your professional development. Discuss how these encounters have influenced your clinical decision-making, patient care approaches, and future goals as an AGACNP.

Discuss the technical aspects of In vitro fertilization reproductive issues in general terms.


his week you will submit the final draft of your term paper. Use this template Download this templatefor your term paper.

Your term paper should:

Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.

Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.

Express your personal opinion regarding the topic’s importance and the validity of the pro and con arguments. Within the personal opinion/conclusion, frame your position with an ethical theory from the six workable theories covered in this course.

Forum Discussion -Parkinson Disease management


Add references to your posts, and be aware that TURNITIN IS ON.
The purpose of the discussion is to elevate the level of knowledge regarding disease symptom management.

a. add

b. increase
the dose of levodopa.

c. discontinue the carbidopa.

d. add

2. A patient who takes levodopa and carbidopa for Parkinson’s
disease reports experiencing freezing episodes between doses. The primary care
NP should consider using:

a. selegiline.

b. apomorphine.

c. modified-release

d. amantadine.

3. A 65-year-old patient is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
The patient has emphysema and narrow-angle glaucoma. The primary care NP should
consider beginning therapy with:

a. ropinirole

b. selegiline.

c. carbidopa/levodopa.

d. benztropine.



Complete the Final Project Template:

Assessment Tools and Interventions

Copy and paste your revised Practice Toolbox submissions into the template in the designated spot.

Include 1 page that elaborates on the intervention you chose for this week’s Discussion. You should answer the same questions for the elderly/aging adult intervention that you did with other populations (why you selected the intervention, why it would be helpful for the population, what challenges or limitations there might be).


Write a 1-page summary describing your ideal population to work with, based on your research and work throughout the term. Is this the same population you identified in Week 1, or has your perspective changed?

50 Week 7 Assign


Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories

  • Background of the theories

Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability

  1. Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
  2. Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
  3. Parsimony
  4. Conclusion/summary



your proposal will likely be between 15–20 pages. You will be seeking  minimum of 5 years with a maximum total budget of $150,000 per year in direct costs. All grant proposals will explicitly conform to grant proposal guidelines provided by Community Alliance Partners (CAP). 

More specifically, the proposal will be expected to include the following sections, each of which is completed in the indicated Module:

Program Identification and Instructor Approval : Newborn Screening for Sickle cell disease: Completed and attached below

Section I: Opportunity/Problem/Needs. Completed and attached below

Section II: Goals and Objectives. Completed and attached below

Section III: Work Plan 

  • Section IV: Program Evaluation 

Section V: Budget 

  • Mock Grant Proposal: Final Submission