
Explore the OIG Enforcement Actions page. Review and select one of the articles on a case of health care fraud. 

Write an analysis of the case that includes the following: 

Summarize the incident and the specific fraud that was enacted. 

Determine what laws were broken and which regulatory bodies are responsible for oversight of the regulations that were violated. 

Describe the communications and information that would have been exchanged among the regulatory bodies and the offending organization during the investigation and charge of fraud or abuse in the case. 

Explain the outcome of the case. If a judgment has not yet been passed, what do you think the outcome of the judgment should be? Justify your response. 

Gawande Journal #4



To complete this assignment, you will submit a journal entry at the  end of each unit throughout the semester. A reading assignment will be  given, and you will journal your thoughts, feelings, and/or concerns  that may have arisen while reading the assigned chapter. These journal  entries must be completed in Microsoft Word and will be graded on timely  submission as well as whether or not it addresses the specific issue  covered in the chapter. It is very important to journal how you felt  before reading the chapter and then if the particular reading changed  your mind. Discuss specific quotes that affected your opinion and how  you will practice differently because of this reading. 

HCI 316 ASS 1


E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their Health Journey


In this essay, you will explore the diverse landscape of e-health instruments available to consumers. Your task is to:

• Describe the main types of e-health instruments used in the consumer sphere. Classify them into meaningful categories based on their functionalities or target areas (e.g., monitoring devices, fitness trackers, mental health apps).

• Provide examples: Briefly discuss several specific examples within each category, highlighting their key features and potential uses.

• Analyze benefits: Focus on one e-health instrument of your choice. In-depth, critically analyze its potential benefits for consumers, considering aspects like accessibility, empowerment, and improved health outcomes. Refer to relevant academic research and evidence to support your arguments.

Discussion week 11


Watch the videos listed below and answer the questions that follow:

Adolescents & Addiction:

Adolescent Drug Addiction

The Science of Relapse

Brain imaging on drugs

Please answer the following questions and indicate what videos helped you answer the question. 

Discuss three things new to you or that stood out to you from watching the videos. 

Identify at least two biases you may have regarding persons with a substance use disorder and how this may affect your work/treatment. (Note if your preferences changed after reviewing this week’s material). 

How vital is substance/addiction education for your PMHNP/future career? 

What is one specific thing that you can do to increase your knowledge of substance use disorders? 

Parkinson’s disease, treatment side effect.



A patient who has Parkinson’s disease takes levodopa and carbidopa. The patient reports experiencing tremors between doses. The primary care NP should —— Answerer:  Add Entacapone.

  •   2. A patient who takes levodopa and carbidopa for Parkinson’s disease reports experiencing freezing episodes between          doses. The primary care NP should consider using ——– Answerer: Apomorphine.

  3. A 65-year-old patient is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The patient has emphysema and narrow-angle glaucoma.       The primary care NP should consider beginning therapy with: ——– Answerer: Selegiline 

Please, I need to develop the discussion of this 3 questions. Answers posted in every questions.

  1. It is must be completed today, before 6 PM if possible. 

Psychotherapy PMHNP


Psychotherapy is one of the core elements of the scope of practice for the advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner, yet many healthcare organizations psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners are not including psychotherapy as a job function.  Many PMHNPs as not being permitted to allocate their practice time to providing psychotherapy.  The initial role of the psychiatric-mental health advanced practice nurse was developed in the context of a psychotherapist.

How do you see the evolution of the role of a psychotherapist for PMHNP over the next 10 years?  Will this role continues to be an essential component of the scope of practice for the psychiatric -mental health advanced practice nurse?  Why or why not?

Review Appraisal


Hi I need help with an assignment for a systematic review appraisal and qualitative review appraisal I will attach 6 total documents 2 are labeled example and 2 are labeled  Qualitative Review template form and systematic Review template form you will use and the 2 articles are the articles that goes with each appraisal the systematic article with the systematic appraisal form and the qualitative article I have attached with the qualitative appraisal form. just use the examples as a guide to fill out the templates. Just wanna make it clear that two separate templates need to be filled out the two I have attached below each based on each article. 

Community/Public Health Nursing And Social Determinants Of Health


Topic 1 DQ1

Identify the social determinants of health (SDOH) that affect families and communities. Describe the impact of health disparities and SDOH on care outcomes. Explain the role of the community health nurse in addressing these SDOH. Describe how the community health nurse can advocate for practices to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Topic 1 DQ2

Develop a nursing intervention for community health goals (local or global in nature) using the nursing process to address any health issue. Select and describe one community resource that can aid in the implementation process of the intervention. Identify two ethical principles to protect the health and safety of diverse populations when implementing the proposed nursing intervention.

OCP Options


Discussion Prompt

Choose one of the following patients and present THREE birth control options that you would recommend for them. Be sure to discuss the pros/cons/indications/contraindications for each method and support your recommendations with evidence. Initial post should be >250 words, in 7th edition APA format, and contain at least one high level scholarly reference.

17-year-old newly sexually active female, allergic to copper, BMI of 35.

28-year-old mother that is nursing her 12 week old infant.

40-year-old woman with a history of migraines, smokes ½ pack cigarettes per day.

  • 25-year-old newlywed that wants to start trying to conceive in 2 years.
  • 36-year-old mother of 3 that states she does not want to have any more children.

RN Job Market Discussion


Question: Conduct a search in several job listing websites for your location. Count the advertisements for RNs. How many employers are represented? Think of all the different healthcare agencies in the community. Do the ads represent most of them, some of them, or only a few of the potential employers of nurses? Of those listed, how many specify backgrounds or experiences beyond that which a new graduate would have? How many specify the shift or work schedule? If wages are noted, what is the range of wages quoted? Reflect on your own expectations for employment after graduation. How do your expectations compare with what you find in these advertisements?