Week 8-Workout 2
Core Tabata
20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
Do the whole thing twice!
Round 1- (4 minutes- you will perform each exercise for 20 seconds/10 second rest, twice through)
1) Side plank arcs- from a side plank, take top foot and tap front and back (draw a rainbow with your foot). You can modify by having your knee down on your bottom leg)
2) Half burpee (just to a squat, no jump)
3) Oblique Russian Twists
4) Pulsating Squats with or without weight.
Round 2
1) Up/down Planks – Look this up.
2) Wide mountain climbers- Your feet should be wider and step next to your hand.
3) Row Boats
4) Deadbugs
Round 3
1) Bicep Curls with weight.
2) Bicycles
3) Shoulder Press with weight.
4) Chest Press on floor.
***When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here! Don’t forget to include the FIIT details! What was your favorite exercise?