HCAD510 AMU CEO Transition Navigating Past Operations and Future Management Discussion


HCAD 510: Case 13.1 Lakshmi Patel is the new CEO at a medical center. The agenda for her first meeting with the senior management team includes the following questions:

-What has been the primary purpose of the senior management meetings in the past? What was discussed? What was accomplished? What do you want to be the primary purpose of these meetings moving forward? What should we discuss? What should we accomplish?

– What meeting format do you prefer? Do you think that format will enable us to better meet our goals? Do each of you have a clear understanding of your roles? Do each of you help one another? How much cooperation and sharing should we expect from this team? 

Case 13.1 Questions (to answer)  1. You are one of Lakshmi’s vice presidents. How would you answer these questions? 2. Should Lakshmi discuss these questions privately with each senior management member before raising them in the full group meeting (and therefore getting more open feedback than in an open meeting)? If so, how should she proceed after these private meetings? 

Discussion Question?


This week’s focus is on the critical subject of data breaches, specifically focusing on the healthcare sector. As future nurses, it is imperative that we understand the magnitude of this issue, the implications for patient privacy, and the strategies we can employ to mitigate these risks.

For this discussion, I would like each of you to explore the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse website, particularly the sections related to data breaches. This resource provides extensive information on various types of breaches, including those that impact health information.

  1. Visit Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and familiarize yourself with the content related to
  2. breaches: http://www.privacyrights.orgLinks to an external site.
  3. Choose one recent health information breach to discuss. Provide details about the incident, including how it occurred, the type of data compromised, and the number of individuals affected.
  4. Identify one strategy that could be used to prevent such breaches and protect the privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Personal Health Information (PHI).
  5. Explain how this strategy could be applied in a real-world healthcare setting to improve data security and patient privacy.

write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 3, 4


  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
  • Initial Post Instructions
  • Select a work of art from any of the chapters in our textbook, and write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic, an interpretive critic, and an evaluative critic. What different things would these critics have to say? Use the following guidelines:

Descriptive Critic: Address at least 3 different elements of art and/or principles of design.

Interpretive Critic: This will require research so that you can understand the subject, meaning, and intent of the work.

Evaluative Critic: Use the standards of perfection, insight, and inexhaustibility (as described in the text).

Follow-Up Post Instructions

  • Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Provide feedback on whether you agree or disagree with their criticism. Explain why. Build on their posts by providing additional insight of your own. If your peer selected the same artwork as you, make sure to address new point or develop existing points in more depth.

helping with my homework


Module 06 Content

OverviewA Code of Ethics is applied to each healthcare profession. The principle of the code is to exhibit the morals, values, and ethics that should be used in patient care. Think of the Code of Ethics as rules and regulations set forth by an institution or governing body. In every situation, care must be taken in how healthcare professionals respond.ScenarioThere is a department meeting coming up soon, and you have been asked to create a flyer for your current profession that will be distributed during a breakout session at the meeting.InstructionsFor this assignment, you will research information for the Code of Ethics based on your current profession and create an informational flyer that highlights the most important details. Refrain from listing each code. Rather, choose at least 3 main highlights. Give at least 2 details for each code you choose, but also include an example of each one and how it would apply to today’s healthcare.

The flyer should be creative, imaginative, colorful, and appealing to your reader.

Use bullet points when highlighting the details.

questions 1


Hi! Please answer the following questions. use references with apa citation 

1. What signs and symptoms that indicate drug withdrawal?

2. What are some characteristics of an individual diagnosed with borderline personality


3. What is “splitting” in patients with borderline personality disorder?

4. What is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)? How can DBT help patients with

borderline personality disorder?

5. What are common reasons that patients with personality disorders engage in self-

injurious behaviors?

6. What interventions should be used with a patient engaging in self-injury or making

suicidal threats/gestures?

7. What is an adjustment disorder and what are some of the defining characteristics of

an adjustment disorder?

8. What are the different subcategories of adjustment disorders?

9. What techniques should be utilized to establish rapport with an adolescent patient?

10. What are some considerations when discharging a patient from an inpatient

psychiatric unit?

11. What are some risk factors for adolescent suicidal behavior?

12. How can alcohol withdrawal be predicted and prevented?

13. How can a restless, combative patient be managed?

14. What is the therapeutic effect of lorazepam?

15. Identify resources that should be offered to a patient who is experiencing alcohol abuse



Week 1: Discussion


This Discussion will allow you the opportunity to engage with your peers to explore the difference between ion channels and G proteins. You will be able to apply this understanding to a specific patient question. 


Goldin, D. S. (2023). Fast facts for psychopharmacology for nurse practitioners. Springer Publishing.

Chapter 3, “The Brain and Nervous System” (pp. 28–37)

Drugs.comLinks to an external site.. (2023). https://www.drugs.com/
Please use this resource to check the most up-to-date box warnings, FDA approvals and indications, recommendations for follow-up evaluations, changes, etc.

  • To prepare:

Review the Required Learning Resources.

Consider the difference between ion channels and G proteins.

  • Post a response answering the following:
  • Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as they relate to signal transduction and targets of medications.

How would you answer the following patient question:

My grandmother has a mental illness. I have the same genes as her. Will I also get the same mental illness?

Note: Your response needs to be supported and validated by three (3) scholarly peer-reviewed resources located outside of your course Learning Resources.



A 72-year-old male presents to the clinic with 4 weeks of productive cough. He has a 10-year history of diagnosed COPD. He has a 45-year history of two packs a day cigarette smoking. He states he quit smoking due to financial needs about 6 years ago. He complains of pain in his chest from coughing, saying it is sore. He has noticed some dark-colored blood on his tissue.

Vital Signs: BP 137/90; HR 82; RR 22; BMI 23. 

Chief Complaint: Persistent cough won’t go away with my normal cough medicine. Noticed blood on tissue from coughing.

Discuss the following:

1) What additional subjective information will you be asking of the patient?
2) What additional objective findings would you be examining the patient for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies would you order?
5) What treatment and specific information about the prescription will you give this patient?
6) What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
7) What additional laboratory tests might you consider ordering?
8) Will you be looking for a consult?

Benchmark – Applying Leadership and Management Principles



The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the various approaches nursing leaders employ when addressing issues in practice.

Select an issue from the following list: workplace violence, workplace injury, unit restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, or use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses).

In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, discuss the following:

Describe the issue you selected. Provide data to support how this issue impacts the quality of care in the setting in which it occurs.

Using research evidence for support, present one possible solution that could be implemented to address the issue. In your discussion, be sure to include financial considerations as they relate to implementation of the solution.

Describe a leadership style that would best address the issue.

Discuss how this leadership style compares to your personal leadership style.

Compare two different leadership theories that could be applied to resolution of the issue. Explain how each theory would be effective in addressing the issue.

Discuss the nurse’s role within an interdisciplinary team in promoting patient quality and safety while fostering professionalism to address this issue.



For this Assignment, you complete the Correlation Statistics Worksheet, which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct and interpret the finding of a Pearson correlation in SPSS. After you have conducted the descriptive statistic, write the results in APA format. An example is provided in the worksheet.


Required Readings

Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B.  (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.

Chapter 5, “Computing Correlation Coefficients: Ice Cream and Crime” (pp. 75-102)

Salkind, N.J. (2017a). Ice cream and crime: Computing correlation coefficients Download Ice cream and crime: Computing correlation coefficients[Data file]. Retrieved from https://edge.sagepub.com/salkind6e/student-resourc…Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics by Salkind, N.J. Copyright 2016 by Sage College. Reprinted by permission of Sage College via the Copyright Clearance Center.

To prepare:

From your data set, identify two or more variables between or among which you want to see a relationship.

  • Complete the Correlation Statistics Worksheet, which is found in the Learning Resources.

Public Health case study


In each week of the class you will submit a one page (minimum) case study that takes a closer look at a public health issue in the US. With each of these one page responses, the student is responsible for identifying a community/public health issue, what group is particularly at risk from this public health problem, what is being done about the health problem now, and what policy could be used for this problem in the future. This, for example, could be lack of mental health resources for middle school students. A case study will discuss the issue, talk about why this particular group is so affected, what is being done, and what can be done to fix the lack of mental health resources for middle school students. When writing one of these case studies, make sure to use at least two (2) pieces of support from the library in the form of journal articles, magazine articles, and/or newspaper articles. Nothing from the WEB and nothing from WIKIPEDIA! Stay away from these.