Benchmark – Policy Brief Infographic


The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change.

Research public health issues located on the American Public Health Association (APHA) website, found in the topic Resources under “Topics and Issues.” Select a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.

Based on the public health issue selected, create an infographic that briefly addresses the following: 

Describe the selected public health issue and its impact on the community. Include data that demonstrate the significance of this issue and key risk factors leading to this issue.

Discuss ways that the public health issue can be prevented, including key concepts of epidemiology.

  • Explain a policy that currently addresses this issue and the impact of this policy on population outcomes including social justice and health equity.
  • Propose at least one change to existing policies to better address this issue. Support recommendations with appropriate evidence.
  • Summarize what steps are required to initiate policy change. Identify necessary stakeholders required to initiate policy change (government officials, administrator, etc.) and explain their level of influence.
  • Refer to the resource “Images, Infographics and Graphics Resources,” located in the GCU Library, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
  • Topics & Issues (

Appendix B


is assignment is treated like a discussion. It is due Thursday night but you do not have to reply to any of your peers. You will then have a couple of days to review how other peers did their Appendix B. Review the instructions below very closely. 

Review Johns Hopkins Nursing Online Evidence-Based Practice Course Modules 5.  Note: completion of modules is vital to your success in these assignments.  

Using the document supplied below:

1. Review all the sections of the form and fill out the areas based on the articles you found for your Appendix A.  If you did not find a specific level of evidence, then place N/A in that table box.  Summarize the combined articles in each level of evidence and indicate the general quality of evidence.  The summary should include general content from all articles at that level and not each article individually

2. Identify (highlight) the pathway to translation based on your understanding of all the evidence you found.

3. Place bullet points of your recommendations for the change(s) that will lead to your policy change for nursing patient care practice. Once your form is complete:

4. In the Reply – Indicate your PICO question first then use the “insert” tab – “document” – “upload document” – “upload file”- find your saved Appendix B Summary of Evidence Fall 2023 word document from your computer.



To continue the work of program development, the macro social worker must select a change approach to use. Ultimately, the social worker must develop a potential solution to identified problems by the organization and the client. It is important that the solutions address the identified client system problem. Depending on the problem, the social worker may encounter resistance to change due to members seeking to maintain the status quo. The social worker must also consider the amount of time and risk involved in the proposed change process. Typically, the more change that occurs, the more challenging the process is due to possible competition for resources and power. The change approach chosen and the timing of the proposed change is also vital to the social worker’s success. In this week’s Discussion, you choose a change approach and apply it to macro interventions.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources on change approach.



Required Readings

  • Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., McMurtry, S. L., & Thomas, M. L. (2017). Social work macro practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
    • Chapter 9, “Building Support for the Proposed Change” (pp. 267–298)

Post the following:

  • Describe the change approach you can use for your Week 7 macro intervention to include policy, program, project, personnel, or practice.
  • Explain why this is the best choice to make for your intervention.




This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Analyze models and incentives of healthcare delivery across the continuum of care.

Compare models and theories of healthcare delivery reform in the U.S.

  • Develop a model to reform a specified portion of the healthcare delivery system.
  • For this assignment, you will assume the role of a hospital executive, managing a crisis. This assignment has two parts: a press release and a question & answer document.
  • Choose a crisis that could occur at a hospital or health care facility.  The definition and scope of the crisis is determined by you. This could be a bomb threat, active shooter threat, risk of the hospital losing accreditation, the onset of a major pandemic that will exhaust all hospital resources (both talent and supplies) before it ends, or any other crisis you can imagine and wish to identify. 

Part 1

As the chief executive, you must update media about the crisis. In 250 300 words, write a “press release” that provides updated information about the crisis, expected or underway. Keep in mind, you must protect your stakeholders, including patients and employees, by maintaining a cool head and dealing only with facts, not emotion.

Part 2

List six questions you could expect to be asked by media, in response to your press release. For each question, provide your response (responding from your role as chief executive of the hospital).

Week 5 Final Discussion Project


Final Discussion Project/Self-Reflection Assessment Post 

For this assignment, your self-reflection assessment must connect what you’ve learned to specific learning aspects of this course.

Your reflective-learning points must be substantial, pertinent to what you’ve learned, and must be based on evidence and supported with examples.  

The self-reflection final post MUST include the following: 

1. Summarize what you’ve learned about knowledge related to a) health promotion and disease prevention to address health disparities among diverse and vulnerable populations; b) discuss primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention; and c) discuss Healthy People 2030 and how its initiatives support current health issues. 

2. Reflect on a policy that you as an APN want to ensure passes as a law to improve health.  Detail the policy and members of the committee that will help pass this Bill.  

3. Describe the role of the Senator, Representative, and Governor and their influence towards passing this Bill and the political process. Discuss this policy and its impact on nursing practice.   

4. Provide an analysis of the processes that influence the development and implementation of health policy for application in health care environments. 

5. Discuss strategies to foster political action by advanced practice nurses (APN). Why is it important for APNs to get involved in the political process? 

6. Discuss economic variables that impact health policy and health promotion at the local, state, federal, and international levels. 

Literature Review for PICOT question


The purpose of this assignment is to refine the PICOT question you developed in the discussion forum this week and begin evaluating literature that you will use in subsequent weeks to write your research paper.

Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment. Prior to starting the “Literature Evaluation Table,” complete the following:

Review the feedback you have received in the discussion forum related to your PICOT question so far. Make any necessary edits to your PICOT question.

Conduct a literature search to locate four research articles focused on your selected nursing practice problem of interest. Note: This literature search should include two quantitative and two qualitative, peer-reviewed, primary research articles to support your nursing practice problem. A mixed methods article can qualify towards meeting a qualitative or quantitative methodology. The two articles identified in Topic 1 DQ 2 can be used should you still find them relevant to your PICOT question.

  1. PICOT Question: In adult patients recovering from surgery, how does putting into practice an all-encompassing relief from pain method compared with conventional methods of pain treatment affect the management of discomfort and how patients feel within the initial 48-hour period following surgery?
  2. Please revise this question a bit to make it less wordy
  3. Articles must be published within the past 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

2 Discussion questions


Week 3 of Ethics for Healthcare Professionals.

Discussion 1:  The ethical codes for each profession demand a high level of integrity, honesty, and responsibility. Codes of ethics are designed to facilitate the resolution of common ethical dilemmas that arise in one’s profession. Describe how ethics and the law have an impact on the various health care professions, or in your specific area of health care. Provide at least two examples. In your replies to peers, discuss what you have learned in this discussion that applies to your future practice.  

I plan on pursuing my degree and eventually becoming a Registered Nurse. That is my profession of choice.

Discussion 2: The scope of practice refers to the permissible boundaries of practice for health care professionals. A professional who exceeds his or her scope of practice can be found to have violated licensure provisions. Consider under what circumstances a professional’s legal responsibilities may overlap with his or her ethical duties. Describe how the scope of practice of health care professionals is changing. Explain your future scope of practice as a health care professional. In your replies to peers, discuss one current change from the COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted the scope of practice for health care professionals. Read the article “Expanding Scope of Practice After COVID-19” in the student resources?… 

HIM1800 MDC Overview of Mayo Clinic Presentation


Discuss type of healthcare delivery system (setting, number of beds?) Healthcare Delivery
system is to be presented in power point format 18 -20 slides

1. Name of site, site address and telephone number.
2. What is mission and vision of organization.
3. What is total budget of the organization. (2016 2019)
4. Does the organization utilize a patient portal? Explain the features of the portal
and any restriction for special patient populations (mental health or minor).
Name Patient Portal.
5. What type of accreditation or certification does the facility offer? (10or more) Last
6. List the services provided to patients.
7. List health literacy offered through facility webpage
8. What types of health information technology services are available through the facility
9. Advertisement (television, mailing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Newspaper, Radio, Social Media.
10. Telemedicine at the facility. What services?
11. Picture of the facility.
12. State average length of stay.
13. Religious Affiliation. Name the Religion.
14. Payors: Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna and United Healthcare. (Name 6others).
15. Determine type of health record (computer generated, electronic [paper converted to
electronic document], paper-based, or hybrid [paper and computer generated
document for each setting.
16. Hospital ownership, public, private, non-profit, non-profit government, private not for
17. Artificial Intelligence available at the facility. How is it used.
18. Teaching Hospital. Type of education provided.
19. Describe the security measures used for facility-wide institution to maintain
health information security and privacy; or any type of security.
20. Example Table below.

Ct 10 file


Using the Framingham Heart Study dataset provided, perform the ANOVA multivariable linear regression analysis using BMI as a continuous variable. Before conducting the analysis, be sure that all participants have complete data on all analysis variables.

Describe how each characteristic is related to BMI.

Discuss the alpha, p-value, and F statistics and what you notice about their significance levels.

Discuss any differences that you notice concerning the significance of any of the independent variables.

H0 The BMI is not related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 The BMI is related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Alternative Hypothesis)

Upload both Excel sheets into RStudio if you are using RStudio to analyze the dataset. (Refer to Chapters 7 & 12 in Introductory Statistics with R orpages 111-122 in EXCEL statistics A quick guide T.Test). Conduct the simple linear regression (ANOVA) by using the Excel Regression tool in the Data Analysis Toolpak.

Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:

Present your findings in a Word document by copying and pasting the ANOVA table into the document.

Your paper must be written with a title page, an introduction, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the ANOVA test, and a conclusion should be included.

200 word discussion post


The popularity of healthcare consumer self-monitoring is rising due to the availability of numerous low-cost or free health and wellness apps, which do not require a prescription and are accessible via smartphone and tablet app stores like Apple and Google Play. However, the effectiveness of these apps is uncertain since many are not approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). These apps and accompanying wearable devices (Apple Watch, Fitbit, Galaxy Watch, etc.) help users track various health metrics such as sleep quality, calorie expenditure, and physical activity. Additionally, these technologies often feature social components that allow users to share and compare their health progress with others.

Discuss the implications of this trend for nursing informatics and patient care. How can nurses integrate this self-monitored data into patient care plans effectively, considering the FDA has not approved many of these apps, which might affect their reliability and value? Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of patients using such apps and devices to monitor aspects like sleep quality, calories burned, and body activity. How do patients and healthcare providers know this information is accurate? Additionally, consider the social aspects of these technologies, such as sharing and comparing progress with others. How can nurses ensure the ethical use of this data while also encouraging patient engagement and maintaining privacy and accuracy?