
Post #1: 

For this post, briefly interview a parent to ask them: “Why?”

Why or why not did they choose to vaccinate?

When did they do it? Why then?

  • Was it easy or hard financially, logistically, emotionally?

What kind of parent?

Your own parent, a relative, a friend, or yourself if you’re a parent.

Post #2: 

  • Consider your own post and compare, contrast, comment on one post made by your peer. 
  • REPLY: For this discussion post, I asked my dad of why they choose to get vaccinated. He said he chose to get vaccinated for his own safety. Also, it was a work/travel requirement. For example, when coronavirus was going around, he wanted to get vaccinated in order to prevent himself from getting sick. It being a deadly disease, he believed that getting vaccinated would be beneficial to his health as well. Since Covid-19 was a global health crisis, he also wanted to opt for vaccination to contribute to efforts in controlling the spread of infectious diseases and mitigating their impact. He said it was easy for him to get the Covid-19 vaccines financially and logistically with everything going around on the news and also it being offered for free. However, he said that emotionally it was hard for him because he could not fully trust the source of the vaccines. Also, him hearing that people are getting sick from them made him worry a lot about getting vaccinated. 

health informatics intervention PPT


Create a powerpoint and address the following: 

  • Define and describe a patient situation, whereby this high-level type of technical health informatics, yet compassionate care is delivered with confidence. 
  • Create an intervention or solution to the issue you have chosen and share an example of a patient of your choice to exemplify this issue. 
  • Consider what kinds of instruments or tools you will use as a pretest and posttest for your patient or providers. 
  • Then describe what kind of analysis you will use for the pretest/posttest design. 
  • Explain what the expectations of you, as a provider as it relates to the theory you have presented and how will this change your approach to this patient scenario using a scholarly writing approach.

For this assignment, the focus will be on creating a visual learning presentation using the media of your choice, which will become your intervention for your Informatics Scholarly Paper. This is a creative assignment in which you will select an appealing presentation that will capture the target audience and get their attention. Consider your chosen topic, then think of what you want to do to improve the situation. What you create will be used as the intervention in your scholarly paper.

It will be only five minutes in length or less. This assignment should be well referenced at the end of the presentation and include at least five references in APA format published within the last two years.

social work 110


Reflection #4: Mental Health Matters

5454 unread replies.6262 replies.

Watch and Reflect

Watch Video above.

What is “Black Mental Health” and why does it “Matter”? Hear Phillip’s journey of trauma, resilience, and advocacy as he gives an impassioned talk discussing the impact of trauma on black identity, and black wellness, and why America’s current conversation on mental health is inadequate. – Phillip J. Roundtree, MSW, MS is the Founder of Quadefy LLC, an organization dedicated to providing empowerment services to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength of an individual, team, and/or business. He is a staunch advocate of destigmatizing mental health, by promoting total wellness, amongst marginalized and often underrepresented communities. His transparency, as it relates to his personal journey in coping with depression and anxiety, gives a face, voice, and hope to those who’ve yet to recognize their emotional and cognitive strength. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at to an external site.

Submission and Grading

1. After watching the video above, in your own words describe how are the the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness affected by culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender or age of individuals?

2. Use a key term/concept from our class to share how it relates to the mental health please bold the term and define it first.

Your patient has a Personal Health RecordNow what?


Case Study: 

A 65-year-old woman was just been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She was informed of this diagnosis in her primary care physician’s office. She leaves her physician’s office and goes home to review all of her tests and lab results with her family. She goes home and logs into her PHR. She is only able to pull up a portion of her test results. She calls her physician’s office with this concern. The office staff discussed that she had part of her lab work completed at a lab not connected to the organization, part was completed at the emergency room, and part was completed in the lab that is part of the doctor’s office organization.

The above scenario might be a scenario that you have commonly worked with in clinical practice. For many reasons, patients often receive healthcare from multiple organizations that might have different systems.

As you review this scenario, reflect and answer these questions for this discussion.

What are the pros and cons of the situation in the case study?

What safeguards are included in patient portals and PHRs to help patients and healthcare professionals ensure safety?

Do you agree or disagree with the way that a patient obtains Personal Health Records (PHRs)?

  • What are challenges for patients that do not have access to all of the PHRs? Remember, only portions of the EHRs are typically included in the PHRs.



A walk through the Business section of any bookstore or a quick Internet search on the topic will reveal a seemingly endless supply of writings on leadership. Formal research literature is also teeming with volumes on the subject.

However, your own observation and experiences may suggest these theories are not always so easily found in practice. Not that the potential isn’t there; current evidence suggests that leadership factors such as emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviors, for example, can be highly effective for leading nurses and organizations.

Yet, how well are these theories put to practice? In this Discussion, you will examine formal leadership theories. You will compare these theories to behaviors you have observed firsthand and discuss their effectiveness in impacting your organization.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the leadership theories and behaviors introduced.

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.

  • Post two key insights you had from the scholarly resources you selected. Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills, or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain to what extent these skills were effective and how their practice impacted the workplace.

two part primary study review


Slide 1 – Study summary (14 points)

Study design 

Study population, location & time period

Sample sizes

Primary exposure

Exposure window

Primary outcome

  • Main effect estimates & 95% CIs (and p-values, if available)
  • Slide 2 – Selection bias (4 points)
  • Potential for selection bias in recruitment strategy and direction of potential influence on results
  • Potential for selection bias in loss-to-follow-up and direction of potential influence on results
  • Slide 3 – Information bias (6 points)
  • Potential for non-differential or differential exposure misclassification & direction of influence on results
  • Potential for non-differential or differential outcome misclassification & direction of influence on results

Potential for recall bias & direction of influence on results

Slide 4 – Confounding (4 points)

How does the study design influence the potential for confounding?

Did the authors adequately control for confounding (i.e., through matching, covariate adjustment, and or stratification of analyses)?

  • Slide 5 – Generalizability/External validity (4 points) 
  • How well does the study population match the target population? What information would you want to know to answer this?

In your opinion, to which population(s) can the study results be applied/generalized? 

Citations and References (1 point)

All sources are referenced and cited correctly

  • Please include a complete reference for your study (and any other references) in your slide deck, and use your own words (i.e., do not cut and paste text from the paper). Refer to the Citation Style page as needed for guidance. 
  •  I Will attach the primary. study below as a document follow the rubric below 

social 110


Reflection #4: Mental Health Matters

Watch and Reflect

Watch Video above.

What is “Black Mental Health” and why does it “Matter”? Hear Phillip’s journey of trauma, resilience, and advocacy as he gives an impassioned talk discussing the impact of trauma on black identity, and black wellness, and why America’s current conversation on mental health is inadequate. – Phillip J. Roundtree, MSW, MS is the Founder of Quadefy LLC, an organization dedicated to providing empowerment services to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength of an individual, team, and/or business. He is a staunch advocate of destigmatizing mental health, by promoting total wellness, amongst marginalized and often underrepresented communities. His transparency, as it relates to his personal journey in coping with depression and anxiety, gives a face, voice, and hope to those who’ve yet to recognize their emotional and cognitive strength. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at to an external site.

Submission and Grading

1. After watching the video above, in your own words describe how are the the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness affected by culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender or age of individuals?

2. Use a key term/concept from our class to share how it relates to the mental health please bold the term and define it first.

Organizational / Planned change


Week 2 Discussion Board Assignment: Organizational Planning/Planned Change

Choose one of the following questions to answer for this week’s discussion board. Make sure to repost the question you selected at the top of your posting.

How do you typically respond to change? Do you embrace it? Seek it out? Accept it reluctantly? Avoid it at all cost? Is this behavior like that of your friends and that of your family? Has your behavior always fit this pattern, or has the pattern changed throughout your life? If so, what life events have altered how you view and respond to change?

Try to remember a situation in your own life that involved unnecessary change. Why do you think that the change was unnecessary? What types of turmoil did it cause? Were there things a change agent could have done that would have increased unfreezing in this situation?

A brief introductory paragraph introduces the topic of the discussion. One or more succinct paragraphs are needed to answer each of the discussion board questions. Use current literature (5 years old or less) to support your views. Be sparing in your use of quotes. Learn to paraphrase the information you are sharing from a source. A paragraph at the end gives a brief summary of the discussion. The initial posting for each topic should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not including the references).

health education wa


Post Discussion: Chapter 12 and Reply to a Classmate

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

What are your thoughts on eating disorders in female athletes?

Is the issue the same for male athletes? Explain.

3. Reply to a classmate.

Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

Hi David.

Nice to meet you.

I like your post.

Have  a good semester.

I posted the same thing.

  1. Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)
  2. Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.

Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.

If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.

Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Poster


Abstract and Poster Guidelines

EvidenceBased Practice (EBP) posters must describe the process and outcomes
resulting from the critical appraisal and use/translation of the best and most relevant

research evidence related to a
clinical question that directly influences nursing practice.
The abstract can contain a maximum of 350 words.
The abstract must contain the following elements in order to be considered:
Title: A descriptive title that describes the work done.
Background & Significance: Describes why the work was done and why it’s

Clinical Question: What was the question to be solved or what is the PICO
(Patient/Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome)

Author may choose between a PICO or clinical question.
Evidence: Describe strategies used to identify pertinent scholarly work and then
synthesize the evidence that supported the intervention.

Intervention Implementation: Describe what was implemented and the
processes used for successful implementation.

Evaluation: Evaluation: Describe tools used for data collection (e.g. surveys, chart
abstraction, interviews) and how outcomes were measured.

Results: Describe the results of the project including whether or not goals were

Significance/Conclusion: Describe the impact of the work and any conclusions
that can be drawn from your methods or results.

Maximum poster size is 3ft. tall by 5ft. wide.