Walden University Study Plan


Based on your practice exam question results from Week 2, identify strengths and areas of opportunity and create a tailored study plan to use throughout this course to help you prepare for the national certification exam. This will serve as an action plan to help you track your goals, tasks, and progress. You will revisit and update your study plan in NRNP 6675, and you may continue to refine and use it until you take the exam.

  • Reflect on your practice exam question results from Week 2. Identify content-area strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Also reflect on your overall test taking. Was the length of time allotted comfortable, or did you run out of time? Did a particular question format prove difficult?


  • Based on your practice test question results, and considering the national certification exam, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Note: Your grade for this Assignment will not be derived from your test results but from your self-reflection and study plan.
  • Create a study plan for this quarter to prepare for the certification exam, including three or four SMART goals and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a QUESTION of how you will measure your progress.
  • Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.




Mrs. William, a 75-year-old patient is with her daughter for a follow-up visit. At her previous office visit, her daughter expressed concerns about her mother’s increasing forgetfulness. You send Mrs. William for neuropsychiatric testing. She is diagnosed with mild dementia, and the patient and family would like to discuss treatment options.

  • Q1. Name a drug for each of the two classes of medication that is currently available for the treatment of dementia, and their adverse effects. (Trade and generic names).
  • Q2. Mrs. William’s daughter is concerned about the behavioral disturbances that can be associated with progressive dementia. Discuss at least two disturbances associated with progressive dementia and their treatment recommendations. Please provide one medication, trade and generic name for each of the behavioral disturbances you list.

Mr. Lacy is a 65-year-old man diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) five years ago. His disease has progressed over the years, and it is recommended that he be treated with levodopa.

  • Q3. What is levodopa, and how is it used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease? What are the adverse effects of levodopa that might be expected in this patient?
  • Q4. What drug is most commonly combined with levodopa and why?
  • Q5. What other drugs can be used for the treatment of PD?

A 50-year-old man has developed depression after the death of his wife. He is prescribed venlafaxine (Effexor XR) 75 mg PO once a day.

  • Q6. How does venlafaxine differ from tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)? What adverse effects might this patient expect with venlafaxine?

Discussion 1


J.C is an 82-year-old white man who was evaluated by GI specialist due to abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, weight lost, weakness and occasional nausea. 

Past Medical History (PMH):
Patient is Diabetic, controlled with Metformin 500 mg by mouth twice a day, Lantus 15 units SC bedtime. Hypertensive, controlled with Olmesartan 20 mg by mouth once a day. Atrial Fibrillation, controlled with Rivaroxaban 15 mg by mouth once a day and bisoprolol 10 mg by mouth once a day.

Hb 12.7 g/dl; Hct 38.8% WBC 8.2; Glycemia 74mg/dl; Creatinine 0.8 mg/dl; BUN 9.8 mg/dl; AST 21 U/L ALT 17 U/L; Bil T 1.90 mg/dl; Ind 0.69 mg/dl; Dir 1.21 mg/dl.

Diagnostic test:
Endoscopic Ultrasound of the Pancreas. Solid mass in the head of pancreas 4 cms, infiltrating Wirsung duct. The solid mass impress to infiltrate the superior mesenteric vein. Perilesional node is detected, 1.5 cms, metastatic aspect. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy: Ductal adenocarcinoma.

Case study questions:

Please name the potential most common sites for metastasis on J.C and why?

What are tumor cell markers and why tumor cell markers are ordered for a patient with pancreatic cancer?

Based on the case study described, proceed to classify the tumor based on the TNM Stage classification. Why this classification important?

Discussed characteristic of malignant tumors regarding it cells, growth and ability to spread.

Describe the carcinogenesis phase when a tumor metastasizes.

Choose the tissue level that is affected on the patient discussed above: Epithelial, Connective, Muscle or Neural. Support your answer.

healthcare question


Gene Cooper is a 56-year-old accountant who is being evaluated at the cardiology clinic for angina. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 260 lb, with a waist measurement of 40 inches. He has a history of hypertension, for which he has been prescribed a thiazide diuretic. He admits that he has not been taking the medication lately. His blood pressure upon this visit is 156/94 mm Hg. He smokes one pack per day. His LDL cholesterol level is 187 mg/dL. He has no history of diabetes, and his fasting glucose level is within normal limits. He states that he “works out at the gym” 3 days per week. He admits to episodes of midsternal chest pain accompanied by dyspnea and diaphoresis and associated with activity that is usually relieved with rest. He states that these episodes have been increasing in frequency, occurring once or twice weekly.

  1. Answer the following:
    • The nurse is teaching Mr. Cooper about the nonpharmacologic management of his angina. What measures can he take to reduce his risk?
    • Mr. Cooper is given a prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin tablets to use as needed for chest pain and isosorbide mononitrate to take daily. He asks why he needs two prescriptions. How should the nurse respond?
    • Mr. Cooper continues to experience episodes of angina despite treatment with the nitrate. He is given a prescription for ranolazine. He asks whether he can stop taking the nitrate now. How should the nurse answer this question?

health education w


Post Discussion: Chapter 11 and Reply to a Classmate 

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

Which measurement method would you be most likely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) 

Which measurement method would you be least likely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) 

3. Reply to a classmate.

Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

Hi David.

Nice to meet you.

I like your post.

Have  a good semester.

I posted the same thing.

Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)

  1. Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.

Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.

If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.

  1. Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.

Theory Analysis


Assignment Criteria:

1) Choose one (1) middle range theory or interdisciplinary theory from the list of theorists posted in Week 2 module (Weidenbach, Henderson, and Hall). If an interdisciplinary theory is chosen, email the instructor for approval.

2) Identify the structural components of the selected theory:
a. Describe the purpose of the theory (descriptive, explain, predictive etc.).
b. Explain the scope of the theory (middle, interdisciplinary).
c. Identify the major concepts and major propositions.
d. Explain the major assumptions.
3) Complete the following components of a selected theory:
a. Describe the theoretical and operation definitions.
b. Analyze the logical organization of the theory.
c. Identify the stated outcomes or consequences.
4) Identify how the theory is evaluated in research: evaluate the components of the selected theory:
a. Discuss how the theory is congruent with nursing standards.
b. Describe the validity and relevance of the theory.
c. Discuss the implications for nursing related to implementation of the theory.
5) Discuss how the theory contributes to the discipline of nursing.
6) The scholarly paper should be written clearly and concisely providing comprehensive details about the subject or topic of
7) The paper should consist of three (3) to four (4) pages excluding the title and reference pages.
8) Use level one and level two headings.
9) Write the paper in third person, not first person. This means do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’ statements.
10) Use at least four (4) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. References should be from
scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory).

Evidence Based Brochure


You are a volunteer in a long-term care facility. While the facility employs inter-disciplinary providers including mental health providers and social workers, your daily encounters with residents and families often revolve around comforting them in various stages of the death, dying, and grieving processes.
You know that most of the population is comprised of visually-dominant learners, but most of their interactions are auditory in nature. Given this discrepancy, you ask leadership if you can create a brochure for residents and their families to outline a typical death and dying process, as well as tips to help embrace the grieving process at each step.
Leadership welcomes the idea. They ask you to create an evidence-based brochure for the residents and their families on this topic. Once you create it, they will have their social work and mental health provider teams review your content to determine if revision is needed prior to sharing it with the population. Instructions
Use Word, PowerPoint, Canva, or similar software to create a 1-2-page patient brochure that addresses:

Typical steps in the death and dying process, including common indications of feelings or behaviors that indicate where one is in the process.

At least one self-help tip to manage the normal grieving process for each step.

  1. Signs or feelings that a person should reach out for additional professional assistance when self-management is not enough.

If the references do not fit into your brochure template, include an additional Word document reference list.

Fall screening/prevention


Mr. Perkins, age 81, reports for an annual physical examination. He says he is doing well. His only known problem is osteoarthritis. He also requests a flu shot. He takes no medications other than Tylenol for arthritis pain. When he walks into the exam room, you notice that he is using a straight cane in his right hand. When you ask about the cane, he says he began using the cane because the pain in his right hip had increased significantly over the past 6 months.

Review the case study above and based on the provided information, think about a possible patient evaluation plan. As part of your evaluation planning, consider where the evaluation would take place, whether any other professionals or family members should be present, appropriate assessment tools and guidelines, and any other relevant information you may wish to address.

Consider whether the assessment tool you identified was validated for use with this specific patient population and if this poses issues. Think about additional factors that might present issues when performing assessments focusing on the patient as a whole such as language, education, prosthetics, missing limbs, functional ability, fall screening/ prevention, etc.

Consider immunization requirements that may be needed for this patient.

  • Keep in mind that as nurse practitioners, whether you are in primary care or acute care, patient and family education is always important. This includes education about medications, tests, treatment plans, immunizations, diagnosis, and health promotion.

Benchmark- Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation for Faculty Review and Feedback


Assessment QUESTION

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation for your capstone project change proposal that you will present in Topic 10 to leaders and interprofessional stakeholders at your practicum site.

Prepare a presentation using as a guide the Topic 8 “Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal” that was completed previously.

Students will disseminate this presentation to leadership at the practicum site in Topic 10. Reach out to your preceptor to collaborate on confirming a date and time to present this PowerPoint to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders at the practicum site.

Prepare a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation of your capstone project change proposal to include the following:

Identify the clinical problem statement and explain the purpose of the evidence-based change proposal.

Summarize the evidence/literature, including connection to the proposed plan.

  1. Propose an implementation plan with an intervention and outcome measures.
  2. Outline the roles and responsibilities of the various interprofessional stakeholders who will be needed in order to implement the plan. Roles and responsibilities discussed should be specific to the implementation of your proposed project.
  3. Describe the resources needed for project implementation.
  4. Discuss the evaluation plan for proposed nursing intervention.
  5. Provide a minimum of three references to accompany in-text citations used throughout the PowerPoint presentation.
  6. In preparing your presentation, consider the stakeholders who will be part of your audience and ensure you incorporate appropriate messaging and communication strategies for that audience. Submit the presentation in the digital classroom for feedback from the instructor.

social work


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 3 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch:

Gabriel Fernandez

Agency Introduction

What is the LA DCFS mission statement? You will find a lot of information using the following link: https://dcfs.lacounty.gov/about/who-we-are/Links to an external site.

Describe the target population DCFS serves in detail, including pertinent information related to age, gender, socio-economic status, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. (What population does the Department of Child and Family Services Serve) https://dcfs.lacounty.gov/about/who-we-are/Links to an external site.

Does the agency respect self-determination? Describe how the agency does or does not respect self-determination.

Give one specific example from the docuseries to support your point of view.

Kalief Browder

Agency Introduction

  1. What is the NY Department of Correction’s mission statement? You will find a lot of information using the following link: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doc/index.pageLinks to an external site.

Describe the target population of Rikers Island inmate population in detail, including pertinent information related to age, gender, socio-economic status, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.fordham.edu/download/downloads/id/14783/mcdonald_rikers_island.pdfLinks to an external site.

It is apparent that Rikers Island as an institution does not respect self-determination. Research and provide 2 organizations that exist to improve inmate conditions and treatment at Rikers Island, or jail/prison inmates in general. In 1-page minimum, provide both organizations: