Unit 7 Journal



This assignment will demonstrate your ability to provide age-appropriate anticipatory guidance while recognizing the need to refer patients that are outside of the scope of practice of the family nurse practitioner. This will be demonstrated by completing a SOAP note based on the virtual reality patient you evaluated in Unit 6.

The core aspects of the SOAP note are described in detail below.

For ease of learning, a SOAP note template has been provided. This assignment requires proper citation and referencing because this is an academic paper.

S: Subjective information. Everything the patient tells you. This includes several areas including the chief complaint (CC), the history of present illness (HPI), medical history, surgical history, family history, social history, medications, allergies, and other information gathered from the patient. A commonly used mnemonic to explore the core elements of the history of present illness (HPI) is OLD CARTS, which includes: onset, location, duration, characteristics, aggravating factors, relieving factors, treatments, and severity.

O: Objective is what you see, hear, feel or smell. Your physical exam includes vital signs.

A: Assessment/your differentials.

P: Plan of care including health promotion and disease prevention for the patient related to their age and gender.

If there are any questions, please contact your instructor.


.Unit 6

?Case: Samuel Olsen

?Scenario QUESTION: Samuel is a two-year-old with his mother Anna at the primary care clinic with a two-day history of decreased appetite, fever, pulling at both ears and “fussiness.” 

[PCS spark Patient]

Choose one diagnosis from the Bipolar and Related Disorders group



Choose one diagnosis from the Bipolar and Related Disorders group 

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 

Scan pages 123 through 188 

  • Overview 

As you will learn throughout the program, the diagnosis of a variety of psychiatric illnesses is not always an easy or straightforward process. Multiple observations and assessment methods are often employed to reach a diagnosis. This approach can include the use of standardized assessment instruments.? This then aids you in defining a treatment plan and choosing specific treatment plans to use in the care of your clients.  

You are tasked with identifying a standardized assessment instrument/tool to measure the disorders listed for each week. You will keep these instruments in the form of a “portfolio” that you can use in your clinical practice to assess clients who present with a variety of symptoms.  

  • Instructions: 

Instrument/ Tool criteria:  

For each assessment, you are tasked with selecting, you will identify an instrument and:  

List what DSM diagnosis the tool/instrument is used for.  

Identify an assessment/diagnosis instrument. 

Appraise a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument to support your choice as an evidence-based instrument for practice.  

Evaluate the instrument’s appropriateness for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the instrument is only part of a comprehensive assessment for the disorder.  

Describe whether or not the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment or if it is strictly for assessment and diagnosis.  

Discuss the psychometrics/scoring of the instrument, including reliability and validity.  

Discuss any limitations associated with the use of the instrument. 

Include a link to view the assessment if possible.

MRU Caregivers Balancing Act Case Study


Case Study Module 4

CASE STUDY: Family Member with Alzheimer’s Disease: Mark and Jacqueline

Mark and Jacqueline have been married for 30 years. They have grown children who live in another state. Jacqueline’s mother has moved in with the couple because she has Alzheimer’s disease. Jacqueline is an only child and always promised her mother that she would care for her in her old age. Her mother is unaware of her surroundings and often calls out for her daughter Jackie when Jacqueline is in the room. Jacqueline reassures her mother that she is there to help, but to no avail.

Jacqueline is unable to visit her children on holidays because she must attend to her mother’s daily needs. She is reluctant to visit friends or even go out to a movie because of her mother’s care needs or because she is too tired. Even though she has eliminated most leisure activities with Mark, Jacqueline goes to bed at night with many of her caregiving tasks unfinished. She tries to visit with her mother during the day, but her mother rejects any contact with her daughter. Planning for the upcoming holidays seems impossible to Mark, because of his wife’s inability to focus on anything except her mother’s care.

Jacqueline has difficulty sleeping at night and is unable to discuss plans even a few days in advance. She is unable to visit friends and is reluctant to have friends visit because of the unpredictable behavior of her mother and her need to attend to the daily care.

Reflective Questions

1. How do you think this situation reflects Jacqueline’s sense of role performance?

2. How do you think that Jacqueline may be contributing to her own health?

Ecomap. Social Work


To learn more about the different approaches to defining family, access the “Ecomap” example to assist you in completing your own Ecomap in a separate Word document. If you need assistance in creating an Ecomap in Word, access and view the “How to Create an Ecomap in Word Tutorial” to assist you.

After you complete your Ecomap, address the following prompts in the document (50-75 words each), citing scholarly sources to support your claims:

Discuss how this tool helped you conceptualize your current family situation and define your family.

How does your definition of family differ from other approaches to defining “family”?

Explain different types of diversity in your family and the effects diversity has on your family.

Compare your family to the various types of diversity within family systems you will encounter as a social worker.

Discuss any new insights you gained completing this exercise.

Why is it important to have clients complete an Ecomap? Refer to Social Work Disposition #4: Value: Importance of Human Relationships; Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships when responding to this prompt.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This assignment is informed by the following EPAS Standards:

2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities (System Level: Individuals and Families)

HCI 316 ASS 2


E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their Health Journey


In this essay, you will explore the diverse landscape of e-health instruments available to consumers. Your task is to:

• Describe the main types of e-health instruments used in the consumer sphere. Classify them into meaningful categories based on their functionalities or target areas (e.g., monitoring devices, fitness trackers, mental health apps).

• Provide examples: Briefly discuss several specific examples within each category, highlighting their key features and potential uses.

• Analyze benefits: Focus on one e-health instrument of your choice. In-depth, critically analyze its potential benefits for consumers, considering aspects like accessibility, empowerment, and improved health outcomes. Refer to relevant academic research and evidence to support your arguments.

Specific Requirements:

• Structure: Organize your essay using clear headings, subheadings, and transitions to ensure logical flow and easy understanding.

• Referencing: Use APA style to cite at least three academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, relevant textbook chapters) that support your claims and enhance the depth of your discussion. 

• Cover page: Use the provided SEU cover page for submission.

• Formatting: Adhere to standard academic formatting guidelines, including double-spacing, clear font, and proper margins.

Additional Notes:

• Feel free to draw insights and references from the assigned textbook and other sources.

• While focusing on one instrument for in-depth analysis, ensure your overview section adequately covers the main categories and examples of other widely used e-health tools.

• Tailor your writing style to an academic audience, maintaining a neutral and objective tone while providing compelling arguments and insightful analysis.

This assignment is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of e-health technologies, their impact on consumer empowerment, and your ability to critically evaluate their potential benefits based on evidence-based research.

WU Correlations Questions


A correlation coefficient numerically reflects the relationship between two variables. For example, imagine that you conduct a study on college students and find an inverse correlation between marijuana smoking (variable a) and grade point average (variable b), meaning that those who smoke marijuana tend to have lower GPAs than those who do not and the more marijuana one smokes, the lower the GPA. You might conclude that smoking more marijuana lowers students’ grades.

However, with a correlation, you do not know cause and effect. For example, in this scenario did getting poor grades lead to marijuana use—or did marijuana use lead to poor grades? Identifying a relationship between variables is not the same as understanding the cause and effect.

For this Discussion, you explain the function of correlations and how understanding correlations may help you better understand a population.


Required Readings

  • Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B. (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.
    • Chapter 5, “Computing Correlation Coefficients: Ice Cream and Crime” (pp. 75-102)

nsg7010 week 3 reply to discussion post


Post #1 Lisbeth.  For this reason, the statistical data it provides serves as feedback to design better health interventions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also helps improve information on health disparities. This fact has been demonstrated through developing clinical trials to approve new medications and devices (Darrow et al., 2020). In this sense, I am a sub-investigator at a medical center in Florida. We are conducting many clinical trials in different chronic diseases. These clinical trials also allow the collection of demographic and social information to more adequately describe the characteristics of individuals with acute and chronic diseases. This information would be helpful to engage in policy discussions with our legislators. Nurses and health professionals must be more involved in political decisions. Our contribution to developing better health policies is crucial to increasing the quality of life in our communities. 

Post #2 Steven, The Department of Health and Human Services created the Office of Minority Health (OMH) in 2010 and consists of AHRQ, CDC, CMS, FDA, HRSA, and SAMHSA. The goal of this alliance is to reduce or eliminate healthcare disparities amongst racial and ethnic minorities (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health [OMH], 2023). Health disparities are well documented in the United States, and it is critical to examine not only different groups but also subgroups within the groups (Field & Reingle Gonzalez, 2022). The organizations included in the Office of Minority Health provide needed research and statistics that could be used during correspondence with legislatures. There is no doubt that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done in this country.

nutr 158 wa


Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video.  After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

Hi David.

Nice to meet you.

I like your post.

Have  a good semester.

I posted the same thing.

Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)

Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.

Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.

If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.

Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.

Asking a question does not count as one of your 3 sentences, but you may ask a question in addition to your required response

week 3 quality healthcare: measuring NP performance


Preparing the Assignment

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure the quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards.

Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care:

Effectiveness of Care

Access/Availability of Care

  • Experience of Care
  • Utilization and Risk Adjusted Utilization
  • Health Plan Descriptive Information
  • Measures Collected Using Electronic Clinical Data Systems
  • You may access the 6 domains of care by clicking this link:
  • (NCQA, n.d. https://www.ncqa.org/hedis/Links to an external site.)

As an APN, productivity will be an important measurement for the practice to determine reimbursement and salary. Fee-for-service practices will require a set number of patients per day to maintain productivity. A capitated practice will require the APN to have a large panel of patients but also will focus on controlling costs. This can be accomplished through effective primary care that is accessible, convenient for the patients, and has a method of measuring the quality of care.

Write a formal paper in APA format with a title page, introduction, the three required elements below, conclusion, and reference page.

You are now employed as an NP in primary care. Choose one performance measure from one of the six domains of care, i.e. Adult BMI Assessment, Prenatal, and Postpartum care, etc.

Develop three different patient interventions for that one performance measure and how you would specifically implement the intervention and measure the outcomes for that particular performance measure in clinical practice.

How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and healthcare cost savings?

How can these interventions result in improved NP patient ratings?

diversity assign. V



This week, you will consider your own cultural background and how it impacts the care you provide to your patients.

For this written assessment we will focus on cultural competency, humility, and health inequities. First, complete this week’s readings and learning activities.

Then, address the following questions on the template provided.

Define and describe health inequalities. How would you advocate for patients, families, and communities?

Discuss your results for each of the test (a brief response for all 6 of the tests).

Discuss if you are culturally competent or have cultural humility. Or are you not there yet? Why? What are your next steps?

Points: 40

  1. References

Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

  1. Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


  1. Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

Number of Pages/Words