week 3 assign 1


Off-label prescribing is when a physician gives you a drug that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved to treat a condition different than your condition. This practice is legal and common. In fact, one in five prescriptions written today are for off-label use.

—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Psychotropic drugs are commonly used for children and adolescents to treat mental health disorders, yet many of these drugs are not FDA approved for use in these populations. Thus, their use is considered “off-label,” and it is often up to the best judgment of the prescribing clinician. As a PMHNP, you will need to apply the best available information and research on pharmacological treatments for children in order to safely and effectively treat child and adolescent patients. Sometimes this will come in the form of formal studies and approvals for drugs in children. Other times you may need to extrapolate from research or treatment guidelines on drugs in adults. Each individual patient case will need to be considered independently and each treatment considered from a risk assessment standpoint. What psychotherapeutic approach might be indicated as an initial treatment? What are the potential side effects of a particular drug?

For this Assignment, you consider these questions and others as you explore FDA-approved (“on label”) pharmacological treatments, non-FDA-approved (“off-label”) pharmacological treatments, and nonpharmacological treatments for disorders in children and adolescents.

Your Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment. (  Autism Spectrum Disorder )

Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this disorder in children and adolescents.

  • Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

NURS-4015-01 Population and Community Health Nursing


One mechanism of beginning to gain familiarity with determinants of health within a community is to perform a windshield survey.  This can be accomplished by either driving or walking through your community of interest (My community of interest for practicum setting is People with developmental disability that lives in a group home. They also attend day program), optionally spending some time in public spaces in observation, and assessing services related to health, economics, and social structure of the environment. 

Rector and Stanley (2022) provide guidelines for a Community Familiarization (Windshield) Survey (Figure 15-3, p. 433) that should be used as the outline for your assessment.  Please become acquainted with the survey categories prior to conducting the assessment. You will notice that the guidelines also asks at several points for information that you may need to research outside of your observation ( e.g. rates of unemployment).


Compose a scholarly paper to summarize your windshield survey.  Write the paper in APA style, using the windshield survey guidelines on p 433 of our textbook and the following guidelines for structure of the paper. Note that there a specific points that should be addressed in the analysis/conclusion. Include a properly formatted title page and reference page, in addition to 4-6 pages of content. Support your content with at least five scholarly references. Primary sources of community data ( e.g., US Census) will be considered as scholarly references for this assignment. 

Components of the Paper:

Title Page –      create a page header with the page number in the upper right corner; omit      the running head

Body of the      paper

Use       the Title of the Paper as a level 1 heading for your       introductory paragraph. This heading is centered, in title case,       with a bold font.

Physical       Environment (Level       1 heading)

Economic       Considerations (Level       1 heading)

Services (Level 1 heading)

Social       Structure (Level       1 heading)

Analysis       and Conclusion (Level       1 heading)

From your        observations: what community level determinants stand out to you as        potential contributors to population health, community and /or public        health. How so? (please choose 3) Do these determinants have the        potential to affect health equity? How so? Do these determinants have        the ability to affect preparation or impact for disaster or public        health emergency*? How so?

Exhibition Review #1


If you have not read the PDF of the Sylvan Barnet chapter on writing an exhibition review on the previous page, go back and read that now.

The arts are all forms of communication, so they need audiences. The conventional way visual artists have shared their work is to collect it and put it on display in one or more rooms, using walls, pedestals, the floor, or any manner of framing device. Once a member of the public becomes familiar with the conventions of museum or gallery display, they can begin to evaluate the way particular collections of artworks have been put together for their gaze. In this first Exhibition Review assignment you will take your new knowledge and analytic skills to a local gallery or museum exhibition, and compose an informed review.


Select one of the free local exhibitions listed below to attend, then follow these steps:

Take a selfie at the exhibition in front of the title wall to prove you’ve attended. 

Take careful notes while walking through. How has the curator organized the space for your gaze and movement? Is there information about the concept of the show or the individual works? Too much information or too little? Note where the curator seems to have put works in conversation with each other. What works stand out or play supporting roles? Consider the lighting, the color of the walls or other staging elements, and the physical relationship you have with the works of art, which has been carefully created for you to experience.

Draft an exhibition review that has the following elements:

  1. A title that engages the reader
  2. An opening paragraph that informs the reader on the premise of the show
  3. A thesis that consists of your argument about the value of the exhibition as a whole (not whether it was good or bad)

Body paragraphs explaining the significance of what is on display (What stands out and why? Are the objects telling a story? Are they rarely seen by the public? etc); QUESTION of the installation, The setting; High points in the exhibition and weaker choices (if there are any); 

  • A conclusion that summarizes your evaluation

Jenna Peer Response


Relate to another journal article

  • Peer response to Jenna
  • The most plausible diagnosis presented in this case appears to be benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). While the HPI and PE lead directly to BPH, there are other diagnoses to consider to properly diagnose and treat this 65-year-old gentleman. The following diagnoses should be considered: cystitis, bladder calculi, and neurogenic bladder (Cash et al., 2021). The patient does not appear to be exhibiting signs of infection; however, it would be prudent to order a urinalysis to definitively rule out infection as the cause of the patient’s symptoms. Cystitis can be ruled out due to the patient not having any pain with urination, bladder discomfort, or ejaculatory pain (Clemens et al., 2022). The diagnosis of bladder calculi is also easily ruled out without the presence of hematuria, cramping or abdominal pain, nausea, fever, chills, and malaise (Ferreria Fontenelle & Dias Sarti, 2019). Lastly, neurogenic bladder can also be ruled out due any concern for a neurological condition causing neurogenic bladder. While the prompt does not provide a full detailed history of the patient, it can be assumed the patient is not experiencing these symptoms because of an associated neurological condition. Based off the frequent urination without burning, pain, hematuria, or difficulty voiding, there is high suspicion for an enlarged prostate obstructing or occluding the urethra in the case of benign prostatic hypertrophy.

           Multiple treatment modalities exist for BPH; however, a practitioner should always evaluate the severity of the condition and start modestly. The patient has already tried to initiate lifestyle modifications to improve his symptoms. The literature recommends limiting fluids through restriction, avoiding diuretics, and reducing trigger substances (Sandhu et al., 2024). In this case, lifestyle modifications have failed to improve symptoms. Treatment should progress to the inclusion of an alpha blocker such as terazosin, dozazosin, silodosin, Tamsulosin, or alfuzosin (Sandhu et al., 2024). The most common medication is Tamsulosin. The prescription would be Tamsulosin 0.4 mg orally once a day, a quantity total of 30 with 3 refills. The patient should follow up in two to three weeks to assess the improvement of symptoms and any need for medication adjustment (Cash et al., 2021).

What foods are contain tyramine? Name 4 neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation?


Homework Questions:

What foods are contain tyramine?

Name 4 neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation?

Which drug class has a severe reaction with tyramine-containing foods?

What is the name of the antidepressant known to specifically help chronic pain?

How long does it typically take an antidepressant to be in full effect?

What is the black box warning on all antidepressants?

What is serotonin syndrome?

What is neuroleptic syndrome?

What are extrapyrimidial side effects?

Should an antidepressant be stopped abruptly? Why or Why not?

What are the common side effect of antidepressants?

What is the most popular class of antidepressants prescribed?

What is the drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder?

What class of antianxiety meds is NOT recommended for those with an abuse history?

What type of medication is Buspar?

What types of things should be ruled out as causes of anxiety before prescribing an anxiety medication?

What are the side effects of antianxiety medications?

What class of anxiety medication are controlled by the DEA?

What is the first line choice of drug class for anxiety?

What neurotransmitter is involved with anxiety?

What medication is uses as a prn for anxiety but it is NOT a controlled substance?

What reporting system should be consulted when prescribing a controlled substance in Ohio?

What is the definition of psychosis?

What neurotransmitter is lowered by an antipsychotic medication?

What are the side effects of antipsychotic medications?

What drug can cause agranulocytosis?

What is the difference between a 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotic?

What is an AIMS test?

What is tardive dyskinesia?

What does the drug Cogentin do?

Name 4 antipsychotics medications that can be given as a long-acting injection?

What is the most effective medication for mood stabilization in Bipolar?

What is the normal value for Lithium?

What is the normal value for Depakote?

How is Lithium metabolized?

How is Depakote metabolized?

What mood stabilizer medication has a side effect of a life-threatening rash called Steven-Johnson syndrome?

Name 3 Sedative medication used for insomnia?

Name a supplement used to encourage sleep?

Name 3 side effects of Stimulant drugs?

Name the drug prescribed for nightmares?

Name the drug prescribed for social anxiety?

Name the drug prescribed for Parkinson’s psychosis?

Name the drug prescribed for Pseudobulbar effect?

What is Aricept prescribed for?

What is Sinemet prescribed for?

What are some medication prescribed to discourage alcohol use?

What drug class of medications are used for alcohol withdrawal?

What drug is used for opiate withdrawal?

Week 4 Article Submission: Qualitative AND Quantitative


TOPIC IS Falls, Accidental: Resulting in Injury
1. Do not begin your assignment until you review the How to Identify Research Design/Methodolog

Download How to Identify Research Design/Methodology flow chart. Mixed methods studies are not allowed for this assignment and are identified by reading the first few sentences in the Methods section.
2. Systematic review articles are not to be submitted as your quantitative or qualitative articles. These can be easily confused with primary quantitative research articles. They have also been published in peer-reviewed journals but seek to synthesize and summarize the work of a particular sub-field rather than report on new results. Review articles will often lack a “Materials and Methods” section.

In this assignment, you will search the literature in WCU databases for ONE qualitative article that was published within 5 years of today’s date and is related to your PICOT question.

Ensure that you are using the approved PICOT assignment topic list. Read the first few sentences of the methods section of your articles to assess what type of article you have. If your article is not approved by faculty on Wednesday of Week 5, you have until Friday of Week 5 to reload a new article to this assignment for approval. Work with the librarian or your instructor as needed. Important: Articles must be approved before beginning the appraisal assignment. All article uploads take place this week.

Please upload the full article in Word or PDF format. Avoid submitting links or citations. Your instructor must be able to read the entire article.
In addition to the article, you must include a copy of your PICOT question in this assignment. You can add this to comments area.

If a reload article is needed for the week 4 assignment, the original grade does not change. The purpose of the article reload is to ensure you have an approved article to use in week 6 appraisals.

Note: Please include a PDF or Word copy of your article from with your submission.

WCU Library Resources:

Research FAQs

APA Guide and Template https://guides.westcoastuniversity.edu/c.php?g=110…

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Guide

https://guides.westcoastuniversity.edu/atoz (for this assignment, the CINAHL+, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health, and Academic Search Complete are recommended.)

Infographic #2


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to summarize the key health issue/disease of women in the low- or lower-middle-income country from infographic #1

Skills:  This assignment will help you develop skills in understanding, analyzing and evaluating a global public health issue. At the end of this assignment, you will be able to: Identify a key health/disease issue of women’s in a developing country; Describe the nature and magnitude of the problem within the country; Compare and contrast how groups of women are affected by the key health/disease issue within the country; Identify risk factors for the problem within your country; Describe the social, cultural, economic and political determinants of the health/disease issue within your country; Illustrate at least 1 economic and 1 social consequences of the problem; Explain 3 priority steps you recommend be taken to address the problem.

Knowledge:  At the end of this assignment, you will have knowledge of health issue and health determinants of a vulnerable population within a low- or middle-income country.

Each infographic will focus on a developing country or low- or lower-middle-income countries, as that is the focus of the course.  High and upper-middle income countries cannot be used for these assignments. See a list of low and lower-middle income countries at the link below. https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groupsLinks to an external site.

Infographic #2  This will summarize, for the country selected for infographic #1, a key issue in women’s health, who is most affected, key risk factors, the links between these issues with social and economic development, and what might be done to enhance the health of women in the poorest countries in cost-effective ways. Infographic #2 will be 1 page.

Task: To complete this assignment, you will develop a two-page infographic which presents the following information:

The key health/disease issue of women’s in a developing country;

The nature and magnitude of the problem

Compare/contrast the groups of women affected by the key health/disease issue

The risk factors for the problem within your country;

The social, cultural, economic and political determinants of the health/disease issue within your country;

At least 1 economic and 1 social consequences of the problem;

3 priority steps you recommend be taken to address the problem.

writing about Adolescent Sexual Health and Education and a “fact sheet” on a STD,


you will write an argument essay, OR create a “fact sheet” on a STD,

You have a choice in what you may write about, but each topic requires that you use at least three different resources (one may be in the module directions page + one other that you find on your own). A paper receiving full credit will not exceed two pages, plus a work cited page in either MLA or APA format (yes, your paper will lose points if you don’t have a clear thesis, supports for your argument, and correctly formatted work cited). 

Here are your options for the short (2-page) argument essay:

1. Choose a side – either abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education and build an argument for it.

2. Choose a sexually transmitted disease and write an argument for why it should be included in sexual health education for students. Include information about this disease — is it a virus or bacteria? what are its symptoms? more common in males or females? how many diagnoses were there last year (or most recent data), and what is the treatment for it? In short, include information about this disease along with why students should learn about it.

3. Choose a topic related to gender identity and write an argument for why gender identity should be included in sexual health education for students. You might look at national data, school policies, workplace policies, health issues, an social issues – bullying or other forms of violence. Make sure you address how LBGTQ+ topics fit into a school sexual health curriculum.

*Alternatively, you may be more creative and make a “fact sheet” (something you find in a medical office, perhaps a physician would hand it to a patient following a diagnosis). Your fact sheet will be about a STD (you pick, syphilis, HPV, gonorrhea, herpes…). A fact sheet also has at least 3 sources of information that are listed under the heading, “For More Information.” The fact sheet may include images, such as a picture of a virus cell, or a chart showing rates of infection, but must also be about two pages — think front and back of a brochure.



Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.

Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.
The Assignment (1-2 pages):Developing Organizational Policies and PracticesAdd a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.

Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.

Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.
Provided resources 

American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statementsLinks to an external site.. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Retrieved fromhttps://www.nursingworld.org/coe-view-onlyNote: Review all, with special attention to “Provision 6” (pp. 23–26).

DQ8 Watson’s theory


Watson’s theory of caring has has played a major role in helping professional nurses honor their unique and distinct values. However, the theory does not conform to the biomedical, bureaucratic, health care system and sometimes presents practical difficulties for nurses’ work. A model of caring includes a call for both art and science; it offers a framework that embraces and intersects with art, science, humanities, spirituality, and new dimensions of mind body spirit medicine and nursing evolving openly as central to human phenomena of nursing practice.

Our contract with society is our Code of Ethics. In order for the public to feel safe within our care and grow from the provision of the care we need to have the care viewed and feel like we are truly engaged in their care. One of our former ANA president Rebecca M. Patton discusses the importance of the Big and Little P.

Here is the Link:

Dr. Patton’s message to the Nursing staff and leaders at the Cleveland Clinic focused on the importane all nurses understanding that they are capable of being change agents at all levels of nursing. Please note, you are being asked to first share Watson’s Theory and the metapadigm of her theory with your classmates. You are next asked to choose one of the 10 Caritas in Watson’s theory for your discusion. Once you have viewed the attached video, think about your “little p” in your clinical practice. What can you do in your current role with your immediate leaders/supervisors to implement change at the point of care. Dr. Pstton wants nurses to know that they have the power to make change within their sphere of influence. Look forward to a great discussion this week.