People of Egyptian and Filipino Heritage.

Question Description

Write an essay discussing the health beliefs of both heritages and if there is any similarity in both culture beliefs. Also, discuss how their beliefs influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare focusing on the nursing care.

Your assignment must have a minimum of 700 words, 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years . Less than 20% similarity.

HPA 310 mental health concerns

Question Description

  1. TOPIC is Autism
  2. What are the long-term challenges? Address the:
    • impact on the family/friends
    • impact on lifestyle/work
    • long term medical needs

MUST have 3 sources and cite all work in MLA format. Must be half a page long and please keep in mind it is a medical brochure so no complicated big words. Should be written in simple easy to read words.

3 power point slides with speaker notes

Question Description

Second part:

3 Power Point slides with detailed speaker notes on the topic of :

Resource coordination service for the elderly and long term care population. The question to be answered on this topic is What is the program and who will it serve? I need the speaker notes to have an approximate total of about 400 words.

Are organic foods more safe or nutritious than conventionally produced foods?

Question Description

The post must be a minimum of 200-220 words. Use the book- Williams Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy by Nix 15th Ed. Specific help should be in chapter 13 and 14.Response must be thoughtful, using only constructive criticism as necessary and must always maintain a professional tone. Use In-text citation if quoting the book.

Transcultural Health and Wellness #nursing #professionalnursing #wellness

Question Description

Critically examine perceived causes of chronic illness and disability in children from diverse cultures. Describe how the parental philosophic and religious beliefs affect their reaction to, or explanations for, the child’s chronic illness and/or disability. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference

What are the proper quantities and types of macronutrients (protein, fat and carbs) that a pregnant woman should consume? How can improper amounts of each type of nutrient adversely affect the pregnancy?

Question Description

The post must be a minimum of 200-220 words. Use the book- Williams Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy by Nix 15th Ed. Specific help should be in chapter 9 and 10.Response must be thoughtful, using only constructive criticism as necessary and must always maintain a professional tone. Use In-text citation if quoting the book.

Transcultural and Wellness #nursing #healthandewellness #medical

Question Description

Critically analyze the reasons for the current interest in ethnopharmacology by nurses, physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare providers. How does knowledge of ethnopharmacology and cultural differences in response to medication facilitate your ability to provide culturally competent and congruent nursing care? Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference

Elements of critical thinking

Question Description

Review your classmates’ posts, and respond to at least two of your peers. When responding to your classmates, please provide feedback on their examples of good and poor critical thinking skills. Discuss additional ways one can think more critically. Each participation post should be a minimum of 100 words.

See Attachment… there should be 2 responses

Discuss how the concept of health has changed overtime

Question Description

This a discussion question that requires about 150 to 200 words. No “I “ statememt in paper the third person should be used. Journal titles must be italicized. First citation with several authors must be listed once on the body of the paper, subsequent mentioning must be name of first author with et al

Homeless Families

Question Description

The assignment is to watch a very Short video then answer the questions asked. I chose “Robert” because I was able to take pictures of all the descriptions which will be uploaded below; just follow strictly all the requirements in the uploaded files including keeping in mind what the criteria for grading will be.