help with writing my assignment

Question Description


I need someone to help me do my homework

there is a question in the file need to answered and student’s example need to comment on in

also if you stuck in the question you can have hint from student’s example

if you need a slides I can send it to you but I do not believe you will need them

thank you for help in advance

Regulations and Reimbursement-Video Presentation

Question Description

I need someone to type the words for a 5 to 10 minute video presentation that analyses the influence of federal and state regulations on the reimbursement of advanced practice nurses; those words would have to address all the elements contained in the uploaded file below; I just need the words and would do the video presentation m

Please strictly follow the guidelines and instructions listed


medical terminology discussion #6

Question Description

part1 : Choose one of the 8 levels of the body’s organizational structure and describe how it is relevant to your future career (or a hypothetical career) as described earlier this semester. Talk about some of the terms from this week that will be useful to you.

part2: after you send me the work i will send you 2 student’s posts to respond to them


What are your expectations of service-learning this quarter?

Question Description


a. What are your expectations of service-learning this quarter?

  • Include anything you are looking forward to and
  • Things you are not looking forward to doing

b. What challenges do you anticipate?

2) Ethics

a. What are ethics and where do they come from?

b. What is an ethical dilemma?

3) Policy

a. Do nurses have a role in health policy?

4) Expectations

a. What do you hope to gain from the classroom portion of the experience?

Health care assignment 5

Question Description

2-3 pages (not including title page and reference page) of new information and content to your Unit 4 IP draft to your Key Assignment:

  • Develop 5 ethical standards to implement at your chosen facility.
    • Research 2 companies with ethical standards, and develop standards in your own words.
    • 2 APA references are required.
  • How would you present this information to staff during orientation or training?
    • Describe this training.

Group work GCH 535

Question Description

  1. Title Page (include names of group members)
  2. Background (description of public health emergency including preparedness challenges)
  3. Assessment of Public Health Response (positives and negatives of the public health response)
  4. Compare and Contrast Public Health Emergency (relate to similar emergency and compare)
  5. Summary of Recovery Efforts (provide overview of disaster recovery efforts)
  6. Recommendations (suggestions to improve/mitigate against adverse effects of the public health emergency incident)
  7. Reference List (scholarly references and governmental sources as appropriate)

Comparison between People of Egyptian and Filipino Heritage.

Question Description

People of Egyptian Heritage.

People of Filipino Heritage.

Write an APA essay discussing the health beliefs of both heritages and if there is any similarity in both culture beliefs. Also, discuss how their beliefs influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare focusing on the nursing care.

Your assignment must have a minimum of 700 words, 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years, and less than 20 % similarity

The length of the paper should be four to five pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit the references to a few key sourceFollow the requirement of the assignment carefuly please. Use the scenario to do it. I need it Friday afternoon.

Question Description

The paper will contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader, states thepurpose of the paper, and provides a narrative outline of what will follow (i.e., the assignmentcriteria).5. In the body of the paper, discuss the scenario in relation to HIPAA, legal, and other regulatoryrequirements that apply to the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support fromsources of evidence (references) included as in‐text citations.

Please answer this question 2 paragraphs needed

Question Description

Please answer this question and site sources used. Need at least 2 paragrahs.

What clinical trial endpoints have been shown to improve when ACE inhibitors and/or ARBS are used in preventing the progression of kidney disease in patients with diabetes? Which patients with diabetes benefit the most? At what point is it recommended that an ACE inhibitor or ARB be initiated in a patient with diabetes?

Nutrition quiz #2

Question Description

You will have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. The quiz will have 5 questions based on the video lectures and Chapter 2 in textbook.

If you have been approved for testing accommodation by the Center for Student with Disabilities, please check the time before you begin. If you didn’t receive the authorized accommodation, please do not begin your exam/quiz and contact your instructor immediately.