NUR3069 Advanced Health Assessment

Question Description

Logic Model Learning Activity

Question Description

Learning Activity 7 Instructions

Topic: Logic Model

In this learning activity, you will create a basic logic model of your evaluation. At the Community Tool Box website, you will enter the section dealing with Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change ( Follow the guidelines for developing a fictitious health promotion program intervention to help you address the learner objective you wrote and others that could be written like it, and fill in the “Logic Model Template.”

2-3 page paper describe the metric(s) you will use to evaluate the organization’s productivity

Question Description

Read Case 3: Physician Care Services, Inc., including Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Review the issues that surround provider productivity, to evaluate whether the organization can be successful in the new era of health care reform.

The Assignment:

In 2–3 pages, describe the metric(s) you will use to evaluate the organization’s productivity. Explain how you will use the metric in evaluating productivity, and how the data will help measure the potential of the organization’s success in the new era of health care reform.

blue zone’ lifestyle

Question Description

In the book, The Blue Zone, read chapters 1 and 6. In your primary post, discuss what would be your ideal ‘blue zone’ lifestyle. Include the answer the following questions:

  1. What changes would you like to make?
  2. How are you going to begin incorporate this into your daily life?
  3. How do you anticipate maintaining the change to become a lifestyle change?
  4. What influences do you think this will make on your family?
  5. What influences do you think this will make on your clients you care for?

Logit Model

Question Description

Model 1: Run a logit model and use being a member of a network and find out its impact on hospital cost? (Model 1)

Model 2: For the 2nd model run a logit model and use being a member of the network and find out its impact on hospital cost and hospital revenue? (Model 2)

Model 3: For the 3rd model run a logit model and use being a member of the network and find out its impact on ratio-Medicare-discharge and ratio-Medicaid-discharge.…

Discussion 9- Basic Research- Occupational Therapy Assistant

Question Description

In your opinion, which is more important to occupational therapy research: descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Explain your reasoning in detail and cite evidence that supports your opinion.

Please post your initial answer to the question by the day due and respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ initial postings during the remainder of the week in order to earn full participation points. Your initial posting must be a minimum of 350 words and be substantive in nature.

health care discussion

Question Description

“Personal Marketing Communications and Organizing, Implementing, and Controlling Marketing” Please respond to the following:

  • Select a health care provider with which you are familiar and determine the role of patient-centered care by that provider, its impact, and the best way for that provider to leverage/encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Explain the role of the marketing department, recommendations for improvement, and your rationale.
  • Discuss the best way to leverage the latest electronic interactive direct-marketing tools in health care. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Need help with writing a proposal

Question Description

Request for Proposal “Computer Automated Coding (CAC)” Assignment

A large medical group practice is considering the purchase and implementation of a Computerized Automated Coding (CAC) program. Upon reading the reference article “How to Conduct a Thorough CAC Readiness Assessment – A White Paper from Nuance Healthcare.”, create a request for proposal (RFP) to target potential vendors for their response.

Additional recommended readings-

Journal of AHIMA article:

Must be APA style with at least 3 references

In other words, should more of the financial focus be on prevention or treatment? ​300+ Words/ APA Format/ Reference Citation

Question Description

300+ Words

APA Format

Reference Citation

Health Promotion

Currently much of the US carries private healthcare insurance. Many of these plans focus only on “necessary treatments”. After learning about the determinants of health, do you think there should be legislation requiring insurance plans to cover health promotion and disease prevention (i.e. quitting smoking, weight loss programs in order to prevent illness in the patient’s future)? In other words, should more of the financial focus be on prevention or treatment?

Response 5

Question Description

I have 3 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. Also, one source at least for each one of them. Don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. All you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style.

All the details in the attached below