Pros and cons of DNP debate

Question Description

I need a substantive 250-400 word response to the following question:

. Should the DNP be the terminal degree for NPs? Choose a position (in favor of or against), and present a brief argument to support your position. Consider the following:

– The impact of the DNP on nursing education

– Pros or cons of doctoral degrees in nursing

– The importance of the DNP degree in clinical practice

– The nursing leadership roles that are emerging from the DNP degree

Please follow the instructions and guidelines on the uploaded files

Discussion week 6​Substance abuse as a community health problem.

Question Description

Substance abuse as a community health problem.

  1. Discuss the historical trends and current conceptions of the cause and treatment of substance abuse.
  2. Identify and discuss the issues related to substance abuse in various populations encountered in the community health nursing practice.
  3. Describe and discuss the concepts of interpersonal and community violence.
  4. Describe and discuss the role of the nurse in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence.

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used. . A minimum of 700 words is required.

This assignment will be submitted in turnitin.

Critique of the Research Problem

Question Description

This assignment requires to locate a primary research peer-reviewed article (not a systematic one) in my area which is type 2 diabetes which includes the elements in the uploaded file below and write no more than 2 page analysis of the research that includes the elements listed and don’t forget to provide a link to the peer-reviewed research article; ONLY critique the research problem

The link to a sample video is provided for more clarification

Please format the analysis according to the APA 6th edition guidelines and strictly follow the guidelines and instructions

This is the last written assignment for your research proposal. Please review previous assignments and make revisions as indicated by feedback provided. The previous assignments, discussion boards, and identification of evidence based clinical practice or

Question Description

ordey the three part for the paper is writeen.

  • Please use model to organize your final proposal.
  • In addition, integrate the Part 1 PICO(T) paper, Part 2 Literature review and this Part 3 to synthesize your findings and draw conclusions.
  • Include in Part 3 how you might apply for funding for this project.
  • Please use the Proposal paper outline provided for you during the first week as a guide for your paper.
  • This assignment requires proper APA format.
  • This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings.
  • An abstract is required for this final proposal.

Need a 3 page paper

Question Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Week 4 discussion question

Question Description

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches in Chapter 4 and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict? Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering?

Minimal 700 words

abstract or concrete concept

Question Description

Using the assigned readings and your professional experience as a starting point, complete the following.

Retrieve a published concept analysis or research study that explores either an abstract or concrete concept. Answer the following questions about the article:

• Why is this an important concept to address?
• What are the defining characteristics of the concept?
• What is the conceptual meaning of the concept?
• Is the conceptual meaning valid and reliable? Provide a supporting rationale.
• How does, or how might this concept support theory development?

reflection paper on malpractice insurance

Question Description

For this assignment, you are asked to prepare a reflection paper on the topicof the unit lesson. Discuss the need for hospital and physician professionalliability coverage (malpractice insurance) in American health care today. Makesure to cover the following points:

  • Why is malpractice coverage so extremely expensive today?
  • Do you feel that the need for liability insurance adds to or detracts fromthe patient care that is provided?

Your response should be at least one page in length. All sources used,including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted materialmust have accompanying citations per APA standards.

Read Chapters and do test

Question Description


Read chapters 14, 15 and 16 out of the attached textbook. I will have to email you the textbook copy as it is to big to attach here. Or you can email the textbook called Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition 11th edition. I will give you login passwords and attach instructions where to go when I get a bid. You only get 1 hr and 30 min to take the test! Do not wait until the last minute to do this assignment!!!

health services discussion

Question Description

  • Briefly describe a health care provider with which you are familiar and how that organization should position its offerings. From the e-Activity, determine how you would segment the market to conduct research for the health care providers products or service you found. And determine the most effective markets for their products/services. Explain your rationale. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Referring to the same health care provider, determine the best way for that organization to analyze its competitors’ strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses. Provide specific examples to support your response.