Economics of Illicit Drugs

Question Description

Economics of Illicit Drugs


Due: Wednesday, December 4 in Prof. Koehn’s assignment box located outside Department of Economics.

Your assignment is to analyze the assignment article using the economic concepts and theories covered in ECON 2P34.

You may use any style you prefer, such as MLA, APA, etc. You can use other resources in your answer, but they must be cited properly. Your assignment should be 1000 words.

Managerial examination of a company

Question Description

Students should be able to:

  1. Analyze the company’s mission, vision and values. (SLO 4.2, SLO 9.1, SLO 12.4)
  2. Analyze the company’s organizational culture. (SLO 2.4, SLO 4.5, SLO 7.2, SLO 12.4)
  3. Analyze the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. (SLO 4.3, SLO 11.3, SLO 12.4)
  4. Identify the company’s corporate strategy. (SLO 4.1, SLO 4.4, SLO 7.4, SLO 11.1)
  5. Identify the company’s competitive strategy. (SLO 4.3, SLO 10.2, SLO 11.6)
  6. Demonstrate proficient writing skills. (SLO 12.6)

urban economic

Question Description

The assignment to cover this requirement is a short essay on “Geography, History, and Economics of City X.” It asks you to write about a city’s economic development through the lens of urban economic theories, especially the role of geography and history. I already post rubric and introduction below. Also, I post the reading below. Please be sure write down essay after reading. Please write as required. thanks!

Trade Distortion Paper

Question Description

I need a paper about “Trade Distortion” In “Portugal”. In the first file I have attached is the rubric, the file is under “Country Analysis Paper-Trade Distortions”. Also, Number 5″bibliography” is missing! So you need to find that first them complete the paper as explained in the rubric in APA format!

I have attached all the needed files! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

What is the thesis of the chapter? Provide 3 examples/points to support this chapter thesis found in the book

Question Description

please provide a clear concise thesis and clearly state it like this

thesis: ………….

for examples separate them into different paragraphs so i know which is which. if your quoting or paraphrasing please provide in text citations. format paragraphs as so,

supporting paragraph one:

supporting paragraph two:

supporting paragraph three:

you only need to read the chapter I’ve stated which is chapter 5 “man exploits man Private enterprise good, public enterprise bad?”

page 89-108

Answer one of the following options (Option A or Option B) 250 words

Question Description


Option A: Describe the fiscal policy remedies that a Keynesian economist might prescribe to close a recessionary gap. What impact would these policy changes have on the federal budget deficit and the public debt?

Option B: What type of relationship exists between the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) and the multiplier? Explain why this relationship exists. Give a hypothetical numerical example to help support your answer.

Externalities of Beef Consumption! I just need one part done on the paper

Question Description

I have attached the file of the uncompleted paper with the rubric ! I only need one part to be added to the paper and the questions is all the way on the bottom of the paper where it says “(resource depletion?)”. Also, I would need the resources that were used on the writing. Please let me know if you have any questions !

Fix the research paper

Question Description

* I need to fix this paper by change everythings you see is confusing, like paragraphs you can delate some oradd some its fine.

* I need to arrange the whole idea

* I need you put 2 graphs.

* I need you put more data.

( every things of this paper should be fromthe sources)

I have wholethe sources in the end of paper

case study 3 : smoking at IKE’s BAR -b-q pit

Question Description

  • You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
  • The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks.
  • Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.

In your reflective writeup, take 3-5 pages to discuss the methods introduced in the class (regression, forecasting, foresight, and agile strategy). Specifically, what new insights did you gain? Which one(s) will be most useful in your career? What are

Question Description

In your reflective writeup, take 3-5 pages to discuss the methods introduced in the class (regression, forecasting, foresight, and agile strategy). Specifically, what new insights did you gain? Which one(s) will be most useful in your career? What are potential applications for the methods in your current position? Have you begun using any of the methods outside the class?