Marketing Plan for Spain, my part is the economic sides


My country is SPAIN. Attached is a PDF of the assignment completed but it is for the United States. I need it to be done the exact same way BUT instead of the United States, it needs to be for my country which is SPAIN. I need the numbers and information to all be up-to-date and accurate. Write the information down in the same format as the pdf, including the bolded sections.

CA Production Possibilities Frontier Questions


Draw a production possibilities frontier showing increasing opportunity cost of muffins in terms of cookies. 

On your graph, please label the following points.

A: A point that is possible and efficient

B: A point that is possible but inefficient

C: A point that is not currently possible

D: On the graph, illustrate the effect of the discovery of a new vein of iron ore, a resource needed to make both horseshoes and hammers, on this economy.

summary of an article


write a summay of the article “Anomalies: The Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, and Status Quo Bias“. The summary should include 1). What is an anomaly in Economics? 2). What anomalies are discussed in the article? why can’t a rational choice mode explain the anomalies? 3). In contract, what cognitive features (or principles) of the Prospect Theory could potentially explain the anomalies? 4) What did you like (and/or dislike) about the article? 

Investment News Article Analysis results


create a Power Point presentation of 7-8 slides plus the title slide that contains the main results of the Investment News Article Analysis Paper. 

Apart from the ppt  also should include a paragraph  using finance terminology, reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace or in everyday life

spmt600 week 6


For this assignment you will develop the capital budget which will become a part of your final project. Review the information on capital budgeting in your textbook. The numbers used in this assignment are to be a realistic estimate based on your research of similar projects. The capital budget should be done on a spreadsheet such as Excel. 

American Public University System spmt600 discussion question


The increasing volatility in the global economy has caused investors to seek out safer investments alternatives. Risk is inevitable in all investments. A capital budget is used to help investors plan their investments in long-term assets. Discuss how risk impacts a capital budget. How can risks be mitigated in order to attract capital investors to a sports project?

ECOM 322: Social Media Marketing and logo


Hello.. I want the solution as required in the instructions.. free of plagiarism or copying.. and adding references in APA format.

Project name: Naturally Yours

The project consists of natural products for the body and hair

These are pictures of the project, and I want you to put the project name on them and add a logo with the brand name

FIN 288 current events


Research and select one news article relating to Investments from a national publication (i.e. The Wall Street Journal). please  take the highlights of the article and explain in detail how it relates to Financial Investing and these topics: Securities Markets; Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies; and Risk, Return, and the historical Record. 

Financial question


Bond Valuation

Choose one of the factors that impacts interest rates and describe the following:

Its relation to interest rate fluctuation.

The impact it has on the valuation of a bond.

  • Provide a current example based of a bond impacted by interest rate fluctuations in the past year. 

Listen to a 47 minute long podcast and write a college level paragraph that lists/analyzes the economics points.


Professor instructions:

Summarize the main points of the podcast in a paragraph. Be sure to highlight aspects of the video relevant to economics and/or that illustrate economic thinking. The paragraph should be 6-8 sentences long with college-level knowledge of microeconomics.

The podcast:…