You have to answer the following hypotheses by completing the research methodology and find the results for the findings. 

the hypotheses are Hypothesis 1: Increased Social Media Presence Positively Correlates with Asset Valuation Volatility.

Hypothesis 2: Social Media Usage is Associated with Increased Incidence of Creative Accounting and Fraudulent Practices. 

these two hypotheses you have made yourself and in the word document attached you have showed the method on how to find the findings and research method

 please use graphs and formulas when you can. The word count for this will be 4k words (excluding references). Around 15-20 references should be used using harvard references. The word document has to be like this structure:

chapter 3: research methods:


research philosophy

research approach

variables and measures

measures of the independent variables

measurement of the dependent variables

measures of the control variables

data sources and sample selection (if you need to sample)

chapter four: findings, analysis and discussion:

introduction results

analysis and discussion

descriptive statistic

correlation analysis

multiple regression (if able to do)

International Economics Question


According to the documents attached to this assignment, the Roman Empire is an early version of a modern market economy. I would like for you to watch the khan academy video on market vs command economy. Based on your class ppt, readings on the Roman Empire economy, and the video, I would like you to visualize where the Roman Empire belongs along the economic regime spectrum from command economy to market economy. With this in mind, you are to pick at the two documents provided in this assignment folder to explain how likely are the claims made by the authors of the two papers regarding the Roman Empire resembling more of a market economy. How sensical and credible is the evidence they have provided for these claims? After analyzing these documents, explain whether the Roman Empire leans more toward a command or market economy in your opinion, and why?

ECO204 The Fundamentals of Microeconomics


Pick any ONE business/company of your choice. The company you choose can be a small local restaurant or a large multinational company. Based on your selection, answer the following questions:

In your paper,

– Describe the basics of the business you chose- including the size of the business, types of goods/services the business sells, and possible barriers to entry/exit.

– Distinguish among four market structures: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly in this order.

– Discuss what kind of market structure your company falls under. Why?

– Analyze whether the demand of the goods/services sold by the business are elastic or inelastic. Why?

– Discuss if there are any externalities involved. If so, explain how the externalities can be fixed.

– Discuss any roles that larger companies can play in promoting inclusion, equality and reducing poverty.

The Fundamentals of Microeconomics final paper

Complete these 4 questions showing explanation and work


A bank has made a 3-year $10 million dollar loan that pays annual interest of 8%.  The principal is due at the end of the third year.

      a) The bank is willing to sell this loan with recourse at 8.5% discount rate.  What should it expect for selling this loan?

b) It also has the option of selling this loan without recourse at a discount rate of 8.75%.  What should it expect for selling this loan?

c) If the bank expects a ½% probability of default on this loan, is it better off selling this loan with or without recourse?  It expects to receive no interest payments or principal if the loan is defaulted.

  • d) Why do you think that the interest rate in part A is different from the interest rate in part B? 

Finish company and people part


Topic: Art auctions

The part that I want to add : I have looked into finding businesses and people who are relevant to the auction sector. One prominent person I heard is Chen Liangling, a well-known Chinese auctioneer who works as Christie’s Hong Kong’s senior specialist and auction manager. I was especially impressed by Chen’s skill at directing auctions and her alluring demeanor—she was frequently dressed in traditional Chinese garb. Examining her methods and accomplishments could provide insightful information for our project. I plan to include her as a character in our story, emphasizing how an auctioneer’s skill is essential to a successful auction. My curiosity has been piqued by this investigation, leading me to look into her past and contributions to the area in more detail.

Define Starbucks Annual Report


In detail, no less than 1500 words minus the title/references and your own words, define each section of the Starbucks Annual Report. Define the importance of the data, who wants to see it and what you are seeing as key factors for the future of Starbucks. Find previous annual reports for Starbucks and determine the growth percentage. 

Essential Activities: 

Reading Chapters 2 and 3 in the text will assist you. (Text book attached)

Review the Starbucks Annual Report. (Attached)

  1. Watching the videos, The Key to Understanding Financial Statements and Financial statements, will assist you.



Using data for the latest available quarter from Z.1 table L.207 (Federal Funds and Security Repurchase Agreements), draw in Excel a stacked bar chart with two stacks. One stack is who borrows using repo (liabilities). The other is a stack of who lends using repo (assets). The point is that dealers appear on both sides but others do not.

Do not dump all of the data into a chart.  Most of the items are small and matter little.  Be selective and combine items into categories.

Beware of double counting.  Do the numbers you present make sense?

Calculating Returns


The company Name that you’ll be working on is “Danaher Corp    DHR

Stock Assignment

1) Download 61 months of data (5 years + 1 month)

2) Use the “Adjusted Close” price

3) Calculate the monthly return

4) Plot the monthly return.

5) Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the monthly return (express as percentages)

6) Use the first and last price, calculate the geometric average monthly rate of return.

7) Convert this to an annual number.

In a short Word document, report the name of your company and its ticker symbol and the answers to questions 4-7.

econ30573 financial markets


The Fed (a.k.a. the monetary authority) has two primary tools: the interest rate on reserves and purchases of securities. Using data from Fred, chart both since 2008.

For the purchases, use “Assets: Securities Held Outright”. For rates, use “Interest Rate on Required Reserves” up to 2021 and then “Interest Rate on Reserve Balances” after that.

Finally, note that interest rates are in percent and purchases are in dollars, so you will need assign them to different axes.



Read Chapter1-7 and answer all qusetions


Complete 8 multiple-choice questions, two fill-in-the-blank questions, three short-answer questions and a discussion question based on the reading I gave.

For the short answer questions, please keep responses brief. Less is more. Be concise

You may use the book, our class lecture notes, discussion summaries, etc. to answer questions, but please be sure to use your own words. Do not copy from the textbook or any other source material. Be sure to properly reference anything that is not your own words.