Finish and review my economics homework.

Question Description

Attached below is the pdf of the homework. There are 3 questions that need to be completed. I did the rest of the questions but would like for you to review them and make sure they are correct. Thanks


Question Description

make your work clear and well-presented

No poor presentation

work should be your own, No copying from other resource

Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool, No more then 20%

Question Description

thats the website i need someone to log in and do my homework in. once i pick someone to work on my homework i will give you the log in. i want chapter 4 and chapter 5 “homework” done.

econmy homwoerk

Question Description

  1. On Friday an important economic indicator was published. What is it and what are the details? Discuss some of the macroeconomic implications of this indicator, especially from a historical perspective.

and this is the topic on friday (Unemployment rate)

Compute Gross Private Domestic Investment. Write the formula and show your work. etc.

Question Description

There are five questions. Each question is worth one point.

Consider the following list of data for a country for a given year.

Amounts are in billions of dollars.

In your answers, you may refer to the items by the abbreviations shown.

Help Solve multiple problems in economics

Question Description

My expectations are to have each problem answered completed with great explanations and reasoning. Use this text book when needed: Douglas, E. (2012). Managerial Economics (1st ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

see requirements and attachments

Question Description

I ordered this paper by someone else but the person did not do it So now I have only 2 hours to have it Please try your best and answer all questions in the word document.

developing analysis that could be used to forecast the remainder of the year and possibly next

Question Description

You are developing analysis that could be used to forecast theremainder of the year and possibly next. That also means you need to rely on available historical data,understand it, and discuss your expectations relying on month-to-month and year-over-yearcomparisons.

Question Description

that’s the website for my assignments, is Econ microeconomic is 2 chapters assignments once I pick someone ill give you the log in information. is is not a lot questions and I can add more hours if needed.

Diminishing materialistic values by watching a video.

Question Description

I need to watch a short video and write a response to it. The link to the video is here, and I will attach the question and requirements below. Thank you!