The Importance of Competition

Question Description

The Importance of Competition

Write a 2-page paper describing the economic viewpoints and theories of John Maynard Keynes.What were his views of the causes recessions and solutions to fixing them?In his view, what place did government have to improve markets?What does the concept of “crowding out” mean in all of this? Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

Elastic/Inelastic Demand

Question Description

  1. Post a picture of an item for which you have elastic or inelastic Demand?
  2. Explain based on the factors that affect elasticity of demand why your demand for this good or service is either elastic or inelastic.
  3. What are some factors that could ultimately effect how you respond to a change in the price of this item?

All I need is two paragraphs

Question Description

Here is the direction:

After 15 years of disputes, the U.S. and E.U. are actually coming to some conclusions.

Discuss the tit-for-tat transatlantic trade war. A brief summary (paragraph at most) and then YOUR reaction (again a brief paragraph at most).

I have attached the files needed, please let me know if you have any questions!

Disney World recently instituted strategic prices, charging park attendees different prices based on the time of year. This has caused overall attendance at the park to decrease, but overall revenue to increase. How does the concept of elasticity explain

Question Description

Disney World recently instituted strategic prices, charging park attendees different prices based on the time of year. This has caused overall attendance at the park to decrease, but overall revenue to increase. How does the concept of elasticity explain why Disney implemented strategic pricing, and what the results were?

do a 300 word reply

Comparative Advantage Sources

Question Description

Select a country of your choice and discuss its comparative advantage – the sources and the challenges. What is the role of the government? Does the government provide additional investment? What could increase their advantage?


1- APA Style academic

2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- 2-3 refrences and don’t forget to refrence inside the text.

Discuss the welfare effects of the Value-Added Tax VAT reform and its implications for businesses and taxpayers.​

Question Description

In 2018 Saudi Arabia imposed a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on the supply of goods and services at a standard rate of 5%. Discuss the welfare effects of the VAT reform and its implications for businesses and taxpayers.

Prevents plagiarism

Within 500 words

Ensure that you follow the APA style

Complete Microeconomics Homework (DUKES)

Question Description


Click “Start Quiz” to begin Attempt 1.

Give an example of something that would cause a change in the demand for a product and an example of something that would cause a change in the quantity demanded of that product. Be sure to state how each would be shown on a demand curve graph.

Question Description

Give an example of something that would cause a change in the demand for a product and an example of something that would cause a change in the quantity demanded of that product. Be sure to state how each would be shown on a demand curve graph.

Answer must be thorough.

describe the contents of any part of the US constitution

Question Description

Read the US Constitution
Pick an area of your interest (it could be Amendments of the Constitution or a particular portion of it). Describe the contents, expand it with your thoughts or further research. Present your work in a short paper, 3 to 4 pages long, MLA format.

write a power point of cost of capital firm performance analysis

Question Description

I choose the company is Nike and I will give the some sauces of Nike company to you, but you need to search another information on I will give you the sample and just follow the instruction to do it. It should have 13-16 slices.