Can someone help with a paper on Democracy and Taxes

Question Description

Required textbook reading for this week:

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Special Topic 1
  • Special Topic 2

After reading Special Topic 1 and Special Topic 2, write a 2-page paper answering and describing:Can democracy survive if a majority of the citizenry pay little or nothing in taxes while benefiting directly from a higher level of government spending?Why or why not?Discuss.

Once agreed I will provide information in order o access the ebook.

About the econ assignment

Question Description

Please write out your answers clearly, and submit them to your TA, at the start of your tutorial. The assignment is due during the week of September 23-27, 2019.

You may type your assignment, but only hard copies will be accepted. If you use external sources for your essay, then be sure to cite them using any of the accepted citation styles (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.).

Ricardo-type comparative advantage numerical example with two countries and two goods.

Question Description

Set up a Ricardo-type comparative advantage numerical example with two countries and two goods. Distinguish “absolute advantage” from “comparative advantage” in the context of your example. Then select an international terms-or-trade ratio and explain in some detail how trade between the two countries benefits each of them in comparison with autarky. When would either of your countries NOT benefit from engaging in trade? Explain.

Blockchain Assignment

Question Description

The author in the attached texbook describes twelve disruptions to existing markets. Choose one of the disruptions discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think it will impact today’s economy, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen disruption being realized with blockchain technology today.


The length requirement is 1-2 pages and should be plagiarism free.

Please refer to the attached textbook

Finish the Macro economic problem set.

Question Description

Week 4(Sep 25)III. THE MICRO OF MACRO1. The Two-Period Model:Consumption/Saving(Jones Ch. 16 and GLS Ch. 9)• PS#1 DUE at thebeginning of class• PS#2 assigned, due Oct 9at the beginning of class

Week 5(Oct 2)THE MICRO OF MACRO (Cont.)1. The Two-Period Model:Consumption/Saving (Cont.)(Jones Ch. 16 and GLS Ch. 9)2. Investment, Production, and Labor Market(Jones Ch. 7 & 17 and GLS Ch. 12)

Introduction of econometric project

Question Description

Phase 2 is data collection and visualization of your research question (using some or all of your data)

There are two parts of this phase: Part (a) is a written REPORT due September 29 (Sunday) by 5 p.m.

Part (b) is a written report focused on (using) your data to enable the class to visualize your research question( i.e., data visualization).

What is the role of government in a public private partnership & what is the benefit to the public partner? Provide an example of a project in a built environment.

Question Description

What is the role of government in a public privatepartnership & what is the benefit to the public partner? Provide an exampleof a project in a built environment- Project should be in USA

I am in a real estate class and class is on Public private partnership.

writing- 12 point New times roman, 1.5″ spacing, no plagiarism and grammar mistakes pls , thanks.

The question of this exercise is to see if we can infer how the Chinese are moving their “adjustable” peg against the dollar. To do so we have to find a “numeraire” currency. Many economists recommend the Swiss Franc or the Australian Dollar, since the

Question Description

The question of this exercise is to see if we can infer how the Chinese are moving their “adjustable” peg against the dollar. To do so we have to find a “numeraire” currency. Many economists recommend the Swiss Franc or the Australian Dollar, since the Chinese have stated that neither of these currencies are being used in their peg.

ECN write one page on how geography has impacted growth in Congo, Republic.

Question Description

Impact of Geography

Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on how geography has impacted growth in your assigned country. Describe the geography in detail. Is it mountainous? in a region that is overall rich/poor? high quality water source?… then connect it to overall growth.

My assigned country is Congo,Republic.

Complete Microeconomics Task (Wooden)

Question Description

Microeconomics – Week #3 Assignment

Housing Collapse Paper

Why did housing prices rise rapidly during 2002 – 2005?

Why did the mortgage default rate increase so sharply during 2006 and 2007 even before the 2008 – 2009 recession began?

What did the Community Reinvestment Act have to do with the housing bubble and collapse?

Cite your sources as needed. Use APA formatting.