question 5 – 1 or 2 pages MLA

Question Description

Question # 5: Power Plus Battery Company (“PPBC”) has a production plant located in Tampa, Florida. PPBC manufactures batteries for motor vehicles. PPBC has 200 employees and sells its batteries to customers in twenty-five different states in the United States. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OHSA”) is a federal administrative agency that has the authority to establish safety standards, pursuant to the authority delegated to it by the United States Congress in the Occupational Safety and Health Act. These safety standards, also known as safety rules or regulations, apply to different industrial operations that have at least fifty (50) employees and are engaged in interstate commerce. OSHA proposes a new safety standard governing the handling of certain acids in the workplace. The proposed safety standard includes acids that PPBC uses in its production processes. After reviewing the proposed rule, PPBC concludes that compliance with the proposed rule will substantially increase its production costs and the proposed rule will not significantly increase worker safety. PPBC sends a letter to OSHA stating its objections and concerns to the new rule. Enclosed with the letter are independent research reports and other materials that support PPBC’s objections to the proposed rule. What procedures must OSHA follow when it adopts a new safety standard such as this one? What obligation does OSHA have to consider the objections and the materials submitted by PPBC? What options does OSHA have regarding the proposed rule? How does OSHA announce its final decision on the new rule? Once the new rule has been adopted, what source may interested parties use to find the final version of the new rule?

econ research paper

Question Description

Research and find answers to those questions by using articles from current or past events from any major publication (electronic or print edition) to be your research references. Articles that appear in economic journals or business magazines such as The Economist are good resources. In addition, articles that appear in blogs or newspapers are good sources for further research. Several links to good references are available under the Content and the Announcement section on the class website as well as a sample and guildlines for your research.(i will provide)

The objective of the paper is to summarize, analyze, critique, support (or question) the articles, and relate the articles to your research questions. The paper must show an analysis of a real world situation using economics concepts, framework, and theories to suggest such as what the problems are, why there are the problems, how to fix the problems, what the pros and cons of each solution are, and how it will affect each group of people.

    • Remember: Your assignment is to write a research paper, NOT a dictionary or a section of a textbook or a newspaper article or a Wikipedia. Use economics theories and concepts to analyze real world economic problems.
    • Each paper must have a minimum of 750 words but should not over 1,200 words excluding title, quotes, and references. A paper between 700-749 words will receive a maximum of a “C+” or lower. A paper below 700 words will receive a maximum of a “C” or lower depending on a quality of a paper.
    • Submit in Doc, Docx, or RTF format only. Any other format will not be graded

Macroeconomics – Capital Accumulation and Growth

Question Description

Imagine you’re named an Economic Advisor to the president of a very poor and backward country (Sandokistan). The President asks your advice on where they should use their very limited resources so that they can help escape the poverty trap. Should they invest in existing, traditional tools (think tractors, computers, known manufacturing techniques) or should they invest in cutting edge research where they might become a market leader? Please explain why you selected the option you did. Conversely, why didn’t you select the other option? How does the option picked fit with the theory learned this chapter?

Note: In a world of trade offs, you can pick only one. I won’t accept an answer that says they are both important. This is a topic where near universal agreement exists on “best strategy” as outlined in this chapter.

Bonus: Economic theory suggests that the investment would get the greatest return where capital is scarce. After all, adding another tractor to a field that already has modern technology isn’t likely to increase output, whereas adding a tractor to a location that is currently capital starved would have the potential to add a substantially more to output. This means we would expect capital to move from “capital rich” regions to “capital poor” regions when all else is equal (Ceteris Paribus). This is NOT what we see in the real world (and it is known as the “Lucas Paradox”). Without researching, why do you suppose we actually observe capital moving from poor to rich rather than from rich to poor as the theory would suggest?


Question Description

Imagine that the CFO of your manufacturing company is seeking your help regarding a decision to switch to an Activity Based Costing system from their traditional Absorption Costing system due to numerous complaints from managers about inaccurate product costs. He has invited you to attend the next executive management meeting to unpack the differences between these two costing systems so they can make an informed decision.

Create an original presentation comparing these two costing methods. He has asked you to keep it brief, professional, and easy to understand. He wants to see which costs will be affected, but he does not want to see too many confusing numbers. Make it interesting and easy to understand. Without the full support of top management, the CFO says this new costing method will be doomed to fail.

Your presentation should be recorded as though you are in the board room presenting–do not just read the slides! Include at least one costing example for each method. Clearly state your recommended method in your presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint has excellent design templates to make a professional presentation. Your presentation should include either notes of what you would say in a live presentation, or recorded narration. Here are some options for creating a narrated presentation. Click for more options

Include references and an APA-style reference slide. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.

environmental economy

Question Description

The following table provides information on emissions, transfer coefficients and the marginal costs of emissions reduction for a non-uniformly mixed pollutant from three different sources.

  1. Complete the table below, adding the missing information for concentration units reduced and the marginal cost of concentration reduction for each source. Please write down any formulae you use.
  1. Suppose the goal of the regulator is to reduce total concentrations at the receptor by 7.25 units. What is the optimal concentration reduction from each source in order to achieve the total required reductions? Show how you arrive at your answer.
  1. What is the total abatement cost of emission reduction for each source? What is the economy-wide total abatement cost of achieving the target?
  1. What is the optimal tax rate for each source in order to achieve the required reductions? Show how you arrive at your answer.
  1. Does your answer in part c) make sense? Explain why.
  1. How is your solution to this problem different from a typical solution in a uniformly mixed pollutant problem?
  1. Suppose that the regulator set a uniform tax of $3 per unit of emissions. How many emissions units would each source reduce under this policy? Would this policy achieve the target concentration reduction? Clearly show how you arrive at your answer.
  1. As an economist, which policy would you recommend: the non-uniform tax rate identified in part (d) or the uniform tax policy from part (g)? Justify your answer.

Emmission Units Reduced

Marginal Cost of Emissions Reduction

Concentration Units Reduced

Marginal Cost of Concentration Reduction

Source 1: transfer coefficient= 1





























Source 2: transfer coefficient= .75





























Source 3: transfer coefficient= .5





























Please write a paper about Grading California in several areas.

Question Description

All the in instructions is posted in the following images.

Paper #2: Grading California

Research and discuss California’s performance in three areas. You may choose from the following list of quality of life indicators for your three areas, or request a different area by contacting your instructor:




Poverty Rate

Debt & Spending

raffic Management

Leisure/Social Time (work-life balance)

Infrastructure and Road Maintenance

Conservation of Natural Resources

For each indicator:

Award CA a letter grade of A. B. C. D. or F. This should be for the entire state no just for the bay area. You may also comment on the Bay Area if you wish.

-Describe why CA received this grade from you, and cite any sources used Use at least one source per topio

Do not just copy rankings from a website. Explain and defend the ranking you give, and fact check! In other words, use sources to back up any facts or laims that you include, and do not simply write your opinion.

If you award CA a grade of C or below, briefly (in one to three sentences) describe:

– What new and different strategies CA could implement in order to improve their standing in that area, and why those strategies would help.


– Describe why vou think the government should not get further involved If you award a grade of A or B, briefly (in one or two sentences) describe CA’s main reasons for success in this area

In your conclusion:

Award CA an overall grade based only on the three indicators you chose to discuss Do not include other indicators in this decision

Longtime COF

Question Description

400-600 words

Answer the question

The board of directors at AutoEdge is actively discussing several options to address flagging revenue. One option continues to surface during each board meeting; that is, relocating the manufacturing operation back to the United States. Longtime Chief Financial Officer, Ingrid Adams, leads the group that is in favor of this option.

Ingrid Adams approaches you in the company break room.

“Hello,” she says. “I’m glad I saw you.”

“Hi,” you say. “What can I do for you?”

“I have a question about economics,” she says. “I think you can help me explain something to some shareholders on the board.”

“Economics! My favorite subject,” you say. “What’s your question?”

“If AutoEdge decided to increase its prices and return to the United States,” she says, “how would this action affect consumer demand? I want to know your opinion about elasticity.”

“Sure,” you say. “So you want to know if the elasticity for auto parts is considered to be relatively inelastic, relatively elastic, unitary elastic, perfectly elastic, or perfectly inelastic. Right?”

“Exactly,” she says.

“I have an opinion,” you say. “Do you want to talk about it now, or do you want something in writing?”

“Something in writing would be best,” she says. “Would you explain your opinion so that I can respond to questions from other members of the board, too?”

“I’d be glad to,” you say. “I’ll put something together this afternoon and get it to you before I leave today. Is that soon enough?”

“Perfect,” she says. “Thanks for your help.”


Answer the discussion questions

Question Description


In the 1990s politicians in Washington D.C. were looking for ways to balance the budget. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan brought attention to the importance of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and its link to cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in several areas of the federal budget–most notably Social Security. Alan Greenspan argued that the CPI overstated inflation and thus led to unjustified COLAs. According to Alan Greenspan, these unjustified COLAs therefore increased the deficit, and if the overstatements in the CPI were corrected this would contribute to balancing the budget.

The Senate Finance Committee created the Boskin Commission in the 1990s to examine possible overstatements of the CPI. The commission came out with its estimate that the CPI overstated inflation by 1.1%.

Answer the following questions:

1. If the Boskin Commission’s estimate was right and the CPI overstates inflation by 1.1 % every year–what does that say about real GDP per capita and living standards in general in the United States, which are affected by the CPI ?

2. What are some of the sources of this possible overstatement of the CPI, which is calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?

Your response must be at least two paragraphs (***I want you to be highly critical of the assertions propagated by Alan Greenspan and the Boskin Commission. You need to critically analyze their assertions***). In addition, it is required to reply to at least two other students’ posts by offering respectful suggestions, comments, or critiques related to the subject matter and their post.

Essay Microeconomics ECO2013

Question Description

In your own words please describe and explain the contributions of Adam Smith to the science of economics. 200 words

In your own words please discuss the pros and cons of his model (Pure Capitalism). 150 words

Note: Make sure to leave 1 blank line between each answer

  • Use Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins.
  • Do not repeat the questions in your submission; just provided responses.
  • Provide three (3) references in APA format.
  • Use your own wording.
  • Must be submitted as a word document (doc, docx) — Canvas will not accept other filetypes.
  • Must be independently researched.
  • Must be completely free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
  • One point will be deducted for each violation (please take it seriously).
  • Essays will be checked for plagiarism using’s plagiarism framework. You will be able to see the percentage of your essay that has been matched to other sources on the web and make the necessary adjustments to resubmit before the due date. Keep this percentage as low as possible!

Econ 121 DB 3: Invisible Hand

Question Description

Watch the above video. Once you have done this click on the above link “Invisible Hand DB” and create a thread with at least two paragraphs containing the following following:

    • Based on how “Greed” is portrayed in the video do you believe it can provide benefits to society?
    • Give a personal example of something you do for your own best interest that also benefits others. Alternatively, give an example of something you have done that only harmed others. Are both “Greedy”? Do you see a difference between “Greed” and “Self-interest”?
    • Do you believe love and kindness would produce the same level of output in a society as “self-interest”? Why or why not?
    • Would you consider a business owner attempting to hire workers at a lower wage greedy? What about a worker attempting to get a higher wage from the employer?
    • By going to school and getting an education you are likely to significantly raise your income, do you believe such an increase in your income will take income away from others? If yes, than why would you do such a thing? If no, how can one person’s income go up without someone else’s going down?
    • After you post your narrative, reply to at least two other students comments. Explain why you agree, or better yet, find others that take a different position and explain why you disagree.