Please respond to the following ECO 550 Discussion Week 12 Managerial Economics Problem Set 4

Question Description

ECO 550 Discussion Week 12 Managerial Economics Problem Set 4 work all of PROBLEM OUT.

Question 3

Suppose the number of firms you compete with has recently increased. You estimated that as a result of the increased competition, the demand elasticity has increased from 2 to 3, i.e., you face more elastic demand. You are currently charging $10 for your product. If demand elasticity is -3, you should charge [x].

Question 6

An amusement park, whose customer set is made up of two markets, adults and children, has developed demand schedules as follows:

The marginal operating cost of each unit of quantity is $5. Because marginal cost is a constant, so is average variable cost. Ignore fixed costs. The owners of the amusement part want to maximize profits.

Price ($)


































Calculate the price, quantity, and profit if: The amusement park charges the same price in the two markets combined

Please express your answers for Price and Profit in whole dollars (i.e.10.00)

Please use whole numbers for Quanitity (i.e. 10, 27, 4)


















































































Question 7

Explain the difference in the profit realized under the two situations (the price in each market or in the two markets combined.)

Make sure you include the profit with and without price discrimination in your answer.

Question 8

Time Warner could offer the History Channel (H) and Showtime (S) individually or as a bundle of both.

Suppose the reservation prices of customers 1 and 2 (the highest prices they are willing to pay) are presented in the boxes below.

The cost to Time Warner is $1 per customer for licensing fees.



History Chanel

Customer 1



Customer 2



Should Time Warner bundle or sell separately? Your answer needs to include the unbundled and bundled profits.

Question 9

Suppose Time Warner could sell Showtime for $9, and History channel for $8, while making Showtime-History bundle available for $13. Should it use mixed bundling. i.e., sells products both separately and as a bundle?

Your answer must include the profit with mixed bundling.

Please complete 8 microeconomics questions on indifference curves,opportunity costs etc as shown below. Do exercise 2 only

Question Description

Exercise 2 [20 marks]

Consider a woman, Jane, who runs a small business providing legal services, in particular she reviews property sale contracts.

She charges her clients $10 per contract reviewed.

The table below shows some points on her production function relating how many hours she works to the number of contracts reviewed.

Hours 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Contracts 0 12 23 33 42 50 57 63 68 72 75 77

a) Draw her production function showing how hours work is related to contracts reviewed (either on paper or in Excel). [1 mark] b) Explain why her marginal product for her 10th hour is different from her marginal product of her 1st hour. [3 marks] c) Assume that Jane requires a minimum of 14 hours per day for sleep and daily tasks such as looking after children, so these are not available for work or free time. It is only the remainder that she can choose to work or have free time. Draw her feasible set showing the income and free time that she could achieve each day. [3 marks] d) Would her optimal choice be 4 hours of free time and $500 income? Explain. [2 marks] e) What is the opportunity cost to Jane of increasing from 2 hours free time to 3 hours free time? [1 mark] f) Select an optimal choice of free time and income, and draw an indifference curve through that point. [2 marks] g) Draw additional indifference curves above and below the indifference curve in (f) and use them to explain why the point in (f) must be optimal for Jane. [4 marks] h) Explain how the Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) and the Marginal Rate of Transformation (MRT) must be related to each other at the optimal choice, and why. [4 marks]

Investing in My Future

Question Description

Week 10 Assignment: Investing in My Future (170 points)

Finance is exciting! In this course, we learned how money can grow through the use of compounding and interest rates and your growth strategies may now be different. What are your new financial goals? Would you like to become more liquid, to save more for your retirement, or to start a new business? Whatever your goals, finance is right at the core. Think about what you learned in this course regarding investing to complete this assignment.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe (3) ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance discussed in this course. Include terminology from the course and use citations as necessary to support your explanation of the terminology.
  2. Discuss one of the (3) ways you feel most confident as a way to invest in your future. Explain your level of confidence.
  3. Of the (3) ways you will invest in your future, discuss the one you perceive might be the most challenging. Then, discuss how you might overcome some of those challenges.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    2. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.The cover page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the forms of business organizations and the role of financial managers within an organization.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in finance.
  • Write clearly and concisely about finance using proper writing mechanics.

Handout (political US and Denmark)

Question Description

Use the submitted paper to help u get the information for doing this handout.

Example is given


  • Upload a copy of your handout to the discussion board by 9:30 AM on September 30.
    • Handouts will be uploaded to a discussion board so that team members can easily access, open, and download the handouts. Using a discussion board for this assignment eliminates the need for you to upload/share your handout to multiple places in multiple ways.
  • The handout must be polished, typo-free, and use logical and consistent formatting.
  • The handout must be well organized.
    • Use clear and appropriate headings
    • Use a logical sequence of information that makes sense with and without your presentation and guidance
    • Use formatting that makes the handout easy to read
    • Team members must be able to understand and use the content of your handout without needing to ask you for clarification
    • Aim for the handout to be highly informative, but not crowded or difficult to read
  • The handout must be 1-2 pages, front and back (“1-2 pages, front and back” means a single sheet of paper, but you may use the front and back of the sheet of paper – if your handout is more than 2 pages, or more than 1 piece of paper, then you are not meeting this requirement)
  • The handout must include at least one chart, graph, or figure that helps to illustrate a complex idea or issue, or that helps readers visually situate information that may otherwise be difficult to understand. See the UNC Handout “Figures and Charts” (Links to an external site.) to help you complete this requirement.
  • The handout must offer information beyond what your team members already read in the Globalization book (the little book).
  • Your references must be cited in a “Works Cited” section.
  • You must submit your handout to this assignment as a .doc, .docx, or PDF file.

Economic Research Paper

Question Description

I want from you to do an economic research paper

these are some of the instructions

“Create research questions based on a topic covered in class that interest you. Research and find answers to those questions by using articles from current or past events from any major publication (electronic or print edition) to be your research references. Articles that appear in economic journals or business magazines such as The Economist are good resources. In addition, articles that appear in blogs or newspapers are good sources for further research. Several links to good references are available under the Content and the Announcement section on the class website as well as a sample and guildlines for your research.

The objective of the paper is to summarize, analyze, critique, support (or question) the articles, and relate the articles to your research questions. The paper must show an analysis of a real world situation using economics concepts, framework, and theories to suggest such as what the problems are, why there are the problems, how to fix the problems, what the pros and cons of each solution are, and how it will affect each group of people.

  • Remember: Your assignment is to write a research paper, NOT a dictionary or a section of a textbook or a newspaper article or a Wikipedia. Use economics theories and concepts to analyze real world economic problems.
  • Each paper must have a minimum of 950 words but should not over 1,200 words excluding title, quotes, and references.
  • Submit in Doc, Docx, or RTF format only. Any other format will not be graded.


Very Important:!

About the topic I’ve attached a file that has more instructions and topics, choose one of the topics and follow the instructions.

I’ve attached the rubric please match the rubric exactly.

case study 3

Question Description

Written Case Analysis

They may take the form of a memorandum to your supervisor but the exact format of the analysis is up to the team.The analysis must be two pages long not including the cover page, with one-inch margins at all sides, 12-point Times New Roman font and one-and-a half spaced.The cover page should contain the name of the case, the number of your team, and the names of the team members.You may include up to three exhibits as additional pages.Longer submissions will be returned unread for revision.The case analysis is due on the date indicated on the Blackboard post (at midnight).Your write-up should be uploaded to Blackboard in the appropriate dropbox. Your file should be labeled as CaseStudy#_teamX

The case should contain the following elements:

  1. Identification of the problem/question/theme – Identify a particular problem/challenge presented in the case that a country or company is facing and address your comments to a particular problem. You can formulate it as a question to be answered or problem to be solved.
  1. Develop criteria for solving the problem/answering the question – State your approach to solving the problem. What are the relevant considerations?How do you choose among the alternative solutions?This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to critically analyze the situation. If a solution already exists, would you do it differently? Could you suggest a different approach?
  1. Apply the criteria to the potential solution(s) and make your recommendation.Or justify your answer to the question with the relevant criteria. Don’t shy away from taking a position.

In most of the cases there is not “one correct” answer/problem/challenge.Hence, I place emphasis on how well you justify/argue your position base on your criteria (e.g. economic principles, or objectives of business strategy, development goals, etc.)

Reaction to an article paper

Question Description

2-page (maximum, double-spaced) reaction papers

There will be 2 such assignments, the purpose of which is to get you to think clearly and concisely about

a particular subject. They will be due on this schedule:

1. Due September 20: a short paper offering your critical reactions to either the Rodrik paper or the

Noland paper (or both if you prefer to compare them) that we will discuss in class on September


2. Due November 8: a short paper offering your critical reactions to the paper by Autor, Dorn, and

Hanson (ADH) that we will discuss in class on October 28 or 30.

In preparing these papers you should read the article(s) carefully and with a critical eye. State clearly the

question or questions the author is addressing, review briefly how s/he performed the analysis (that is,

verbal argument, theory, empirical analysis), and the primary conclusion or conclusions reached. Then

offer your opinion (try to base it on economic reasoning or shortcomings in the analysis) of the article. If

you think it’s excellent or well done, say so. But see if you can spot holes in the argument or analysis,

find questions that are missing from it, or elements that you think could have been done better. Are the

conclusions really supported by the analysis?

I recognize that the authors are professional economists, and these are famous papers, so finding such

shortcomings may not be easy. But there are not necessarily right or wrong answers here. I really am just

asking you to read the article(s) and offer your own observations. You could think of these as practice

exercises in writing short memos explaining the work to colleagues in a government agency or

international organization.

I prefer that you print your papers and give them to me in class instead of emailing them.

assignment homework

Question Description

1a. Suppose the marginal cost of a television set is $100. This is constant and equal to the average cost

of television sets. The annual demand for television sets is given by the following equation: Q= 200,000-

500P, where Q is the quantity sold per year and P is the price of the television sets. Is the television sets

are sold in a perfectly competitive market, calculate the annual number sold. Under what circumstances

will the market equilibrium be efficient?

1b. Show the losses in well-being each year that would result from a law limiting sales of television sets

to 100,000 per year. Show the effect on the price, marginal social benefit, and marginal social cost of

television sets. Show the net loss in well-being that will result from a complete ban on the sales of

television sets.

2. A prominent senator has calculated the total social benefit of the current amount of space

exploration at $3 billion per year. The total social cost of space exploration is currently only $2 billion.

The senator argues that a net gain to society would result by increasing the amount of space exploration

until social costs rise enough to equal total benefits. Is the senator’s logic correct?

3. The market equilibrium price for rice in Japan would be $3 per pound in the absence of government

subsidies to rice production. However, the government sets the price of rice at $5 per pound and agrees

to buy all the rice produced by farmers at that price. Assume that points on the demand curve for rice

equal the marginal social benefit of alternative quantities, while points on an upward-sloping supply

curve equal the marginal cost of various quantities. Show how the subsidy program will result in loss in


comparative advantage exercise

Question Description

  1. Critical Thinking: Factor Endowment Theory (100 points)In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice and will compare your chosen country to KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss:
    1. What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage?
    2. Is the factor-endowment theory a good predictor of trade patterns?
    3. What additional trade theories can be applied? Explain their main insights and challenges. As one of the trade initiatives in KSA, assess the aims of Saudi Vision 2030 in relation to factor endowment theory.


    • Your essay is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
    • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
    • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and follow APA style guidelines.
    • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into Turnitin prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
    • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Factor Endowment Theory critical thinking

Question Description

  1. Critical Thinking: Factor Endowment Theory (100 points)In a critical essay, you will select a country of your choice and will compare your chosen country to KSA in relation to the factor endowment theory. For each country, discuss:
    1. What is the impact of resource endowments on comparative advantage?
    2. Is the factor-endowment theory a good predictor of trade patterns?
    3. What additional trade theories can be applied? Explain their main insights and challenges. As one of the trade initiatives in KSA, assess the aims of Saudi Vision 2030 in relation to factor endowment theory.


    • Your essay is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
    • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
    • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and follow APA style guidelines.
    • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into Turnitin prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
    • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.