Please assist with Economic Assignment #2

Question Description

Assignment 2: Final Report

Due Week 9, worth 175 points

This assignment is aligned to this course outcome:

  • Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events and decisions.

In addition to writing about macroeconomic concepts, it’s equally important to be able to convey your understanding of these concepts by communicating them to others. In the workplace you might do this by writing briefs (like you did for Assignment 1), creating presentations, or writing reports for your manager or team. An example final report and optional template are provided below.

For this Final Report assignment, you can build off your previous economic brief and selected industry from Assignment 1, or you can select another industry such as Finance and Insurance, Health Care, or Manufacturing, and examine one of the macroeconomic indicators or policies below:

  • GDP growth
  • Unemployment rates
  • Inflation rates
  • Interest rates
  • Imports and exports
  • Government fiscal policy and issues related to taxation, government spending, and budget deficits
  • FED (central bank) monetary policy and issues related to the FED’s mission to stabilize the economy

Example Final Report, Assignment 2 Template, Strayer Writing Standards

  1. Review an example final report.
  2. Use the optional template to help you get started.
  3. Review the Strayer Writing Standards. (See Instructions below.)


Use Microsoft Word to prepare a Final Report that is a minimum of two to three (2-3) pages long in which you:

1. Introduce your selected industry with a brief one-paragraph introduction. Refer to the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) to review the details about your industry.

2. Assess your selected industry’s relative size and growth rate in the economy.

These macroeconomic resources will help you find the size and growth rate of your industry in the U.S. economy and/or relative to GDP:

Real GDP – Select Section 1, then table 1.1.6 (select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

% Change in Real GDP – Select Section 1, then table 1.1.1 (select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

GDP by Industry – Steps:

1. Select “Interactive Data.”
2. Select “Industry Data Tables.”
3. Select “Begin Using the Data.”
4. Select “Gross Output by Industry.”
5. Select “Real Gross Output by Industry (A) (Q).”
6. Select “Quarterly” or “Annual.”
7. Select “Next Step.” Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

% Change in GDP by Industry – Steps:

1. Select “Interactive Data.”
2. Select “Industry Data Tables.”
3. Select “Begin Using the Data.”
4. Select “Gross Output by Industry.”
5. Select “Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Output by Industry (A) (Q).”
6. Select “Quarterly” or “Annual.”
7. Select “Next Step.” Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

3. Identify one newsworthy macroeconomic indicator or policy (e.g., GDP, unemployment, inflation rates, interest rates, government taxation and spending decisions, and/or FED decisions) that the industry should monitor and explain why it’s important and how it might impact your selected industry.

These resources are available to help you measure and track macroeconomic indicators and outcomes of macroeconomic policies.You’ll use one or more depending on the macroeconomic indicator selected.

Unemployment ratesData is from Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Inflation rates as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Data is from Bureau of Labor Statistics (

% Change in Real Exports and Imports – Select Section 4, then table 4.2.1. (Select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency.) Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

Government receipts, expenditures, and savings – Select Section 3, then table 3.1 for total government and table for 3.2 for federal government. (Select MODIFY to change the year range and frequency.) Data is from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (

FED Funds Interest Rates. Data is from Trading Economics (

4. Describe a recent trend in the macroeconomic indicator or policy. Include a graph, chart, or table that illustrates the observed trend.

5. Summarize how you think this industry will perform in the future. Provide support for your rationale.

6. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different compared to other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.)

    • Your brief should include a cover page.
    • Your brief should be a minimum of two to three (2-3) pages in length (not including the cover page), double-spaced, 12-point font.
    • Your report should include a minimum of two (2) references/citations in the text.

ECON 413 assignments set, kindle book will be provide

Question Description

Exercise 1.1 Suppose that chemical X is manufactured using a raw material B that is available from a location called the “mine.” Production of one ton of X requires 1/3 of a ton of B. A firm called X Enterprises, which has a contract to deliver 30 tons of X to a location called the “market,” is trying to decide where to locate its plant. The mine and the market are 50 miles apart. Overland shipment of both X and B costs $2 per ton per mile shipped. However, additional costs must be incurred because a river passes between the mine and the market, and the river has no bridge. Goods must be loaded onto barges to cross the river, which is located 16 miles from the mine. Barge operators charge $1 per ton of X shipped across the river. However, since the input B is highly toxic when mixed with water, barge operators must charge an extremely high price to transport B across the river. This price defrays the cost of insurance that the operators must carry to meet liability claims should they accidentally pollute the river with their cargo. The cost of shipping one ton of B across the river is $195.

(a) Using the above information, find the transport-cost-minimizing location for X Enterprises. The answer can be found by computing transport costs at four locations: mine, market, mine side of the river, and market side of river. Assume that the width of the river is negligible, so that it can be ignored. Show your work.

(b) Illustrate your results in a carefully drawn diagram like that presented in figure 1.6 (use graph paper). Plot the input shipping-cost curve by plotting the input shipping costs at the same four locations as in (a) and then connecting the dots (the curve is drawn backward). Similarly, plot the output shipping cost at the four locations, and then connect the dots to generate the output shipping-cost curve. Then, plot the total shipping-cost curve by adding the input and output shipping costs at each of the four locations, plotting the points and connecting the dots. Using the diagram, identifying the best location for X Enterprises, which should be the same as your answer in (a). Note that the shipping-cost curves for this problem are straight lines with jumps at the river.

(c) Explain your results intuitively.

(d) Suppose that a bridge were built across the river, which would eliminate the cost of crossing it. Repeat (a), (b), and (c) under this assumption.

Exercise 1.2 Consider four cities, A, B, C, and D, located as follows: A D B C Suppose that the residents of these cities consume widgets, with consumption in each city equaling 100 widgets. The firm that produces widgets must decide how to arrange its production. It could set up four factories, one in each city, with each factory producing 100 widgets. In this case, the firm incurs no cost for shipping its output. Or the firm could locate its factory in the centrally located city, D. The single factory must then produce 400 widgets, 300 of which are shipped to cities A, B, and C. The shipping cost per widget is $2. A final assumption is that widget production exhibits economies of scale, with the cost per widget in a factory falling as output rises.

(a) Suppose the cost per widget varies with output as follows: cost is $4 if factory output is 100 widgets; cost is $1 if factory output is 400 widgets. In this situation, find the best arrangement of production for the firm (i.e., one central factory or four separate factories). The best arrangement leads to the lowest total cost for the firm, where the total is the sum of production and shipping cost.

(b) Repeat (a) if the cost per widget varies with output as follows: cost is $4 if factory output is 100 widgets; cost is $3 if factory output is 400 widgets.

(c) Explain intuitively any difference in the answers to (a) and (b). (d) Suppose production costs are those given in (a), and let shipping cost per widget be given by t. Although t = 2 in (a), what value of t would make the two arrangements for production (centralized vs. separate factories) equivalent in terms of cost?

Market Structure and Game Theory

Question Description

As always, make sure to thoroughly review the required background materials before starting the assignments. The assignment questions will require you to do some calculations and also apply the concepts from the module. Question 3 differs from previous assignments in that you have to use an online simulation tool; but this activity should be a fun break from the standard numerical problems you have been doing.

Case Assignment

    1. For this problem use the Herfindahl Index to compute market concentration:
      1. Suppose Apple has 45% of the U.S. market share for smartphones, followed by Samsung with 30%, LG with 9%, Motorola with 8%, HTC with 6%, and Nokia with 2%. What is the Herfindahl Index for the smartphone industry based on these numbers? Based on the Herfindahl Index, do you think the government would be willing to approve a merger between Apple and Samsung?
      2. Now suppose Nokia and Motorola come out with a new smartphone that takes away a huge chunk of market share from Apple and Samsung. The new market shares are 25% for Apple, 20% for Samsung, 20% for Motorola, 20% for Nokia, 10% for LG, and 5% for HTC.
    2. Use what you learned about perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly to answer these questions:
      1. In the table below is the quantity produced, the price, the fixed costs, and variable costs for a perfectly competitive firm that faces a constant price of $150 for its product regardless of the quantity it sells. Use the information in the first four columns to calculate the number for the last four columns. At what quantity should they produce based on what you find with your results?
      2. How do you think your answer might change if it became a monopolist with all of its competitors leaving the market? Or if it became an oligopoly with only one or two competitors?



Fixed Cost

Variable Cost

Total Cost

Marginal Cost

Total Revenue














































    1. You’ve read about the prisoner’s dilemma in the background readings. Suppose you are a business owner with just one main competitor. If neither you nor your competitor cut your prices, you will both be more profitable. However, if your competitor lowers its prices and you keep your prices high, then you will lose all of your sales to your competitor. Every month you and your competitor place advertisements in the local newspaper with your price – so you need to decide each month whether or not to keep prices high, or lower them based on what you think your competitor might do.

      Go to the following webpage and test out some of your potential price strategies:

      The strategy “defect” indicates lowering your prices. The strategy “cooperate” means keep prices the same. Try out different strategies, such as cooperating all the time or defecting sometimes. There are five different rounds of this game, each with a competitor with different personalities and different strategies. Play all five rounds and experiment with different strategic approaches. Report your scores for each round, and discuss which strategies seemed to work the best for you.

    Required Reading

    To start with, take a look at this short animated video that will introduce you to the basics of market structure:McGlasson, M. (2009). Episode 25: Market structures. read Chapters 9 and 10 from the following book for more detail on these topics. In particular, pay attention to the numerical examples and the “Self-Check Questions” at the end of each section., T. (2014) Microeconomics. OpenStax College.
    Finally, read this slightly more advanced chapter. Pay special attention to the sections at the end on game theory and the “Policy Response to Oligopoly” section that covers the Herfindahl index: Image result for A Primer on Microeconomics A Primer on Microeconomics     BeveridgeBeveridge, T. M. (2013). Chapter 8: Between perfect competition and monopoly. A Primer on Microeconomics. [New York, N.Y.] [222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017]: Business Expert Press.

answer question ECO385

Question Description

Problem 1: Short Answer Questions
a) If the total benefits to society of achieving some specific level of pollution control are significantly greater than the total costs to society of doing so, will it necessarily be economically efficient (socially optimal) to do so? Explain your answer with words and a graph.
b) In March 2011, the US EPA issued a report that looked at the results of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020 (see: This review found that in the central estimate of the CAA’s impact, benefits exceeded costs by a ratio of 30 to 1. This leads some environmental policy commentators to conclude that the EPA had not gone far enough in reducing air pollution. Under what conditions would a benefit cost ratio of 30:1 imply that it would be economically efficient to further reduce air pollution under the CAA? Assuming the EPA’s benefit-cost estimate is correct, is it possible that it could actually be economically efficient to loosen, rather than strengthen, air pollution regulations? Explain your answer with words and a graph.

Problem 2: Maximizing Net Benefits
There are important trade-offs involved in granting “Wild and Scenic River Status” to portions of a river. How much of this public good, a free-flowing river, should be protected from further development? As an analyst in the Office of Policy Analysis of the U.S. Department of the Interior, you are called upon to make a recommendation. Each year, 1,000 people benefit from the river’s various services. A contingent valuation survey carried out by your office has estimated that each individual beneficiary has the same demand function for river preservation, Q = 75 – (0.25)(P) where P is the price-per-mile which persons are willing to pay (per year) for Q miles of river preserved. You find that the marginal (opportunity) cost of preservation is $60,000 per mile per year. [Hint: You need to derive the market (aggregate) demand curve for a public good.]
a) How many miles of the river would be preserved in an efficient allocation?
b) What is the magnitude of the total (gross), annual benefits associated with this (efficient allocation) policy?
c) What are the total, annual costs of the policy?
d) What is the magnitude of the total (annual) consumers’ surplus?

e) How large are net, annual benefits?
f) If it turns out that the marginal cost of preservation is only $20,000 per mile per year, how many miles of the river would be preserved in an efficient allocation?
g) Now assume substitute sites are available to beneficiaries, so their demands are substantially more elastic: their individual demand functions for river preservation are Q = 75 – (0.75)(P) In this case, with the original marginal costs of preservation of $60,000 per mile per year, how many miles of the river would be preserved in an efficient allocation?

Problem 3: Sensitivity of NPV to Discount Rates
A ski resort wants to expand by opening more trails and adding a new high-speed chair lift. The initial capital investment for the expansion is $60,000 in year 0 and the resort will not benefit financially until after the project is completed in year 1. After that the annual net benefits will be $20,000 at the end of each year. Assume that the expansion terminates at the end of year 5.
a) Is this investment NPV positive under a 5% discount rate? Under a 13% discount rate?
b) The resort invests in the expansion but ownership decides to sell three years later. Does this affect the NPV analysis? Why or why not? Please state your assumptions. Hint: You do not need to complete another quantitative analysis, and there is more than one right answer.

Answer the following 3 questions using the example below then I will need a reply on another post

Question Description

We learned in this chapter that when an individual, firm, or country has the comparative advantage in producing a good or service, they can gain from trading that good or service with others. The American economy is based on this idea. Most people have 1 job which they can do at a lower opportunity cost than other people, which is why other people pay them to do it. For example, cooking is not very difficult, but it takes years of education and experience to do it at a high level. You could prepare a gourmet meal, but a professional chef can do it at a much lower opportunity cost, which is one reason you might pay a professional to cook for you –you give up less resources (time) earning money to pay for a meal than you would learning how to cook well, and then actually making a meal. The chef then takes the money they earned cooking, and uses it to pay other people to do services for them… for example, the chef could work on their own car, but the mechanic has a comparative advantage in automotive work, so it makes sense for the chef to pay the mechanic… and the mechanic takes the money and the cycle continues.

Most of my students are in college because they think they will be able to make more money with a college degree. But at the same time, we know that some college degrees really don’t help graduates make more money (art history, for example). The problem with degrees like this is that they don’t provide students with skills that give them a comparative advantage in doing something that pays well. An art history degree will allow graduates to compare and contrast historical art, but there is basically no market for these skills, which is why they make no money with this degree.

With all of this in mind, please respond to the following prompts:

  1. What skills are you hoping to get in college that you will sell to employers later? What will you have a comparative advantage in?
  2. If you don’t finish your degree, what will you have a comparative advantage in and what type of job will you do?
  3. If you do finish your degree, but you do the minimum possible to get by and don’t really get the skills you need, how will this affect your ability to make money later in life?

If you don’t know what you want to do or what skills you want, then you can do this assignment from the perspective of someone you know. Imagine you are them, and answer accordingly.

Here is my personal example:

  1. I went to college to learn economics, which is the study of resource allocation. I learned how to make optimal decisions using marginal analysis in many different settings. This gave me the ability to analyze business activities and to offer consulting services to businesses that need to make changes to maximize their profits. (I later went to graduate school to develop a comparative advantage in teaching college-level economics courses.)
  2. If I didn’t finish my degree, I would probably be a manager at a pizza restaurant. I know the industry well, have experience, and there are many job openings for people with these skills.
  3. If I was a lazy student, just doing the minimum to get by, I would not have actually learned what I needed to. I could probably still graduate -“C’s get degrees”- but the important thing is to get skills. The degree on my wall is just a receipt in a nice frame. If I had been a lazy student, I would not have a comparative advantage in anything, I would just be in debt due to student loans and would have been better off not going to college at all.


Question Description

Appendix A: Argumentative Paper

The argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence from research. In this instance, you must choose to reject or affirm one of these five motions

  1. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should strengthen its enforcement of environmental laws. (Chapter 12)
  2. The US government should be less involved in encouraging innovation in the economy. (Chapter 13)
  3. Earnings gap by race and gender is mostly due to discrimination. (Chapter 14)
  4. We should discourage immigration into the US because it damages the economy. (Chapter 14)
  5. The government should do more to reduce poverty. (Chapter 15)

For each of the above motions, you can decide to accept or reject the above motions Based on research, develop a case supporting your position on the motion There will be a group discussion component The first discussion will involve reaching a consensus on which of the six issues that you as a group want to research The second discussion will involve researching opposing viewpoints of each issue where you will critique which side was most compelling Together, it will be worth 15 points

The written report must be written individual where you must use a minimum of three sources where at least one of your sources must be one of the following think tanks:

  • The Brookings Institution (wwwbrookedu)
  • Hoover Institute (wwwhooverorg)
  • Center for American Progress (wwwamericanprogressorg)
  • Heritage Foundation (wwwheritageorg)
  • Economic Policy Institute (wwwepiorg)
  • Cato Institute (wwwcatoorg)

The length of the paper must be 2-3 pages and in the APA format Please note that the cover page, abstract and references page should be excluded from the minimum page count This means having a cover page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page It will be worth 200 points.

The paper should include a cover page, abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion

Cover Page

It is important to have the proper heading and header on this first page Make sure the heading is centered properly along the middle of the page There should be a header with the page number in the right-hand corner


The abstract should be written after utilizing a page break after the cover page and it should include two parts The first part describes the scope of your paper, which should detail your issue The last part should summarize your position Make sure it complies with the APA format


The introduction is essential as it draws in the interest of the reader Be creative in introducing the topic Explain why this issue is important Then close it with an effective thesis statement that demonstrates the purpose of the paper


The body of the paper should be multiple paragraphs When crafting your argument, you should make three or four compelling points that are persuasive Recommend understanding the fundamental concepts that revolve around issue as discussed in textbook

However, it is discouraged to cite textbook as you should conduct outside research to build your argument. Each point should have its own paragraph.


Think of the conclusion like the closing argument of a lawyer. Find your one or your two best arguments and summarize here. Be persuasive in why the reader should accept your view.


It is very important that you use both internal and external citations. Whenever you are citing a fact or opinion that is not your own, then you should use an internal citation that is formatted in APA format Primarily, you will want to paraphrase rather than use quotes when citing sources However if you do use a quote, make sure that you can attribute it to a specific individual and it should not be longer than two lines Otherwise, you should paraphrase Any sources that you use within the paper should also have an external citation, which is the References page Make sure to use the APA format properly. Use the APA format in listing all sources referencing in paper. Make sure indentation and format is accurate.

Question about

Question Description

In the summer and fall of 2010, workers were rearranging the furniture in Boeing’s final assembly plant in Everett, Washington, in preparation for the production of the Boeing 767. It was a difficult and time-consuming process, however, because of the items of “furniture”—Boeing’s assembly equipment—weighed on the order of 200 tons each. It was a necessary part of setting up a production system based on “lean manufacturing,” also called “just-in-time” production. Lean manufacturing, pioneered by Toyota Motors of Japan, is based on the practice of having parts arrive on the factory floor just as they are needed for production. This reduces the amount of parts Boeing holds in inventory as well as the amount of the factory floor needed for production—in this case, reducing the square footage required for the manufacture of the 767 by 40%. Boeing had adopted lean manufacturing in 1999 in the manufacture of the 737, the most popular commercial aeroplane. By 2005, after constant refinement, Boeing had achieved a 50% reduction in the time it takes to produce a plane and a nearly 60% reduction in parts inventory. An important feature is a continuously moving assembly line, moving products from one assembly team to the next at a steady pace and eliminating the need for workers to wander across the factory floor from task to task or in search of tools and parts. Toyota’s lean production techniques have been the most widely adopted of all manufacturing techniques and have revolutionized manufacturing worldwide. In simple terms, lean production is focused on organization and communication. Workers and parts are organized so as to ensure a smooth and consistent workflow that minimizes wasted effort and materials. Lean production is also designed to be highly responsive to changes in the desired mix of output—for example, quickly producing more sedans and fewer minivans according to changes in customers’ demands. Toyota’s lean production methods were so successful that they transformed the global auto industry and severely threatened once-dominant American automakers. Until the 1980s, the “Big Three”—Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors— dominated the American auto industry, with virtually no foreign-made cars sold in the United States. In the 1980s, however, Toyotas became increasingly popular in the United States due to their high quality and relatively low price—so popular that the Big Three eventually prevailed upon the U.S. government to protect them by restricting the sale of Japanese autos in the U.S. Over time, Toyota responded by building assembly plants in the United States, bringing along its lean production techniques, which then spread throughout American manufacturing. Toyota’s growth continued, and by 2008 it had eclipsed General Motors as the largest automaker in the world.

1. What is the opportunity cost associated with having a worker wander across the factory floor from task to task or in search of tools and parts?

2. Explain how lean manufacturing improves the economy’s efficiency in allocation.

3. Before lean manufacturing innovations, Japan mostly sold consumer electronics to the United States. How did lean manufacturing innovations alter Japan’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis the United States?

4. Predict how the shift in the location of Toyota’s production from Japan to the United States is likely to alter the pattern of comparative advantage in automaking between the two countries.


  • Justify your answers with the help of course materials, Text Book, Online resources
  • Answer for etch question should be in not less than 100 words. All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Student must apply APA Style within their reports.
  • mark of zero will be given for any submission with more then 10% plagiarism
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.

analyze data on the poverty rate at $1.90/day, $3.20/day, and $5.50/day for China and India. You will compare the countries and try to explain the reasons behind the differences between them.

Question Description

Background data collection and analysis:

1. Download data on the poverty rate at $1.90/day, $3.20/day, and $5.50/day for China and India for the earliest year available (1990 for China, 1977 for India) and the latest year available (2015 for China, 2011 for India). Use the series Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population), Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population), and Poverty headcount ratio at $5.50 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population).

2. Download GDP per capita for the same years as the poverty data (use GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)).

3. For China and India separately, calculate the correlation coefficient between GDP per capita and each measure of poverty.

4. Ravallion (2010) calculates the growth elasticity of poverty reduction. Calculate this variable for both China and India by dividing the percentage change in the poverty rate (over the longest period available) by the percentage change in per-capita GDP over the same period. Do this calculation using the $1.90/day poverty rate, the $3.20/day poverty rate, and the $5.50/day poverty rate. Measure the percentage changes using the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) formula given in Assignment 1.


In your essay, describe the changes over time in poverty in China and India. Compare the two countries to each other, and discuss the reasons why you believe these countries have experienced these changes over time. What government policies does Ravallion (2010) identify that have affected poverty in China and India? What does the growth elasticity of poverty reduction tell us?

Detailed Instructions:

Your essay must have a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Make sure to define your terms and provide appropriate background information. A suggested essay structure contains five paragraphs:

  • a first paragraph that briefly introduces the argument you will make in the essay;
  • and a fifth, concluding, paragraph that briefly describes the main points you have made in the essay.

a second paragraph describing how the various poverty rates have changed over time;

a third paragraph describing how the poverty rate is related to GDP per capita;

a fourth paragraph describing the growth elasticity of poverty reduction and the policies described by Ravallion;

The maximum length is 500 words plus a two-page data appendix; include a word count at the end of your submission. Include the grading rubric as the first page of your submission. Use Chicago or APA style, and write in 11- or 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Provide a bibliography listing the references you use, including the class PowerPoints if relevant. You must submit a hard copy (in class) and an electronic copy (on Brightspace) by the deadline. Please note that the electronic copy will be submitted to anti-plagiarism software.

Data Appendix:

The data appendix should include enough detail for the grader to determine that you downloaded the correct data and performed the calculations accurately; if not all of your data fits on two pages, you may decide to include only the first and last years of information. Required charts and figures go into the body of your essay; any supplemental charts and figures should be placed in your data appendix.


  • Late submissions: -10 points per day, starting immediately after 4:05 p.m.
  • Over 500 words: -1 point for each additional 50 words (e.g., -1 for 501 words, -2 for 551 words, etc).

If you submit only an electronic copy and no hard copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

If you submit only a hard copy and no electronic copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

No rubric: -1 point.

No data appendix: -2 points.

Data appendix over two pages: -1 point for each additional page.

No word count: -2 points.

Case Study, MBA, Short-term investment returns: money market instruments

Question Description

Use attached Template.

Data Source:

This data source will cover all but CDs

Business-professional quality is expected. Prepare your report as if you are submitting to an upper-level business director/executive.
Case will require a qualitative analysis supported by quantitative data.

Prepare each case using Word, and embed your spreadsheet analysis into your case report.

You will submit two files for each case assignment:

  • One Word file
  • One Excel file (template attached)

Short-term investment returns: money market instruments Part of your responsibilities as a junior financial analyst is researching and identifying potential short-term liquid investment options for your firm. These investment vehicles are at times used by the firm during periods when their cash inflows exceed projections. The firm, at times, uses excess cash to purchase short-term debt instruments providing a low, but safe marginal return on invested capital. Your Director, who reports to the firm’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has come to you seeking your recommendation on short-term investment options for the upcoming year. The Director has asked for recommendations and a report illustrating your optimal analysis for investing $2.5m of excess cash. Current background info: We have a potential impending compound money market problem: The U.S. is issuing more debt, in part due to the recent tax cuts. Simultaneously, the Fed, China, Japan and to a lesser degree Russia have been reducing their holdings of U.S. Debt. Therefore, if the U.S. Treasury Department can’t get entities to their positions holding U.S. debt, then the pressure to increase interest rates to make newly issued securities attractive increases. Increased interest rates at the Treasury means securities prices fall with cascading impacts. Therefore, the current interest rate environment is one where rates are expected to increase. Parameters for the research and analysis report are as follows:

1.Investments selections are primarily short term (one year or less), but will consider U.S. TreasuryBills of shorter duration as well as TIPS.

2.A minimum of 3 short term debt money market security types are to be recommended. Theymay include Federal money market bills, U.S. Savings Bonds, CDs, U.S. Treasury Notes, TreasuryBills, and TIPS.

a.Note: money market investments of the range of two to five years are acceptable.

b.However, no more than 40% of the portfolio can be invested in a security of withduration of greater than 12 months.

3.A recommendation on the optimal allocation of $2.5 m across the investment portfolio isrequired.

4.Current (as of the date of this assignment) rates and investments are to be used.

The analysis report to be presented to the Director is to include:

1.Your concise statement and recommendation of the specific short-term investment options thatmeets the firm’s criteria.Followed by:

2.A detailed summary of the investment asset and the parameters you will use in which to baseyour recommendation.

3.A detailed description of the upside and downside risk of each investment. The latter is ofparticular importance as the firm may decide to manage excess cash in one or more vehicles forlonger than one year.

4.Source identifier for all investment selections

a. Example: website URL

5. A spreadsheet (embedded into the report) illustrating the following:

a. Asset category/classification

b. Specific money market instrument identifier

i. Example: U.S. Treasury CUSIP

6. EAR for each investment

7. YTM for each investment

a. If held to maturity

b. If sold at the end of 12 months

8. Total return for investment portfolio if held to maturity

9. Spreadsheet model is to include all cell-based formulas for all calculations

Your conclusion is to summarize the recommendation made in item #1 above

Format for report. Your report must:

1. Be presented in Word file format

2. Analysis must be between 3 to 5 pages maximum, including spreadsheet analysis

3. Excel spreadsheet is embedded into the Word file

4. Submit Excel file separately

Case Study: Supply and Demand

Question Description

In this assignment, we are going to analyze the changes in market demand and market supply for a commodity (a good or a service). In addition, we will also analyze how the changes in demand and supply affected the market price and production of this commodity. To do so, we will are going to address the key factors (determinants) that have caused the shift in demand and/or the shift in supply. The goal here is to provide an objective analysis of the forces that have caused this change in order to better understand the behavior of the market and to determine the potential growth or decline for this commodity. Some of the commodities that have experienced a drastic change (an increase or a decrease) in supply and/or demand in recent years are organic foods, cage-free eggs, social media, higher education, online education, healthcare services, online banking, online shopping, DVD players, digital cameras, fidget spinners, health clubs, bottled water, landlines, Cash for Gold, and fried food. You could use one of these commodities for your study or choose one you are familiar with or prefer.

To start, select a commodity that you wish to analyze to determine changes in its market demand, market supply, equilibrium quantity (output), and equilibrium price.

Your research should be structured with consistent and clear thoughts. It should be supported by facts and data, and you must base your results on these facts. Your conclusions should be thorough and based on your findings and understanding of supply and demand determinants.

Writing Style and Page Number Requirements

Font Type: Times New Roman or Arial

Font Size: 12

Spacing: Double

Number of Pages: Four to six pages, along with a separate Title page and a separate References page

Outside Sources

Using External Sources: When you use information, facts, or data from external source (articles, news, facts, etc.) in your case study, you must properly cite the sources you obtain the information from using the APA format. A link to APA writing style resources is provided at the bottom of this page.

Structure and Requirements

  • Title Page
    • Title of the paper
    • Name of the author
    • E-mail address of the author
    • Class name
    • Professor’s name
    • Date
  • Introduction

    Describe your commodity and the market that commodity targets. Also, state when, how, and why it became popular or less popular. In addition, state the factors (demand determinants and supply determinants) that have caused its supply and demand to change and how those changes affected its price. Basically, why has demand and supply for that commodity changed?

  • Data

    Obtain data from at least three credible sources (not Wikipedia) to provide facts about the changes in demand and supply.

    Use tables, graphs, and figures to support your argument. You could use figures that show the changes in demand and supply, as well as changes in the market price for the commodity.

  • Analysis

    Use the findings from your data section to fully explain the growth or decline pattern of the supply and demand. Is the commodity growing or is it declining, and why? If it is growing, state the factors that led to its growth. If it is declining, state the factors that led to its decline.

  • Conclusion

    Provide your own final thoughts, opinions, and understanding of the outcome. Do you believe this commodity is profitable for its producers? Or should they provide something different instead? Should they modify the commodity? Moreover, if you were to produce this commodity, what would you do to increase your revenue?

  • Reference List

    Use at least three professional sources to support your argument. The references need to be in APA format. To learn more about APA format, click on the link below.