Microeconomics db7

Question Description

Under what conditions will a firm exit a market? Explain. Find an article that addresses the announcement that a firm is leaving a market. Explain the conditions for the departure within the context of the article.

Macro ECON reading and questions Neo liberalism and 2007 crisis

Question Description

do reading and answer questions, on reading and topics. speaks on Neo liberalism and the 2007 housing crisis. pls do not plagerize. send back in typed document.

I will atatch the questions and reading

Case study in micro economic course

Question Description

It is a homework which is simple case study in micro economic subject.

Need to be completed within 36 hours top.

make sure to comply with all instructions and requirement as in the file.

exchange rate problems

Question Description

is an international business course in which the professor asked to do some exchange rate problems and I was wondering if you could please help me and give steps for the solutions of the problems


Question Description

Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.

make sure with out cover page

dont copy from anyone or any website

the answer should be answer by own

all things inside this file

T. Reply to 4 students discussion post according to the question. 150-300words for each reply.

Question Description

Reply to 4 students discussion post according to the question. 150-300words for each reply.

Please note that you need to answer with agree or disagree. And you need to mention the factor of behavioural economic the students made and analyze.

No references needed.


Discussion question:

Taking into account the range of the activities undertaken by the University, how might the University management take advantage of behavioural economics to improve operations (e.g. in service delivery, or student experience, or student performance)? What could they do that they aren’t doing now to achieve better outcomes?

[Note that you must discuss behavioural policy responses (e.g. nudges), not those tied to traditional policy levers (price, income) etc]


I really like the use of loss aversion in our grading in this subject. I think it would be a great idea if the university let us elect to view grades for any subjects in the same way. This would mean we wouldn’t have to engage with it if we didn’t want to, but if we find the effect significant in improving marks we could.

I think this would be good because studies have shown a significant increase in performance for students exposed to it. However, I read one (Improving student performance through loss aversion, 2019 by Smith, B, Shrader, R, White, D) which raised concerns that loss aversion affects males and females differently, Apostolova-Mihaylova et al, Heterogeneous gender effects under loss aversion in the economics classroom: A field experiment, (2015) found that women were negatively impacted by the procedure. They addressed previous studies like this one that suggested there was a difference in improvement between the two and ultimately found both sexes improved. However, the study also suggested that men may improve more than women.

I’m not sure forcing all units to frame our grades as losses would be a great idea if there is evidence to suggest some demographics might be unfairly given and advantage or disadvantage by it, but it would be good if we could choose for ourselves.


It is without question that tertiary education, in of itself, is a relatively difficult endeavour; designed to challenge pre-established thoughts and expand an individual’s current knowledge-base. As such, the standard required to adequately complete assessments tasks and examinations is understandably higher. Additionally the subsequent weight placed upon these tasks, generally speaking, is substantial. For example, for most second-year units the number of assessable items ranges from three to four (including a final examination). Each task ranges from ten to twenty percent, with a final exam weighing the heaviest—weighing approximately forty to sixty percent. Given the higher academic rigour required to complete assessments coupled with the relative large weight applied to each subsequent task, it is easy to understand how current university procedure may induce excessive stress for students.

An alternate approach to the traditional means of assessment involves the use of framing, specifically ‘chunking.’ Chunking refers to the act of breaking an activity into constituent areas, focusing on smaller sequential processes, thus allowing us to more easily decode or understand a particular situation. Instead of relying upon a limited set of highly-weighted assessment tasks, the frequency of assessment could be spread throughout the semester; with each task weighing significantly less. For example, in place of a single-twenty percent essay task, there could be multiple ‘essay entries’ spread across a specific timeframe—with each entry weighing two percent (for example). In essence, by altering the frame from: a psychologically unattainable target to an outcome that students deem more manageable—the stress and anxiety defined by tertiary education may be reduced, thus creating an environment where students can excel.


University life can be characterized by having too much freedom, complicated choices and complex processes. Students have numerous choices to make, what degree program to study, what electives to pick, which classes to have in what semester, the list goes on. Having so many options can be taxing and paralyzing. Resultantly some students end up making decisions that are not in their best interest. Making information simpler and easier to understand can help in improving outcomes in university. This includes having a simpler guided enrolment process and study content. Universities can also have automatic enrolment into core courses to help simplify student’s choice architecture.

Procrastination is one main problem students face. This resultantly leads to late submission of assignments and poor quality of work which can result in failure. Having cues around the university that encourage people to attend lectures and do assignments can help in improving performances. These can be in form of messages like, ‘’40% of students that don’t attend lectures fail’’ or ‘’Last minute completion of assignments’ results in poor grades’’. This type of nudging can result in increased effort from students.

Due to the pressure students suffer in university, a lot of students suffer from depression and mental issues. Universities have well-being centres which students can get help from but a lot of students do not make use of these facilities. Sending text messages and emails to students that communicate the importance of seeking help when you are struggling can help improve student wellbeing.


University is a difficult time filled with complicated choices when completing your degree, University students definitely suffer from the paradox of choice whilst completing their studies. It is often compounded with the fact that given there are very little reminders around deadlines, enrolment and payment options. University students often fall behind due to the lack of communication after being used to a different communication method in High School. Through a lack of reminders and a full time load, University students often struggle to stay on top with so much going on, which leads to poorer grades and less of a success rate at University. As a result most students, due to this stressful workload drop down to three units a semester due to the stressful nature Whilst this is financially beneficial for the University, the lack of communication and the need for students to take accountability for themselves after being spoon fed for years in high school creates a problem given the amount of choices they have.

I personally believe that with nudging the University can help students keep on track of their deadlines, assignments and payment dates. Not only will this use of nudging be beneficial for the students it will also provide a better attitude towards University studies. Nudging seems to be a point of controversy but if the University nudges you towards keeping you on top of your university admin as well as giving yourself more time to study it is definitely beneficial to both students and the University. As pointed out nuThis will result not only in allowing students to have less stress and spend more time on content rather than managing admin side of things thus providing them with a more fruitful experience.

Economic one page paper

Question Description

You work for a local financial services firm. One of your jobs is to write the monthly newsletter. This month’s topic is:Will interest rates be higher or lower in April 2020?

Your task is to write you one-page newsletter and provide your educated guess whether bond prices (and, therefore, interest rates) will increase or decrease from their current level by April 2020. (This is just a generic discussion about the general level of bond prices and interest rates, not any one specific bond price/interest rate.) To establish a basis for your forecasted increase or decrease, you need to find economic forecasts of the relevant variables influencing bond demand and supply.

To find those forecasts, you use the information available at


There you will find a number of forecasted variables. For this project, select only the forecasts for:

  • U.S. Real GDP Growth Rate;
  • S&P 500; and
  • U.S. Inflation

What you need to do is determine whether the forecast of each variable is for an increase or a decrease over the next eight months. For example, if the inflation rate in April is higher than it is in August 2019, that is a forecast of rising inflation. If the rate of inflation in April 2020 is lower than it is in August 2019, that is a forecast of fall in inflation.

Determine for each variable listed whether the forecast is for an increase or decrease between now (august in the tables) and next April.Focus on the direction of change, not the magnitude of the predicted change. Using this information, you must then decide how each variable’s forecast might affect either the demand for bonds or the supply of bonds. Once you have decided on the possible effects of each variable, make a prediction on the overall effect: Will the demand for bonds increase? Decrease? Similarly for the supply of bonds.

When you have made your decision about the overall effect, illustrate it using the bond demand and supply model.

In writing up your newsletter, you must include:

1.What the actual forecasts are for the three economic variables;

2.A discussion of the possible effects from these variables on the bond market, making clear the effects on bond demand and/or bond supply;

3. An illustration of your conclusion using the bond demand and supply model. Show the original equilibrium level of the price of bonds and the new equilibrium price; and

4.A discussion of how your outcome will be revealed in the general level of interest rates.

Your newsletter must not exceed one typed page, reasonable margins, and font size (nothing smaller than 11). Failure to abide by these parameters will result in lost points.

Editing paper

Question Description


Here are the comments from the professor:

Great job! Paper is good in terms of its content. It meets the requirements of applying economic theory and the syllabus learning outcomes. However, work is needed on supporting data or statistics. Also, I would like to see incorporate peer reviewed journal articles to lend credibility to your arguments. Work is also needed on your APA documentation.Lyndon

Here is the grading rublic:


Focus – Application of Economic Theory

10 pts

Papermakes great use applying economic theory to the topic (explaining theeconomics in the issue), includes economically logical conclusions,student excels at predicting future economic trends, events orconclusions based on the reasoning used.

8 pts

Papermakes good use applying economic theory to the topic (explaining theeconomics in the issue), may include basic economically logicalconclusions/projections.

5 pts

Paperincorporates economic theory in explaining the topic (explaining theeconomics in the issue.) Little more than stating the economic theory isincluded. No use of economically logical conclusions.

3 pts

Papermakes no application of economic theory to the topic. Is justdescriptive of the topic in nature. Provides no evidence studentconnected economic theory to topic.

10 / 10 pts

Inclusion of Course Learning Outcomes

10 pts

Papermakes great use of course material, readings, and supplements. Easilymaps to a number of learning outcomes in the syllabus.

8 pts

Papermakes good use of course material and readings. Little outsidesupplements are included. Maps to a number of learning outcomes in thesyllabus.

5 pts

Papermakes basic use of course material. Typically no outside supplements orresearch in included. Difficult to map to a number of learning outcomesin the syllabus.

3 pts

Papermakes no real constructive use of course material. One could considerthis an opinion paper with no real supporting material. Difficult to mapto a number of learning outcomes in the syllabus.

8 / 10 pts

Inclusion of Supporting Data

10 pts

Paper contains evidence of solid research effort drawing from many strong academic sources.

8 pts

Paper contains evidence of medium research effort in number and strength of resources.

5 pts

Paper contains evidence of minimal research effort or success drawing from few or weak sources (Wikipedia).

3 pts

Paper contains evidence of no real research effort including no real source of research.

8 / 10 pts

Use of Statistical Evidence

10 pts

Paper makes exemplary use of credible statistical evidence.

8 pts

Paper makes good use of credible statistical evidence.

5 pts

Statistical evidence is partial, weak or inappropriate.

0 pts

No statistical evidence is presented.

5 / 10 pts

Strength of Argumentation

10 pts

Thesis is well developed and supported, feeds conclusion. Contradictory views plausibly handled.

8 pts

Thesisis adequately developed and supported, only partially supports theconclusion. Contradictory views not treated adequately.

5 pts

Thesis is not adequately developed and logically supported, conclusion not supported. Contradictory views not treated.

3 pts

Thesis is not developed or supported. Conclusion missing or not supported. Contradictory views not treated adequately.

10 / 10 pts


15 pts

Referencesare well documented in both the body and reference section in aconsistent form. Many more than the minimum number of sources.

12 pts

Referencesare inconsistently documented in body and reference section. Referencesare not ideally matched to content. Five sources and at least threejournals contained.

8 pts

Referencesare poorly documented in body and reference section. References notappropriate to content or not current. Less than minimum requirements.

5 pts

Almostno references documented. Inappropriate references. Fewer than fivesources or fewer than three journal articles. Reliance on nonquality websources.

12 / 15 pts


10 pts

Writing is grammatically correct, clear and flowing.

8 pts

Writing should be polished for stronger presentation.

5 pts

Writing needs work for clarity, organization and grammatical presentation.

2 pts

Clear indication that this is a draft with serious need for review and editing.

8 / 10 pts


5 pts

No spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.

4 pts

Less than 1% of word total have errors in spelling that distract the reader from content.

2 pts

Frequent (3-4%) spelling errors that distract the reader from content.

0 pts

Significantly more than 4% spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.

4 / 5 pts

Flow of Thesis and Arguments

10 pts

Organization is logical and easy to follow. Includes introductory overview and supportable conclusion.

8 pts

Organization is evident but could be strengthened.

5 pts

Organization is weak. Introduction and conclusion are not clearly delineated in body of work.

3 pts

Organization is almost nonexistent and represents just a free flow of ideas.

8 / 10 pts

APA Format

10 pts

APA style is employed perfectly.

8 pts

Few errors in APA style and most are inconsequential.

5 pts

Many features of APA style are ignored.

0 pts

APA style ignored completely.

8 / 10 pts

Total Points: 81

If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks!

2 discussion reaponses

Question Description

ONE: Incentive conflicts are common occurrences within organizations and take place when the employees feel that they are not encouraged or motivated to carry out their tasks. The employee acts rationale to the system at hand, and as a result, it’s upon the HRMs to implement the best incentive programs. John et al., (2015) outlines that there are endless means of creating incentives such as spousal death benefits, unlimited sick days, personal growth, offering a flexible schedule, tuition reimbursements among others. However, the major challenge arises when the employer fails to identify the actual needs of the employees and ends up addressing the inappropriate courses. To some extent, some organizations end up even not offering any benefit at all. These situations lead to incentive conflicts which can be very detrimental to a firm. It is always crucial to obtain the necessary information from the employee and secondary resources to come to more informed decisions. Pomeranz (2015) suggests that in cases where there exists centralized decision-making authority, one should strive to transfer the needed information to decision-makers. In a decentralized firm, it would be advisable to move decisions to those with information. Such an approach ensures that the most appealing incentive compensation schemes are implemented. However, it is assumed that in an ideal situation, decision-makers always possess information that is necessary to make profitable decisions.

Though I have not been directly engaged in an organization with incentive conflicts, I once read of an Auction House X that suffered such effects. The action house happened to employ experts to convince art owners to use the auction services. Firm X earned money by charging the art owners a percentage of the final price at auction, a percentage negotiated by the art experts. Within a short period after the hiring practices, the auction house realized that it was consistently recording loses each day. This aspect lowered its value such that it had challenges paying the workers. It was only after research that the management realized that the experts traded low prices for kickbacks as a way of self-motivation now that the organization could not. The organization realized that it had omitted incentive programs that are quite significant for the productivity of the employees. At times, the management had been offering minor and insignificant incentive programs that were coldly received by the sales experts. This implies that the organization could have escaped incentive conflicts and revenue loses if, at all, it had paid much attention to employee concerns. It seems that the manager-employee relationship was the primary cause of this impediment. There are chances that the experts could not approach the manager to address their concerns, and at the same time, the manager was less concerned. He acted as a boss rather than a leader. A good relationship could balance the organizational stool, and the organization could accumulate considerable profits in the long run. Indeed, incentives are critical aspects of any organization since the workers need to feel more appreciated and valued. Therefore, incentive conflicts should be prioritized and handled with the effort they deserve (Costello, 2013).


Costello. A. (2013). Mitigating Incentive Conflicts In Interfirm Relationships: Evidence from Long Term Supply Contracts. Journal of Accounting and Economics. Retrieved from:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165410113000153

John, K., Knyazeva, A., & Knyazeva, D. (2015). Employee rights and acquisitions. Journal of Financial Economics, 118(1), 49-69.

Pomeranz, J. L. (2015). Participatory workplace wellness programs: Reward, penalty, and regulatory conflict. The Milbank Quarterly, 93(2), 301-318.


TWO: Brickley, Smith, & Zimmerman (2019) highlight five owner-manager incentive conflicts, which include effort choice, perquisite taking, differential risk exposure, differential horizons, and overinvestment. Incentive conflicts are concerns that firms must protect against. The problem arises when the individual incentives of utility maximization do not align with the firm’s objective of profit maximization. This is called the principle-agent problem, and is seen in situations where an owner’s (principal) objective to maximize profit for the firm is not met by the manager’s (agent) personal interests. In other words, “What is in the best interest of the management is not necessarily the same as what is in the best interests of the shareholders” (Worstall, 2013, para. 3). Many years ago I use to be a real estate agent and an example of this can be seen in the concept of dual agency. Dual agency refers to when one real estate agent represents both the buyer and seller in a transaction. In Florida, dual agency is illegal, but the state implemented a law that allows agents to represent both buyer and seller under the term, “transaction broker”, whereby the agent is relieved of any fiduciary responsibility to either party and just acts as a mediator for the transaction. The conflict can easily be seen. If an agent represents the seller, it is their fiduciary responsibility to get the seller the highest price possible for the house, whereas if the agent represents the buyer, it is their responsibility to get the buyer the lowest price possible. In dual agency the agent would not be as likely to work as hard for the buyer as they would for the seller because their commission would be greater if they sell the house at the highest price possible. In this case the agent would be putting their personal interests ahead of the buyer’s (principal) interests.

Organizations try to control incentive problems through contracts. In 2013, Apple created new contracts with management that required them to own company stock. According to Worstall (2013), Apple required senior executive officers to “hold triple their base salary in company stock” (para 5). Ross (2019) explains why Apple did this when he reported “This move was intended to align executive interests with those of shareholders. Management no longer benefits from actions that harm shareholders as the significant investment owned by executives forces them to view their own interests as being identical to investor interests” (para. 10). This is an example of how a contract addresses the incentive conflict of differential risk exposure and differential horizons. Executives now must act in the interests of the company because what is best for the company will increase the benefits of the executives. Ross (2019) states, “Executives must pay attention to issues impacting the company’s health and long-term growth”… and “this will keep the company competitive for the future” (para. 11).

Brickley, J., Smith, C., & Zimmerman, J. (2019). Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture. (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.

Ross, S. (2019). How Do Modern Corporations Deal With Agency Problems?. Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/041015/how-do-modern-corporations-deal-agency-problems.asp.

Worstall, T. (2013). Solving the Principal Agent Problem: Apple Insists that Executives Hold Company Stock. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/03/01/solving-the-principal-agent-problem-apple-insists-that-executives-must-hold-company-stock/#361.

Case Analysis

Question Description


People need income in order to consume, and consumption leads to production, and production leads to higher demand for labor (employment), so unemployment is a crucial macroeconomic issue that confronts all modern economies. A lower unemployment rate, however, is not the end of the problem. The type of employment and the price of labor (wages) have to be sufficient for consumption (which is the major component of GDP) for the economy to be healthy. If wages are low or if the prices in the economy are high, consumption would be low and thus, production and demand for labor would be low as well. So high unemployment rate, high part-time employment rate for economic reasons, and low wages could have negative effects on economic growth.

Assignment Description

In this assignment, you need to analyze unemployment-related issues. You need to analyze only one issue (topic).

You are going to study the past trends, provide an overview of the current status, and provide solutions to overcome any problems related to the issue you are studying. You will use data, articles, and government reports to draw a clear picture of the current unemployment issues.

Some unemployment-related topics that you could choose from (choose only one topic) include the following.

  • Part-time employment rates for economic reasons
  • Unemployment rates among young college graduates
  • Unemployment rates by gender
  • Unemployment rates among Black and Hispanic communities
  • Low supply of labor (professionals) in certain industries
  • High supply of labor in education
  • Low wages by profession and their causes
  • Low demand for labor in some industry (you could choose whatever industry you wish)
  • Low wages in some parts of the country
  • High unemployment rate among workers with high school diploma or less

Your research needs to be structured with consistent and clear thoughts. It also needs to be supported by facts and data. Your results need to be based on solid facts. Your conclusion and recommended solution need to be thorough and based on your findings and understanding of unemployment and GDP.

Writing Style and Page Number Requirements

Font Type: Times New Roman or Arial

Font Size: 12

Spacing: Double

Number of Pages: Six to seven pages, along with a separate Title page and a separate References page

Outside Sources and TurnItIn Report

Using External Sources: When you use information, facts, or data from external source (articles, news, facts, etc.) in your case study, you must properly cite the sources you obtain the information from using the APA format. A link to APA writing style resources is provided at the bottom of this page.

Content Originality and TurnItIn: The majority of the text in your case study must be your own words, thoughts, opinion, interpretation, and/or viewpoints. The rule is that no more than 20% of the text in your case study can be from outside sources. Make sure you review the TurnItIn score next to your submitted document to verify that it meets the 20% (or less) requirements.

If your submitted case study receives a TurnItIn score (percentage) more than 20% on the report, this means that more than 20% of the content of your case study matches other’s work and is not original. In this situation, you will need to revise the matching text (or a portion of it) in your case study and then resubmit your assignment. Then recheck the new TurnItIn score.

To summarize, 80% or more of your final case study submission should be your own words and 20% or less can include properly cited outside sources. The TurnItIn originality report highlights the portions of the paper that are not original and closely matches another source.

Structure and Requirements

  • Title Page
    • Title of the paper
    • Name of the author
    • E-mail address of the author
    • Class name
    • Professor’s name
    • Date
  • Introduction

    Include the following in your introduction.

    • A clear definition of unemployment and how and why it rises and declines in the economy
    • Briefly provide your understanding of the relationship between economic growth (GDP growth), high/low unemployment, high/low wages, and the way they impact one another.
    • An overview of the current unemployment rates in the economy using facts and statistics (tables or graphs)
    • A brief description of the unemployment-related issue (topic) that you are going to address in this paper
  • Data

    Obtain data from at least two credible sources (not Wikipedia) to provide facts about unemployment and wages and their growth pattern and their current statuses.

    • Obtain data about changes in unemployment rates for a period of 10 years.
    • Obtain historical data (10 years or more) about GDP growth rate (percentage) and Real GDP volume (in dollar value).
    • Obtain historical data (10 years or more) about the issue (topic) you are going to study in this paper, as well as data about its current status.

Use tables, graphs, and figures to support your argument. You can find the latest unemployment data at www.bls.gov (Links to an external site.) (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

  • Analysis

    This section needs to contain the following discussions based on the data that was gathered and your understanding of unemployment and GDP.

    • Unemployment Rates: Discuss the trends of unemployment rates over the past 10 years and provide your objective analysis of the changes in unemployment and the current rates. Place extra emphasis on the periods where unemployment was either too high or too low (higher or lower than the natural rate of unemployment).
    • Issues (your choice): Discuss the unemployment-related issue. Provide an overview of the trends and use facts to highlight the major changes in the trends and the current status. State the reasons why you believe the issue you are analyzing represents a challenge for the economy.
  • Conclusion and Solution

    This section needs to cover the following areas.

    • Highlight the causes of the issue that you selected and how it impacts the economy negatively and why it needs to be addressed by policy makers.
    • State your own solution. Basically, answer the following question.
      • What would you do to solve the issue you addressed if you were in charge of the U.S. economy? State why.
  • Reference List

    Use at least three professional sources to support your argument. The references need to be in APA format. To learn more about APA format, click on the link below.

    APA Resource