MicroEcon Discussion 8

Question Description

Topic: Your Own Business

Assume that you are going to start a small business of your own.

Describe the business and discuss the following:

  1. What costs you would incur;
  2. What competition you might experience;
  3. How you would determine the price you would sell your product; and,
  4. How much product you would produce?

I have a Discussion board Economics home work , please need help , thank you

Question Description

Discussion Topic # 4

Explain with relevant data sources from the attached file.

“If you’re an economist, what about your contribution to vision 2030… discuss”.

You are required to reply to at least two peer responses to this week’s discussion question. Your replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature.

Complete Short Economics Discussion

Question Description

Chapter 15: Watch this video from PolicyEd entitled, “Edward Lazear On How To Reduce Income Inequality” Identify his primary point in reducing income inequality. Why does he think tax policy is not an effective tool to solve the problem? Do you agree or disagree with his perspective?

Microeconomics db6

Question Description

What course(s) have you registered to take next term? Business policy seminar and compensation and benefits are the courses I’m taking

  • What is the opportunity cost of paying for classes?
  • Explain why college students are willing to pay for classes? Include a discussion of the ten economic principles in this context.

Select a country of your choice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its exchange rate regime

Question Description

Select a country of your choice and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its exchange rate regime. Did the country have another regime prior to its present regime? If so, which one had better success? If not, what could the country do to improve the regime? Explain your reasoning

Global Economics Case Study

Question Description

Instruction from the professor: No more than 5 pages typed in single space with 11 front size; you should consider to add at least one creative number based analytics in support of your points.

Although professor said no more than 5 pages, please right between 4 to 5 pages.

public policy issue in texas

Question Description

Public policy issue in Texas

  • What is the most significant problem facing Texas today?
  • in details the extent of this challenge and offer at least two realistic ways our state can address the issue in the future.
  • Will we overcome this problem?
  • at least 300 words

How does the stock market work? How do markets appear?

Question Description


Page 1: Cover Page

Page 2: Table Of Contents

Pages 3-8: Main Body

Page 9: Graphs (Illustrations)

Page 10: Bibliography

Please also write an additional page summarizing the entire paper to make presenting the paper much easier!!!

Please write about the following topic:

How does the stock market work? How do markets appear?

policy instruments to achieve

Question Description


Discuss some of the Saudi Vision 2030 economic objectives. What are the policy instruments to achieve them? Consider policies and perspectives that you have observed through this course. Provide a specific example that you identified.

20 (Microeconomics) Questions mostly multiple choice , short fill in the blank and few draw on graphs

Question Description

20 (Microeconomics) Questions mostly multiple choice , short fill in the blank and few draw on graphs

all the questions are on Chegg website the same Q or with slightly changes numbers or words.

check the attachment first to see if you are familiar with the questions .