Critical thinking and DB


Below 3 separated required assignment need to be done and not relateed to each other

A- For this critical thinking assignment, answer the following questions :

How do you know if your system meets  your security requirements and goals?  

How can you accurately measure that your security controls are working as expected? 

How are you ensuring your security measures align with your organization posture and mission? 

What auditing practices or procedures would you implement for your organization? Why? 

Provide information from your readings to support your statements. 

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: 

  • Four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. 

Include two external references in addition to the textbook. The Saudi Digital Library is a good source for these references. 

Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. 

b- (CT)Cloud computing will continue to grow as the environment of choice for organizations of any size. Cloud computing is the practice of renting computer resources from a provider instead of owning the resources. 

Discuss two positive and two negative aspects associated with cloud computing. Also provide an example of two security concerns with cloud computing and how you would mitigate those threats.  

  • Provide information from your readings to support your statements. 

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: 

Four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. 

  • Include two external references in addition to the textbook. The Saudi Digital Library is a good source for these references. 

c- (DB)At this point, you have worked with both Windows and Linux systems. You have gone over data recovery and forensics tools for both operating systems. Compare the similarities, differences, and vulnerabilities of both operating systems.  

CYS-564 question-sample


Module 01: Discussion Board Options Menu: Forum

Web hosting is more cost effective today than ever before for organizations small and large. Many of these providers claim to provide the services needed to keep organizational assets safe and secure. Briefly discuss some of the risks in outsourcing Web hosting to third-party service providers.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Module 06: Discussion Board Options Menu: Forum

Each day, malicious users attempt to access companies’ web applications without their consent or authorization. As a result, organizations need to be mindful of the various threats to their business. What types of security features are available to protect a company from new web application threats? Briefly discuss some of the threats and how they may be mitigated.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

InfoTech in a Global economy


Here’s the discussion 2 question:  I’ll send my fellow classmates responses later for responses.

q) How do you feel blockchain will change the global economy or will it?  Explain your answer.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor

Provide extensive additional information on the topic

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Share an applicable personal experience

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source 

Make an argument concerning the topic

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Learning Material:

Read the following articles.

Chang, Iakovou, E., & Shi, W. (2020).  Blockchain in global supply chains and cross border trade: a critical synthesis of the state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production Research, 58(7), 2082–2099.

Hooper, & Holtbrügge, D. (2020). Blockchain technology in international business: changing the agenda for global governance. Review of International Business and Strategy, 30(2), 183–200.

Ignat. (2017). Digitalization and the global technology trends. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering, 227(1), 12062–.

Frank Febiri, & Miloslav Hub. (2021). Digitalization of Global Economy: A Qualitative Study Exploring Key Indicators use to Measure Digital Progress in the Public Sector. SHS Web of Conferences, 92, 05006–.

ITM 600 Modern Operating Systems


For your week 8 final presentation, you are required (as we covered in class) to create a network topology to support the case study for Acme University handout that you received. You create the network topology (for instance, if you want to add a star topology, or ring topology, or mixture, it’s up to you). I advise keeping it sort of simple though, only a few devices for departments are needed for a university. For instance, a router, firewall, switch, and hub with couple of desktops and printer connected to it for the academic advisors group, but a different hub from the switch pointing to another couple desktops, video monitors/TVs, smart devices and printer might be for the classrooms, etc. Don’t over complicate it (yes, a major large university could have a VERY extensive network, but you don’t need to make it that big for this assignment – maybe three or four departments should suffice, but if you want to add more, feel free). Remember to make it a technical diagram, which means, for each device include:

Cost $ (of the asset)



IP address

subnet mask


Does it handle TCP/IP, UDP, or both?

You can draw your topology on a paper with pen and take a picture of it, or in word, or visio, or other editor, or network simulator, it’s really up to you. If you want to see examples, go to and type in “network diagram examples”. Though remember, in our classroom diagram I’m asking for additional details per device than you’ll see in your Google examples.

UAB Addition and Subtraction of Binary Numbers Question


Assignment 1

Question 1: Convert 2 base-10 numbers – (106 and -2) –  to 8-bit binary numbers.  Then, add the two binary numbers.  Show your arithmetic.

Question 2: Convert 2 base-10 numbers – (106 and 90) – to 8-bit binary numbers.  Then subtract the second number from the first number.  Show your arithmetic 

Question 3: Is this an efficient way to add/subtract?  Are there any shortcuts?

With refrence

Assignment 2

1) In Discussion Forum 3, post your response to the following discussion topic. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses and shares informative URLs by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.  Your discussion question response should be at least 200 Words, with another 50 words per reply. 

The acceptance of Bring Your Own Device into corporate environments and government environments has created a unique business challenge that must be solved.  This challenge is based on the fact that the IT asset is owned by the employee.  

Discuss two of the most interesting elements commonly addressed in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy definition (from pages 129 – 131 from the book Fundamentals of Information Systems Security 3rd Edition).   Mention why they are interesting to you.   

2) Respond to  at least two other students (at least 50 words each )!

Respond to two (2) students/Peers (two classmates). The responses should be at least 50 words each and must focus on the discussion topic above. Examine related issues, ask questions, provide hypothesis and/or situation(s). A peer response should not be to a peer already responded to more than twice.

U2 Discussion


Instructions:There are 2 discussion questions. Thoroughly read and answer both questions. 

Discussion Question 1.) 

Prompt: Read at least two of the scripture references on the readings list based on a topic in the list that could pertain to your final paper. Many terms in statistics can be useful when doing a research paper on an IT topic and providing possible solutions. Wisdom and relationships could be statistics topics that pertain to your IT mission. Discuss the two statistics topics you chose and what you learned from the scripture references. Are there any ethical challenges in using statistics in your workplace? 

Below are Scripture References: 

  • Cause and Effect 1 John 1:9, Luke 19:10
    o Confidence and Quality Control Hebrews 13:6, Romans 15:13, Proverbs 28:20
    o Data versus Wisdom Proverbs 19:20, Daniel 2:21
    o Descriptive Statistics John 1:29-34, Romans 1:3
    o Sampling Prayer
    o Lying with Statistics Proverbs 12:22, Psalm 5:6, Exodus 23:1, Hebrews 13:5
    o Normal? Romans 12:5
    o Probability Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 34:4
    o Relationships Spiritual network and prayer
    o Testing Habakkuk 1:2-3, Habakkuk 2:4
    o Z-Scores Luke 4:16, 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 8:29, Hebrews 10:10, Psalm
    28:7, Proverbs 3:5-6

Discussion Question 2.) 

Prompt: Find a mission statement online of an IT company not found in the textbook. Critique the mission statement based on what you learned from reading the textbook chapter on IT Missions in Implementing World Class IT Strategy. How is it different than a typical business mission statement. 

Book Resource: or 

High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print

Networking Question


Assignment Topic:

Research frequency-division multiplexing. Identify three everyday examples of FDM use. Each of these examples shows how FDM is used and how it works. Summarize your findings in a brief paper.

Instructions (from the syllabus):

Cases allow you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts. You must use at least two (2-3) appropriate sources (other than your course textbook) that are correctly cited in APA style; do not solely use the case itself to support your position. You are strongly encouraged to use the following outline so that your analysis is organized appropriately:

Identify both the key issues and the underlying issues. In identifying the issues, you should be able to connect them to the principles which apply to this situation.

Discuss the facts which affect these issues. The case may have too much information. In your discussion, you should filter the information and discuss facts pertinent to the abovementioned issues.

Discuss your proposed solution/recommendation to the problem and include how you would implement it. What actions would you propose to correct the situation based on the knowledge you have gained in this course? Support your recommendation by citing references in the text and the supplementary readings. You should also draw on references such as business periodicals and journals. Remember that an ANALYSIS is more than simply a SUMMARY of the Writing Assignment.

Discuss follow-up and contingency plans (if necessary). How will the organization know that your proposed solution is working? What should they do if it does not work?

Suny Old Westbury IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data


IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data  


While a non-relational database (NoSQL database) contains semi-structured and unstructured data, a relational database (that exclusively uses SQL for queries) contains structured data, and includes clear relationships between the components of the data. It includes relationships between the entities and attributes. In a relational database, tables are used to store the information.

AWS offers a relational database service that is hosted in the cloud: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Since this database service is in the cloud, database instances are easy to scale and operate. In this activity, you will gain hands-on experience creating an RDS/MySQL instance. You will need to access the AWS Console through your AWS Academy student account.


Imagine that you work for a small to medium-sized company and your manager wants to set up a relational cloud database system to analyze existing company data. To do this, follow this tutorial. After you set up the new RDS/MySQL instance, your manager requires MySQL Workbench to be configured and tested so that the database admins can begin to import the existing company data.

As you follow the tutorial, you should be completing the following:

  • MySQL: Connect your database to MySQL Workbench.
  • Tables: Create tables for Employees, Manager/Employee, Managers, and Customers.
  • Keys and Attributes: Include the appropriate attributes in the tables.
  • Data: Include the accurate test data identified in the tutorial.
  • Data Manipulation: Assign employees Jill Employ and John Emp to their manager, Jill Manager.

U3 Discussion Questions


Instructions: There are 2 discussion questions. Read each discussion question and answer thoroughly in 250 words or more each.

Discussion Question 1: See if you can find online financial information to add to the discussion. From the reading how did Red Robin develop an IT strategy? The textbook dedicated a lot of pages to Red Robin as an example. What were your key takeaways from that reading?

Tip: Chapter on Facilitating Corporate and Divisional Strategy in Implementing World Class IT Strategy.

Resource: or High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). JosseyBass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print
Version), 9781118634080, 111863408X (eText)

  • Discussion Question 2: View the video in the reading on SWOT and TOWS analysis. Why did internal and external come into play when creating a TOWS analysis?

Did the video or article make more sense in terms of explaining the strategic value in a TOWS analysis?

  • Video: Strategic Planning: SWOT & TOWS Analysis – YouTube
  • Article: TOWS Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide (

Resource: or High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). JosseyBass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print
Version), 9781118634080, 111863408X (eText)



The Internet has grown faster than any telecommunications system in history continuing to grow and become more ubiquitous. This is particularly true with the advent of 5G networks. These networks are attractive targets for intruders. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and the standard of communication built on the TCP/IP protocol coupled with the everywhere computing in all types of devices enabled by 5G will fundamentality change our society. We must face this with clear security safeguards and thought into the implications of this for society.

We live in a networked society, yet many are naïve about how to protect the security of the information we exchange and store via this network. The pervasiveness of the networked culture often leads to patterns of behavior where we may engage in risky data behavior whether it is personal or work-related information that is networked. The purpose of this case is to raise your awareness of these issues and how to begin to safeguard your networked systems.

When you have finished your research here, write a short paper discussing the following:

Please address the issues in the context of networks of the Internet of Things with the potential to monitor every action of our daily lives and to replace many jobs with robotic controls. How will these systems be secured?