U2 Responses


Instructions: There are 2 responses. Read each response, and write a 75 word response for each.

Response 1.) Business Statistics

  • Cause and Effect
    • 1 John 1:9 (1 John 1 | NLT Bible | YouVersion, 2015)
      • 9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
    • Luke 19:10(Luke 19 | NLT Bible | YouVersion, 2015)
      • 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

Cause and Effect directly relate to my planned research paper on business incubators. We plan to report on the impact of the businesses that come through the incubator. We want to focus on the integration of ethics and the development of a sustainable business venture. The verses above represent the commitment to stamp out wickedness and the importance of integrating the Christian Worldview into the businesses that develop out of the incubator.

  • Data versus Wisdom
    • Proverbs 19:20 (Proverbs 19 | NLT Bible | YouVersion, 2015)
      • 20 Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.
    • Daniel 2:21 (Daniel 2 | NLT Bible | YouVersion, 2015)
      • 21 He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings.

This set of verses from Proverbs and Daniel speaks to the need for mentoring and expresses another tenant of the Incubator to provide support and educational opportunities for students and faculty.


1 John 1 | NLT Bible | YouVersion. (2015). https://www.bible.com/bible/116/1JN.1.NLT

Daniel 2 | NLT Bible | YouVersion. (2015). https://www.bible.com/bible/116/DAN.2.NLT

Luke 19 | NLT Bible | YouVersion. (2015). https://www.bible.com/bible/116/LUK.19.NLT

Proverbs 19 | NLT Bible | YouVersion. (2015). https://www.bible.com/bible/116/PRO.19.NLT

Response 2.) The mission for the Catalyst at Belhaven would be to focus on creating value for customers in the Jackson area around Belhaven University.

The Catalyst Mission:

Preparing professionals with Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Business Administration, and STEM-related field training to deliver the Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time on the Right Devices. Studying computer science and computer information systems at Belhaven will equip students with the Right Tools and the Right Experiences to be the Right Person to lead Righteously.

The chapter examines the journey of Jerry, the CIO of a multimillion-dollar technology firm. There is a need to set specific metrics such as increased revenue. The Key Performance Metrics for the Catalyst are the community impact and the number of customers and students supported by companies in the incubator. We also want to consider profit sharing and charity donations for gross sales in place of rental fees as a tax to support operations.

DAD 220 Module Three Major Activity Guidelines and Rubric



Quantigration, a rapidly growing networking equipment manufacturer, has been having problems with their equipment returns. You’ve been hired to create a database using SQL commands for processing all returns.


You’ll use the return merchandise authorization (RMA) entity relationship diagram (ERD) to build a database. Each of the tables in the ERD represents a database entity. The ERD is the blueprint for building your relational database.

Before you begin, do the following:

Make sure to download the Module Three Major Activity Database Documentation Template for this assignment. You’ll need to place your answers and screenshots in this document and then submit it for grading.

  • Check the Database Documentation Template Example to see expectations of what your assignment should look like.

Make sure to review the example RMA entity relationship diagram (ERD) that you should be using as a guide before you begin.

  • Review the module resources on how to capture screenshots, if necessary.

Go to your online integrated development environment (Codio), log in, start a new terminal session, and then create a database schema called QuantigrationRMA that can hold tables. List it out on the screen. Then, connect to the QuantigrationRMA schema.

  • Using the ERD as a reference, create the following tables with the appropriate attributes and keys:

A table to store customer information with a primary key of Customer ID

  • A table to store order information with a primary key of Order ID and foreign key of Customer ID

A table to store RMA information with a primary key of RMA ID and foreign key of Order ID

  • Manually add 10 records into the Customers table. The data can be made up for now, as you’ll populate all three tables later from the provided CSV files.

You’ve been asked to establish a database view called “Collaborators” that is based on the “Customers” table. Create a view from the existing Customers table by using the SQL command provided below to say “Collaborators.” The view should show all instances of “Customer” renamed as “Collaborator.” Execute the following statements and provide one or more supporting screenshots showing the database view: 

  1. The following command is partially complete. Fill in the missing information in the brackets to complete it and run the commands correctly:

CREATE VIEW Collaborator AS
SELECT CustomerID AS CollaboratorID, [Enter in the correct column names from that customer table that you want to change in the collaborator table]
FROM Customers;

  1. DESCRIBE Collaborator;

SELECT * FROM Collaborator LIMIT 5;

northapton strategic Information System Info 563 INFO 4230 Section 001 – Records Management Operations


Module 12 Discussion

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Discussion Post Content:

Given the amount of information generated on a daily basis, automatic indexing is considered one of the most efficient ways to index and organize information. However, it has been criticized as ineffective since it relies on the use of keywords with very little association among them. Discuss the pros and cons of automatic indexing in relation to other methods, such as controlled vocabulary and subject headings. Be sure to use in-text citations to reference the course materials you use to create your post. Use at least 2sources in this post. (Minimum 2 in-text sources required)

Peer Post Response:

You are expected to reply to at least ONE response made by other students in class. (Note: No citations to readings are required for responses). The reply posts should be composed of “value-added” information reflecting your opinion and input.

Discussion Tips:

Provide your original post or response to the discussion question (minimum of 250 words) in the “Message” box of the discussion thread (Note: attachments will not be accepted). The discussion posts must be thoughtful, reflective, and supported by evidence such as assigned readings or other external publications and websites.

The initial post should address the question and include at least 2 references or citations from the readings or external material. If a link exists, provide a citation and link; otherwise, provide the complete citation using APA style.

Module 13 Discussion

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Discussion Post Content:

Workflow Management – Workflow is the integration of processes, people, and technology. How does the integration of these three components impact performance and productivity within the organization? Be sure to use in-text citations to reference the course materials you use to create your post. Use at least 2 sources in this post. (Minimum 2 in-text sources required)

Peer Post Response:

You are expected to reply to at least ONE response made by other students in class. (Note: No citations to readings are required for responses). The reply posts should be composed of “value-added” information reflecting your opinion and input.

Discussion Tips:

  • Provide your original post or response to the discussion question (minimum of 250 words) in the “Message” box of the discussion thread (Note: attachments will not be accepted). The discussion posts must be thoughtful, reflective, and supported by evidence such as assigned readings or other external publications and websites.

NA Mahender – Cloud computing week 7


week 7 :: Discussion 

Week Seven-Discussion

What would you like to learn more about in Cloud Computing?


You are the CEO of a small business that sells spices to international companies. 

The Company Name is “Spice Up Your Life

?? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????

You will be using the NIST framework for evaluate the cybersecurity of your cloud business assetts

Use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework for your Business


You will completing a monthly report for your board of directors using this form:

Final template Cloud Computing.docx Final template Cloud Computing.docx – Alternative Formats

Your monthly report will evaluate the security of your Cloud Resources.

The NIST Framework is designed to help you protect your small business from cybersecurity threats.

It has five (5) parts.

(You will be looking ONLY at your cloud services or alternatives.)


1. Identify: What Type of cloud services will your business be using? What Processes need to be protected?

What type of cloud service (unmanaged, Multiple cloud providers, Outsourced IT service providers) What level of service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) (Module Two-Week Two)

What type of Cloud Deployment will you use? (Module Three-Week Three)

Will you be using a web hosting, what type? Will you be using any bare metal hosting?(Module Four-Week Four)

What cloud platform will you be using? ( Azure, AWS, Google, IBM, Oracle, Linux or other) (Module Five-Week Five)

Will you use any of the “recent developments in cloud computing” ? (Module Six-Week Six)


2.Protect: What tools and processes do you need to have inplace to PREVENT a Cyber attack?(Module Six-week Six)


3. Detect: What tools and process do you need to help detect a cyberattack?(Module Six-week Six)


4. Respond: How will your business respond to the attack? 


5. Recover: What structures do you have in place to recover from the attack? How will you restore your processes?

Will you use any Virtual Machines? 

Who is NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was founded in 1901 and is now part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST is one of the nation’s oldest physical science laboratories. Congress established the agency to remove a major challenge to U.S. industrial competitiveness at the time — a second-rate measurement infrastructure that lagged behind the capabilities of the United Kingdom, Germany and other economic rivals.

4-1 Activity: WordPress on Cloud Server


IT 423 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric


Many organizations and IT professionals use cloud services to launch a site because of the cost-benefit and time savings. Not only does it usually take only one professional to set up, but it can be easily preconfigured and deployed. For this activity, you will launch a site on an EC2 instance.

By applying this knowledge, you can launch a website on a virtual machine. To prepare for this activity, log on to your AWS Academy Learner Lab course and access the AWS Console.

As a friendly reminder, you should strive to use the free-tier services in the console whenever possible (even if you have remaining credits on your account).

For the purposes of this activity, imagine that your project manager has tasked you with setting up a test environment for the new company blog, where the rest of the development team can create a demo for review. Instead of providing a hardware server, they wish to use the cloud. Since you have no prior experience with setting up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance in AWS, they have provided a tutorial (the tutorial is attached below) for you to complete this task. WordPress is a commonly used content management system.


For this activity, you will:

Set up an EC2 instance and install all the proper components by following the tutorial. Take screenshots to show your work.

Answer the following questions in a typed reflection:

Comparison: How does this process differ from traditional in-house server creation? Consider costs, speed, and security.

Advantages: Given the quick turnaround in technology, how can the company take advantage of EC2 instances in its testing environments?

  • Improvement: Was the tutorial easy to follow? What issues did you run into? What are some possible improvements you would give for the EC2 setup process?
  • After installing WordPress on your EC2 instance and working through the setup, take screenshots to show your work, and answer the following:

Admin Tools: What are three of the included admin tools (listed on the left side menu in the admin panel) in a base setup, and how can they be used to manage content on your site?

  • Plug-Ins: How are plug-ins used within WordPress and, other than phpMyAdmin, what plug-in is useful for data management? How is it useful?

5444 project part 3,lab9,


Project Part 3: SQL Injection Response


Aim Higher College just learned that sensitive information has been stolen from a student information system and posted on the Web. After reviewing web server and database logs, the Aim Higher IT security team believes that the source of the problem is a SQL injection vulnerability. The vulnerability appears to exist in a web application used by students to register for courses. As part of the incident response report to be submitted to Aim Higher College’s management staff, your supervisor asks you to provide details about this type of vulnerability, how an attacker might exploit it, and methods of detection and removal.

Required Resources

Access to the Internet

Course textbook


Research SQL injection attacks on the Internet to supplement your existing knowledge. Using the information you discovered during this research, in conjunction with what you learned in class, write an incident response report for Aim Higher College’s management detailing the following information:

A non-technical QUESTION of SQL injection vulnerabilities intended for a college management audience.

The threat that SQL injection poses to the college’s data. Include three possible scenarios that describe how an attacker might conduct this type of attack, the information that they may be able to obtain, and how they might use it maliciously.

An implementation plan to fortify the college’s web applications against SQL injection attacks

A monitoring plan that will provide:

Early warning to developers and security administrators that a SQL injection vulnerability exists in a web application

Detection of successful and unsuccessful attempts to conduct SQL injection attacks against college systems

Lab #9)

  1. When you are notified that a user’s work station or system is acting strangely and log files indicate system compromise, what is the first thing you should do to the workstation or system and why?
  2. When an anti virus program identifies a virus and quarantines this file, has the malware been eradicated?
  3. What is the SANS Institute’s six-step incident handling process?
  4. What is the risk of starting to contain an incident prior to completing the identification process?
  5. Why is it a good idea to have a security policy that defines the incident response process in your organization?
  6. The post-mortem, lessons learned step is the last in the incident response process. Why is this the most important step in the process?

IT 4336 of


52 million dollars in lost revenues and counting, a cyber-attack on MGM Resorts International, a 14B Las Vegas gaming empire with Hollywood-famous hotel spreads like the Bellagio, Cosmopolitan, Excalibur, Luxor, and the MGM Grand itself, had the house brought down by a perfect example of vishing…a 10-minute phone call.

Gamblers could not gamble. Guests could not access rooms. Lights went out. The attack led to hours of delays in guest check-ins and affected electronic payments, key cards, thousands of slot machines, ATMs, parking, and other systems.

A malware research group called VX-Underground claimed that the RaaS group “ALPHV” (a.k.a. BlackCat, a ransomware-as-a-service) was responsible for the attack. An earlier Reuters story on 9/13 initially reported “Scattered Spider” (a group of kids operating in the U.S. and UK), as the perpetrator.

What happened? Social engineering happened.

Research what exactly happened. Then discuss how you would have prevented this attack. Do NOT give your opinion as to whether MGM should or should not have paid (their competitor, Caesar’s Resorts, was the victim of a recent ransom attack – and they paid an estimated $15 million dollars). After finding out what happened, just give your opinion (make recommendations) as to how MGM could have prevented it. If you even discuss whether you would pay or not pay, you will receive a ZERO in the Planning scoring category of the rubric for not following instructions.

Remember that you must make one original post and one reply post and you MUST provide a source in your original post. You MUST follow the course Discussion Instructions. Reply to the next message.

The cyber-attack on MGM Resorts was initiated through a sophisticated social engineering tactic, specifically a vishing attack, which then led to a broader and more destructive ransomware attack carried out by the Scattered Spider group, eventually involving the BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware group. The attackers initially gained access by convincing an MGM employee to divulge login credentials over a phone call. This initial breach allowed them to escalate their access privileges within MGM’s network, particularly targeting and compromising the Okta and VMware ESXi servers. They deployed ransomware across MGM’s virtual machine infrastructure, causing widespread operational disruptions. 

Read the question(s) below and respond to both peer posts answering the question(s)



In response to your peers, identify some of the strategies or tools that could be used to help remediate the issues your peers identified in their initial posts.


Some of the biggest issues a company will face when it comes to data protection are related to how the data is maintained. For example, a company could have inside threats that could misuses or mishandle the information.  “Poor data stewardship practices are either already bad actors or could become bad actors in the right situation” (Alan E. Earls, 2021). 

Other concerns relate to privacy and regulation. For example, if a US company does business in the UK and they are processing UK customer data, they would need to comply with GDPR in the UK and with CCPA in the US (Alan E. Earls, 2021).

Not only customer data can be exposed, but also the companies sensitive information such as records and employee personal information.

This is why it’s important for companies to protect their data as leaks and mishandling could cause irreparable damage to the company, its employees, and the consumers.
When companies choose to not practice proper data protection or just have lack of preventive step to prevent data protection the company can be variable to data breaches and privacy incidents that can tarnish a company’s reputation and have customer trust issue. Leaving itself to various risks making the company rely on incident response teams. With that in mind what if the company is just starting out and don’t fully understand what proper data protection is need for their company, or maybe they have groups of employees that don’t know what procedures to follow due to lack of training that provide for employees I know I work a few jobs where I was never really given a single paper about any protective steps need to protect customer data and these were billion dollar companies. But fixing poor data practices with a company will require the company to take a comprehensive or even a systematic approach to help itself and its employees change as an organization.

Computer Architecture – Discussion


Discussion 1 Instructions

Please choose one of the following options and answer following the guidelines for discussions. The last two are possible interview questions for digital design jobs.

Ben and Alyssa are having an argument. Ben says, “All integers greater than zero and exactly divisible by six have exactly two 1’s in their binary representation.” Alyssa disagrees. She says, “No, but all such numbers have an even number of 1’s in their representation.” Do you agree with Ben or Alyssa or both or neither? Explain.

Ben and Alyssa are having an argument. Ben says, “I can get the two’s complement of a number by subtracting 1, then inverting all the bits of the result.” Alyssa says, “No, I can do it by examining each bit of the number, starting with the least significant bit. When the first 1 is found, invert each subsequent bit.” Do you agree with Ben or Alyssa or both or neither? Explain.

The king receives 64 gold coins in taxes but has reason to believe that one is counterfeit. He summons you to identify the fake coin. You have a balance that can hold coins on each side. How many times do you need to use the balance to find the lighter, fake coin?

The professor, the teaching assistant, the digital design student, and the freshman track star need to cross a rickety bridge on a dark night. The bridge is so shaky that only two people can cross at a time. They have only one flashlight among them and the span is too long to throw the flashlight, so somebody must carry it back to the other people. The freshman track star can cross the bridge in 1 minute. The digital design student can cross the bridge in 2 minutes. The teaching assistant can cross the bridge in 5 minutes. The professor always gets distracted and takes 10 minutes to cross the bridge. What is the fastest time to get everyone across the bridge?

INF 220: IS Principles


Final Project IT System Recommendation

For the Final Project, you are asked to write an eight-to ten-page research report (typed, double-spaced) in which you describe a company of your choice, the nature of its business, a specific product or service, and how that product or service is produced and distributed by the company and then recommend the information technology system you think should be in place and why. Address the following questions in narrative form (according to APA style). Be sure to provide examples and supporting rationale throughout the paper.

Company Background and Information Systems

What is the name, nature of business, and specific products or services of your chosen organization?

How are the products or services produced and distributed by the company?

  • Why are information systems essential in managing the organization’s business?
  • Describe the existing information systems supporting the major business functions of the organization (e.g., sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, accounting, human resources, etc.)
  • Information Technology Recommendation
  • What is your recommendation for the information technology systems you think should be in place and why? Your recommendation should include the following:

Information needs:

What types of decisions do users need to make by accessing the information systems?

  • What are the different levels of information groups?

Need for system automation

  • Benefits of the proposed system (savings, quality improvements, faster processing, etc.)

Types of database data elements (data, images, photographs, sound, video, etc.)

  • Networking and interactive processing
  • Centralization versus decentralization
  • End-user computing needs

Your recommendation to develop or acquire the system software

  • Potential Security Threats
  • Describe the various threats and security threats to the proposed information system. What security controls are required to address the threats?
  • Social, Political, and Diversity Impacts
  • Summarize the social and political issues raised by the proposed information system.
  • Discuss the impact of diversity to the development and management of the proposed information system.
  • Conclusion