Management Information Systems (Wooden) 500 words

Question Description

Management Information Systems – Week #3 Assignment

Hardware and Network Plan

Create a network for a company that sells shoes. Describe the hardware needed and the size of the network (PAN, LAN, WAN) and make a flow chart or mind map of the network.

The description should be at least 500 words. The flow chart or mind map should have at least 12 boxes, each box should be labeled and the flow noted.

A detailed explanation of how to cite a source using APA can be found here.

answer a discussion

Question Description

1.Attached is an infographic that discusses the evolution of network security in detail and please reply to this post but also research and find an infographic related to networking or a networking related topic we discussed this term and post it to this weekly forum.

2. Also below is a link to a Phishing Quiz and please take the quiz and feel free to post your results or discuss your results.

REQUIREMENTS: The answer should be ORIGINAL or add works cited/URL, 100-200 words is OK.

blockchain technology in UI developement

Question Description

The author (blockchain revolution -don tapscott) presents several use cases for blockchain technology. Describe the use case that aligns most closely with your current job role(UI developer), including how blockchain technology would change things that you currently do in your job. If you are not working in a job role that aligns nicely with a use case presented in chapter 1, describe a job role that you would like to hold after finishing your degree program, and how blockchain technology may affect those job functions.

Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from the use case in the textbook.

Question Description

Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from the use case in the textbook.

Your writeup should include:

1. Title Page

2. Content

3. References (if applicable)

The the paper in APA format

The paper should be zero plagarism

The paper should be of 1-2 pages of content it should be more than two pages

Describe Windows 10 in terms of design differences with windows 7 then list with brief explanation the bugs found in Windows 10.

Question Description

Describe Windows 10 in terms of design differences with windows 7 then list with brief explanation the bugs found in Windows 10.

1. You assignment should be 2-3 pages in length.

2. Follow academic integrity rules strictly. You can check your assignment by uploading many versions as long as the assignment date is not overdue.

3. Place reference page formatted in accordance with APA style.

4. The reference and title page does not count toward the total page.
5. Use at least 4 credible references.

1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes. 2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the inte

Question Description

1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.

2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.

Rubric for Assignment submission



Points possible


Student posts one federal statute.

Student posts one state statute.

Student posts one federal case summary

Student posts one state case summary.






Correct use of standard legal notation

5 each

Total Points possible


Please answer this research paper related to Information Governance

Question Description

The course research paper is a formatted APA paper. It is 12 pages, double-spaced. Paper length requirement is 12 pages of content from Title Page through References. The Research Paper is worth 20% of the final grade.

The Final papers will contain a title page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and reference page.

Research paper topics are approved by the course instructor and can be on any course-related topic in the field of Information Technology, Governance Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices.

Attached the rubrics too.

CMIT 350, Packet Tracer Task, using Cisco tracer packet tool

Question Description

Using the attachement below please use the packet tracer tool to simulate the network.


Simulating and Testing Network Configurations

As a network administrator for Bacon Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.

Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.

Submit your .pkt (Packet Tracer) file



Question Description


Please submit the following assignment prior to Sunday at 11:59 pm. Eastern time:

1. Assume that you are a news reporter writing twenty years from today in the year 2039. Please discuss the changes in IT that have been made between 2019 and 2039 and how those changes have affected humanity. Please also discuss how international cyberlaws have changed by 2039.

2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 500 words.


Do not copy paste.

Reference as needed.

Assignment B

Question Description


Please submit the following assignment prior to Sunday at 11:59 pm. Eastern time:

1. Assume that you are a news reporter writing twenty years from today in the year 2039. Please discuss the changes in IT that have been made between 2019 and 2039 and how those changes have affected humanity. Please also discuss how international cyberlaws have changed by 2039.

2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 500 words.


Do not copy paste.

Reference as needed.