Python task

Question Description

  • If you are using Windows please download and install VMWare Player or Virtual Box and install Kali Linux
  • If you are using macOS, you may install Kali Linux as shown here or simply use Python at the command line
  • Using one of the links given below, encrypt or decrypt a file or phrase. Demonstrate using the example given.
  • Make a few changes and see if you get similar results
  • Submit a single Word Document with screen shots explaining which video you followed and the results you got.
  • It does not have to be strict APA format, but be sure to cite your sources

Risk Profile Methodologies

Question Description

The text names off three different common risk profile methodologies. Compare and contrast each of the three and use one scholarly resource to support each.


Risk Profile 1, Scholarly Source 1

Risk Profile 2, Scholarly Source 2

Risk Profile 3, Scholarly Source 3

After your initial post, return and comment on at least 1 person’s posts on which of the risk profiles you liked the best and why.

Remember to use APA formatting throughout the entire post. Each profile and source is worth 30 points, the comment post is worth 10 for a total of 100 points. Formatting is worth 30% of the points.

Provide a short narrative (at least 250 words) on security techniques and mechanisms in protecting against spam activity. Then, capture a spam Email message from your own email account. View the Email header and copy the information to your assignment doc

Question Description

  • Provide a short narrative (at least 250 words) on security techniques and mechanisms in protecting against spam activity.
  • Then, capture a spam Email message from your own email account. View the Email header and copy the information to your assignment document. Only one email is necessary. Showing the Email itself is not sufficient. You need to show the header information embedded in the message metadata. Search the Internet if you need help capturing the header information. Points will be deducted if the header information is not present in the assignment. An image of the message is not sufficient.

Case Study – Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware

Question Description

Submit a Word document with the following:

  • Complies with the APA and writing standards for this course
  • Has a SafeAssign score of less than 25%. You may submit your assignment multiple times to check the SafeAssign score. Only the final submission will be graded. Final submissions with a SafeAssign score of 25% or higher will not be graded.
  • Has three scholarly sources, not counting our textbook.
  • Answer question one and two on page 79. Your answer to question one should be about a page long. Your answer to question two should be about two pages long.
  • Case study attached
  • Additional material attached

What best practices would you follow for implementing an information security program at your organization?

Question Description

While no single set of rules or guidelines are the “best” for any specific environment, there are general best practices that should result in a secure environment. What best practices would you follow for implementing an information security program at your organization? Support your answers with information and examples from your text and your experiences.

Additionally, remember to respond to at least two classmates’ posts. Posts must be substantive. Posts saying “thank you for your post” or “good post” are not substantive. Consider sharing an insight you had or why you agree/disagree with the post and your reasoning.

Note: For this week only, you are only required to post your original reply to the discussion question for a total of 20 points. No response is required. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. You can use your textbook or curr

Question Description

Note: For this week only, you are only required to post your original reply to the discussion question for a total of 20 points. No response is required.

Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. You can use your textbook or current research articles. Please see the rubric for information on how I will assess your discussion post.

QUESTION: Provide a real-world example or describe a hypothetical situation in which a legitimate organization used spam in an effective and non intrusive manner to promote a product or service.

Enterprise Risk management- discussion

Question Description

Chapter 12 explained the process Intuit used to implement ERM. Do you agree with the approach implemented and why? If you could change anything about the implementation of ERM in this case study what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM in your current organization (or future organization)?

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread by Thursday. As indicated above, reflect on the ERM implementation in Intuit, make recommendations and determine if it can be implemented in your current or future organizations.

CIS 614 – Week 4 Exercises

Question Description

Answer the following in 200-400 words with references and original work.

1. SAN is configured for a backup-to-disk environment, and the storage configuration has additional capacity available. Can you have a NAS gateway configuration use this SAN-attached storage? Discuss the implications of sharing the backup-to-disk SAN environment with NAS.

2. How does the use of jumbo frames affect the NAS performance?

3. Explain how the performance of NAS can be affected if the TCP window size at the sender and receiver are not synchronized.

4. List the benefits associated with deploying unified storage systems:

Use case diagram

Question Description

Develop a Use case diagram for Grubhub

In addition to the normal stuff you do on Grubhub, the following assumptions apply:

1. Grubhub’s system connects to the online ordering system at each restaurant that you see

2. All payments to Grubhub are actually processed by PayPal; which does things like verify

the credit card, collect the payment data, and pay the restaurant and the delivery service

3. Grubhub’s system connects to Uber to arrange for and expedite deliveries

Use includes and extends in your diagram as needed to explicate how Grubhub works.

Unit 2 Discussion board for ITAS365

Question Description

There are many network devices and software programs that an organization can use to protect its network. Select a device or software that is currently used successfully. Describe the device or software, and explain how the typical organization uses the device to mitigate threats to the network. Explain why this would be your first choice if you could only afford one. Choose the posting of another student and respond by asking questions and agreeing or disagreeing with the other student’s choice. State your reasons for any disagreement.